Samaira Rajput

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Today we have with us the multi talented and one of the most loved writers in wattpad SamairaRajput. She describes her as regular as clock and I am totally agree with this. Her punctuality in regular update of her stories makes her different from the others. So let’s start our interview session.
Interviewer Suk-24

Suk: Tell us something about yourself like your name, your age and where do you live or what is your hometown?

Samaira:  I am Samaira Rajput. I turned 18 recently in the month of June. And I am from Punjab.

Suk: Wow, so you are a Punjabi kudi. (😊) who recently became eligible to vote. I am impressed. You are so young yet so popular. On this note I want to ask you

Suk:  What is your inspiration or inclination to writing?

Samaira: My own imagination and the love the couple shares!

Suk: Yes that reflects in your every story. But you are both a writer and a graphic designer. So I want to know

Suk:  What is more difficult according to you; Writing or Graphic designing?

Samaira:  Ah! That's a difficult question! But I think writing is more difficult since you have to make a book cover for yourself and you never get satisfied from your own covers 

Suk: I second you. Writing needs more spaces to be covered where graphic designing gives you a bit leniency. Okay, my next question is…

Suk:  What is your best and worst experience in wattpad? 

Samaira:  Umm best when someone tells me how amazing I write, all that moments are my best experience. And worst, well there are few but I don't think I am comfortable talking about that!

Suk: No issues. I can understand, nobody wants to reminisce the bad experience. Let bygones be bygones. Let’s continue with some pleasant topic.
Suk:  Who is your favorite writer; both in and out of wattpad community?

Samaira:  Aye, can't answer this question. Every writer is my favourite when I am reading their book

Suk: So sweet of you 😍🤣 Yes we read the book when we love the book. We can’t specify like this. My next question...

Suk: Which character do you like the most in your book and why? 

Samaira:  Though it is MaNan but then Manik would be the one! I enjoy writing his character and I love his character the most!

Suk: Who doesn’t love him? (😊) If there is the topic of love and preference, I would like to ask you,

Suk: Who is the most important person in your life whom you can rely on?

Samaira:  My parents and my two friends.

Suk: Indeed, parents are the foundation of our existence and the friends are the pillars. My next question is a bit different,

Suk:  As we know how this lockdown has brought the new ‘us’ out of us; what is the new talent or hobby that you discovered during this lockdown period that you were probably unknown about until now? 

Samaira:  There's no hobby like that   I am so lazy and I don't think I developed any hobby. But yeah I did enjoy cooking.

Suk: Though I didn’t agree with you in the lazy tag cooking is a great option to take it as a hobby. (😊)

Suk:  We all have some fear. What is your biggest fear?

Samaira:  Fear of losing my loved ones! The only fear I can never overcome!

Suk: Here I can’t hold myself to flaunt my knowledge  🙈The fear of losing the loved ones is called “Thantophobia”. I have this fear too. (😔) Okay, let’s continue with some more questions…

Suk:  Tell us that one thing you love the most or you cannot live without?

Samaira:  My mobile 

Suk: Well, very practical and reasonable answer. Mobile has become our world nowadays. I would like to continue this topic a bit more,

Suk: Suppose you are on a deserted island, what are the three things you would like to take with you? 

Samaira:  My mobile, my best friend, water🤭

Suk: It seems like the mobile can’t get a single moment vacation from you (🤣) Okay, my next is a bit funny.

Suk:  If you become invisible for a day, what will you do first? A)Kiss your crush or
B) Slap your enemy?

Samaira:  Kiss my crush. 

Suk: Awwwww, I didn’t hear it

Suk:  Which cartoon character you can relate yourself to and why?

Samaira:  Umm...Shinchan? Because I am crazy like him

Suk: Ha…ha…I loved the answer. Now again a bit complex question,

Suk:  What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Samaira:  There are many.  Can't tell one!

Suk: Okay, then let me ask something interesting…

Suk:  If you could meet any character out of a book, who would it be and why? 

Samaira:  Definitely Manik or Nandini  Manik, just because I love him and I want to hug him at least once (though, Nandini is gonna kill me) and Nandini, to know how does she handle Monster Manik

Suk: Yes, definitely, Nandini should tell this secret to us. (👍) Now, again some question regarding graphic designing.

Suk: Have you ever faced any difficulty to make your own covers and requested to any other GD?

Samaira: Yeah, twice. I am actually never satisfied with my own covers! Ha …ha!

Suk: Well, dissatisfaction with our own work has an advantage. We keep on improving. (👍)

Suk:  What tips do you want to give the new graphic designers?

Samaira:  Well, don't think your covers are not good. Because everything takes time and patience. If you want to improve then keep trying, watch tutorials and you will actually do good one day!

Suk: Oh…that’s a wonderful tip. I am sure many aspiring GDs will be beneficial with this. Let’s continue the note…

Suk:  What is your favourite genre of designing?

Samaira:  Dark, Mystery

Suk: Is there any other GDs whose work you like apart from your own?

Samaira: There are many and I can’t point out one. So not saying anyone in particular.

Suk: Okay, no problem. Sometimes it becomes tough to choose between the favourates. My next question is a bit hypothetical..

Suk: If your book gets the 'National Best Seller', whom will you thank first in your thanks giving speech?

Samaira:  Definitely the Readers!

Suk: I am totally agreed on that. Those are the readers who make us a good writer and they deserve the gratitude.  Let’s continue…

Suk: If you are given an opportunity to transform yourself into an animal, which one would it be? 

Samaira:  Bird

Suk: So again a hypothetical question. If you ever have to choose a career option between Writing and Graphic designing, which one will you choose and why?

Samaira:  Writing, because it is not only time pass or hobby for me. Writing is my passion. I am not someone who expresses themselves properly or it is just I don't know how to. Sos I find writing a way to describe myself or my views!

Suk: Same pinch. Agreed on each and every word. Now, let’s bring a hazardous current issue… 

Suk:  There are so many cases of plagiarism nowadays in open forums, what is your take on that?

Samaira: As any other writer, I hate plagiarism too! It is not something one should do. Be it writing or Designing, everything takes time and hardwork and people don't even think before copying and ruining it. Even today there are many books on wattpad, which are copied and writers don't even know!

Suk: Yes, it really a matter of concern but these copy cats don’t know that success doesn’t have any short cut. To change the topic I want to ask,

Suk:  Is wattpad your addiction or stress buster?

Samaira:  Addiction!

Suk: However, it’s a good addiction dear. (😊) So we are almost at the end of this conversation and I felt it just began. (😔)

Suk:  How would you rate this interview out of 10? With 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. And how was your experience here with Booktrovert?

Samaira:  Definitely 10 out of 10. I enjoyed the questions. Not repeated or common ones! It was amazing and I loved the way you have added questions about graphic designing. It was probably the first time I answered questions regarding my Designing and I loved it.

Suk: Thank you so much dear. We thought to know you more in another field that you work in. So any message you would like to convey to your friends or your readers and fans.

Samaira:  Well there is still time for me to get fans 🤭  but yes all the readers and friends, I would just say thank you so much for always being there. If today I am here from 0 to 3.23k than it is only because of you people! It wouldn't have been possible without you guys!

Thanks Samaira for giving your precious time. All the best for your upcoming works and wishes for your life ahead. May your fan following never stop and you touch your sky limit. This is Suk signing off for now. We will be back with another interesting personality very soon. Till then spread love, spread positivity. ♥️



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