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Katy's POV
It's been a week since we looked up the website and let me tell you, nothing came up. But, we did look up 'Parental Control' and it turns out to be a show. On the website it talked about how we are going to have auditions and choose two boys and Maya gets a month to get to know them and then at the end of the month she chooses between her current boyfriend and the other two to be her boyfriend. I'm just scared what if-

"Hey mom." Maya says walking up to me.

"Hi sweetie." I say placing her plate in front of her, Josh then walks in with his shirt off.

"Morning." He says, I look at him irritated.

"Uh un, why the shit are you here?" I asked him.

"He's my boyfriend." Maya laughs, I furrow my eyebrows.

"But why is he shirtless?" I ask her.

"Oh he just took a nap, Riley's over here too." She explained, she got lucky this time.

"Well, there's enough for you too I guess. Where's Riley anyway?" I ask.

"She's using the bathroom." Maya tells me, I nod.

"Mama." I hear with an extension on the 'a'.

"Hi Riley." I say placing the plate in front of Josh and putting a plate at Riley's spot. Wait, if he spent the night...what did she wear?

"Maya what are you wearing?" I ask her, she stands up and walks to my side. My eyes widen as I see her crop top and spandex.

"Mom, he's seen me in my bathing suit. Everything is okay." She told me, I roll my eyes.

"After everyone leaves, we need to talk." I tell her, she groans and nods. I then hear my phone ring and walk to it.

"Hey babe." I say.

"Hey sweetie, great news." He says, I lean on the counter.

"What's that?" I ask, I hear the smile on his lips through the phone.

"We got in!" He says excited, I smile widely.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Would I lie about this?" He asked, I shook my head but then realized that he couldn't see me.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited." I say.

"But," he starts.

"Damn it." I say.

"Auditions are tomorrow." He says.

"Tomorrow, we don't have anything to do tomorrow." I say.

"But it's early notice." He says, I walk to my room.

"Would you rather have him date her? Before you answer...Josh spent the night, over here." I say, it's silent it's a minute.

"Hello?" I ask, still nothing. "Umm..I'll see you when you get home then." I respond hanging up. Wonder what happened. I then hear the door open and walk to the kitchen.

"Where is he?" I hear, I then see Shawn. He was at the store so it was like a 30 second walk considering it's two houses down.

"You!" He says.

"Shawn, Shawn calm down." I say, he narrows his eyes.

"You don't sleep with my daughter." He says, he then looks at Maya's outfit.

"Maya, go to your room...Josh get out of here. Riley, see you later." I say trying to ease the problem. Everyone follows and runs out. I walk over to Shawn and rub his shoulders.

"Shawn, it'll all be over." I whisper, he sighs and nods.

"Tomorrow, we'll see." He says walking to our room. I sigh and walk to Maya's room.

"Maya." I say, she turns and looks at me.

"Is he mad?" She asks with a low voice. I sigh and nod my head, "I didn't think it would bother him that much." She explains. I walk over and rub her arms.

"It's okay baby girl, you just have to be careful about those things. But, I want to talk to you about something." I say, she smiles.

"What is it?" She asks.

"You know Parental Control?" I ask, she nods.

"Yeah, I accidentally clicked on the pop up add before." She told me, I nod my head and continue.

"Well, we signed you up." I say, her jaw drops.

"Wait what! Why? Aren't you happy with me being with Josh?" She asked me.

"Maya, you know-"

"No I don't know, and I don't want to. I can't believe you." She said grabbing her sweatpants and putting it on along with her boots.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Riley's." She said, I sighed and nodded. She grabbed her phone and walked off.

"Why is everyone mad?" I asked laying down on her bed.

Maya's POV
"Seriously?" Riley laughed, I nodded my head.

"I mean, Josh and I are a perfect couple." I say, she nods.

"Hey, whatever guy you reject...can I have him?" She asked me.

"What about Zay?" I asked her giggling.

"Well...." She said.

"Wait, did you two break up?" I ask, she shook her head.

"No but like what if Zac Efron auditions?" She asked me.

"Josh who?" I joked, she laughed making me join her.

"So, you going to do it?" She asked me.

"What choice do I have?" I asked her, she nodded.

The Next Day: Third Person POV
Shawn and Katy sat down their iPad in the table that had papers, pens, and tablecloth. They then sat down and Katy looked at the ground.

Shawn placed his hand on top of hers, "Nervous?" he asked her. She nodded.

"What if we don't find someone?" She asked him.

"We will, just hope." He says, she smiled and pecked his lips.

"Alright, let's start!" He says. A bit with black hair walked into the stage.

"Hi my name is Mitchell and I'm a basketball player." He says.

"Okay and what do you do for a living?" Katy asked.

"I'm a bartender at a strip club." He said looking Katy up and down.

"You look potential." He says winking at her. Shawn clenches his fist.

"Um...why should we pick you?" Katy asked ignoring what he said.

"Well, I know how to treat her in bed." He says smiling.

"Well thank you we'll let you know if you make it." She says, he nods and walks off.

"You seem potential." He mocks, she rolls her eyes and playfully pushed him.

A boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes walked into stage, no denying his looks.

"Hi, I'm Lucas." He says, Katy's smile brightens.

"Hi Lucas, how old are you?" She asked him.

"17." He says, she smiles at him.

"Do you play any sports?" Shawn asks.

"Baseball, know, all about those Knicks." He says. Shawn's face brightens.

"Knicks fan?" He asks.

"Big time." He says showing of this socks.

"Did you see that play?" Shawn asked.

(A/N I don't know if they played or not...just creating some dialogue so please play along as if there actually was a game.)

"Yes and he shouldn't of called that foul." He says.

"I KNOW!" Shawn shouts, the blonde sighed.

"What do you plan on being when you grow up?" She asked. 

"I plan on being a veterinarian...I came from Texas so I had a lot of practice at the stable." He told the two.

"I like it, well why should we pick you?" She asked.

"I know how to treat a girl, I believe in no cheating and no moving back fast." He says. She nodded, he smiled.

"Well thank you Lucas, well let you know if we choose you." She said, he nodded and smiled.

Another boy walked in, he had brown hair and beautiful eyes.

"Hi, my name is Charlie Gardener." He explains, they smiled at him.

"Hi Charlie." She said, he smiled.

"So, what do you do for a living?" He asked the boy.

"Well since I'm still in school, I try to volunteer on weekends so I can focus during the weekdays." He says, Katy 'awe'ed.

"What do you volunteer for?" She asks him.

"Animal shelters." He said, she nodded.

"How do you treat a girl?" She asked the boy.

"I treat her as if she was the only girl in the world...because that's the way it should be in a relationship." She slapped Shawn's shoulder.

"Take notes." She whispered.

"On anniversaries I'd make sure to get her something but not too expensive, it would seem as if I'm trying to but her love. But I would cherish her." He says, he then pours out his heart saying what he would do to a girl and Katy cried... literal tears. 

"We'll let you know if you make it." She says." He nods and smiles, walking off.

A chocolate boy walked into the stage with high tops on, "Billy?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah wassup." He said, Katy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why are you here? Maya literally rejected you three thousand times." Shawn says, he shrugs.

"Worth a shot." He says walking off. Katy shook her head and deleted his picture.

A few other boys came in, talking about either sex, parties, or bullshit...mind the language. They were named; Bradley, Jake, Luke, Billy (Unger), Tyler (James Williams), and Jake (T Austin 😍😍😍). But it came down to choosing who will try to win her heart.

"Alright I choose this one." She pointed.

"Well I choose him." He says, she looks at him and nods.

"Alright." She says, he nods and kisses her.

"I'm so happy." He mumbled against her lips.

"Me too." She said.

Chapter two done! So I added a LOT of Shaty, because they would be adorable. Please comment, vote, and share. I really want to know what you thought about it! Ghost readers aren't that fun....but I still love you all ❤️❤️❤️!

~xoxo Kayley

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