More power

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It has been merely two days since the little boy named Ikara had found a new family the planet Kolossaío, and he has started to do exactly what he set himself to do, which was training to become stronger so he would be able to acquire a ship that he could use to find his siblings.

Over the past day he had gotten to meet a little better the members of the pack that he was taken upon, other than Katherine and Alfan since they were the first ones he had meet. There was Ziera of course, she was the only daughter of blood that the couple had and an extremely sweet girl just like her mother, this was probably the reason Ikara had grown fond of her very quickly, more so than the rest at least. As for the rest there was a black haired male that was almost as tall as their father, a teenager who wasn't exactly thrilled with having Ikara there but he couldn't exactly object so he just decided to deal with it, there were a few more kids all of them around the Ziera's age, like another girl with brown hair named lucy and a white haired boy named Adam.

Currently the young boy had woken up on the early morning and stood up from the bed he was given, the cave they were on was not particularly big, so he had to share rooms with the other two males, he was careful to make little noise since he wanted to wake up earlier than the others. He walked out of the room and sneaked outside of the cave, feeling the frigid air, and shivering for a moment before he shook his head not wanting to give up into said cold, once he got himself together, he started to pick up rocks, there wasn't much in the area so lifting large rocks was the best area to increase one's strength.

Ikara picked up a rock several times his size, grunting to himself at the force he was imposing to himself while lifting the rock and moving it back down continuously, even if it was becoming painful for him, he ignored the feeling as just kept lifting the rock as it started to feel his legs shaking a little "u.... uhgn.... no ... don't drop it "he said to himself as he tried to keep the rock up on his arms. 

Even though the pain remained he kept lifting the rock for a good amount of minutes, almost reaching an entire hour before he dropped it down "its not enough" he said before moving forward a little and picking up a larger rock, grunting a little as he lifted it over his heat, crouching a little on his legs starting sweat from the pressure while he had an intense glare on his eyes, not caused from anger but from the sheer exertion he was bringing to himself.

Disregarding the tension and the risk for him he continued to lift the rock up and down, this time for more than hours as he growled while his legs and arms shook, this lasted until the sun began to rise, a few moments later Katherine came out of the cave looking for the boy "Ikara? Where are you- oh my goodness!" she said in shock as she saw him and quickly went to get the others, soon Alfan got the rock off him making him look up at them "hey!" he exclaimed. "Are you crazy? You could have ripped your muscles apart!" Blake, the black haired teen told him looking at him in disbelief, "I don't care what can happen to me! I need to get stronger!" he said as he looked up at them while panting a bit and sweating a little, "look kid I understand that but almost breaking your body up is not the way to achieve that" Alfan told him.

"I was not about to break up! I could have gone for more and I will!" he told them as he pointed at himself with full decision and determination, it was clear that he wasn't going to listen to anyone, so the Alfan sighed a little "very well then... why don't we do something? If you pass a little test, I will allow you to continue this training "he told him, in response to this the orange eyed boy only nodded "I'll do anything that will help me ", after this the tall man smiled and walked a few feet away, telling the other children stand back, to which they nodded and did as asked.

"alright then baby bear, what we are going to do Is that I will test your reflexes and speed, so you will have to avoid whatever I throw at you" he told the boy, making him tilt his head a bit but nod once again" okay, let's get started then" he said as he tightened the bandanna on his hair.

Alfan picked up small rocks on one arm and took some of them on his other hand, throwing his hand back a little to take some wind up from his first launch, in a single second he send the 4 rocks he had on his hand an overbearing speed, making the boy wide his eyes and try to move to avoid them, he wasn't quite quick enough to fully dodge them, as a result of this one of the rocks made a small cut on his cheek, the boy stepped back a bit and held his cheek in pain before he shook his head and looked back up " I didn't told you to stop " he spoke out brushing the blood off.

"As you wish little bear" he said as he began to throw more rocks his way with the same astonishing speed and force, the boy started to move to avoid them again, some of them piercing through his outfit and creating small cuts on him, but even through that he did not stop or asked for a break. "This kid is insane ..." Blake said as him and the others watched "shouldn't we stop him?" Ziera asked in concern, thought before he could say something else, they noticed that Ikara was gradually moving faster and smoother, like if he was slowly adapting to the speed of the rocks.

Upon witnessing this Alfan was truly surprised, his intention was making the boy give up to tiredness so he didn't expect him at all to be able to keep up for as much as he was, so in order to force the boy into rest he picked up a larger rock and threw it at him, Ikara notice the larger rock making him send a fist at it as he let out a yell while the rock shattered into pieces after it made contact with his punch, afterwards he panted a little "seems... like I won dad" he said only to fall unconscious on the ground.

"what in the world is that boy "Adam said as he looked down at the passed out Ikara, the tall man walked over and picked up the asleep boy " that's what we all wonder Adam" he said while him and Lucy titled their heads "How was he even able to do something like that" Blake asked him as Ziera followed them as well with her hands on her back, "that is also unclear Blake but what is truly clear that Ikara is a truly unique boy" he said as they walked back into the cave.


After a couple of hours Ikara woke up rubbing his head a little as he looked around for a moment and sat up "hey little one, you went really far out there for your second say here" Katherine said as she was sitting beside him "oh... I passed out huh" he said as he looked down a little, " its okay Ikara, Alfan promised you he would let you continue if you passed that test and you did, so go ahead" she told him and then Ikara smiled a bit at that, hugging Katherine for a moment and then running out of the room.

After getting outside of the cave Ikara looked around for a moment looking a different sizes of rock, not satisfied with any he continued to walk and soon stopped into an abnormally large one, in fact it was about the size of the cave they lived on, he then placed his hands on it and started to pull to lift it, his arms having marks of his veins as he pushed himself no wanting to let go until he managed to lift the rock, after a few moment the rock started to incredibly be lifted from the ground, him growling as he raised his arms higher with the rock, when his arms finally reached the apex of their extension his screamed before throwing the rock off various feet away, the impact making a small shake on the ground. Hidden from a bit afar the kids were watching in astonishment, unable to believe what they just witnessed,

So ummm yeah, the one chapter per month didn't went as planned, I'm very sorry for that but I will still try to post new chapter frequently though colleague has been taking a lot of my time, still thanks for reading and I'll see you the next time.

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