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There is a cue to play the song above. If you want what your about to read to be more dramatic than I suggest you play the song at that moment. It almost made me cry. But anyways enjoy

"C-chat, w-what are you doing h-here?" Marinette questioned moving back to her pillows.

"I felt the need to have some fun that's all. No harm done, right?" he said smirking and coming closer to her. Marinette put her hand under her pillow and grabbed something.

"Don't come any closer" she spoke low with a scared face. He didn't listen to her and continue to move forward. She pulled out a gun from under her pillow and aimed it at chat. He can see that she is nervous because of her shaking.

"Your going to shoot me?" He said.  Their faces are now inches apart with the gun aimed to the side of his head.

"D-don't t-touch me" she spoke a little louder. They stared at each other as the wind from the trap door that was still open. Marinette never broke the eye contact.  He leaned in and kissed her on the lips and that's when she pulled the trigger.

She looked at the dead body that was laying on top of her and heard beeping sounds. 

"Aaaahhhh!!" Marinette stood up quickly and looked around her room. There was no chat laying on top of her. There was no blood on the walls. And it wasn't dark outside. Instead it was bright outside with tikki by her side with a confused face. Her head started to hurt by the beeping sound to of her Alarm clock.

"Ooh my head" she said holding her head "what happened last night?" She asked tikki.

"You fell asleep before I can even give you a massage" she giggled.

She went down her ladder and tuned off her first alarm. She looked at the time and smiled.

"I still have time to get ready for school".

                              At School

"Hey girl. You're here early" Alya said waving at the blue haired girl coming up the from the school entrance.

"Hey" Marinette replied.

"Chloe is making a big deal of the new guy again" Alya sighed.

"New guy?" She questioned.

"Yea, she says that Adrian's brother is going to be coming to our school tomorrow"

"How come she knew first?" Marinette asked glaring at Chloe that's in the distance.

"What you mean girl?"

"Adrian didn't tell me anything about this"

"What didn't I tell you?" Adrian said from behind, giving her a hug from the back and digging his head in her neck. Marinette was startled from Adrian grip. He gave her swirls in her stomach no matter how many times he hugged her that way. The feeling are always there.

"Oh hey Adrien" she said cupping his cheeks. She turned around so they were face to face. "How come you didn't tell me your brother was coming to town. Or that fact that you had a brother?" She asked him and he can see Alya behind her shaking her head in disappointment.

"I-I don't really like my brother, that much" he said looking at the ground. Marinette was about to speak until Chloe came up and bear hugged Adrian.

"Adrien! Isn't this wonderful Felix is coming back home" she said. Adrien gave her a small hug in return.

"Yea..wonderful" he said Rolling his eyes. The bell rang and everyone sat in their seat except Chloe. She walked to Nino and pointed to where he was sitting.

"Is there something you need Chloe" Nino said in a harsh voice because she interrupted his music time.

"Felix will be sitting here tomorrow so you should move" she said shooing him away. Nino took off his headphones to make sure that he heard her correctly.

"Uh, you want me to move?" He asked.

"Yes isn't that what I said" she said flipping her hair.

"Chloe its fine he can sit next to Nathanael" Adrien joined the conversation. Chloe was about to speak when the science teacher came in dramatically.

"Everyone in your seats!" The teacher yelled. Chloe huffed and went to her seat.

"It's okay Chloe he can take my seat" Sabrina offered.

"Yea whatever" Chloe said and looked to the front of the class. The class began and they started their lesson.

• • •

"Listen I'm sorry you didn't get to be in the photoshoot with me. I know how much that meant to you" Adrian said leaving their last classroom of the day. Marinette laughed.

"Don't you mean your bumped out about me not being able to be your partner" she said with a giggle.

"Yea that" he said, side hugging her and kissing her cheek on how cute she is.

"Oh Adrien baby" they hear and high pitch voice coming from behind them. It was Lila. Yup Lila. She went to Adrian and locked her arms with his. "Ready for the photoshoot?" she asked bringing his arms closer to her breast.

Marinette was filled with jealously. She can't believe that she's the chosen one. Yea she's pretty, rich, and very popular. But there's one thing that she doesn't have and that's Adrien. So before Marinette left them two to be together she kissed Adrien a goodbye kiss on the lips. She can feel Lila glaring at her though the back of her head. And when they couldn't see her anymore Lila turned to face him and kiss him on the lips. Adrien smirked and kissed her back.

"I'm way better than she is. I knew you were just using her" she stated and went off to the photoshoot leaving Adrien behind. She moved her hips side to side as she walked and Adrien admire that. When Adrien finally followed behind her, Alya was at the stair case watching the whole thing. "You little devil" she whispered to herself.

Alya made her way quickly to the bakery almost tripping on herself when she opened the door. "Oh hello Alya. If your looking for Marinette she just went out to be inspired by something for her designs" Sabrine - Marinette's mother - said.

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Dupain - Cheng" and with that she left. She was going to make her way to the Efflie tower that's usually the place where Marinette goes for inspiration other than the park. She didn't find her anywhere. She called her cell phone and with no surprise she didn't pick up. "Come on, Marinette pick up your phone" she said nervously to the phone.

"I'm sorry, but the person you are trying to call is not available. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeep"

"Marinette I just saw Lila and Adrian kissing and he was totally into it. She said something about using you or something, but call me back!!" She practically yelled into her phone. She then made her way home and thought about what just happened. She couldn't believe that Adrien would do that to her.

Meanwhile as Alya was looking for Marinette

Ladybug was swinging her yoyo around. It was starting to get dark so she started to patrol early since the last fight she had with chat noir. He didn't even wait for the sky to turn dark. So that made her more cautious. She leaped over a building and saw a familiar blond boy. She went up to him knowing that her boyfriend is in love with ladybug.

"Hello" ladybug said to the blond boy.

"Oh hey you must be the amazing (Spider-Man. sorry I had to do that) ladybug. Super hero of Paris right?" He asked her.

"Yea that's me" she started to swing back and forth on her feet. She stop moving back and forth and she notice that weird hairstyle that he has on. "Um....did you do something different to your hair?" She asked.

"Uh I don't think so" he said looking up at his hair and tucking a piece of string behind his ear. "Well it was nice knowing you ladybug" he said with a wave and left her confused. That was strange. She thought to herself. She watched him walked away and continue to patrol.

At the Agreste Mansion

Natalie was at the desk doing some work when she heard a beep from the side of her computer. She look at it and saw Felix standing there looking around at the Mansion. Natalie called Gabriel's office phone and he picked up.

"Yes?" He said

"Felix is at the door sir"

"Bring him in" and then he hung up. Natalie walked to the front door and opened it. The gorilla was standing by the gate waiting for Natalie's response. She nod her head and he opened the gate.

"Thank you" Felix said politely. The gorilla didn't respond he just stared at nothing and close the gates.

"Welcome home Felix" Natalie said giving a small bow.

"You must be the new maid. But according to the way you dress your the assistant. Correct?" He said to Natalie. Her eyes widen but went back to being cold and nod.

"Your father is waiting for you in his office"

"Thank you.." He said extending the letter 'u' so she can introduce herself.


"Natalie" he finished his sentence and went to his father's office. He looked around and saw that a few things were changed the last time he visited his father. He hasn't been here since three years ago. His mother told him not to visit his father anymore before he turns into Adrien. Their mother notice that even Adrien has changed, because of all the negativity his father gives him. She didn't want the same for Felix.

Felix knocked on the door. "Come in" he said in a deep voice. He opened the door and found his father sitting in his chair writing. "Please sit" he said and quickly pointed to the chair with his pencil.

"It's nice seeing you again father" Felix said giving a warm smile.

"I'm...sorry to what happened to your mother" he said and stop writing. Gabriel put down the pencil and fold his hands, facing Felix.

"Oh..." Felix said and his smile was slowly fading away. "It was an accident" he continued and put a sad smile on.

"Your room hasn't been touched so you can settle in. Dinner will be served at seven O'clock" Gabriel said and dismissed the blond headed boy. On his way to his room he passed by Adrian bedroom and decided to check on him. He knocked before entering. "Hey Adrien" he said slowly. Adrien was taking a quick nap on the couch with his phone next to him. Felix noticed that he was napping so he close the door and went to his room. Adrien stood up once he heard the door close.

"Why can't you at least say hi to him. He's your brother" Plagg said floating next to him.

"Like I said, there's something about him that Urk's (is that how you spell it?) me" Adrien said massaging his head.

"Whatever it's your relationship. Now feeeeeed me" Plagg said rubbing his tummy. Adrien rolled his eyes and got into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When he got out he heard a knock on the door and it was opened. It was Natalie. She looked at Adrien with his hair wet and a white towel around his waist. "Yes Natalie?" He asked and his hand behind his head. Making his muscle show more. She fixed her glasses and cleared her throat. "Dinner is ready" she said and quickly left the room.

"Adrien can you calm down" Plagg said floating to the bed.

"What?" He asked getting some clothes.

"Don't you think your being a little too cocky?"

"Mmmh nope"

"You know someday it's going to bite you in the ass" Plagg said. Adrien ignored him and put on his clothes and made his way to the dining table. He found his brother sitting where he usually sits. He got a little irritated and sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Oh Adrien your awake" he said and the maid was bringing in the food.

"Yea" he replied and his food was given as well. "I thought you were coming tomorrow?" He asked and didn't make eye contact.

"It depended on how long it was going to take" Felix started to eat.

The rest of dinner was awarded silence. Adrien would take a few glances here and there and Felix will pick up his phone every five seconds to get at least seven notifications from messenger. As soon as Adrien was done he thanked the Chef for the food and went to his room without another word. Felix went to his room after he was done eating and opened the door and stood next to his bed. Adrien was laying on his back on top of his bed and was throwing a ball into the air to catch it and do it all over again. "Ever heard of knocking?" He said still throwing the ball in the air.

"Listen....Adrien....I know you don't like me that much but we are all grown up now and...." Felix started to say and sat on the edge of Adrian's bed.

"And you want to work things out, I know, and I tried but I couldn't" Adrien finished his sentence and stop throwing the ball. He stood up straight and stared into his eyes with boredom. "Now I'm trying to go to sleep. Would you please mind" Adrien said pointing to the door and laying back down to throw the ball in the air again. Felix hesitated to get off the bed. He went to the door and opened it. He glanced back at Adrien before leaving and said "goodnight" in a low voice and left.

                           •         •         •

"Hey girl did you get my message?" Alya asked Marinette as soon as she sat down in her seat. "What message?" Marinette asked very confused. Alya faced palm and sighed. Adrien came into the room and kissed Marinette before going to his seat. Alya rolled her eyes and grabbed Marinette by the wrist. She pulled her out to the hallway and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What's going on Alya?" She asked now getting angry.

"Adrien is cheating on you!" She yelled but not too loud. Marinette's eyes widen and looked through the window and saw Adrien laughing with Nino. She smiled and then turned back to Alya.

"Why do you think that?"

"Umm maybe because I saw him kiss Lila yesterday with my own eyes!" She said the last word a little bit louder and extended it. Marinette was shocked. She doesn't think it's true. She glanced back at Adrien and touched the window slightly with her hand. She had a sad face and Alya put her hand on her shoulder. "I know it's hard to believe but you have to believe me. I'm sorry Marinette. Talk to him about it" she said and went back inside the classroom. Marinette was still outside the classroom looking blankly at the window. She held her necklace in her hand And had flash backs of all the good times they hand. It can't be true. She said to herself. A little tear went down her cheek. She wiped it off and try to put on a smile to go back inside.

"Alright Class meet our new student" the teacher said walking inside the classroom with a certain blond boy "his name is Felix Agreste. Yes Agreste as in Adrian's brother". The class gasp and some of them had their mouth hanging. Marinette stood up quickly noticing the familiar blond boy. "What's up with you? Got ants in your pants?" Alya asked Marinette. Marinette shook her head and faced Alya. "Oh it's nothing" she said giving a her a smile.

"Miss" Chloe said raising Her hand "he can sit next to me"

"That's nice of you to do Chloe" the teacher said and almost half the class bust out laughing. Felix sat down in Sabrina's seat and gave Chloe and warming smile. Marinette saw the smile he gave and she smiled to herself. Chloe put her arms around him and hugged him tight. "It's nice to see you too Chloe" Felix said hugging her back.


(Cue song now)

Lunch came by and Alya was with Nino so Marinette can talk to Adrien alone. "What's wrong Mari?" He asked her as she let go of his wrist. "Are you cheating on me?" She asked in a very low voice and put her head down. "Mari I can't hear you. Please speak up" he said and cupped her cheeks lifting her head up. "Are you cheating on me?" She spoke a little louder. Adrien let go of her cheek and looked away. One thing that he hates doing is lying. Even thought Adrien can be bad sometimes, he can't lie. "Adrien" Marinette said "look at me" he did as he was told. He opened his mouth to speak but didn't. Marinette's eyes widen. She couldn't believe it was true. "You were cheating on me? For how long?" She said in a loud voice and getting angry. She tried to hold back the tears but one escaped. He was going to wipe it off but she smacked his hands away. "Don't touch me"'she spat at him. His eyes widen and he felt guilt rousing up in his chest. "I can't believe you. I should've know from the beginning. No sane guy that has all the girls falling on top of him would just push them away" she unclipped her necklace and gave it back to Adrien. "Don't except me to do you any favors after this" and with that she left him standing there with his hands out and the necklace in his hand and his head down. He felt empty inside. It hurt him so much it was like he couldn't breathe. He has never felt this way before. It looks like that saying is true. you never know what you have until its gone. A tear escaped and rolled down his cheeks. He bit his lip a little bit to hard and started to bleed. He closed his eyes shut and his hand that had the necklace. He punched the wall as hard as he can. That's what he gets for playing around with girls. He bend down and crunched up. He pulled his hair down not caring if it hurts him. The only thing that hurts is his heart. He gripped his shirt where is heart is and started to sob. Chloe and Lila came to his rescue. Marinette didn't look back at him. She just continue to walk away.

"Wow girl what did you say to him" Alya said to Marinette that had tears strolling down her face. Marinette hugged Alya and she hugged her back. She started to Pet her head slowly. Nino looked at Adrien and then to Marinette. He was sad to see them two like this. "It's okay. Everything is going to okay" she said to trying to make her feel better. Marinette started to sob Loudly into Alya chest leaving water drips and a few boogers in her shirt. Nino went to Marinette and rubbed her back. Then went to Adrien.

"You messed up bro"

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