We Meet Again

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*Castle Town*

"Mr.Link, I-I swear to you, Mr.Link! I swear, I haven't seen Y/N since that day at the lake!" The mention of Y/N made Link tighten his grip on Aryn's arms. Which were conveniently pinned to his back as his body flailed around on the cold marble of Castle Town's ground.

"This isn't about Y/N. Though I have half a mind to turn you into Princess Zelda and get your sentence reinstated. Hyrule Castle's prisoners are much less friendly than wherever Mayor Bo placed you. I can promise you that."

Aryn threw Link a cocky grin from over his shoulder. Link could tell something was brewing in his pea brain. Something that would most likely make Link angrier than he already was. "You know, Mr.Link, you can't fault me for making a move on Y/N. Judging from the way you're always around her, I think you would like to be under her skirt just as much as I would."

Suddenly, the alleyway began to cave in around Link. A flash of heat trickled down his body, he could see nothing but black.

"SHUT UP!" Link shouted. "SHUT UP AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME AGAIN!" He grabbed his other free hand, pushing Aryn's cheek hard into the marble. Hoping its ragged texture would scrape his annoying face.

"Now, you listen to me," Link threatened. "I know that through the Hyrule court system, you were released on bail from harassment charges. I want to know who released you!" Link could feel his skull beneath his fingers. Hylia, how he wanted to squeeze until he heard a crack. "Don't even think about lying either."

"Mr.Link! You're hurting me!" Aryn huffed in disembodied grunts. Link released his harsh hold on Aryn's head. "Don't give me a reason to hurt you again." Link warned.

"If I tell you everything, will you promise not to turn me into Hyrule Castle? Please? I can stay out of trouble. I promise!"

"You're bartering with me? Of course, you'll stay out of trouble. You don't think you're under surveillance? One little slip, and you'll be rotting in a damp and moldy cell in the basement of Hyrule Castle. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes, Mr.Link. Loud and clear." Aryn relaxed underneath the force of Link's hands subduing him. "You are right. I was let out on bail. The person who let me out cut me a deal and paid my bail. But, well, this will hit close to home. I don't want to be under Mayor Bo's wrath."

"So, you prefer to be under mine?" Link snarled impatiently. "Do you need to be reminded that I am the appointed knight directly under Princess Zelda herself? That to be sentenced under her would be severely harsher than anything Mayor Bo would do to you."

"Ilia." Aryn's confession was exactly what Link feared. "Ilia was there when I was brought in on a harassment charge against a villager in Ordon. I harmlessly flirted with this girl. When she paid me a crumb of interest, I tried to cash that in for a whole cake instead. The girl reported me directly to Mayor Bo. Ilia happened to be there helping her father with upcoming ballot information for the election. That's where I found out about your upcoming matrimony. I knew you were Zelda's right-hand man; I couldn't believe you'd marry someone like Ilia. I was given a house arrest sentence after serving some time in Ordon's prison. Ilia came to me, seeing as my record was otherwise pristine. She offered me a plea bargain as well as her part in giving me bail. I was to help her... well, that's where things got muddled."

"Muddled, how?"

"Mr. Link, I won't say this directly. I will warn that the ballots should be recounted. That's all I'll say. Anyway, Ilia wanted me to be in charge of "marking" the ballots. When, you know who, showed up in the village and Mayor Bo ordered you to accompany her to Castle Town. Ilia didn't like it one bit. She wanted me to investigate. When she came into my shoppe on her own accord, it was too good to be true. The day you were both in town and you walked away, I took it as my chance to sneak in. She looked upset. A damsel in distress. I talked her into the date. Ilia made me a promise that I could do whatever I wanted with her without repercussion. She didn't want her near you. When you showed up at the lake, well, I told Ilia. She was worried about you catching on. She warned me today that you'd be in town under the dictum of the princess. But Ilia suspected you might pay me a visit and advised I close up shop to be safe."

Zelda was right. Goddesses, even voter fraud? Does that mean this wedding is a smokescreen for a bigger crime being committed? I've known Ilia my whole life. How could she do this?

Link gently lifted himself off of Aryn. "You're dismissed." He turned away without a single word. As Link sulked down the alley over the betrayal, Aryn hollered, "T-that's it? What now?"

Link didn't bother to turn around. Link was disgusted at the fact that he could so callously take advantage of a woman. Or maybe deeper yet, Aryn made Link disgusted with himself. He was no different. He did want Y/N. He wanted her so bad. And he wanted her to want him in the same way, and she never would. 

Because she couldn't feel.

"You stay out of trouble. Hopefully we don't meet again." Link walked out of the comforting shadows of the alley and back into the light of day. The information he was just told rolled around in his head and disintegrated like a tumbleweed on sandy terrain.

I'm not the type of man to drink. But I need a drink.

He thought of Telma's statement about visiting more. He did just see her. Maybe she could tell him if there was any difference in Ilia as she recovered her memories. Link was desperate to believe any just cause of Ilia's actions. Maybe she had an unhealed traumatic brain injury?

Link sauntered up the familiar street to the outside of the bar. The commotion in the streets seemed to have come to a halt. Zelda was most likely aware, but he couldn't worry about that right now. 

He opened the door to the bar and stepped inside to hear the maundering conversations surrounding him. Link saw a girl standing behind the bar, pouring mead. He figured it must have been Telma's new employee.

She turned around with a tray of drinks in her hand, greeting Link. "Hi! Welcome to-"

Link's heart was in his throat.

Y/N? Y/N is Telma's new employee?!

Her eyes were open in alarm, like the day he saw her in the spring. A loud crash infiltrated the friendly atmosphere of the bar chatter. Telma appeared from behind the back. "What in the world?"

Y/N looked at Link. She lost all color in her flesh, looking sicklier than she did in her Twili pallor. She put her hands on her chest. Link saw that she was grabbing her shard.

No! What if she returns to the Realm of Twilight again? I can't lose her again. I can't!

"Y/N!" Link began to run towards her.

And Y/N began to run far away from him.


You were incredulous. How in Hylia's name had Link found you at Telma's? Did he know every single inhabitant of the light? 

You weren't ready to face him. Not yet.

You remembered the emergency exit in the kitchen that Telma had shown you. You ran through it, with Link's yelling trailing behind you.

"Y/N! Wait! Please don't run away!"

The air was scarce within your lungs. Goddesses, you never had to run in the twilight. Maybe it would be wise to start participating in exercise. You went to duck behind an open door of a shop. Instead, your foot caught on the curb. You went flying forward.

You shoved your arms outward to break your fall, only for a pair of ripped arms to gather around you, pulling you onto your feet.

Link placed a hand around your mouth. "This does not look good. Please just come with me." Link walked you around to the back of the shop. You could hear the shopkeeper yell from the front. "What's going on out here? Damn kids! If I tell you again, I'm getting the castle soldiers down here! Quit your noise!" He slammed the door with an obnoxious thud.

Link stood in front of you. His body had yours pressed against the wall. He kept one hand over your mouth while the other was behind your head, cushioning it from the concrete. His eyes were puddles of exhaustion.

"If I pull my hand away, promise me you won't yell? Y/N, I'd never, ever hurt you. Please don't run from me again. Not to mention, I can't take much more running today."

You weren't sure what Link meant by the last part. You felt something uncomfortable bloom between your legs at the roughness of his body cornering yours. Then you thought of the dream. A shiver shot through you. You looked at your feet, unable to meet his gaze.

He slowly lowered his hand. "There. Are you cold?" He pulled his tunic off, giving you a front-row seat of his buff body that had been hiding beneath it. He had on a layer of under armor and chain mail. You hadn't even noticed he wasn't in his typical rancher outfit up until now.

You couldn't stop yourself from staring at his chiseled chest. Whatever feeling was dominating you; you didn't like it. You felt completely silly losing your train of thought over a boy. Link isn't just any boy; he's the Hero of Twilight. Those muscles themselves are proof of it. Link held his tunic out towards you. He followed your gaze to his chest.

A slight crimson found its way onto Link's face. "Ah. This is my warrior tunic. I had some business here today. Never imagining I'd run into you ... with Telma none the less."

You continued to stare at the tunic, speechless. When you finally found your voice, the only thing you could muster was, "I must return to work."

"Y/N, please. I know there's a language barrier between us at times, but I feel we really need to communicate better. I'm supposed to accompany you on your journey. How am I to be of service if you don't tell me how you feel?"

"Tell me how you feel."

Was the dream some kind of weird premonition? It couldn't be. Not with Link's marriage, but a week away. You felt your bottom lip wobble. The ugly sobbing from when Midna held you threatened to reappear.

"Hey." Link took your face in his hands. He softly moved a strand of hair from your face. The concern was visible in the expression he wore. "It's ok. I'm sorry I wasn't there. When you passed out. I couldn't get to you. It was the worst feeling to watch you fall. To not be there for you. And about Zant-"

He lovingly tilted your head upward to meet his eyes. "I don't care that your Zant's daughter, you're Y/N to me. Though, I will apologize again for the cards that were dealt."

You found a laugh somewhere from within. "Cards? Link, you know I don't know what that means."

Link followed your lead and smiled back. "The cards you were dealt is an expression for what you were fated with."

"Then... is it wrong that I choose to give myself a new hand? That's why I am working with Telma. I want to not be worthless. I want to find my way within the light. And I thought maybe I depended on you too much, that I was a burden to you."

"What?" Link's arms were around you before you could blink.

"You're not worthless, Y/N. Don't ever say something like that. If you want to work to gain experience, I will not stand in your way. But will you promise me that you'll come home? Because for someone who thinks she's worthless, you are the one who is making my life worthwhile."

You pulled yourself back in astonishment, gaping at Link. Had he just said what you thought he said? You made his life worthwhile? The Hero of Twilight? That he wanted you to come...home?

"Alright. I will come home." If home is where Link was, you'd happily return home. You realized Link hadn't released you from his arms. You also realized you weren't struggling to be released. You both stared at each other. The only communication to be had was the contentment glowing in both of your eyes.



You could feel his face inch closer to yours. The image of Link kissing his way up your arm flashed before you once more. You wanted to feel the blending of your flesh against his. Something euphoric began to control you. You were just a powerless pawn to the yearning of your heart. You closed your eyes.

You felt yourself clamoring for the feeling of his lips. You were almost on the brink of begging when a frantic shrill accosted you both.

"Y/N! Link! What is the meaning of this? "Telma stood in front of you both. Her hands were on her hips in a bold demonstration of authority.

What was the meaning of this? You weren't sure. But one thing you were sure of...

You almost kissed the Hero of Twilight.

A/N: Edited 1/8/23

With Link hot on Ilia's trail of corruption and deceit, he's also hot on something else.

Now that you're reunited with Link, you can continue on your path to conversion. However, the magnetic pull of longing is only getting stronger. With the wedding still looming on the horizon, it seems the biggest threat you face is that of the hero's lips against your own.

Check out my other completed Zelda OOT work- No Woman Beyond

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