Chapter 59 - Middle Man

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Elijah spun around on his pole. He was bored and decided that there was no harm in a little practice before they were inevitably called in.

"Elijah?" Reic called for him.

"Oh- Coming."

"God, where are you?"

"It's fine, I'll come to you." Elijah assured him.

Reid sighed and sat down in the kitchen. Elijah quickly hopped off his pole and jogged out of the room to meet Reid.

"Hey, where were you hiding?" He chuckled.

"Oh, I was just around." Elijah shrugged.


"Mhm, around."

"And where is around?"

"Just.. Around."

"Elijah." Reid crossed his arms.

"Okay, don't be mad." Elijah sighed as he headed back towards the pole room.

"Why would I be mad?" Reid followed him.

"I don't know, keeping secrets." Elijah walked inside.

"What do-" Reid stopped,"Oh."

"Yeah.. I, uh.. I do pole."

"So that's why you never let me in here?"

"Well.. Okay, yes." Elijah sighed.

"I thought you were hiding like a shrine or something." Reid chuckled.

"Nope, just my pole." Elijah grabbed onto it.

"I like the lighting." Reid looked around.

"I try my best." Elijah chuckled slightly as he spun around.

Reid looked at Elijah as he spun,"Don't you get dizzy?"

"Not really, you get used to it." He hummed.

"Have you ever fallen off?"

"Well, when I first started I did, but I've pretty much got the hang of it now."

Reid chuckled,"Can I try?"

Elijah smiled as he stopped himself,"Be careful."

"Of course." Reid walked up, gently holding the pole.

"It takes a bit of core strength." Elijah told him, walking up behind him.

"I've got that."

"Just be careful." Elijah hummed, carefully holding his waist.

"Careful is my.. Yeah, no, it's not even close to my name." He grabbed the pole and jumped.

Elijah let go, smiling as he watched Reid. Reid spun around before he fell to the ground.

Elijah chuckled, bending down,"Are you alright, love?"

"Yeah, yeah." Reid groaned,"Maybe that's not the thing for me."

Elijah kissed his cheek,"But you tried your best."

"I'll need to watch you one time." He pointed.

"I'll five you a performance after work, alright?"


Elijah smiled as he helped him up,"Any preferences?"

"None I can say in front of our children." He chuckled as Horatio ran in.

Elijah put his arm around Reid and kissed him again. Reid kissed back as Horatio meowed loudly.

Elijah pulled away, looking down at Horatio,"I'll feed you in a minute."

Horatio laid down at his feet.

Elijah sighed and scooped him up,"You're such an attention whore."

Horatio purred, rubbing against Elijah's cheek.

"Wonder who he gets it from." Reid shrugged.

Elijah gasped,"That's the kind of comments I expect from Fleur."

"I never said it was from you." He laughed.

"You- Well- You implied it."

Reid chuckled and walked off,"I'll get their foods."

"Hear that? Food." Elijah sat Horatio down.

Horatio quickly chased after Reid, knocking over Rigatoni in the process.

Elijah sighed,"That one is a few sandwiches short of a picnic."

Rigatoni looked at Elijah before running off. Elijah shook his head, following through to the kitchen.


"He's coming for dinner later and I can't cook. I told him I could cook." Fleur groaned to Morgan.

"I can cook, it's alright." Morgan assured her.

"Can you make something your mom would make? I love her cooking."

"Of course I can. I'll ask for some of her recipes, alright?"

"Please." Fleur nodded.

"Just don't worry, it's all going to be alright." Morgan held her cheek.

"I just want to show Matthew that I'm not.. Her anymore."

"And you will, because you aren't her. You're Fleur Howards, one of the bravest women I know."

Fleur sighed and hugged him.

Morgan hugged back, kissing her forehead,"You've got this."

"I hope." She mumbled.

"I'll be right here with you, okay?"

"Okay." Fleur sighed,"Thank you."

"No problem, babygirl."

Fleur kissed his cheek,"I wanna drive."

Morgan chuckled,"Alright, you can drive."

"Thank you." Fleur smiled.

"You don't need to thank me."

"Just did."

Morgan smiled and kissed her cheek again,"I know."


Garcia walked into the Conference Room, handing everyone tablets.

"Woah!" Emily smiled.

"Welcome to the 21st century. Yay technology." Garcia smiled,"Behold. Everyone has a new tablet."

"We've gone paperless?" Reid looked up at her.

"Fear not, Doctor of the Dark Ages." Garcia handed him a paper file,"I went old school for your anti-technology quirk. Paper files, hard copy photos. But the abacus is your responsibility." She pointed.

"Garcia, not that I don't appreciate your efforts, but exactly where did the funding for these come from?" Hotch asked her.

"I did a thing." Garcia admitted.

"A thing?" Hotch raised a brow.

"Best not talk about the thing." Garcia nodded.

"We'll talk about the thing later." Hotch looked down at his tablet.

"Okay, instead let's talk about harvest season. Because it is harvest season in Indiana, and farmers are finding more than corn in their fields. Meredith Joy, Kimberly Jukes and Amanda Frye were all discovered murdered in Johnson County, Indiana." Garcia showed the pictures

"All three women were exotic dancers living in different counties in the state. Kimberly Jukes, the first victim, went missing six weeks ago." Hotch continued.

"And in each instance, the women finished their shifts but they never made it to their cars." Garcia added.

"It says here that Amelia Frye was found 90 miles from her house. This guy's going a long way to abduct his victims." Morgan pointed.

"If he's dumping bodies in the same county, it's a good chance he's located nearby. It shouldn't be too hard to work up a geographical profile." Fleur shrugged.

"Meredith Joy put up quite a fight. She's got defensive wounds all over her body." Elijah shook his head as he read the file.

"And the lab discovered two different samples of DNA under her fingernails so we're dealing with at least a team." Hotch sighed.

"One that rapes, beats and strangles their victims in a cornfield." Rossi nodded.

"They're using condoms. I bet one of these guys has a record and he doesn't want us connecting the DNA." Emily pointed.

"It's three weeks between the first and second kill, two weeks between the second and third." Reid told them.

"Meredith Joy died October 31st." Garcia sighed.

"Now they're down to one week." Hotch nodded.

"Who's missing?" Rossi asked.

"Her name is Stephanie Wilson. She was abducted last night from Club Prowl in Tippecanoe County. She finished her shift at midnight, but she never made it home to her two-year old daughter. Babysitter called the police. Stephanie's car was left in the parking lot like the others." Garcia informed them.

"And there's a clear pattern. All the women have been abducted on Friday night and murdered sometime Sunday evening." Hotch sighed.

"Which means we've got less than two days to save Stephanie Wilson." Elijah crossed his arms.


"Hey guys." Morgan walked in and pointed towards the screen,"Look at the patterns on the cornfields. It's all hard turns and zigzags. They had to have been chasing these women."

"Do you think they escaped?" Reid tilted his head.

"Maybe even if it was the first time, but all three?"

"They let them go so they can chase them again. The women probably thought they were being released." Elijah shook his head.

"I'd say we're most likely looking for two dominant alpha male personalities, but we shouldn't rule out one dominant who allows their submissive to have sex with the victims to have control over him." Fleur nodded.

"Well, it certainly speaks to their arrogance if they're that confident the women won't get away." Emily pointed.

"Prostitutes and strippers usually make easy targets. Maybe they need to up the challenge. The Hunt could be what gets them off." Rossi shrugged.

"Garcia, focus on prior sexual crimes in the area. This kind of confidence doesn't get built up overnight." Hotch told her.

"Yeah, I am compiling as we are face-timing. I'm also running DNA results through unsolved crimes in Indiana and surrounding areas." Garcia hummed.

"Good. Let me know as soon as you find something." He nodded.

"You know, interestingly all three victims had downers and uppers in their system." Reid mentioned.

"Well, were the drugs used to subdue the women, or is it a ruse to get them to come home with them?" Emily asked.

"Prentiss, Reid and Deans, go to the club where Stephanie Wilson worked to find out. Dave, you, Morgan and Howards go to the dumpsite. I'll work victimology at the police station." Hotch told everyone.


Reid, Emily and Elijah headed to the Club and were soon sat having an interior with one of Stephanie's colleagues, Tara.

"What would it take for you or one of your colleagues to go home with a customer?" Emily asked.

"Nothing. I have a boyfriend." She answered.

"Does he know that you work here?" Reid questioned.

"It's how we met." Tara looked up at him,"He doesn't have a problem with it. Do you?"

"No, not at all. I'm from Las Vegas. I don't have a problem with it. I just- These are questions that we have to ask."

"We are not judging you. We're just trying to find Stephanie." Elijah assured her,"Now, you said you met your boyfriend here, so you did go home with a customer before."

"Those were the early days. Everyone's a little wild in the beginning."

"Not the veterans?" Emily asked.

"We know to play it safe." Tara sighed.

"Was Stephanie the type of girl who played it safe?" Reid tilted his head.

"She never really went through a wild phase. All she cared about was getting home to her daughter." Tara explained.

"Did anyone try and take her home last night?" Elijah questioned.

"Everyone tries. Every night."

"Nothing stood out?"

"I know she got asked to go to a party. We all did. But she turned them down." Tara recalled.

"Them, plural?" Reid raised a brow.

"These two guys. They got dances from each of us."

"What kind of party were they offering?" Emily asked.

"I didn't get a chance to find out. It's bad business to discuss private deals on the floor." Tara shook her head.

"Can you show me where you and Stephanie gave them their dances?" Elijah tilted his head.

"Yeah, over here." She lead them over to two small booths, walking into one,"I was in here while Stephanie was in that one."

"Okay. Could you sit down?" Elijah asked as he stepped into the other booth.

"Yeah." She sat down.

Elijah sat down as well, looking around,"Alright, I can see the whole room, but I can't see my partner. If you're working as a team, you both want to see the girl you're going to take home. Why would they do it somewhere that they can't see each other?"

"We should take a look at the club surveillance footage." Reid nodded.

Tara pointed them in the direction of the backroom where the camera footage was visible. They headed into the room, pulling up the footage from the night.

"Only two cameras. There's a lot of blind spots. How do you keep an eye on all of the girls?" Reid asked.

"We got the one guy in the back, one guy on the floor at all times." Jonah pointed.

"It looks pretty full. Are you always this busy on the weekends?" Emily raised a brow.

"Only on theme nights." He shook his head.

"The UnSubs probably picked crowded nights to make sure they blend in." Reid shrugged.

"Well, they're smart. They make a plan of attack before they get to the club, then they separate and choose their prey." Elijah sighed.

"I doubt they were very happy when Stephanie turned them down. Alpha personalities don't handle rejection well."

"They abducted her from the parking lot just like the others. It didn't matter what she said. Stephanie was going to that party whether she wanted to or not." Elijah cursed.


"How the hell did they find this place?" Rossi sighed as the three of them got out of the SUV,"We must've taken thirty different turns to get here."

"Thank you, Deputy." Morgan nodded to him as they walked,"We're definitely looking for a local. We should position black and white in the area. We might be able to spot the Unsubs before their next hunt."

"Garcia should pull surveillance footage of gas stations, too. With all this driving they have to be getting their fuel somewhere." Fleur sighed,"I don't get it."

"What?" Rossi asked.

"These guys enjoy the thrill of the chase. I mean, alright, I'll buy that. But what I don't buy is them taking such a big risk." Fleur shook her head.

"Well, they wouldn't let their victim loose unless they were certain she couldn't get away." Rossi nodded.

"So what would make them so certain?" Morgan raised a brow.


"It would take one person to drive the truck. It would take another guy to handle the spotlight to track her in the field."

"Is that enough?" Rossi asked.

"Not for me. I mean, come on, look at this place. How can two guys guarantee that she's not gonna get away?" Fleur hummed.

"They drug her. Maybe they think that's enough." Rossi suggested.

"Or we're dealing with more than two UnSubs." Fleur told him.


"We believe the men we're looking for are college students. That's why the killings coincided with the beginning of the fall semester." Hotch began with the profile.

"This means they're most likely in their late teens to mid twenties, but don't rule out older students who transfered in or enlisted in the military right out of high school." Reid pointed.

"Right now we're canvassing colleges in the area." Rossi told them.

"College students are impressionable kids, eager to fit in and find their place in the world. This environment is conducive to the creation of a pack." Hotch nodded.

"In a typical pack, not all members are created equally. They'll be a dominant one, an alpha personality who's most likely the oldest member in the group. We believe he could be from out of state and has likely committed similar crimes before." Reid explained,"The lieutenant will be fiercely loyal to the pack leader. The alpha demands this. He probably comes from a broken home where he felt a loss the dominant was able to fill. And finally, we have the follower, the newest member of the pack. He hasn't cemented his loyalty to the alpha when already he's starting to question his role in the group. It's unlikely this member is privy to the pack leader's ultimate agenda."

"It won't be long before the dominant realises the low man is a liability. We need to find this man before the pack eliminates him." Fleur sighed.

"How do we do that?" Salters asked.

"We drive a wedge between them. Amp up the pressure. This is our best chance at finding Stephanie alive." Rossi replied.


"Sir, I need to talk to you guys really, really alone." Garcia whispered over the phone.

"Okay, hang on." Hotch nodded for Rossi, Emily, Fleur and Elijah to follow him into the Conference Room,"Go ahead."

"I ran a list of police officers with children who go to Ernstrom College, and I cross-referenced that with my flagged campus violent offenders." Garcia told them.

"What did you find?" Fleur asked.

"My apologies, guys, but Sheriff Salters has a son who goes to Ernstrom. And the deeper I dig, the more interesting it gets." She hummed,"It appears young Salters has a sealed record."

"Unseal it." Hotch told her.

"I already did that.. And it's blank." Garcia sighed.

"What do you mean?" Emily blinked.

"Everything in it has been erased."

"Who'd know better that the FBI are here than someone living with a cop?" Elijah crossed his arms.

"Do you think Salters knows?" Fleur looked in the window.

"How could he? He's searching for a leak in his own department, only he's the leak." Rossi pointed.

"Garcia, dig up everything you can on Salters and his son." Hotch ordered.

"Yes, sir." Garcia nodded as she started typing.

"Stay here." He told the others as he walked off.

"I knew I didn't like him." Elijah glared at Salters through the window.


"Hotch, he's not in the dorms." Morgan sighed over the comms.

"And he's not answering his phone." Rossi added.

"You know, if Salters inflicts physical punishment on Chris, then it's highly unlikely he's the alpha of the group." Reid hummed.

"No, based on what we know, Chris wouldn't be the dominant, nor would he have the confidence to lead." Hotch shook his head,"But if the dominant protected Chris.."

"He'd have his unwavering loyalty." Rossi sighed.

"Sheriff, when Chris started at Ernstrom was there an upperclassmen who befriended him or who he looked up to?" Elijah turned to him,"Did he join a fraternity? Did he play on a sports team?"

"He didn't do this." Salters shook his head.

"Of course he didn't." Elijah muttered.

"Garcia, anything?" Hotch asked her.

"I'm searching, sir." Garcia sighed.

Salters leaned forward,"Track team."

"And Kappa Iota Phi." Garcia nodded.

"That's what we've been missing." Emily pointed,"Garcia, expand your previous Louisiana search to former Ernstrom students who fit our offender profile."

"Narrowing..Narrowing." She gasped,"Micheal Kosina of Lousiana. Let's see..He was kicked out of Kappa Iota Phi after questionable sexual conduct with a student in 2004. The charges were dropped but the incident earned the fraternity probation from it's national chapter."

"Michael Kosina, I met him." Salters stood up,"He caused Chris' bar fight. He did this to my son?"

"Were Kosina and Chris at Ernstrom at the same time?" Hotch asked

"Yeah. Chris was a freshman when he was a senior. Michael dropped out a few weeks later after he got into an altercation with one of his professors." Garcia nodded.

"This type of dominant would definitely have issues with authority." Rossi told them.

"Tell me you've got an address, babygirl." Morgan spoke up.

"En route as we flirt, baby." Garcia hummed.

"Morgan, wait until Sheriff Salters arrives. He might be able to talk to Chris." Hotch instructed.

"Alright, but you know Hotch, if that doesn't work, Prentiss or Flo could be our best shot." Morgan sighed.

"True. The pack objectifies women. They wouldn't know how to handle negotiating with one." Hotch nodded.


"I think that went well." Fleur sighed as she washed dishes after dinner.

"See? I told you it would be alright." Morgan hummed.

"I just hope what he says is true."

"That he's changed?"

"Yeah..I hope so."

"Well, only time will tell. But I've got faith." Morgan rubbed her back.

"Sometimes you're right." Fleur handed him a plate.

"Then let's hope that it's one of those times, hm?" Morgan took it.

"I can only hope." She smiled.

Morgan kissed her cheek,"It's all going to work out, I promise."

"I love you." Fleur nodded.

"I love you too, gorgeous." Morgan hummed.

"I like that." Fleur hummed.

"I say it how I see it, babygirl."

"I'm sure you do." She winked.

"How sure?"


"Only fifty?" He raised a brow.

"You could show me the other half." She shrugged.

"I'd love to."

"Is Addy asleep?"

"She should be." Morgan nodded.

"Finish putting away the dishes and I'll meet you in the room." She hummed.

"Already on it." Morgan began putting the dishes away.

Fleur chuckled and ran to the bedroom.


"Right, are you ready?" Elijah hummed, he'd gotten changed and everything.

"I'm ready." Reid nodded, trying his best not to look in other places.

"Are you sure?" He chuckled.


Elijah smirked as he grabbed a hold of the pole and began to dance. After the dance was finished, Reid just watched with his mouth open in shock.

"So.. What do you think?" Elijah hummed, wrapping his arms around Reid's neck.

"I thoroughly enjoyed that." Reid smiled.

"I couldn't tell."

"Could we..Maybe go to bed?"

"Honey, I wasn't giving you a performance like that for us not to."

"Then let's go." Reid took his hand.

"Of course." Elijah squeezed it.

Reid laughed and pulled him out of the room,"Hurry up."

"Oh, I'm hurrying."

"Not fast enough." He joked.

"I'll show you fast, pretty boy." Elijah hummed.

"Yeah?" He raised a brow.

"Oh yeah."

"I'll take you up on that." He pointed.

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