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Days have passed by and ladybug Is having fun chasing chat noir around Paris. After Marinette broke up with him all he's been doing was stealing anything that he found interesting on the streets. Usually he would just flirt with girls or just be outside, But he can't enjoy that with ladybug up his ass all the time. He tried his hardest to get over Marinette. It doesn't help if his "annoying" brother is always talking about it and how he made bad choices in his life and blah blah blah.

On the other side, Marinette was devastated. She wouldn't go to school or eat. She will just stay in her room all day till it turns dark out and turn into ladybug and take her angry out on chat noir. Every Time Alya would call or try to visit her she would just ignore her or tell her to leave her alone.


"Marinette is up in her room again, she won't come down" Sabrine said to Alya with a worried look.

"Don't worry I'll get her down" Alya said calmly, putting her hand on Sabrine's shoulders. She went to knock on the door and there was no response. She then banged on the door and still no response. "Marinette if you don't open this door-" Alya started to say but heard the door unlocked. She swung it opened and saw Marinette sitting on her computer chair staring at her home page with plates That haven't been touched for quite a while. "Marinette you need to get out of your room". Marinette didn't do or say anything. When Alya stepped closer to Marinette she pinched her nose. "Ugh, girl when was the last time you took a shower?". Marinette put her head down and put her legs close to her chest. Alya spun her chair around and bend down to see if she could see Marinette through the little gap in between her legs. "I know he meant a lot to you but you need-" she paused by Marinette's movement. she lifted her head up a bit and Alya could see her eyes. They were no longer the cheerful bright blue eyes that she is used to seeing. Instead, her eyes were dull and were blank. It showed no emotion and it seemed as if she had been crying non-stop in her sleep with dark circles under her eyes.

"How can I forget about him....he was everything to me" Marinette said in a low voice. Alya stood up straight with her shoulders back. She took a deep breathe and let it out slowly.

"Girl he cheated on you with the girl you hate. Barely spend time with you-" Marinette opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it when Alya put her hand up "Let me finish". she cleared her throat and began to talk again. "And he's always flirting with girls right in front of you". Marinette moved her feet to the ground and stood up a little. "And right now you're showing him that he won. You have friends other than me who are worried sick about you. You need to get a grip of yourself girl, I know you can do better" .

Marinate stood up and wiped her cheek from the dry tears and gave an encouraging smile. Alya knew that she got through her head and mentally patted herself on the back. If Marinette didn't come to her senses Alya would have smacked her to reality, But thank god she didn't have to go that far. "Now go take a shower I better see you in school tomorrow" Alya said and gave her a hug before leaving.

End of flashback

Marinette walked into the classroom with her head down. When she looked up all eyes were on her. Even Adrien's. She gave a little glare at him and went to walk to her seat. Before she sat down she saw Adrien shuffle in his seat and took a quick glance at her over his shoulder. She put a disgusted face on and faced Alya. "I think I should move my seat" Marinette said loud and clear so Adrien can hear. Alya nodded and Marinette moved to the back of the class where Nathanael was sitting.

"Hey Nathanael" she gave him a warm smile.

"O-oh hi Marinette" he said, scrambled his papers around into a neat pile.

Alya looked behind her with a sad smile and looked forward to see Nino staring at her. Nino stood up from his seat and sat next to Alya so she won't be lonely. "Mind if I seat here?" He asked. She chuckled and pushed his arm playfully with her arm. "You don't need to ask" she said and they both started to laugh low.

Adrien put his head down knowing that his best friend left him too. Felix saw him through the corner of his eyes and before the bell rang he went to sit in Nino's old sit. Chloe huffed on why he would leave her. "Felix?" She cried out.

"I'm sorry Chloe my brother needs me" he said and gave her a lovey smile. Sabrina sat back in her seat. "It's okay Chloe, I'm here now" Sabrina said touching her shoulder.

"Ugh don't touch me" Chloe said slapping her hand away.

The bell rang and the teacher came in. "I'm fine on my own" Adrien whispers to Felix.

"Alright class take out your tablets so I can check your homework" the teacher said taking out her clip board.

Time skip

When Adrian got home from out running ladybug he put the expensive helicopter toy some where in his big closet. He flopped onto his bed face first and sighed. "Where have you been?" He heard a voice from the couch area. He stood up quickly and went to the figure. "Felix?" He asked grabbing his shoulder to turn him around, but he didn't turn. "W-what are you doing in my room?!" He exclaimed.

"I asked a question first" he replied. Adrien stood there thinking of something.

"Why do you care?"

"Your dodging the question" he said now standing up and facing him. It was dark in the room. All they could see were each other's emerald eyes shining in the dark. Adrien looked away and tried to think of something else. No matter how hard he tries, he can't lie. He feels that something always goes wrong when lying. "I was trying to get over Marinette" he finally spoke.

Automatically Felix thought that Adrien went to some girls house to have some fun so he can forget about Marinette. He pulled his brother into a hug and Adrien was hesitant to hug back. "I think the best thing to do right now is to apologize to her"'Felix said letting go of him.

"That's a horrible idea" Adrien said shaking his head fast. "She hates me, she won't even look at me, let alone stand next to me. She even moved her seat besides Nathanael in every class" he finished.

Felix shook his head with a smile. "I was talking to Marinette durning lunch and she was telling  me how much she misses you. She wishes that she can have you back. But then she shook her head saying that your a big jerk....and I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear the rest".

Adrien's eyes lit up. He had an idea. "Thanks bro" he said and pat his shoulders. "You're not that bad after all" that made Felix smile. He's happy that his brother is finally starting to like him.

Once Felix left the room to go to bed Adrien looked around for plagg. "Plagg we are going out tonight" he said with a cheesy smirk.

"Agaaaiinn" Plagg dragged "we just went out"

"I want to see Marinette" Adrien said fixing his hair in the mirror. "Can't you do that at school tomorrow?" He complained even more.

"Nope. Plagg claws out" the black cat kawami was sucked into the ring and Adrien was now chat noir.

He started jumping over buildings and ended up at Marinette's terrace. "claws in" chat said and was de-transformed into Adrien.

"This doesn't seem like a good idea" plagg said.

"Just opened the door" Adrien replied back pointing to the door with his palm open. Plagg rolled his eyes and open the door from the other side.

"Ta-da" he tried to be funny. Adrien rolled his eyes and knocked on the door. He doesn't just want to open it and barge in........well as Adrien at least.

"You can't come in chat!" He heard her scream from the other side. Adrien sighed and open the door.

"Chat?" Adrien questioned her. Marinette jumped from his appearance. She wasn't expecting Adrien to be here. She looked over her bed and then back at Adrien. "Can I come in?" She sighed and told him to step back a bit. She climbed up to her terrace and stood in front of him with her arms crossed.

"What do you want?" She asked harshly.

"I just wanted to....apologize....for what I did" he said putting his hand behind his neck. Marinette looked away clenching her jaw. She didn't want to hear this but she stayed there anyways letting him ramble words. "Listen, I'm really sor-"

"Sorry isn't going to fix anything. It never does" Marinette interrupted. "So if you think by saying sorry everything is going to go back to normal....you're wrong. We don't live in a fairy tale where there's some tragic story and the prince comes and saves the princess. " she said Uncrossing her arms and stepping a little forward. She looked behind him and she just realized that they were on her terrace. "How'd you even get up here?"

Adrien looked away for a second to think of something then looked back at her. "I-I climbed up here" she gave him a 'really' look and he continued to explain. "Yeah- I really wanted to talk to you....and....I know that you won't answer the door. So I thought This was the only way".

"You could've gotten hurt" she slipped out. They both stared at each other and loosen up a bit. 'She still cares for me' Adrien thought. Marinette widen her eyes, realizing that she showed him she still cares.

Adrien chuckled a bit and focus his eyes back to her. He walked closer to her and cupped her hands. "Mari, give me just one more chance. I'll promise you that I'll change my ways. I won't ever do that ever again-" he started but was interrupted by a hand places on his lips. "Save it. I've tried so hard to get over you. You do not have the right to come to me and say that you want to get back together again and expect me to run into your open arms and we live happily ever after. I've learn from my mistake, and my mistake was being with you" she pulled her hands away from his grip and took a step back. "Mar-"

"I think you should leave" she said hugging herself from the cold breeze and looking away. Adrien took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "If that's what you want than I'll do it".

He waited for her to go back into her room but she didn't. He then moved his eyes left and right still waiting for her to move, she still didn't move. Marinette pointed to the fence of her terrace with her palm and raised both eyebrows. "Oh right" Adrien said turning around to climb down the building. He put his leg over the fence slowly and looked down. Please don't fall, please don't fall. Adrien repeated in his head. He made his way down to stone area and carefully put his hands and feet in an area where he could stand. He looked back up and to see if Marinette was still there but he couldn't. He took and deep breathe and let it out slowly. He looked back for to see how much further he had to go, and that would be more than half way. Hehe poor little Adrien didn't think he had to do this.

Come on Adrien how hard can this be. You do this all the time when you're chat noir. This is no different. Adrien thought to himself. He picked up his pace and slipped on the last stone, but he was quick with his hands and caught a bumped that was popping out of the building. He jumped off from the side of the building and rolled when he hit the floor. He took one more glance at the bakery and saw Marinette leaning on the fence, looking down to him. He smiled to himself and turned the corner to turn into chat noir.

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