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Today we have with us the very talented and vibrant personality, favourite of all amaya_kashaf

She is younger than me, but I admire her a lot. So let’s start our interview session. 

Interviewer Suk-24

Suk: Tell us something about yourself or how would you describe yourself the best?

Amaya: Umm... I'm Amaya Kashaf, as an aspiring psychologist and an avid reader. I'm the girl whom people refer to as "weird" but I surely enjoy being one. I was born on Valentine's day and I love bragging about it.   

Suk: Ha..ha… weird is rare because we have to be odd to be the number one. (👍) and who doesn’t want to flaunt this special day (Valentine’s day) as their special day (Birthday)?

Suk:  What is your inspiration or inclination to writing?

Amaya: My nanu (grandfather). I wrote my first poem for him and since then he always motivated me to pen down my emotions and thoughts.

Suk: Awww, so sweet.❤️❤️.In fact, quite similar to me as my first inspiration was my grandmother.
Coming to the next…

Suk:  As we all know you are a founder of a renowned club; I want to know what qualities a person should have to become a leader?  

Amaya: Wow, thank you, it feels good seeing your work getting appreciated.     But honestly speaking this isn't just me but the hard work and talent of each and every member associated with FMC. It's hard. It’s really not rainbows and sunshine, it takes all your energy and efforts to make anything successful. But each and every good and bad thing happened in FMC till now; I'm proud to say that all the members stood with each other and supported each other and that's the most important quality according to me a leader should have, to treat the people working for them as a family and keep them united, also the way you behave with them matter a lot!
The type of environment you give them, they should enjoy working with you and I hope my FMC members feel that.
That's it I guess.   

Suk: I can assure you that your guess is 100% correct. A leader is not the person who walks in front of us but a person who walks with us.🙂. Let’s continue…

Suk:  What is your best and worst experience in wattpad? 

Amaya: The best is I got my sizzlers, the love for my stories, my other friends and of course FMC and the FMC family. I'm really glad I met them. Worst is, I have seen people cheating with me and frankly speaking that hurts like shit! Because you invest your love your care your faith in them and in the end all you get is their cheat!

Suk: Totally agreed. Deceit is the most hurtful thing. My next question…

Suk:  Who is your favourite writer; both inside and outside of the wattpad community? 

Amaya: Inside there and many, I really don't wanna pinpoint because they all are fabulous and I'm taking knowledge from each one of them.   
Outside, I have mostly read non-fiction novels so my favourite is Malcolm Gladwell, in the romance genre, Stephanie Meyer. I'm seriously obsessed with Twilight.    

Suk: Okay. On this note I would like to ask you, which character do you like the most in your book and sometimes wish if you could be that one and why? 

Amaya: Nandini from Flawlessly Flawed, she is really a strong-headed woman, and in spite of bearing all the negative things in her life, she has a hope of better future, also she knows how to fight of herself.

Then Meher from again Flawlessly Flawed, the way she irritates her brother and also loves him to the core and the bond Meher and Manik shares, I want that bond.  

Suk: Well, I must say you are actually quite similar to them.😉 Here comes my next question…

Suk:  What's the biggest challenge you have faced so far as a writer? 

Amaya: To write romantic scenes, I really, really suck at writing romantic scenes, according to me. So that's the major challenge I'm trying to overcome.  

Suk: Well, most of the writers face this challenge but I think with time they overcome it. My next question is a bit complex but as a psychology student, I think you might not unaware of it.

Suk:  Although we all love ourselves the most ,is there any characteristic which you want to change in yourself? 

Amaya: Overthinking for sure! I can't help but overthink in every situation and then strain myself uselessly  

Suk: Yes, overthinking often causes the unhappiness. Let’s change the topic.

Suk:  As we know how this lockdown has brought the new ‘us’ out of us; what is the new talent or hobby that you discovered during this lockdown period that you were probably unknown about until now? 

Amaya: That I can meditate and do yoga!    
I never thought someday I would love doing meditation and yoga, though it was because Ani _love_is_you_ took the promise from me first that I'll meditate and do yoga regularly, and then CB neha_satakshi, Navi manan_hameshaand Pri PriyankaRai222 forced me and were constantly reminding me too that they still do.  But I’m glad that they did because meditation surely brought some changes in me which I can't define but all I know is I’m happy.   

Suk: Wonderful. Kudos to you and all of them. It’s a great motivation. 👏 Okay, my next question is…

Suk:  We all have some phobia or fear. What is your biggest fear and phobia?
Amaya: The biggest fear is losing the people I love and phobia is Herpetophobia (Phobia of reptiles)  

Suk: Eweeeee, even I have that phobia.  So let’s change the topic. My next question is my favourite.

Suk: If you are on a deserted island, what are the three things you would like to take with you? 

Amaya: My cell phone, my dairy, my laptop! I really need a vacation. Please send me if you could.  

Suk: I would have if I could have. But right now I only can comfort with a funny question 😁.

Suk:  If you become invisible for a day, what will you do first? A)Kiss your crush or
B) Slap your enemy?

Amaya: Option B, without a second thought!  I really want to slap my enemies.

Suk: Ha…ha…I like the spirit. Even I will choose this option without a second thought. 🤣 Continuing on that note..

Suk:  According to you, which thing can handle better a woman's anger?
A) Her favourite gift or B) 15 minutes praise? 

Amaya: None, it's her favourite food!    I mean who can say no to their favourite food. The offer itself sounds tempting.

Suk: That means the way to your heart, goes through your stomach.😄 My next question is…

Suk:  Which cartoon character you can relate yourself to and why?

Amaya: Shinchannnnnnnn!!      Because just like shinchan, I'm stress buster for many.   

Suk: Wow, that’s wonderful. I wish you always remain like this.👍 Here comes another funny question…

Suk: Student life is something which we all enjoy a lot. But there are some moments which trouble us too. Have you ever continuously yawned in the class sitting on the first bench?  If yes, how did you manage the teacher's angry look? 

Amaya: Thank god she never saw me doing that    but whenever I would yawn and try not to get caught I would place my index finger on Philtrum and my thumb on the chin and rest if the fingers cover my mouth it would usually look like I'm thinking something deeply.    

Suk: Ha…ha…smart move. But still sometimes we can’t manage an adverse situation well. My next question is…

Suk:  What is the most embarrassing moment in your life? 

Amaya: There are manyyyyy!!!   
The recent one was I have three Priya-s in my contact list and one of them had her birthday three days back and my mistake I called the other Priya who happens to be my student  and without saying hi-hello I started singing happy birthday, damn it was sooo embarrassing.     

Suk: That’s not a problem I guess. It would be more embarrassing if you forgot the birthday. Okay, let’s continue,

Suk:  If you could meet any character out of a book, who would it be ? 

Amaya: Edward   

Suk: Very romantic choice I must say. 🙂🥰.

Suk:  Which quality in a person attracts you the most and which trait you dislike the most?
Amaya: Like the most is a sense of humour and that person should know cursing.   
And dislike unnecessary attitude and disloyalty.  

Suk: I second you in the second choice. 👍

Suk: If you are given an opportunity to transform yourself into an animal, which one would it be

Amaya: Cute Panda     

Suk: 🤣🤣.  Okay, next question is a bit different.

Suk: If you were to make a Fusion of the Traditional Outfits of any two countries, which countries would it be? 

Amaya: Ummm..... This question is making me think too much   
But it would be Burqa and Japanese Kimono.     

Suk: Very unusual choice of fusion. 👏

Suk:  If you are given the option of eliminating either your Childhood or your Teenage, what would you choose to eliminate and why?   

Amaya: None, though I may choose teenage emotionally practically I won't change anything because I believe the situations I faced in my teenage or before it has made what I'm today, the wise me, the strong me, the mature me, the stupid me, the weird me and I enjoy being myself and if not for those incidences I don't think I would have been capable of doing what I'm doing right now.   

Suk: Excellent analysis. Even I think in the same way. Good phases gift us, bad phases teach us. Now coming to a universal question…

Suk:  If you have to bring a change in society, which Topic/Matter would be your top priority? 

Amaya: Marital Rape! I really feel, the Indian judiciary system should have a different IPC section for marital rape. Because rape is a rape married or not it doesn't give anyone a certificate to rape someone. Then LGBTQ though it’s not illegal now but Indian society really needs to let go of their old beliefs because people have the right to chose whom they should love. And last but not least, for the men who are suffering from molestation sexual or mental don’t matter we need to understand that men can suffer too.

Suk: Awesome thought. I literally got goosebumps. Definitely these issues needed to be brought in lights. Let’s see what is the next? Okay, it’s again a matter of priority.   

Suk:  What do you think, lack of time with family and being the richest OR a lot of time with family and belongs to a lower-middle-class family – which one would be your preference and why?

Amaya: None, I want both. It’s difficult but I'll strive harder to achieve it. Neither the time is gonna come back nor my family members are gonna stay with me lifelong. So I want money and need to spend time with them much as I can because after fighting with the world, only family can give you the assurance you need but at the same time I also need financial security to give my family the best they deserve.

Suk: To be frank, I didn’t expect this answer from you. Most of the people choose the family over financial stability but your answer is different and practical. I am impressed. 👍 Now, let’s bring a hazardous current issue… 

Suk: There are so many cases of plagiarism nowadays in open forums, what is your take on that?

Amaya: Kids! Grow the fuck up! Stop coping others hard work but of course, this won't get into your head so do whatever you want because I'm sure Karma won't leave you.

Suk: Yes, these are all bubble reputation and success doesn’t have any short cuts. So we are almost at the end of this conversation and I felt it just began.😔

Suk:  How was your experience at booktrovert and me and would you like to convey any message to your friends or your readers and fans? 

Amaya: I had a great time replying to all the questions.  I really enjoyed this, I'm seriously surprised that I was so into it that I didn't even realise the time and I didn't want this interview to over so soon man.   All the best Booktrovert club, my all the wishes are with you if any problem don't forget to knock FMC's door, will be there to help you in any way we can. 

To my friends and fans, if I have any, I seriously love you guys and thank you for always putting up with me.   

Thank you for taking my interview. 

Thanks Amaya for giving  us your precious time. We are looking forward to have you again with some more interesting conversation. All the best for your upcoming works and wishes for your life ahead. This is Suk signing off for now. We will be back with another interesting personality very soon. Till then spread love, spread positivity. 🥰



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