The first library

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after the last day and such an agitated job Yugikari decided that Luridad and Ikiara needed a break, after all it was only Ikiara's first mission and it became dangerous way to soon for concern, the purple eyes girl tried to argue against this but she didn't accomplish anything and ended up having to accept the off day. Currently she was sitting down on the dining room table along with Luridad waiting for breakfast to be made, the girl laying her head on her hand with a small pouty look. "Come on fallen angel, you know that yesterday got a little intense for your first job, we need a little more time before you get used to that" Luridad said looking at her in concern, in response Ikiara sighed "I don't want to wait until I'm ready, my brothers are out there ... what if they don't have that time?" she asked.

Before the sorceresses in training could say anything else, Luridad's father walked over carrying two plates of freshly made breakfast, placing them down in front of both girls "I understand that feeling young one but you must not be reckless, if you overwork yourself in order to find your family you won't be able to help them because you will have brought yourself to exhaustion" he told her " now eat you two" he added, unable to argue Ikiara just huffed a little causing Luridad to giggle a bit, subsequently they both started to eat.

Breakfast went as normal, the girls finished the food in a fair amount of minutes and helped wash the dishes, after that they exited the kitchen and walked over to the living room, Ikiara still seeming a bit upset, which Luridad was quick to notice so she titled her head "is there any way I can make you smile fallen angel? You shouldn't tarnish that beautiful face with a frown" she told her making Ikiara blush a little bit but brushed it off and rolled her eyes "well I just don't want to stay here without doing anything. even when I know resting is an important part of learning I still don't like feeling like I'm not getting closer to what I need to know, isn't there any way we can get more experience without doing jobs?" she asked, to this Luridad though for a moment, soon having an idea making her eyes lit up and smile widely "as a matter of fact there is" she spoke followed by her standing up and walking off to get something, leaving Ikiara confused.

It just took a couple of seconds for the black white eyed girl to come back over to the living room with a map on her hands, getting back to the couch and sitting right back beside her, "alright this is a map of the village" she said and extended said map on the table "uh... what about it?" Ikiara asked looking over at her "now, now patience fallen angel, you see in the center of the village there is a place that holds a large number of books, all of them with a vast knowledge about magic and sorcery, so we could go there and help you learn without the need to do a job" she explained, after listening to this Ikiara's eyes went a bit brighter than before "really? Let's go then!" she nearly exclaimed, Luridad snickered in response "calm down darling, we need to ask dad first" she answered.

Ikiara nodded relaxing for a small moment, walking back over to the kitchen were Yugikari was finishing cleaning the kitchen, as he listened to the steps he looked down at the girls and hummed "what is it luri?" he asked his daughter, "father we were wondering if we could visit the first library today, just to expands Ikiara's knowledge a bit "she proposed, making the man rub his chin a bit and think about it "hmm.... Alright if it's something within the village I suppose it's alright".

Luridad smiled lightly while Ikiara gave a wide smile, both of them bowed in response "thank you father" "thank you so much sir!" they spoke making Yugikari smile and nod in response "alright go head girls but be sure to come back before night" he told them as he watched them leave the kitchen and then the house.

As the girls made their way over to the building in question, some people would say hi to them which they would respond with waving hands or with them saying hello back, along on the way Ikiara hummed a bit as a response came to her mind, "hey Luridad, why is the place called the first library? Was it the first library to be build here or something similar?" she asked.

"Well not quite, it's not really the first one that was build here but it contains the first strings of magical knowledge from almost all the villages and kingdoms around this planet, that's why they all call it the first library, and why a lot of people visit this village" she responded, Ikiara hummed a little bit "I see... and why did all those important books are here now?" she asked a bit curiously "ah... that might be a story for another day, let's just get there for time being" Luridad said while she continued to walk forwards, making the girl beside her a bit confused but she decided to go along with it and kept walking.

After a couple of moments, they finally arrivedto their destination, a large building that stood out from everything else inthe village, 'how did I not noticed this before?' she asked herself while shewatched Luridad use her magic to open the doors for her, letting them both inand closing it behind them

They entered to see various large shelves each of them filled with books going from the floor to the ceiling, a couple of stairs placed in front some of the shelves to help people reach the books that were higher up, Ikiara looked around in amazement, never having seen something like this before. "Whoa.... this place is .... astonishing "she spoke, "I know right? Now let's get started "Luridad commented with a smile as she walked to one of the shelves holding her hand to guide her.

After picking up a small pile of books the girls walked to a table, placing the pile on it and then sitting down "alright why don't we start with something simple" Luridad suggested picking up one of the books "what about an elemental magic book? You know covering up the basics" she added up with a smile on her face, "huh. I suppose that makes sense" she said and picked up the book. As Ikiara started to read the book Luridad began to talk a bit of insight "Now the first spell in there is a small fire spark, it may be a little hard to understand at first but I'm sure that with a little bit of practice you'll be- "but before she could finish, she watched Ikiara snapping her fingers, creating a near perfect magic fire park, leaving her speechless.

"How... how did you did that in your first try" she asked her with shock still painted on her expression "uh... I'm not sure? I just read it and followed it with my mind I guess, I'm a way faster learner reading than doing" Ikiara said playing with her hair a bit, slightly taken back by seeing her friend this surprised over something that seemed so normal for her

"Amazing, even if you have only been two days here you don't stop surprising me" she responded once the shock had worn off, her face changing back into a wide smile, "I knew you were something special fallen angel" she added to her first statement, Ikiara giggled a bit and moved a lock of her hair away "Hehe, thank you I suppose". After that they got back into the elemental magic book, as the afternoon went on Ikiara's talents to learn from reading continued to show, almost being able to master the entire manuscript in those few hours, catching at attention of various people in the building.

Eventually the sun began to go down which was the cue for the girls to go home, so they stood from their seats, walking out of the library and back to the house "well fallen angel you did amazing today, if you keep this up you might be able to reach your goal very soon" Luridad cheered, making Ikiara smile a little "I'm very happy to hear that" she then looked up at the sky "I wonder if how they are now.".

-somewhere on a rotten planet-

There was almost nothing on sight, just ruins and black strains or cracks, the only thing that could be spotted was a small figured dragging around a large lifeless and ripped out body of what once was a reigning creature. The few creatures or people that would come sight of this instantly ran away, soon as the slumber of light in this world began to faded, the small figure stopped and laid on top of the deformed creature.

Getting a good look at it, the figure turned out to be a young boy but with a partially mangled and dark stained figure "isn't it curious? you were once a proud beast, getting whatever, you wanted and crushing whoever who wouldn't give to you, yet you suffered a humiliating fall to child. must have been so infuriating, so denigrating... I kinda wish I could have kept you alive to taste more if it... its way better than your flesh" the boy spoke out to the ripped apart monster that he was laying on as he took a piece of it and ate it "oh well, I'll just have to find more people to crush down" he said looking with the sky as a wicked smile cracked on his face, with one of his eyes letting out tears.

Hey author here, sorry for taking so long, but I really want to plan out chapters more and I want also get back into another book as well since I have seen somehow a lot of people like, I also have my one-shot book so I'll do my best to keep all of those balanced, see you later.

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