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"ITS FRIDAY!!" Marinette sang while walking into the school.

"You know it girl. I've been waiting forever for the weekend" Alya agreed with Marinette's loudness.

"Do you have anything planned for the weekend?" Alya asked.

"I was thi-" Marinette started to say, but bump into something hard. "HEY, watch where you're-.....oh Marinette it's you"Adrien said in two different tones.

"Woah there Adrien" Alya started to say with her hands out "you better watch out who you're talking to. Chat noir has his cat eyes on Marinette. So don't do anything stupid or you'll regret it" she finished off and crossed her arms with her eyebrows raised.

Adrien raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh yeah?" He said in a confident voice.

"Dude, what are you thinking?" Nino knew his best friend inside and out. He knew he wasn't planning anything smart.

"So what you're saying is...." He grabbed Marinette cheek "that if I give Marinette a little..."his voice keeps getting lower and lower as he speaks until his lips met Marinette's. Both Alya's and Nino's jaws are dropped and eyes widen. As soon as he releases he meets eyes with hers. He feels this happiness inside him that she didn't pull away and looks deeply into her bright sparkly blue eyes, but then came the darkness and her eyes were no longer bright. Instead they were dull and dark and they were glaring straight into Adrien's eyes.

He now sees that she's pissed and steps away. "What is WRONG WITH YOU" she went to swig at him. He saw that Marinette was going to punch him a mile away but he wanted her to lose some stress that she has been balling up. He knew that If he keeps dodging her moves she'll just keep getting more anger so he took the hit. He fell to the ground under estimating her strength.

"Just because chat noir has an eye on me doesn't mean I'll go easy on anybody. You deserve that. You deserve every single hate in me" she spat at him "you think just because you apologize and 'help' me out sometimes does not mean that I'll forgive you. I hate you Adrien Agreste. Come near me again and I'll swear that chat noir is going to be the least of your worries" she grabbed Alya's wrist to hurry to class.

Adrien held his cheek and had his head down, staring into nothing. Nino bend down to his height and put his hand on his shoulder. Adrien looked up and saw that all the attention was on him. He heard a lot whispers. Most of them were on Marinette's side and the others were on his.

"Why did Adrien kiss Marinette?"
"Adrien gonna get it from chat when he hears about this"
"She went a little too far"
" I thought she left him?"

All these whispers getting  into Adrien's head. It started to bother him and for the first time; he didn't want the attention. He pushed Nino off of him and went to a closet that's behind the school.

"I don't get it plagg.....how come I love Marinette so much. I know she doesn't like me but I keep trying" Adrien said through sniffs "girls are always leaving me for cheating on them or i leave them......but....Marinette......I can't leave her"

"Isn't it obvious" plagg said. Adrien looked up at him with confusion. "What's obvious?"

"You've actually had a good time with Marinette when you guys were together. She actually made you laugh, she has a body of an angel, for a human, and she's the only girl that has ever pushed you away and doesn't come running back" plagg finished off.

Adrien didn't say anything. He just kept staring at plagg with a blank face. "I don't feel like going to school today. Plagg claws out" he said with no emotion.


Marinette made it to class, still holding on to Alya.

"Yeah, And then Marinette smacked Adrien in the face" Kim said, re-acting Marinette's swig.

"Correction. She punched him in the face" max said with a proper tone.

"Ohooho even better" he said clapping. Marinette let go of Alya and stared at nothing, re-thinking what she just did. Her face was slowly turning red and she covers it with her hands. "Oh my gosh, Alya, what did I do? I just punched Adrien in the face"

"Relax gurl. He deserved it. He had no right to kiss you without permission. That's basically rape" Alya replied, with one hand on her hip and the other going left and right with her pointer finger out.

"But what if he tells his dad - then his dad has me go to court for abusing his child - then I go to jail for the rest of my life and I won't be able to have the life I could have with the man of my dreams----" Marinette said swinging left and right. Dramatically telling her story extremely fast. Alya shook her head.

"Man of your dreams? Girl you just dumped Adrien and you already moved on.....wait a minute" Alya said, having a light bulb turned on. "Don't tell me you and cha-"

"DON'T EVEN FINISH THAT SENTENCE" Marinette interrupted her best friend. Her face becoming more red than what it already is. "No way, I can't believe this, omg I have to come up with a cute ship name for you guys and put it on my blog" Alya insisted. "But I don't like him like that. I don't like him at all" Marinette tried to clear up what her best friend was thinking.

"Na-uh girl. You and chat noir have a thing. It's so typical. Bad boy likes good girl. Good girl won't admit because he's a bad boy" Alya nudges Marinette with her elbow.

"That's exactly why I don't like him. He's the bad guy. Just because he's hot- I mean good looking- I mea-"

"Alright class I'm Ms. bartolly. The new substitute teacher for today and Monday" Ms. Bartolly practically yelled, so she can get everyone's attention. Everyone yes!

"Would you please sit down in your assign seats so I can take attendance" Ms. bartolly said, with her bob hair cut and glasses shinning from the reflected sun. "We are going to continue this conversation later missy" Alya informed. Everyone went to their seats and waited for their names to be called out to talk again.

"Adrien Agreste?....." everyone look s to the empty seat that belonged to the blonde boy.

"Okay........Chloe Bourgeois.....?" Everyone now moves their heads to Chloe's empty seat.

"Where'd you think they both went?" Nathanael asked. Marinette didn't answer. She didn't look away from his empty seat. She suddenly feels guilty for what she did. It wasn't like her to do that to Adrien. She had to apologize to him, but yet show that he did deserve it. Marinette raised her hand. "Yes?" The teacher asked.

"May I go to the bathroom"

"Wait until I'm done with the attendance" Marinette nodded and waited patiently until the teacher was done with the attendance.

"Okay....." Ms. Bartolly looked at her clipboard "Marinette. You can go to the bathroom now"

Marinette went down the stairs and took a quick glance at Felix. He had a face of worry. Marinette made her way through the quiet hallways and heard the classroom door slam twice. She looked back and saw Felix coming her way. "Hey Felix, what's up" she said, while he catch up with her.

"I heard about you punching my brother" he said looking straight into her eyes. Marinette's face blushed. "It was an accident, please don't tell your father" Marinette begged.

Felix laughed. "Don't worry. I think he deserved it anyways. He shouldn't take advantage of such a beautiful girl" she blushed harder.

They heard glass break all around them. "What was that!" Felix exclaimed, hugging Marinette down. Marinette covered her ears as she heard more glass break and becoming louder. She took a peek over Felix arm and saw a black blur.

"Did you see that?!" He brung her up. Marinette nodded and saw all the students come outside their classroom.

"The school is being attacked! Quick everyone hide!" Some random teacher yelled. Nobody listened and started to run in chaos. Marinette pulled herself off of Felix and ran somewhere to transform. On her way to transform she saw Alya already recording everything. She giggled to herself and transformed.

"Tikki, Spots on!"

Ladybug followed the sound of glass shattering and ended up at the Louvre. Chat noir was at the very top looking down at everyone. They all had their phones out and were pointing at him. People only heard about the black cat. They never actually saw him before.

"Take a good look. This is the new and improve Chat Noir. I am no longer hiding in the darkness. I will be out when ever I please and I do as I please. There is NO ONE out there that can stop me!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "CATACLYSM!!" And with a touch of a paw. He Destroyed the Louvre. Everyone gasp and ladybug was now lost in mind. She doesn't know what to do. She didn't use her lucky charm to bring back the Louvre and she didn't get there in time to stop him. Ladybug got her yoyo and swung it at him.

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