❝ April Showers & May Flowers ❞

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What do you get when you mix someone who has a lot of free time on their hands and has no life?

You get me.

Bonjour everybody!

Starting off a lil before April as April is going to be my busy month of starting work again, spring break and a big test that can determine my future and what college I go to forever and gotta take for 5 hrs .DDDD

Not excited in the slightest

OH and I also start work again as the ice cream store I work at is opening up again sometime in April so I wanted to get one out before I get extremely busy and loaded qwq;;;

Anyways, I have a lot of content that surprisingly isn't just my characters and such but actually other people's stuff!!

I run this server in discord that is welcome to anyone and everybody that is respectful and follows the rules! If you want to meet more individuals and have a safe place, I can dm you the link to see if the Rainbow server is your kind of thing! ^^

Sorry for the advertisement but I am sure people just skip the intro part anyways x'DD

Firstly, a gift for the lovely FatYoshi5! It is his birthday month and I have giant plans since your bday is a Saturday and on PROM so yeah! Will probably post pictures here since I can do what I want

An early birthday present since I don't wanna stress over not drawing you one in April—

Even if I livestreamed this picture during a late night stream, why not include it?

Fun fact about this drawing; I drew this back on January 12th, the day I got grounded and wanted to break down and couldn't digitalize anything cause he took my phone .DD

I was planning on coloring this traditional; however, I wrote you that long letter and such and just... Kinda forgot about it until I decided to come back and revisit it!

Not my best Facht or favorite shipart of the two of them but I had fun regardless! ❤️

The last gift before we jump into art trades is for the wonderful lilspacebirb!

I drew Kyrie! I wanted to draw them for awhile now and I was motivated to do some gifts and such and finally got around to drawing the lovely bean!

Kyrie seems like the kind of person to ... Say things like how one texts and doesn't know proper grammar or how to spell anything correctly — resulting in Bryn helping him but hey! That's just my headcanon .D

Next up some art trade content! The first set I did was for the wonderful Bluestar_Starclan

First one up (and my favorite) of the two is the shipart between your two characters! I love the contrast of pink and blue, I think it's really nice and I love how she is taller than Blue as well .33

Although you recently redesigned Blue, I still hope you enjoy this and I may redraw this sometime in the future with his updated design!!

And the next one up is Kimi!

I did a bust shot of Kimi and I really adore how she looks?? Blue ended up doing a full body for Sierra so I ended up shading to make up for not drawing legs lol!!

She was fun to draw and I had a lot of fun with the ears and the bells lol!

This next art trade was between me and an admin of my server who doesn't have wattpad; however, gave me permission to use their online name to address them; Danny!

Danny drew Eisha *chef's kiss*👌👌👌👌and I drew their lovely badass woman!

And I really liked how she turned out!! I tried to draw breasts since I wanna get better at them and I think they look okay??

I squealed so hard when I saw Eisha so I couldn't help myself but to draw her shaded and make her look like a deviant queen cause she gave off villain vibes and I like villains

Her outfit was so lovely I just couldn't help myself qqqq

Second to last art trade was between Tinyguitar and I!

His oc is a super hero individual who is in love with a fire super hero; water x fire so that's why there is a pun right there!

I had never drawn dreadlocks before and so this was good practice! If I did them wrong, I don't mean to offend anyone, this was my first time and I'll improve to fix whatever I did wrong!

She's a bust since I didn't want to ... Get the lower half wrong since you only have a bust in your sketch of her so I made up for it by shading and yeah!

She was so much fun to do!

And these last four pictures are going to belong to pastelchromist (2 for our art trade and 2 for the payments)! However, let's start with the last art trades lmao

This art trade was to draw a sketch, send it over transparent and have the other one color it! Jackie gave me a cozy and fluffy theme and so for you guys to see it, here is what I drew!

You'll most likely see the colored version of what Jackie did which was *mwah, chef's kiss* 👌👌

However, this was what I was tasked with from Jackie and she is here to stay as Saint Helena .>

Art 100% belongs to Jackie, I just colored her!

She was given a swan theme by Jackie since she is going to be Griffin's girlfriend! I havent drawn her yet but I can't wait to get started!

Swans aren't that colorful so I decided to go with a monochrome palate as swans are... Black and white lol!

I had fun with this, can't wait to draw Helena when I have time!!

And the next two for Jackie are payments for redesigns I hope to draw next chapter!

This is probably my favorite picture I have drawn for you, Jackie. No joke. It just?? Appeals to be aesthetically??  Went with Mavy's spring coat since??? Why wouldn't I??

I absolutely adore Mavy's new design so drawing it out and giving her short hair was so much fun!

Todd's design and fur just glow under the shadings and lighting applied and just?? I adore it?? Makes him stick out and makes them both look so adorable AND huggable?? Their tails also look so incredibily soft??

And last one was a fullbody! I watched you livestream draw the horse family and of course I wanted to draw one of these cuties!

And you picked for me since I am indecisive, Twilight!

You draw horse bodies amazingly; however, I don't so I tried to replicate your style and body choice lol!

And honestly, she didn't turn out bad for being my first attempt at your design for her and honestly, probably my best anatomically structured centaur yet??

I had fun doing Twilight!

And after doing the payment, I redrew one of the two ocs Jackie redesigned for me, Graciete! There was nothing wrong with her original design; however, she was too... Flower themed? So why not give her a spring theme?

Credit 100% goes to Jackie for the deisgn and I ?? Love the colors and everything qwq!!

All I did was kept the hair color and skin color; however, other than that, everything goes back to Jackie and her wonderful work of redesigning ocs!

She definently gives me a spring vibe and I absolutely adore her?? Can't wait to draw her with her girlfriend Sera sometime qwq

Can't wait to draw Xirsi!

Another redesign I had gotten from an individual! When I drew Blue's ship art, Blue drew me a redesign of a character I fell out of love with: Araceli. Him and Jasiel had issues (who you will see later) as they were the blandest ones (mainly Jasiel) but why not give them both a makeover?

Design and credit for the design 100% goes to Blue; however, I drew it out in my style!

Araceli has bad mood swings and often gets told that his "emotions are like the weather" and why not develop that into his theme? Kept the star on his original design (that you can still see in my oc book) and I forgot to draw his hairpin .'D

His braid stayed, colors stayed but he definitely got more yellow (which I don't mind) ! I love the little text on his shirt and how that can change depending on his mood; however, he feels like a dark cloud so we Samantha, go hug the poor bean qq

What I added to his design was a dictionary he carries around since he loves to write and is dyslexic! Gave him the sun bracelet, and gave him a different design on his leg warmers. Other than that, he is the same in every other way!

Since Araceli started us off with redesigns, here are the topics of our next redesign pURGE

Eshia (art by Lils, couldn't find my art-)

All of these designs have flaws in their own way; however, let's get to the redesigns

First up, Negasi!

Negasi is a coffee addict. A pastel coffee addict that is always seen drinking coffee as he claims that it "keeps them mentally stable". I saw this cute outfit on pinterest and that gave me the idea to redesign —

His shirt reads "coffee is my lover" and that is 100% correct.

His original theme was a pastel theme and I already loved that so I kept the colors ! Made pink majority her color and tried to do a knitted design for the sweater; however, it doesn't really show —

I love my bigender bean! They look amazing and hopefully it looks like he is wearing pjs since her personality would go like perfect with it!

Next one up, Eisha! I actually still adore his original design that I adopted from Lils; however, I want to give it a bit of color balance so I redesigned him and ...

He is 👌👌👌

Kept his flower crown! Kept his original sweater color (and some other of his original colors); however, that's really it? Added leaves here and there, gave him double scarfs!!

Color balanced pretty well (imo) and I really adore how he turned out aHHHh and love the eye patch!! The original will always have a special place in my heart tho—

The next two are in one picture together as they're partners, Therese and Sera! (Just realized 3/4 of the seasons went through a design change in this chapter)


I honestly liked the original design I made for them and I still don't mind it; however, I wanted to add a little onto it and I think I went overboard ovo;;;

Gave them that decoration on their hood, a mask, kept the dragonfly design and gave them those ribbons attached to their arms! I maaay get rid of the transparent ribbons out in front but I adore this design regardless!

And yes, they do have dragonfly earrings

And the next one, Sera! Sera originally had short hair so I went back to that since in my picture I drew of her, it was hard to tell qwq;; 

Changed up the colors —
And yes! If you check out my adoptable book and noticed I took the sunset colors, that's where the colors went to and what inspired me to redesign Sera as the colors perfectly fit a summer (warm) theme!

Changed the shirt design, made the jacket an actual jacket instead of see thru and put "Rize about it all"

And yes, both do have capes that are tied around their waists if you couldn't tell couple goals ovo

Next one up, gothic Piper! I know in the college I had it going Yaro and then Piper; however, I wanted to save the best redesigns (in my opinion) for last .>

I had originally adopted Piper from Lils and they had a theme of Sally Face as they were a fandom oc; however, even if they aren't sally face per say, I still love the gothic attire of Piper!

Went back to the full teal hair color since brown and dyed ends wasn't working for me and I changed the stripes to dark teal and teal since..  I like that combo —

Gave the nonbinary bean a skirt and another skirt (but longer) underneath since they can rock any attire. Mismatched socks and a cape rocks the day 👌👌

These last three are ones that I am ... SUPER proud of myself for. I just?? They're all so adorable??

First one up, Yaro.

If you don't remember me saying when I first designed Yaro that he looked like a Wysh rip off and was going to change that soon

However, soon never came and his design just kind off... Rubbed onto me and then rubbed off again so here we are .D

I honestly adored the orange and yellow and how he had a cloudy purse —



I normally don't fall for fictional characters but dAMN—

This bean got a cloud theme *makes me wanna give Aster an update qwq* and I placed a lot of fluff around! His shirt reads "why so cirrus" which is a cloud pun

Mismatched socks that match up with the double scarves


And just clouds being scattered here and there throughout his design?? I love how I did his hair color and such, just qwq ...

I adore this guy—

This guy is the youngest out the Central American family; however, he is the tallest—

Jasiel. Jasiel was so bland and boring I forgot he even had a design that I designed for him—

So of course, I had to change that and Jackie gave me the theme of "mangos" as he had an orange on his shirt and this beautiful individual was birthed into life —


And if you're wondering wtf a mangost is, it's a pun for the undead mango ghost —

I used different shades of orange, gave the boots an "x" stripe as I was lazy and didn't want to leave them plain and I love the accessories on his under shirt with the mangos!

Love his bandanas color, the stripes and aHHHH his pretty hair —

His hair is so pretty and curly like?? I need to sketch more later at night if I can come up with designs like this just randomly —

And last but not least, let's talk about the elephant in the room.


Sealand isn't a country but a micronation and I wanted to add him here since I can do whatever I want —

But anyhoo I wanted to redesign him since January and I finally got around to just doing this March 17th (a Friday) during psychology and I was sooooOOOOo proud when I finished redesigning and giving everything about Sealand a make over

Sorry Bates, make room for Holmes!

First off, colors. I adore the light blue and the dark blues and everything. It is just... Lovely?? Makes me wanna hug the bean and just be astounded at him qqqqq

Second off, I loved the idea of a merman theme and one of Lils' characters honestly inspired me to give Holmes a tail and make him aquatic! The colors and the execution was more inspired off of Vaporeon however.

Third off, on his right hand, he has a fish charm he carries around and stuff that he adores.

And lastly, Archie named Sealand Holmes so I thought it'd be fitting that he would dress all fancy since Archie still takes care of him even if he says he is independent

He is a fluffy boi , probably one of my favorite designs .DDD

Anyways, that's all I have for today, hope you guys have a wonderful day / night. Stay safe!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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