Chapter 13

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Once again, I'm stuck in my office. Doing my work like usual, the manager is standing across me from my desk, reporting me on what's happening around the company. The routine has been like this since the start of my job.

It's only a matter of time before I can get back home. I'll get to see my daughters again after hours of work, they'll be greeting me the moment I enter the house and then hug me while Ruby wobbles her way towards me. Just thinking about that makes me wanna cry.

"What am I thinking? Y/N focus on your job so your daughters can have a bright future. Think about them once you're done!" I said to myself as I slap my cheeks.

That's right! You can spend your time with them after this, so do your job right like always! I was smiling so determinedly for a bit that the manager is starting to feel unsettled around me.

"Um.. sir? Are you feeling well?"

"Ahem, yes I'm doing well. Thank you for your concern. As you were saying, we'll be using our funds to do some modifications around the building. So starting by next week Friday, all of your work hours will be decreased by an hour." I got back to my normal self.

"Understood sir, I'll be going to report this to the others." He bowed and walks out of my office.

Once he's gone, I leaned on my chair and sighed. It hasn't been a month yet, yet the funds are already going to be used again. Just what kind of people do I have working for me?

I looked over to my phone to check the time and it turns out I only have forty five minutes till I head back home. I can't wait to be greeted by my precious daughters.

I spent my last minutes working on some paperwork and finally decided to head home. Once I got inside the car, my driver dropped me back to my home. Standing outside of my house, I wear a bright smile and started to walk towards the door.

"I wonder how they are doing right now.." I asked myself as I stood in front of my door.

My hand reach for the door knob and turns it open, the first thing I see are the girls except for Ruby asleep. She then noticed me standing and got all excited.

"Dada!" She beams.

"I'm home." I smiled as I close the door behind and approach her.

Ruby wobbles her way towards me as I kneel down and open my arms to embrace her. Holding her in my arms, she holds my cheeks.

"Your dad is here now, so we'll get to play for the rest of the day." I said in enthusiasm.

"Dada, play." She giggles.

"Welcome back, sir." Sylvia walks in and smiles at me.

"Have they been doing all right while I'm gone? Not causing you any trouble?" I asked her.

"No, though two of them ended up fighting over a toy. But it was soon resolved so you don't need to worry about it." Sylvia chuckles nervously.

"I'll let them rest for a little longer." I said.

"Do you want something to eat, sir?" She asked.

"A cup of coffee and some apples is good." I answered as I settle down on the couch.

"All right." Sylvia walks in the kitchen.

"Dada." Ruby calls for me.

"What is it?" I asked.

She didn't speak back, instead she only leans on my chest and hugs me. This made me smile and just enjoy what I'm witnessing right now. Looking at the other three girls, they all seem to be sleeping peacefully. They must've had a chaotic morning huh?

Minutes after, Sylvia comes back in the living room holding a plate of apple slices and a cup of coffee. She placed them on the coffee table and I thanked her, I handed Ruby over to her as she sits down beside me and grabbed my coffee.

"So are there any visitors that came here?" I asked her as I take a sip.

"None, sir. Why? Are there supposed to be any expected visitors coming here?" She asked curiously.

"Not really, just wanting to ask that's all." I replied.

"How was your work by the way?" She asked.

"Pretty normal like always, the funds will be used for some modification around the building though. So everyone will have a one hour decrease on their work hours." I explained.

"What'll be the ones going to be modified next?"

"Some offices around the 4th to the 9th floor." I grab an apple slice and took a bite from it.

"The 4th floor again? Geez, when will that stop?" Sylvia sighs.

"Don't worry about, today is quiet tiring.. Want some?" I offered her an apple slice.

"Sure, if you don't mind." She takes the slice and bites it.

I happen to stare at Sylvia for a moment without realizing, guess you can say her beauty is outstanding. I'm glad that she's the one I tasked to be the girls' babysitter.

"Mama!" Ruby tries to reach for the apple that Sylvia is holding.

"Oh? You want one too? All right, say ah!" Sylvia places the apple in front of her mouth.

Ruby took a bite of the fruit and she seems to enjoy it, I smile at this and looked back to Sylvia.

"Hey Sylvia." I called for her.

"What is it, sir?" She looks at me.

"Haven't you noticed you're beautiful?" I said without even thinking.

"W-what?" She immediately became flustered.

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