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Marinette spun in circles and Adriens mouth was watering. Alya had to close his mouth and gave her a thumbs up. "You look amazing." Nathanael gave her the same goggly eyes. She wore a red dress with sleeves to her elbows and a silver ribbon going around her waist with black lace on the edge of the sleeves and knee length skirt.

"Thanks," she smiled at him. "Do you like it Adrien?"

"Like it? I love it!" He hugged her and spun her in circles. She giggled as he did. There was a knock on the door and Adrien stopped spinning her.

"M-Mr.Agreste," Tyler walked in, his eyes glued to his clipboard. "Nathalie told me to give you your model line up." He handed him the clipboard.

"Thank you Tyler," He studied it. "Children, Tyler. Tyler, Children." Adrien rolled his eyes as Marinette hugged Tyler.

"I didn't know you worked for him!" Marinette smiled.

"I-I do," Tyler gulped at Adriens glare. "I-If you excuse me I have to get back to work."

"Okay but we have to hang out sometime," he nodded and left to get back to work. His only work, watch TV with Nathalie and fill out some paper work if the due date is cutting close. Marinette turned to Adrien who had a permanent scowl on his face. "Oh calm down Mr.Grumpy. Tyler's a friend. I'm gonna go change." She walked out of the room and Adrien collapsed on the couch.

"Adrien, you seriously have trust problems." Alya laughed.

"He looks like me! How could I not watch out for her!" Adrien groaned. "Father, why did you hire him!"

"He's a good worker and like you said, looks like you. Seeing him makes me happy because it's like you're here."

"Well I'm here now." Adrien sighed and closed his eyes.

Marinette hummed as she walked out of the bathroom with the dress in her arms. "Uh Marinette," she faced Tyler and smiled at him. "I want to show you something."

"Okay," Marinette followed him into another room. She looked around. It had designs all over the walls. "Tyler, theses are beautiful."

"S-So are you," he stuttered. She looked at him. "I-I know you're with Adrien but I-I just wanted to get this off of my chest. I love you. I-I started branching off because my heart started falling for you more and more! I love you!"

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