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Chat noir jumps up and down building as if he were flying. He jumps down into an alleyway and puts Marinette down. "What is wrong with you?" Marinette said, pushing him away from her. He smirked and pulled her in by the waist.

"What I had to do princess" she tried to pull away from his grip, but he tighten it.

"Let me go chat noir" she said looking up at him without moving her head.

"Using my full name now" he said letting go of her. She glared at him more and rolled her eyes. "I thought you only come out at dark" she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Well I heard that you were being bullied and I don't want you to get hurt" chat said, cupping her cheek. She leaned into his touch and looked into his green eyes. She then stopped and pushed his hands away. "I don't need your help"

He smiled at Marinette trying to be tough. "You need my help, have you ever seen yourself fight. It's hilarious" he laughed, putting his hand through his hair.

"Haha, funny" she said sarcastically "and just so you know, I can handle myself perfectly fin-"

She started saying but chat pinned her up against the wall. "Oh I can see very well" he smelled her neck.

"Haven't you ever heard of personal space" she rolled her eyes even more. He snickered. "Space was just a word made up by someone one who's afraid to get too......." He went up to her ear "close" he whispered. She gave him the really look and try to escape his grip.

"Try putting my knee in, then a head bump" he said to her softly. Marinette was very confused on what he was trying to say to her, but did what she was told. She put her foot around chat's leg and behind his knee, pushing her foot in. He went down and that's when she head bumped him. He leg go of her and she had this happy look on her face while holding her head. "Ow that hurt more than I thought" Chat noir stumbled back and held his forehead.

"If it hurt, why'd you tell me to do it?" She questioned, rubbing her forehead. They heard sirens in the background becoming Louder and louder. Chat noir looked over the building's corner to see if the cops were near, but they weren't, yet. He went back to Marinette and she was still waiting for an answer.

"Because one day, you're going to be my partner in crime" he winked at her and left, using his baton to jump over the building.

Marinette opened her mouth to say something but didn't. She was very surprised that chat wanted her to do criminal stuff with him.  She shook her head and found a cop car on corner of the street. A cop ran towards her holding his belt up and hat down. "Are you okay ma'am. We saw chat noir come out this way. Do you know where he went off?" He said in a hurry. Marinette nod her head and pointed up towards the building he jumped over. "He went that way"

"Thank you" the cop said running away and taking out his Walkie talkie out. "He went up Main Street!" The cop practically yelled. Right before he closed the door to his car he mumbled something.

"Where the hell is ladybug when you need her?"

This made Marinette come back to reality. "I almost forgot I was ladybug"

"Tikki spots on!" Nothing happened.

"Tikki spots on?" Still nothing.

"Tikki why can't I tra-" Marinette started to say while looking for her purse. "Where is my purse?!" She circled around herself, like a dog chasing its own tail.

She stopped and try to think back to where she left it. She flashed back to the classroom. "I had my purse in the classroom, wait. I have school now! Oh well that's not important right now. What's important is finding tikki".

She flashed back to when chat was inside of her classroom and put his arm around her. She had her purse. Then to when they landed in the alleyway way. Still had the purse. Now flashback to when the police came. She didn't have it.

"Ugh. I had it just a second ago" she said in frustration. She closed her eyes tight and remembered that chat noir was holding something in his hands while jumping over the building, and that something was her purse. The purse that tikki is in. Marinette started to freak out and run out the alleyway. She followed a late cop car zooming down the street. She grabbed a random bike and followed it.

Later on, they turned a corner and Marinette found all the cops trying to fight chat noir hand to hand. Some were using guns, but he was using his baton to dodge them.

He's so cool. Marinette thought. Wait what am I saying. He's the bad guy.

Just then, a certain pink and black circular object caught her eye. It was her purse around chat noir's body.

A small laugh escaped Marinette's lip. She was trying to keep it in, but failed. He....looks...soo....

Chat noir heard Marinette laughing with his cat ears. His attention was now more focused on her. He was still fighting the officers, but with his eyes on Marinette. Looks like all those fighting classes paid off.

Marinette was amazed on his fighting skills. She never imagined that he could take out a whole crew of cops. Chat smirked and did a fatality move on the four main cops that were close to him. He ran towards Marinette and grabbed her. He didn't stop running until he found a safe spot for her.

"Couldn't get enough of me" he joked around. Marinette faked laughed.

"You have something of mine" she poked his chest. His eyes widen and mouth opened. He covered his mouth in shock.

"D-don't tell me.......I stole your heart"

"As if" she laughed "you took my purse and I want it bac-" Marinette started to say, but was interrupted by chat's hand in her face. He studied her mouth; putting his hand on his chin while humming.

"What are you looking at?" She stood there awkwardly. He grabbed both of her lips and separated them.

"I didn't know that you chipped your tooth"he said still examining her teeth. Marinette pushed him away and licked her lips. "Didn't think it was important"she rolled her eyes "plus I have no idea how many times you kissed me and seen my face to not notice my chipped tooth"

"How long?" He asked. She put an annoyed face on. Do you really need to know how long. Marinette said in her head. "Never mind that's not important. What's important is your decision"

"My decision on what exactly?"

Before he could answer her question they heard the cops again. Chat noir sucked his teeth and Marinette took that chance to take her purse and leave. He didn't stop her. She could get hurt while the police are 'taking Down' chat noir.

"We'll talk again princess!" He yelled before looking for a place to de-transform.

Marinette didn't know where she was running to. All she knew was that she needed to talk to tikki ASAP. She turned a corner and opened her little purse.

"Are you alright tikki?" Marinette said in worry. Tikki popped her head out and held her head.

"Marinette you have to remember that I'm in here. You can't just swig me around like that" tikki said, now feeling nauseous.

"I'm sorry Tikki, chat noir can be a little stubborn sometimes" she said with a smile on her face.

"Chat Noir? He took me away from you?" Tikki asked. Marinette looked up then back at Tikki. "Yes......?"

"What did he want with me?" Tikki asked more  questions.

"I don't even think he knew you were in there"

Tikki paused for a second to think. "What happened Tikki? What's on your mind?" Marinette asked.

"What if he knows you're ladybug? What if, the reason he's been around you all this time was to get a hold of your miraculous?" Tikki explained.

"That's ridiculous, just because he steals things and runs away from cops doesn't mean he'll just take something from me, right after he's trying to become friends with me" Marinette defended Chat.

Tikki gasped. " Marinette.....don't tell me....you like Chat noir"

"Pfft hahaha. What would make you think that Tikki? He's the bad guy I'm the good girl. It just doesn't work like that" she explained in laugher.

"You're in denial Marinette" Tikki sighed.

"No I'm not!" She argued.

"I don't blame you, Chat noir is pretty hot-"

"Pretty hot? He's freakin gorgeo-" Marinette cleared her throat "alright for a criminal"

Tikki did the - you're in denial, you know I'm right - face and Marinette had a dumb founded look on. She was confused on why tikki had the face she had on and they just had a little confused stare down.

"Tikki spots on" Marinette said now tired of this conversation. Tikki giggled and was sucked into the black earrings.

Ladybug swigged her yoyo around town trying to find where she was. She then found a busy street and saw that it's lead her to her house/apartment. When her home was in sight she saw multiple cops surrounding the bakery and a few talking to her parents inside. She stopped in her tracks and tired to de-transform but there were too many parole surrounding her and starting her down. One cop that was waiting near his car came to ladybug running.

"Oh ladybug! Good thing we found you. There's a girl gone missing from this poor family. You should go inside and talk to them. Tell them everything is going to be okay" the cop said in such a hurry.

"Sure thing" ladybug said in such a happy tone. She went inside the bakery and saw her mom's head laying on top of her dad's shoulder crying. The bell to the door caught everyone's attention and walked towards ladybug. "What happened?" She asked her dad.

"My little daughter got kidnapped by chat noir during school and we have no idea where she went" her father said in such sadness. Ladybug wanted to show them that she's right in front of them but couldn't. "Don't worry da-......sir. I'll find your daughter and I'll make sure she's safe and sound. You can count on me"

Her parents both switch their moods from dying to finding the gold at the end of the rainbow. "Thank you ladybug. We love you so much"

Love you too. Marinette said in her head.

Ladybug smiled and left the bakery. She didn't want to actually look for herself so she just wandered around Paris. Until half an hour past.

Nothing special really happened so she went back home in to her normal self.

"Marinette!!" Her parents yelled running towards her to give her a hug of her life. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Thy both said in unison. Marinette hugged them back with the biggest smile on her face. "I'm okay. I'm home now. Ladybug saved me"

"Where did she go? I wanted to thank her" her mother said.

"Eh, she dropped me off because she had some other businesses to attend to"

"At least you're here.  That's all that matters" her father finished. After their little reunion Marinettte went upstairs and found Felix sitting on the sofa with Adrien.

The look on Marinette's face can't even be described. She was so happy to see Felix but not happy to see *narrator coughs* Adrien.

Marinette pretends to be in shock and scared that chat noir took her. She ran into Felix's arms and he accepted. "I was so scared Felix" she sniffed.

Lair. Adrien thought.

"It's okay. I'm here now. I won't let him take you again" he rubbed her back.

Sabrine and Tom walked into their living room and saw them two hugging and Adrien being a third wheel. "Um Marinette?" Tom said "I think you have the wrong twin. Adrien is standing right next to you" he finished.

Marinette awkwardly let go of Felix. "Uhh..."  Marinette tried to find the right words to explain to her parents that Adrien and her broke up.

"Mom, dad. Marinette and I broke up and now she has found Interest in my brother, but don't worry. My love for her and you is still there" Adrien said with a fake sad smile. Marinette's parents both aww at Adrien and grouped hugged him. Marinette rolls her eyes and Felix chuckles low.

"Not to sound 'rude' or anything, but why are you here Adrien?" Marinette said as soon as her parents let go of him.

"Well my brother here..." He walked closer to Felix and put his arm over his shoulders "wanted to give you your bookbag that was left in the classroom and as for me.....well...." He put a sad face on "I wanted to see if you were okay"

"well thanks to ladybug, I'm here now" she replied back to him. He stood there frozen. He remember back to when he was with her and didn't remember anything about ladybug saving her from him. He lifted up an eyebrow at her statement and a smirked appeared. "well I think we should be going now Felix" Adrien said clapping his hands together.

"do you have to leave now? I can make your favorite dinner" Sabine offered, trying to make the Agreste brothers stay a little longer.

"No, I think Adrien is right" Felix agreed with his brother "father might be wondering where we are" he finished off. Adrien gave Sabrine a hug and Tom a -father-and-son- hand shake, while Felix just nodded. After they left the living room was silent.


"Dad stop, it's not like that"

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