Something's got to give

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Katy's POV
I look at my daughter as she sat on her boyfriend's lap eating each other's faces. I mentally gag and turn around to my husband who was clinching his fist. I walk over to him and place my hand on his, he glanced at me and sighed.

"Do you think they even notice we're here?" He asked me, I sigh and shook my head.

"Why do you even let them date?" He asked me, I shrugged.

"The same reason you do, it makes her happy." I say looking at him, he sighs and looks back at the two. I looked over to see him trying to lift up her shirt, we can't have that!

"Nope, you two are finished with your little moment." I say going over to them while Shawn picked up Maya.

"Come on, you guys are such buzz kills. You act like we can't kiss." He says scoffing, I raised my eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" I asked, he rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Babe, I'll see you later?" He asks, she somehow got out of Shawn's grip and nodded pecking his lips.

"Bye babe, love you." She told him.

"Love you too." He told her, she smiled and pecked his cheek then walked him out.

"Something's got to give." We say in unison, I raise a eyebrow.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask him, he shrugs. I sit on the couch and scoot over only to find a small wrapper, my jaw drops as I show it to Shawn and he clenches his jaw.

"We need to find something now." He says quickly, I nod.

"But what? It's not like a commercial will come on and start 'talking to us'." I say laughing, he laughs along with me until we hear something.

"Hey you!" I stop laughing and look at the tv that was pointing to us. I look at Shawn to see him looking to.

"Us?" We ask in unison.

"Yes you, do you have a daughter with a boyfriend you can't stand?" He asked.

"Yes." I say.

"Do you wish they would break up?" He asked again.

"Yes!" Shawn says excited.

"Well this is the commercial for you! We have a show called Parental Control. Look up for more information." He says and then a McDonald's commercial comes on.

"Wow, maybe I was wrong." I say in shock. He nods and we sit there in silence.

"Well go to it!" I tell him, he nods and grabs the computer.

Alright chapter one done! I just wanted to show you what type of guy Josh was and how much they hated him so..yeah I hope you liked it! Love you all 💖💖.

~xoxo Kayley

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