The Almost Kiss

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*Castle Town*

Link waited for you to finish your shift. He explained everything to Telma, leaving out one little detail, which was that you were a Twili. Telma empathized, as she was no stranger to what it meant to be Link. Once you were back inside, out of Link's sight, Telma whisked you aside.

"I'm going to venture a guess that the boy who is to be wed is Link."

Humiliation forced you to avoid Telma's eyes. The overwhelming need to defend yourself came to the forefront. "Telma, I swear I didn't do anything indecent with Link! We are both just working under Princess Zelda's order. That's all- I"

"Y/N, you just met me, so I'll let this pass. But don't ever think you can lie to me. I can smell a lie like a forest fire. I know you and Link didn't do anything indecent. Even though we have just met, I see your character. And I know Link's." Telma chided, "But don't think for a minute that if I hadn't found you both huddled behind that shop, you wouldn't have kissed! Don't think for a minute that that boy doesn't have feelings for you!" 

Telma let out a 'tsking' sound of disappointment. "Poor Ilia. How is she going to deal with this? She's always been in love with Link. But I've never seen him look at her the way he looks at you. Or anyone else, for that matter."

"I meant no harm!" 

"Shh, child. I know you didn't. The heart wants what the heart wants. The important thing is that you both do this the right way. You need to tell him how you feel."

What is it with this realm that hides their feelings yet expects you to talk about your own? How am I supposed to talk about what I don't understand?

Telma prattled on. "I can guarantee that if you tell him how you feel about him... you won't be rejected. Do not fear rejection. Especially where I am sure there will be none. A strong woman uses her voice for the greater good. Ilia, on the other hand, that girl has always been way over her head with Link. To be frank, the news of their engagement was shocking. I was happy for her. I just couldn't be happy for Link. Not when Link himself didn't look happy."

How do I tell Link what I'm feeling when I myself don't know what it is I'm feeling?

"I know you're right, Telma." You hoped your agreement would get her to abandon the topic of Link. She put her hands on your shoulders, clapping them supportively. "Why don't you go home then? If you need to stay here, you are more than welcome. We may as well talk about your work schedule. I can't very well expect you to work when Zelda has plans for you. So, take tomorrow off, and when you come in the day after, I'll leave early. Sound fair? I don't want to leave you alone just yet. Going forward, we'll say Monday and Wednesday will be your days off. Weekends, we need all hands-on deck."

"That sounds great. Thank you for giving me this opportunity." A tremendous feeling spilled forth, causing you to jump into Telma's arms. It reminded you of when Midna granted you permission to come to the light. A feeling you've come to know as gratitude. You held on to Telma tightly. "Thank you," you whispered in your sincerest tone. So much has occurred since you've been in the light. It's strange how quickly the current of time flows, along with the situations within it. Now you are employed and have made a friend in the process. You had a clear blueprint for your conversion. You met the much-revered Princess Zelda. Who gave you her benediction, which you so desperately sought.

Last but not least, you met Link. The Hero of Twilight.

Who you almost kissed. At least you think you did.

Within your short time here, you've experienced more than any book would have offered. As Epona strode back to Ordon, the same powerful force of gratitude began to stir within you. You had your arms secured around Link's waist. The sound of Epona's hooves clomping on the cracked dirt lulled you into a semi-conscious state. You dipped your head down, your eyes fluttering shut against Link's back.

"Y/N? You're not going to sleep on me, are you?" Link called behind him as he kept his eyes ahead on Hyrule Field.

"Of course not. Why would you think that?" You lied.

Link gave a hoarse chuckle. "I can feel your eyes closing against my back." You couldn't help it. Between the tranquility of the sunset fizzling out beyond Hyrule and the security of being with Link again, a deep sleep was imminent.

"You've had a rough few days." Link continued, "You're not used to working your body so hard. You should take a nap, so you're refreshed for dinner. Anything in particular you'd like to eat?"

You felt yourself weave in and out of consciousness. You were a tad sick of the simplicity of Hylian cuisine. You craved something hearty. Something that would stick to your ribs. As you would eat in the twilight. Sleep began to claim you, prompting a weak response to Link's question.

"Steamed keese wings." With your dinner requested, you went out like a light.

"Keese wings? Y/N? Did I hear you correctly? Is that something you eat in the Twilight Realm? Y/N?"

Link whispered to Epona, "Girl, I don't know about you, but no way am I eating keese wings. But if Y/N really wants them, I suppose I can hunt them for her."

Epona let out a defeated huff as she continued her steady pace towards home. Epona's dinner request was simple. All she counted on was her usual fare of carrots.

At least someone knew what they would be having for dinner.

*Ordon Village*

Y/N hung over Link's back as he gingerly carried her upstairs. She was out for the count since her dinner request. Link laid her down in his bed, smoothing half the quilt over her body. He had Y/N swaddled like a newborn's first-time home from the medic. He wanted to make sure she was bundled and secure. Protected. The memory of watching her fall as Fado failed to catch her still harassed him.

Once he was certain Y/N was warm and content, he made his way downstairs to make dinner. Link rummaged through his barren cabinets, ashamed of the specks of cobwebs that hung in the corners. Link gave his hair its normal ruffle of distress at the dismal lack of food in his house. Sure, for him as one, it was fine. But now he had another life to care for. One that mattered more than his own.

Maybe, in an odd sense, craving Keese wings means she misses the twilight?

Link pondered to himself about what magic he could work in the kitchen. He had rice and eggs on hand. He would be more than gratified with them fried up in oil with aromatics. Link looked outside; the sun had officially bid adieu, allowing the moon to greet the dawn of night.

It's Keese hunting time. If such a simple request will make Y/N smile, I graciously oblige.

Link grabbed his bow and arrow and headed out to enjoy some nocturnal hunting. He got the rice ready to steam, preparing it for when he would return home. Then he'd simply have to fry his food and steam Y/N's Keese wings.

Despite the moon's guiding light, the only thing truly guiding Link was the image of Y/N's lips excruciatingly close to his own.


Y/N groggily padded downstairs, just as Link had set the table. Link sat, watching her rub her dreary eyes with the sleeve of her top.

"Something smells good." She yawned; a trace of her deep slumber still portrayed in her voice.

"You need to eat and get some more rest. Telma really put you to work, didn't she? Just a fair warning, the Arbiter's grounds will also be tiresome." Link began shuffling his egg around his plate, breaking the yoke over the rice.

"Link? Did you... did you make me Keese wings?!"

Once the rice was soaked with the yoke, he took a huge bite. The comforting carbohydrates were just what he needed after spending the day unintentionally running around Castle Town. Link watched Y/N stare at her plate in wonder.

"I don't know if I did a good job. You mentioned steaming them, so I steamed them with some rice. But I'd be happy to make you some of mine if it's not to your liking." Link offered.

Y/N shook her head. "No, it isn't that. I'm just-" Her bottom lip began to quiver. "Link, I don't know what I am." Link was stunned. For someone who wasn't familiar with emotions, she was portraying a lot of them lately.

Before he could say anything, she began to cry into her plate. "I suppose I am no stranger to crying." She gave a pathetic laugh through her tears. "I've been feeling so many things. I don't know what they are. How do I even explain them? But this dish is just so thoughtful. First, you bought me that beautiful dress. Now you went and hunted my favorite food. I really don't know what this feeling is. I suppose I just want to adequately thank you, and I don't know how."

"So, Keese wings are your favorite food? I thought you said carcasses were?" Link joked.
Y/N gave a congested snort across the table from her crying. "Yes, I mean, I knew cucco would be a safe dish here. But generally, in the twilight, we love hearty dishes. But our idea of hearty is different. Besides steamed Keese wings, which are very fibrous, I love stew with Moblin guts."

Link pushed his plate away from him. "Y/N, I'm happy to cook anything for you; just don't ask me to taste it."

This gave her the first sliver of a smile he'd seen since Lake Hylia. "To think you almost kissed a girl who eats Moblin guts."  As soon as the words left her mouth, they both sat up straight at the shock of hearing them out loud. Link felt the same heat he felt behind the shop trickling down his body. He began to gulp down his cup of water, unsure of how to respond.

Arousal that he hadn't felt in a long time had been prodding him. Y/N looked down at her feet. This was her infamous method of avoiding tension in the atmosphere. Or so he had noticed.

He thought back to the kiss that could have been. He felt the passion pushing them both together. He saw Y/N close her eyes. Some part of his brain thought he imagined it. Was she even sure what a kiss was or the emotions behind it? Apparently, she did know. Then the question remained: did she want it?

Did she want him to kiss her?

Link decided to do the opposite of what he told Y/N. He kept insisting she communicate with him, yet here he was running from that communication. He changed the subject. It was safer that way. He couldn't deal with the rejection he would feel if he asked her how she felt toward the idea of him kissing her. He also knew the timing wasn't right. He had to end the engagement with Ilia first, keeping Rusl's words of wisdom in the crux of his heart. Y/N deserved to have the purest first kiss. Not one coated behind secrets. Link also had one other worry. Because of his reputation in their realm, did she simply want to kiss him out of idolization?

If she did, then that wouldn't be enough for him. He wanted her to be familiar with what she felt. He wanted those feelings to match his. He deviated off course, circling back to something she said earlier.

"Y/N, I know you aren't familiar with the sensations of the light. Maybe it can be of some relief if you try your best to describe it. I can help you decipher what you're feeling to the best of my knowledge."

She seemed to consider this. She cautiously opened her mouth, giving Link a quick glance before resuming her gaze to the floor. "Well, I suppose I can try."

She took a Keese wing to her lips, sucking the cartilage clean off the bone. She closed her eyes, transporting Link back to Castle Town and the 'almost' kiss. He was ogling her. He quickly looked away.

"This tastes like the twilight." Her voice was dripping with pleasure. She delicately patted her mouth against a napkin. Link loved the deliberate way she made gestures. He could tell they were foreign to her. Everything was done with extreme caution. This just made her appear dainty to the untrained eye. He knew it was because she was trying to blend into this alien realm with only her acquired book smarts, which he secretly admired her for. Even though Link possessed the Triforce of Courage, he wasn't sure he could be as daring as Y/N.

"Link, there is something I've been meaning to tell you. About Aryn." Link sat up attentively in his seat. The name of that idiot riled him up.

"I didn't want to go on a date with him. I did it because I thought..."

"You thought what?"

"I thought it would make you react. I wanted you to react." Her face was a blank canvas. It seemed it was up to Link to decipher what emotion would be painted on it.

Meanwhile, the poker face he so carefully perfected had finally ruptured. He felt his eyebrows shoot upward. His mouth slowly opened in disbelief. He simply couldn't believe his ears. Yet Y/N sat, eating her food without a single clue on her face. As if she didn't just rock his world with her declaration.

It seemed to Link that Y/N took his poker face advice to heart.

My how the roles had reversed.

A/N: Edited 1/10/23

Time to pick up where you left off and make your way to the Arbiter's Grounds. But not before divulging a tiny-weeny secret to Link. The path ahead looks clear. The emotions involved do not.

Where do you both go from here? And will it involve a certain kiss instead of an almost one?

Check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond

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