Chapter 24

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"Now that's all done, you are all dismissed." Y/N commanded as he stands up from his seat and awaits for his employees to leave one by one before he leaves the room as well.

He heads back to his office after taking the elevator and closed the door behind. He lets out an exhausted sigh and rubs his head. Seconds later, he checks the time from his wrist watch and realizes something.

"Oh, it's already time for the girls to head home." He spoke outloud.

As just a couple of business meetings and paperwork were done, his work still isn't over. After the quick personal meeting between him and Alice, his mind was clouded with many assumptions and hypothesis regarding his daughters and their real families. A mystery indeed, that is. Brewing himself a cup of coffee, he goes back to work before being disturbed by a sudden phone call.

He checks his phone and sees that the caller was Sylvia, he was slightly surprised by this seeing as she rarely even calls him. Not wasting another second, he picks it put and responds.

"Hello, sir?" Sylvia's voice rang out.

"Hello, Sylvia. What did you call me for at this hour? Shouldn't you be picking up the girls by now?" He asked, his tone showing more curiosity.

"I know, sir. But something urgent happened." She said.

"Hm, what do you mean?" He hummed.

"This is may seem like a hindrance to your work but it's important, is it okay for you if you can come home a little early?" She asked, with little hesitation in her voice.

"Did something happen over there, Syl..?" His face frowned.

"Yes.. sir, it's about Weiss."

"What about her..." His tone suddenly changes.


It was a quiet morning inside Y/N's residence and both Sylvia and Ruby were in the living room, playing together. The two year old girl has been playing with her and her toys ever since her father and sisters went out for school and work. Despite spending nearly three hours of playing, she's still as energetic as she can be.

"Come on, Ruby. I think it's now time for you to eat." Sylvia smiles and she picks her up.

"Food! Mama, what are we gonna eat?" Ruby asks.

"I'll let you have some sweet fruits, they're very healthy for your body." She giggles.

"I want that. I want fruits, mama." Ruby laughs.

"All right, we'll go and get fruits for you."

They both got out and went inside the kitchen, Sylvia sets Ruby down standing on the floor and she goes to the fridge. She followed suit, although she distracts herself by attempting to take a large step with he two little feet. Sylvia has grabbed a couple of fruits for her and Ruby then goes to the kitchen counter to peel and cut them into small bits for her to eat them with ease.

"What does that called?" Ruby asked, pointing up at the fruit she's holding.

"This one's called an orange. Here, try one. It's sour though." She gives Ruby a piece of orange.

She first scans it, tilting it in every angle then staring at it for solid seconds before putting it in her mouth. Biting the fruit, the juices leaked out and spread inside her mouth. Tasting it, her facial expression changes to a sourface. Sylvia was giggling at the sight of her reacting to the fruit's taste.

"So did you like it?" She asks.

"Nuh-uh." Ruby quickly shakes her head in disapproval.

"When you get a little older, you probably will by then. Try this one next." Sylvia finishes slicing off the apples and gives her a slice.

"Oohh.. it has color red!" Ruby smiles before taking a bite.

After she first tasted it, the apple remained in her mouth, sucking the juices bit by bit. Ruby shows a look of satisfaction this whole time.

"Shweet." She said.

"Good to know you like that one. Looks like we'll have apples as your snacks today." Sylvia smiles.

"Mama, I want more." Ruby raises her palms right after she finishes eating that one slice.

"Here you go. Don't be hasty though, you might choke on them." Sylvia reminded, Ruby responded with a nod.

Sylvia soon joined on having a healthy snack with her. Even though the other girls are out in school, they sure are having fun even if it's just the two of them. She picks Ruby up once again and places her on one of the chairs, grabbing the plate full of fruits and putting it on the table in front of her. As just they were about to continue their sweet and peaceful snack time, Sylvia receives a phone call from a staff in the girls' school.

"Hello, what is it?" Sylvia spoke.

"Hello. Is Weiss' father there?" They asked.

"Erm, no. This is her babysitter. Why?" Sylvia frowns suddenly upon hearing her name.

"Can you please call on her father as soon as possible. His daughter and another student got into a small accident." They stated.

"What?! What happened?" She asked.

"The students may seem to got theirselves into a quarrel and ended up getting injured unintentionally. We need her parent to come and pick her up."

"A-All right, I'll go and get her father real quick." She immediately hangs up. "Goodness sake.." Sylvia sighs in distress.

"Mama, what's wrong?" Ruby gets down from the chair to go closer to her and curiously asks.

"Oh it's nothing, Ruby. I'll just call your dad for something, you go and continue eating your snacks, okay?" She picks her up and puts her back on the chair before walking out of the kitchen.

"Hopefully it's not as bad.." Sylvia mumbled under her breath.


"Hey, hey, Ren! Help and push me!" Nora called out for her best friend.

"Okay." He walks closer to the slides and goes behind her. "Grab tight, you might fall." He reminded her.

"I will, do it!" She demanded.

Ren did what she said and pushed her as hard as he could, Nora gleefully swings her legs along with the swing. As for Yang and Weiss, the two of them are currently near the corner of the playground, sitting down and seemingly observing something on the ground. They appear to be watching over ants crawling inside the small hole on the ground, heading back to their nest.

"They're so tiny." Weiss commented.

"Where do you think they're going?" Yang asks.

"Probably their home." She answered.

"Underground? Wouldn't they get crushed by the dirt?" Yang wondered.

"If they would get crushed, they shouldn't go underground in the first place!" Weiss gives her a cold stare.

"I didn't know that okay?" Yang pouted at her. "Oh! Let's ask papa about ants when we get home. He's super smart, he knows everything!" She suggested.

"Good idea." Weiss nods in agreement.

"You two are dumb to think your dad is a genius." They heard a voice.

Both of them looked towards the direction where the voice came from and saw a boy, holding a ball.

"What did you say about us?" Weiss stands up and glares at him.

"You're both dumb for thinking your dad is the smartest."

"We're not dumb, our dad is smart!" Weiss retorts.

"I don't care. That's my place, now go away." He told them.

"We got here first, so you go away!" She shouted.

"You're not allowed to go here, only I can!" He yells back.

"You're not being nice.." Yang frowns.

Surprisingly, she isn't acting impulsive nor isn't being loud at all. It appears that Weiss took that place from her in the meantime. The two of them had been throwing words at each other repeatedly for about a minute already.

"Uhh, Weiss.. stop." Yang holds her hand.

"I'll tell the teacher if you won't leave us alone." She warned.

"I said go away from here!" The boy yells again.

"No! You go away and leave us alone, meanie!" Weiss talked back.

"You... you.." The boy grips on his ball.

"...Annoying idiot!" He proceeded to throw his ball at her as hard as he could, and it hit her head.


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