Chapter 14

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A few days later and I'm at Aron's house. He had invited me to come over to have a nice talk after not getting in touch for a while. I'm sitting down on their couch in the living room.

I waited for him to come back with the drinks he said to bring, once he got back, he placed them on the coffee table in front of us and settled down near me.

"So how's your work been going?" Aron asked, taking a sip from his iced tea.

"It has become a little but tiresome seeing as I have to deal with a lot more things nowadays than how I've been doing last year." A sigh escaped my mouth.

"I know how you feel, buddy." He chuckled.

"Yeah like you do." I gave him a doubtful look as I drink my iced tea.

"I'm just messing with ya." He lightly punched me in the arm.

"Hey, you've almost made me spill the drink on me." I said to him.

"My bad. Heh, I can't believe that you're actually a father of four kids. How did that happen by the way?" Aron leans back on the couch.

"I found them just outside my doorstep, I was wondering who could've left them there and tried to find them. Of course it failed and my sister told me to just adopt and take care of them as their father, which I did." I explained.

"Woah, whoever left those poor kids out in the cold has got guts to do that. At least they're safer now." He smiles.

"Speaking of which, I heard you have a child of your own as well." I said.

"Oh yeah, she's currently sleeping in her room. Our road trip from yesterday made her lose all of her energy." Aron chuckles as he finishes his drink.

"How old is your kid?" I asked.

"About four years old. Although she's far more energetic than expected."

"Let me guess, she causes trouble when you aren't looking over her?" I smiled.

"Yes, that happens everyday. I remember myself getting scolded instead of her by her mother for causing trouble."

"Being a father sure is hard..." I sighed.

"You'll get used to it. Oh yeah, that pretty woman you were talking to back when it was one of your daughter's birthday party, are you dating?" Aron suddenly gave me a smug look.

"No... she's just the girls' babysitter. Though she was once the assistant manager working for me." I answered.

"Woah, but out of all the other people you can hire as a babysitter why did you chose her?" He asked.

"She's the only one I know other than Emma who can watch over them. I've known her since she started working at my company, so she's reliable." I finished my drink and put the empty cup on the table.

"That's nice... so..." He paused.

"What is it?" I looked at him with a raised brow.

"Have you thought of dating her?" Aron then gives me an annoying smug look.

"Seriously? She's pretty and all but I'm not planning on dating her or anyone else right now." I sighed.

"Come on! How about you give it a try? Plus, your kids really need a mother in their life." Aron smiles.

"Sylvia probably isn't even interested in dating me, so why bother?" I said, crossing my arms.

"Augh, just do it! No more questions and complaints. I'm absolutely sure she would like to date you. Yes, yes, I can feel it.." He placed his index finger and thumb under his chin and smiles oddly.

"Stop with that face, you're giving me goosebumps."

"Sorry I just can't help it." He laughs.

"You really should start acting your age.." I slightly glare at him.

"Aw come on, what's wrong with acting a little off your age? Even us adults still need to feel young." He stated.

A little girl suddenly rushed down the stairs and immediately went beside Aron with a bright smile. He was surprised by the sudden appearance and smiles.

"Dad! Can you make me pancakes?!" The little girl asked.

"Now? I'll cook you some later, how's that sound?" He said.

"No! I want it now!" She pouted.

"My sweet little Nora, you've just woken up from your nap and this is the first thing you say to me. How about I make you some juice first?" Aron stands up and carries her.

"Juice? Okay! Sounds good." She beams.

"I'll let you two have your father and daughter moment. Time for you to head home." I stood up as well and smiled.

"Already? You sure you don't wanna stay a little longer?" He asked.

"I would like to but seeing you and your daughter makes me remember I still have four little girls waiting for me to play with them." I said as I walk towards the door.

"All right, I'll see you soon then. And don't forget about what we've talked about!" He shouted.

"I know." I rolled my eyes and exited the house.

I walked towards my car and got inside, starting the engine, I soon drive my way back home. Thinking about what Aron said a while ago, maybe I should give it a try. Once I've reached my home, I parked my car and stepped outside.

Standing in front of the front door, I open it and see Sylvia in the living room with Ruby on her lap. She noticed me standing by the door and smiled at me.

"Welcome back, sir." She greeted.

"Ah, hey." I awkwardly said.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if I should ask her on a date or not.

"Something wrong?" She looks at me curiously.

"Dada." Ruby looks at me and smiles.

"Nothing's wrong, where are the other girls?" I asked looking around.

"They're in the dining room playing cards. Though I'm sure they don't know how to play it." She said.

"Oh. By the way, Sylvia..." I paused and gaze at her.

"What is it?" She looks back.

Here goes nothing. I hope I don't embarrass myself for this.

"Would you like to... go on a date with me?" I asked with slight awkwardness.

"Date..?" Sylvia repeated.

"Uh, yes." I answered.

"Going on a date... Ye-! I-I mean, sure, I would love to." She started to sweat and chuckle nervously while Ruby just holds her cheeks.

"Great. So maybe tonight, how's that sound?" I sighed in relief.

"Sure, sounds good." She replied.

"Tonight it is then, I'll look forward to it." I smiled.

"Me too." She smiles back.

"I'm going to other room to see how are the other girls are doing." I said as I walk inside the dining room.

The moment I exited the living room, a blush can be seen on my face.

Nixium: I was about to end the chapter with a cliffhanger but I think you guys might hate me for that. ;P

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