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Chat noir moved her hands above her head and held them with one hand and the other hand grabbing her thigh. He started to kiss her forcefully and she bit his lip. Chat stopped kissing her and let go of her thigh. He touched the spot where she bit him and saw blood. He looked at her with a glare.

"Wrong move" he licked the blood off.

He let go of her hands and carried her to the small couch. She struggled to get off of him. She was laying flat on the couch. When he Hovered over her she had a look of fright. She was about to scream but he put his hand over her mouth.

"Shh. We don't want to wake up your parents. Now would we". He raised an eyebrow at her. He went to lean in again but she kneed him again. But this time before she got away he grabbed her by the ankle. "Why are you making this so difficult princess". She kicked him in the face and grabbed tikki from her picture frame and locked herself in her bathroom.

"Tikki spots on" Marinette said and jumped out the window. She made her way to Adrian's house and saw his window open and let herself in. Chat noir unlocked the bathroom door with his nail and saw that she wasn't there. He smirked at the fact that she escape. It turned him on that he has a tough girlfriend and loyal to the heart. I bet if he were to go to anyone else room they won't refuse. He decided to go home knowing that she was hiding some where "Safe". He found his bathroom window close. He looked around and saw Marinette in his room and carefully opened his window and de-transformed into his "nicer" self.

"Marinette?" He asked going to his bed. How did she get here so fast? He thought.

"Adrian" she said in a low voice and ran towards him.

"What happened?" He said calmly while rubbing her back. Marinette felt better knowing that she was with him. Although she didn't feel like talking. She let go of him and gave him a sad smile. "You can sleep with me if you want. I'll tell the gorilla to drive us in the morning so your parents won't be worried" he said bringing her to the bed.

She laid down slowly on the bed and took off her pig tails's string. She was still wearing her booty shorts and baggy tee so she didn't have to change into his clothes. He laid down beside her and put his arm under her head and the other arm bringing her closer. He buried his head in her hair and slept comfortably with her. Unlike Marinette where her mind was only on chat noir. She was having trouble sleeping but Adrian helped her calm down a bit. Little did she know the person who was comforting her was the same person who made her uncomfortable.

• • •

Marinette woke up by little pokes on her face. "Not now tikki it's too early" she said in a sleepy voice and shooing away the pokes.

"What?" Adrian said in laughter. She rolled over and fell back to sleep. "Mari. It's time to wake up" he said in her ear. She turned back around and half opened her eyes. She cupped his cheeks and looked into his morning eyes. "you're funny" she said in a low voice and fell back to sleep.

"Don't make me carry you now" he said taking off the covers. She groaned and put her head under the pillow. "Come on Marinette if you don't get up...." He paused to think of something "I'm going to tickle you". He went to her and started to tickle her.

"Okay, okay, s-t-o-p" she said in laughter. Adrian stopped tickling her and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"I want you up by the time I come back" he said closing the door to his bathroom. She groaned more and tikki flew out next to her.

"You can do it Marinette" she giggled. Marinette removed her head from the pillow and dragged herself across the bed. She started to close her eyes when she was half way off the bed.

"Marinette, wake up. You need to go home before your parents find out your not there" she then started to crawl on the floor and move towards the door that lead to the hallway. Adrian came out of the bathroom and didn't find Marinette.

"Marinette" he whispered screamed. He checked under the covers that were on the floor and didn't see anything he checked near is coffee table. Nothing. He saw his door a crack open and went to it. He opened it wide and found Marinette sleeping on the floor in the hallway. He signed and picked her up and made his way to the car outside. He laid her down on the seat and put her head on his lap.

"To her house" he said to the gorilla. He started driving and in no time he was in front of the Bakery. He carried her outside bridal style and close the door behind him with his foot. He trys to open the door to the bakery but it was locked. He forgot that they left though Marinette's bathroom window.

"How on earth did she escape the bathroom?" He asked himself. Marinette moaned in her sleep and Adrian chuckled. He turned the corner and hope that Marinette is sound asleep. "Plagg claws out" he said in a low voice and a flash of green surrounded him. He jumped onto her terrace and opened her trap door. He placed her gently on her bed and kissed her forehead. "See you at school princess" he whispered and jumped out the trap door. Marinette opened her eyes slightly and saw chat leaving her room.

"Chat?" She mumbled to herself.


The bell rang for dismissal.

"Adrian!" Marinette said in stress "what do I do if I get a bad grade on the test?!"

"Don't stress it Mari. You're smart. I've bet you past that test with flying colors" he tried to cheer her up.

"Oh Adrian sweetie!" They hear a girl shouting from behind them.

"Adrikins!!" Another girl shouted from behind. Marinette and Adrian turn around and find Chloe and Lila pushing each other to get to Adrian first.

"Oh great" Marinette said in a low voice and Rolled her eyes. Adrian did the same.

"Adrian could we join your photoshoot today!!" They both said at the same time.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Oh Adrian baby didn't you see" Lila said taking out her phone.

"Adrian Agreste, fashion design model would need a female lead in his photoshoot on May fourteen" Adrian read from her phone.

Adrian looked at Marinette with a confused face and she looked back at him with the same look. Nobody told me about this? Adrian though.

I know for a fact that Chloe isn't joining him with her face looking like that. Marinette thought and mentally laughed.

"I'm sorry but I think I have to go now" Adrian Said quickly and giving Marinette a peck on the lips. He speed walked to his car and close the door. Both Lila and Chloe glared at Marinette. Marinette winked at them and walked home. On her way home she saw lots of girls in a line at the park. She walked to the line and went to the front and found Adrian sitting in between Natilie and the photographer at a judging table.

"No skipping!" A girl that was in the front of the line yelled.

"I'm not skipping!" she responded back.

"Yes you ar-" she was cut off by Natalie.

"I can assure you Marinette, we will give you a chance for a small interview" she said raising a hand.

"But am not here for an in-" she stopped and saw Adrian looking at her with hopeful eyes. "In the front" she finished her sentence with a sigh and went to the end of the line that was at the park entrance. It can't get any worse than waiting in the back of the line. She thought to herself. Lucky for her nothing got worse. Within each five minutes that past she was closer and closer to the judging table. On the other hand Adrian was bored out of his mind looking a girls thinking they're a perfect fit for him. Adrian looked over at Natalie's note pad and saw at least two girls name in it that she found interesting.

When Marinette was now in the front she had this bored look on her face. Adrian sat up straight and moved his fingers across his lips forming a smile. Marinette smiled for the photographer and Natalie.

"Okay now turn around slowly" the photographer said spinning his fingers in circular motion. She did as she was told. "Okay...now pose".  Marinette put one leg behind the other and put her hand on her hip while the other arm was behind her head and she tilted her head up. And at the right moment when she glanced over at them her clear blue diamond shined in the sun making her pose absolutely stunning. The photographer stood up from his seat and started to clap. "Magnifico!" He exclaimed. Marinette undid her pose and smiled at them.

"Don't get too excited" Natilie said looking at her watch "there is still a line of girls we haven't checked"

"You are right" the photographer said sitting back down and fixed his shirt trying to go back to looking professional.

"That will be all. Thank you Marinette" Adrian said with a wink and she left. He watched her walk away as her hips sway left and right. He bit his lip and got back to his "job".

                          •           •           • 

"Did you get a partner for my son?" Gabriel asked Natalie.

"Yes sir" she responded back to him.

"Oh and tell my son to come here. I need to speak to him".

"Of course" she nod and went to Adrian's room. She knocked on the door telling him that she's coming in.

He was laying on his bed facing the ceiling, throwing a ball in the air. "Your father would like to speak to you"

"I don't want to talk to him" he said, not making eye contact and continue to throw the ball.

"Listen...Adrian....I'm sorry that Marinette isn't going to attend the photoshoots with you. Now please come. Your father needs to talk to you" he rolls his eyes and throws the ball across the room. Not caring if it hits anything and makes his way pass Natalie to enters his father's office.

"You wanted to see me" he said in a annoyed tone.

"Yes, now sit down" Gabriel said, pointing to an empty seat in front of the desk. "You remember your twin brother Felix?"

Adrian's eyes widen at the question. He hadn't seen his brother since they both started grade school. But then again he doesn't like his bother. His mother and father would always have big arguments at night, screaming at each other about their marriage. Gabriel started losing feelings for his wife after four years of their marriage. Sometimes he would invite women over and cheat behind her back. Later on Adrian's mom found out and she started to do the same. When Gabriel found out it was a different story. He smacked her across the face and called her names that no girls would ever want to be called. That's when they got divorce paper and Felix went with the mom while Adrian stayed with his father.

And that's when it all began. Adrian being around his father was a bad influence and that's what caused him to be the criminal of Paris. His father stood up and moved closer to the window with his hands behind his back. "He'll be living with us in two days" he said, looking out the window. Adrian stood up quickly and slammed the desk with his hands.

"He's coming over here?!" Adrian exclaimed.

"Please sit down son" he moved closer to him "and yes he is coming. Something happened to your mother and he has to stay with us"

Adrian can see right through his stone face. Deep down Gabriel was holding in tears. "I need you to be on your best behavior, I know how stubborn you can be every time he comes over here for visit" Gabriel stated. Felix would always come over for holidays to spend time with his father and since Adrian doesn't like being near his brother he would spend holidays with his mother.

Gabriel dismissed his son and sigh. Adrian went to his room and went straight on the computer. He did three spins on his chair before turning the computer on. He figured why not have a little fun before his brother comes over. He searched up new and bold things that are being put in the museum but instead found an ad saying that jagged stone is having this killer concert with his brand new guitar. "Guess who's going to steal the stage?" Adrian asked Plagg.

"That was a lame attempt" he replies back.

"Oh yea" he says raising an eyebrow "I'll like to see you try and make a better one" Plagg was about to speak but got sucked into the ring. And Adrian was now chat noir. The sexy bad boy of Paris.

"What was that you said" he said to Plagg that was no where to be seen. "I thought so". Chat jumped out his window and landed on top of a tall building. The sun was going down. "Mmm should I wait longer till it gets dark or just get it now?" He asked himself.

"Mmm how about you give me your miraculous and surrender" he hears a voice from behind. He turned around and found ladybug standing behind him with both hands on her hip. He look up and down her body and smirked.

"You're looking sexy as ever my lady" he flirted. She rolls her eyes and throws her yoyo at him. He moved his head slightly so the yoyo doesn't hit that gorgeous face of his and grabs the string and pulls it making ladybug come closer to him. He grabbed her by the waist and held her close to him tightly.

"Fighting already?" He asked. She tried to push herself off of him but he was stronger than her. He went to her neck and slowly breathed on her making her shiver in disgust. That's when she had an idea. She put her yoyo away and wrapped her arms around him. Please forgive me Adrian. She thought and kissed chat forcefully.

He didn't understand what was happening but he didn't stop it. He grabbed her legs and lift her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around him and continue to kiss. She hated the fact that he tasted sweet and his lips were very soft. She then moved her hands to his arms and sliding her hands to his hand. She felt his ring and tried to take it off until he realized what she was doing. Chat dropped her on the floor and fixed his ring in place. "Playing with my feelings now?" He said in a angry voice.

"You actually thought I wanted to kiss you?" She laughed, wiping her lips.

"You're missing out" he said "oh and I made up my mind"

"And what's that?" She asked.

"I'll go now" he winked at her and jumped off the building. She got up and followed him. She saw him land near the Eiffel tower and swung her way over there. It was dark now and the tower was lit up.

Chat looked over backstage and saw Jagged Stone holding his guitar and screaming at his lawyer. Once his lawyer left chat showed himself to Jagged Stone.

"And who are you?" Jagged stone asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" He said "I'm c-"

"You're a nobody!" Ladybug yelled laughing. She kicked chat noir in the back making him fall flat on that oh so amazing face of his.

"Ah ladybug! You must be here for my awesome guitar solo" Stone said walking toward her and shaking her hand.

"Actually, I'm here because some kitty wants your guitar" she said, pointing to Chat noir with her head.

He gasped. "Not my baby" holding his guitar close to his chest. Chat finally got up from the pain and kicked Jagged's foot making him trip and snatch the guitar from his hands. He extended his baton to get away but Ladybug threw her yoyo at his ankle and pulled him down.

"Not this time" she said. She was going to reached for the instrument until Jagged Stone stood up and got it himself. He smacked chat in the face and left him confused.

"A slap? Really?" Chat asked holding his cheek.  Ladybug started to giggle. Jagged stone was about to go on stage in eleven minutes. Chat quickly ran to the Rock singer and struggle to get it out of his hands but manage. He wrapped it around his shoulders and pushed it to the back so he can run on all four. Ladybug followed. While running away chat noir almost got hit by a bus but extended his baton and did a barrel roll in the air and started to run again. Ladybug continue to follow him but in the air.

"What do you want with a guitar anyways?" She asked.

"Umm to play it" he stated the obvious and chuckled.

She had an idea and went to a street light.  "Lucky charm!" She yelled. A rope with two balls at the end fell on top of her hand. She looked at chat and saw black and red polka dots surrounding chat noir's ankles and the rope with the balls. She threw the rope and it got tangled at chat's ankle. She threw her yoyo like she was throwing a baseball and got the guitar from his back.

He looked back and realize that he didn't have the instrument anymore and chased after ladybug. He caught up to her quick with all that exercise Natalie makes him do for his modeling. He pulled the guitar away from her but she didn't let go. They both look like children fighting over a remote to play a game.

"If I can't have it then no one can" Chat yelled and ladybug looked at him confused. "Catalysm!" He yelled and black dots were circling his hands.

"Noo!" Ladybug yelled and put her foot on chat noir's stomach and pushed him off. She put the strap over her shoulders and pushed the guitar to the back. She did flips to get faster to the Eiffel tower because the show was about to start in seven minutes. Chat followed and threw himself to ladybug. He was now on top of ladybug and touched the edge of the guitar and it turned into dust. Ladybug stood there frozen. She failed once again. But this time there is no way getting it back.

Chat Noir stood in front of her "Face it, either I win or nobody wins" he bent a bit to her ear "Don't get in my way again" He growled then left her there.

Ladybug was shocked for a moment then she realized that she used her lucky charm. When she couldn't see chat noir anymore she hurried over to where she threw the rope with balls and picked it up.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She yelled and threw it into the air. She went back to the Eiffel tower and saw Jagged Stone playing on stage with his killer guitar solo. She smiled to herself and de-transformed.

"Look Marinette, you beat chat noir" tikki said hugging her cheek. "Omg tikki! I did it!" She said jumping up and down. She decided to walk home and enjoy this achievement she earned. Her smile never faded, it just grew wider until she saw him jumping over roof tops. "What is that cat up to now?" She spoke out loud. Tikki shrugged and they secretly followed him. Marinette felt like an undercover spy. "He's probably looking for a spot to de-transform" she told tikki.

Once Marinette couldn't see him anymore because she couldn't catch up she just went home. She took a quick shower and fell onto her bed. "Tikki do you know how to give massages. My back is killing me" Marinette wined.

Tikki giggled. "I'll try."

Marinette flipped over so that she was laying on her stomach. Tikki tired her very best to rub her back but all Marinette felt was tiny pokes on her back. Then all of a sudden she hears little clicks on her trap door. She thought it was just a bird on it but then she felt a cold breeze at her waist and neck. She turned around and found chat noir standing there.

"Miss me?"

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