Chapter 25

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Once the ball collided with her head, Weiss falls on her back on the ground and accidentally hits her head on the nearby rock. Yang was in utter shock seeing her sister fell down and got hurt, as for the boy he was in disbelief he had let his temper get the better of him. Weiss began to cry loudly, that everyone around the playground heard her. Some teachers passing by were alarmed by this and took action.

"What happened here?!" Asked the teacher.

"He hurt Weiss!" Yang angrily replied as she points at the boy.

The teacher looks at the boy and her expression changes "Not again.. " She mumbled.

"Is Weiss okay?" Nora chimes in as she looks at the two with a worried expression.

"She's alright, we'll get her treated right now. You children get back inside, playtime's over." She goes over to Weiss and helps her up. "And as for you." She looks back at the boy "You're coming with me to the office, we'll be calling your parents."

"Yes teacher.." He said under his breathe but it was loud enough to be heard.

Both the teacher, Weiss, and the boy went ahead to go to the office. While the rest of the students were called to head back in their classrooms by another teacher. Yang arrived in the classroom and looked around to search for Blake and saw her standing by the open window. Soon they made eye contact and Yang went closer to her.

"Where is Weiss?" Blake asked worriedly.

"The teacher is with her, that mean boy hurt her!" Yang exclaims as tears appeared by her eyes.

"There there. Weiss will be okay, don't cry." Blake reaches for her head and pats her.

"We have to tell papa about this. That mean boy needs to pay!" She forms her hands into fists.

"We'll let the teacher know to tell daddy, let's wait for Mr. Qrow to come back to tell him." Blake keeps on patting her.

"I wanna tell it now!" Yang began to whine.

"Yang, no yelling! My ears hurt.." The little faunus proceeds to cover her ears.

"Oh, sorry." Her sister sheepishly laughs.

As their teacher walked in, all of the students went back to their seats when he calls them out. He placed the folder he was holding down on his desk and sits down, also on his desk. His eyes scanned the whole room and later hummed quietly.

"Now that everyone's all here, we'll continue on with your learning. Sorry kids if I may took a while to come back, we had a matter to fix back in the office." Qrow spoke.

"Teacher!" One of the students raised their hand.

"Yes? You there, what is it?"

"Where is Weiss? She isn't here yet." They asked.

"She's currently in the principal's office, you kids better to not stick your noses around any problems for now." He replied, he scans the entire room one more time. "Guess that's all, anywho let's head back to what we were discussing before your break."


Inside the principal's office, both Weiss and the boy were sitting on separate chairs across from each other. Right in front of them, is their principal, sitting quietly with his arms resting on the table. After a short discussion with onr another, the room then became quiet. None of them were uttering a single word. Minutes later, the boy's mother arrived at the school grounds and soon got inside the building and in the office.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Glad that you've arrived." The principal casually spoke.

"What did my son do this time?" She asks as she goes over to her child.

"Your child and this other student right here had gotten into a small conflict which leads her to getting hurt." The principal answers while he stands up and begins to brew his coffee. "He had gotten into trouble more than a few times already, I think it's best if you as his parent do something about this. Or else he'll cause more disturbance around other students."

"I know my boy Ethan's a problem child and had been doing troublesome deeds here and there, but I know my boy here is a good person." His mother stated as she begins to rub both of his cheeks.

"Mom, stop that!" The boy responds.

"Haha, I know myself too. Now let us wait for Weiss' parent to arrive so we can sort this out peacefully." He said before taking a sip from his newly brewed coffee.

As they wait, Weiss remains quietly sitting on the chair, rubbing her head every now and then. The principal observes her with a small smile as he takes a sip from his cup of coffee. Later on, Y/N finally got to the school grounds and was lead to the principal's office by another teacher. As soon as he saw Weiss, he immediately went to her.

"I'm glad you're all right. How's your head?" He asks as he caresses her face.

"I'm okay, daddy. My head doesn't hurt anymore!.. ouch." She tried to act tough but failed.

"Thank goodness. What happened and why did she got herself into trouble?" Y/N looks over to the principal with a serious face.

"Like both the children here had elaborated, Ethan asked for Weiss and her sister to get out of his place during break time. Since he demanded it in a rude way, as little Weiss explained, they had gotten into a verbal argument then it ended up with him throwing his ball at her- hurting herself in the process." The principal finished explaining.

"The good news is none of them got hurt badly, that's what matters. But I still hate it that my daughter got hurt." Y/N smiles, in a weird way.

"I'm very sorry that my son had caused all of this trouble. He has done many problematic things but he's still only a child and learning so I hope you forgive him for all of that." Ethan's mother said.

"I'll forgive you, the second time this happens, who knows what will I do about it." He responds.

"Now that's done, we're forgetting something. Sweetie, go on and apologize to her." She puts him out of his chair and gently pushed him towards Weiss.

"What? No, I'll never apologize to anyone especially her-" He got cut off by his mother smacking his head.

"Apologize or you'll be having cold dinner tonight." His mother gives him an unconvincing smile.

"I.. I'm sorry." Ethan quietly apologized.

"I'll forgive you, but I still don't like you! Bleh!" Weiss sticks her tongue out at him.

"Weiss." Her father calls her name in a slight stern tone.

"I'll keep quiet." She immediately covers her mouth.

"Moments such as these sure seem heartwarming. Since we have nothing else to discuss about, you may all leave the office now. Have a nice day." The principal says.

The four of them took their leave and got outside the school building. Since school is almost over, the two children were allowed to get home a little early. Both Weiss and Y/N waited for Yang and Blake by the gate. As they do so, they began to have a small conversation.

"Make sure you don't get yourself into trouble, all right? Wouldn't want to get you hurt again." He rubs her head

"Okay." Weiss simply nods.

"You're supposed to be the girl who avoids troubles. Not cause them." He chuckles.

"But that meanie dolt started it!" She pouted.

"Whomever started it, you should've still avoided it. Now you almost got yourself injured. Good thing your head didn't bleed from the impact."

"Papa!" Yang's voice was heard loud and clear.

They both look at her and saw her running towards them, with her dragging Blake by her hand.

"Slow down." Blake reminded her.

"School's over!!" Yang stopped in front of Y/N, joyfully raising her arms up high.

"How did school went for you too?" He asks.

"It was fun! Not until that mean jerk hurt Weiss." Yang exclaimed.

"I got the perfect score, daddy. Are you proud?" Blake shows her quiz paper to him as her eyes stared at him, sparkling.

"I am, Blake. You did a good job." He smiles brightly as he pats her. "Let's continue this back home, get inside, girls." He proceeds to open the doors for them.

"Can we buy juice, pretty please?!" Yang requested.


"Dada will come back!" Ruby appeared to be standing on one of the sofas, adjacent to the window.

"Ruby, get down from there. You might fall and get hurt!" Sylvia immediately goes to her and puts her down on the floor.

"Mama, I want cookies!" She demanded.

"You already had one a while ago." She said.


"All right, all right. I'll get you your cookies, how could I even possibly win to you." Sylvia chuckles as she gently pinches her cheeks.

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