❝ Leap Ahead Of The Gameee ❞

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Bonjour everybody!!

It is Spring Break for me so I had time to draw this art dump out and yeah! Most of everything in here is late March and I believe there arent any April pieces in here so expect some April pieces in the May art dump since my April is PACKED

I am talking
SAT/ACT the 12th
Another big test 13th
Work the 13th
Nacht's bday & Prom April 23rd ❤️

So I am going to try to be active the most I can, okay? AND YOU WONT BE BOTHERING ME IF YOU TEXT ME


First two drawings are for the wonderful FatYoshi5! ❤️

The first one is a custom and he wanted them to be dark themed and have elements of scare to them. I honestly got inspired by the new Riddler in The Batman (a great movie btw for any DC fan) and yeah!

His name is havoc and he has radio activity kind of powers so I meshed that into the design!

I decided to take a different approach and go black with lime green highlights as I never do that?? I hate using neon colors as I get massive migraines easily so RIP me but this was really refreshing!

The gas mask was fun to do, honestly adds some creepiness into him and the tactical vest really helps add onto the gas mask; like he is preparing for the worst.

Also robot right arm

And the last picture for Nacht is a character he adopted from Jackie and who I wanted to draw for quite awhile now: Rai

I got reminded of Rai since I was going through Jackie's adoptable book and the old idea I was going to do for a weather trio still will Nacht

Rai .D

He didn't change at much since I really liked his simple design and honestly fits with his character as he is a background character in Nacht's world!

All I added or changed was giving him a helmet and I think it fits with this aesthetic! Love the always rainy cloud lol

Hope you enjoyed these two Nacht and I totally will work on your Oc folder in Google Drive —

And the next one up is lilspacebirb! I was talking to Lils and I needed ideas and they were going to design some shipkids and I was honored with the task of doing so !

... Won't spoil the ship !

I suck at doing royal outfits, I always find some way to always imagine them looking the same from each of my characters; however, these two honestly would stick out if placed in my world in a positive way !

You already have Xeon, who was a dominate green color so I decided to make the green the inside and supportive color while purple was the messy suit that he doesn't care for! Mismatched socks, too lazy to put on his boots and has a crown choker!

And the next one is the one on the right! The only thing I'd change would be to lighten her hair color... I abstracted it from the color palates you sent me and it maaaay have darkened for no reason whatsoever when using the eye drop —

Added ribbons everywhere since she seemed like the person who would love ribbons (obsess over them—) and added smears of paint since she is an artist and she is probably bound to get it all over her dress —

Love the frills, frills were the most time consuming and best part (in my opinion) about her design qwqwq

Last custom is for Addxiety and it's for a custom trade we are doing .D

I livestreamed this in the server but .D

The theme was strawberry cow and so she got a pink and white theme! I honestly love their color scheme i thought frills and such would fit him so qwq

Tryst is one of Add's species and I decided to give em multiple arms since I could and I felt like it was a good idea?? Tryst is a compulsive liar and so xe would probably write words and keep track of what they lied about!

She wants to be an entomologist, which is someone that deal with bugs so yeah! Lady bugs .D

I hope you enjoyed how genderfluid bean looks!!

Next up, art trades!

Been art trading with the people in my server as I want to be more interactive instead of someone just... Reading everything lmao so I did art trades with two people .D

Tinyguitar is the first individual and he wanted me to draw him and so I did!

I did a shaded and unshaded; however, I prefer both shaded versions!

I may have brightened your colors when I was comparing but I really love the orange qwq

And last one for today, FoofySilkiwng! Both of these are headshots and this was of one of their ocs!

She looks nice! I almost forgot to add the freckles although I claim to be freckle obsessed lmao!

I think I did alright with transferring your hair style into my hair style? It may just be a me thing but —

Weird change but let's jump into fandoms!

I had this old picture hanging on my wall forever now and I unfortunately had to get rid of it because it became contaminated & was a prize for an ex friend —

So why not redraw it for funsies to replace and just for old memories sake? This is what inspired me to make FrUk in my world like (but toning it down)

FrUk is practically canon in Hetalia: Paint It White. More like, Hetalia: FrUk movie. They just??? Act so much like enemies-to-lovers that it is hard to function??

Even if the original was done in copic markers, I decided to use colored pencils since most of my markers are running dry—

Francis: Hey Iggy, this may be our last fight together

Arthur: there still is time froggie. Trust me

God I love them—

On the topic of traditional artwork, let's jump to something that was also traditional and something I did for art club!

This unfortunately was an art swap kind of thing and it pains me to see it go; however, I REALLY like it so I had to redraw it in my sketchbook!

Since I had room for it, I expanded it and made it more... Spread out? I love how the plague doctor is more happy and really takes on the message in the bottom qwq

I was too lazy to color this and preferred it in a gray scale

Changing gears; however, on the topic of redraws!

I always had struggle drawing this certain character of mine and I finally feel as if I drew them well —

Roe had always had a weird back story in my world and were a tie back to the Eyes Of The Unfaithful World and how the main characters would get access and learn about it !

If you don't remember an old comic about Zira being suspicious that Roe isn't what they say they are, then props to you since this is kind of when Zira accepts Roe for being a daffodil and yeah!

Roe looks really chubby here and I love that qwq

Speaking of adoptables since Roe was an old adoptable from Lils, I adopted someone new from pastelchromist! I am sure that nobody is surprised that I adopted from Pastel as I tend to adopt a lot from them lol! Adopting helps with my world and I enjoy having my friend's designs in my world!

I realized I missed a country (and realized I already had it); however, I recently scrapped Mali so I needed a Mali! Jackie had been working on their adoptable book (there is a lot going on so if you're interested, check their amazing adoptable book out!!) and I saw a cutie and I HAD to adopt her

So everybody welcome Lysyn!

I didn't change anything about her except darkened her skin and changed her yellow on her skirt since she already was perfect !

Tinyguitar's character in the last art dump was really good practice for dreadlocks and once again, I apologize if I got them wrong or if I offended you in some way—

She was originally the life goddess so I kept the greens & yellows & the nature feel to her and I just?? Love her so much?? She's just so pretty with vitiligo?? I also remember helping you make her and now I have both of the old god&goddess of life and death .D

Onto something that everybody expects: redesigns. The ending individuals don't have their picture up here (and won't be provided) but yeah, let's get started!


Are the ones getting redesigned and also, we have some ending ones as well!

First one up was redesigned by Pastel so all credit goes to her!

And I love how cute she looks with all her greens and how cute she is in general! Jackie gave her a clover theme and aHHHHHHH it just fits!!

Those light lemon green wings are vines! She looks so cute in her overalls and ready to get down to business!

Jackie says she looks kind of Irish but I can't argue with that x'D

Next one up, Vitinia!

There was nothing wrong with her old design , it was just a gacha design and I could've done more for it so I designed to redesign her and I just love my goth baby —

Her hair color is the same and her eye color is the same since I really liked it! She has bags underneath her eyes as she doesn't really sleep at night and her design is a contrast to her sister's!

She has her iconic black and white stripped shirt and gave her a dark purple plaid sweater over as I liked the contrast! Gave her a double layered skirt with frills at the end!

Unfortunately I forgot to give her iconic scarf in and it was too late for me to go back as I was coloring so I placed the hearts on her arm warmer and her socks!

And the last touch, the skull piece as she loves skulls and stuff like that! Choker, mismatch shoes and heart chain on her skirt!

The next one up is Chad!

Chad was always supposed to be a copycat off of Roman; however, let's change him up so he isn't just a black Roman 2.0 , yanno?

And I am in love with this design change! Decided to give him some curls as I wanted individuals with more curls and I changed his skin and hair color and just flopped them . Imo it looks better —

Gave him a pastel color feel, lines of white and blue on his design and mismatched gloves! Gave him red overalls as Roman has overalls and the short shorts !

His socks are also the Chad flag but you have to tilt your electronic to the left —

This next one up has three characters in it: Daymare, Aren and Damien!

Daymare's design was already really good and the only change I was going to make was darkening his skin but I couldn't help but say his name "Day Mare" and mash the themes of Day&Night together!

Aren's design was meh, he is short for some reason —

And I like Damien's design but I wanted to flesh it out more

So here we go .D

Daymare's design had honestly grown on me from the first time I drew it as it looked really funky to me —

Kept his iconic design on his shirt, his blues and on the left side, I kept his night sky themed scarf and his hair color I was actually thinking of changing it but decided not to

My least favorite of the redesigns and a character I will either redesign again or get rid of, Aren. I really love his hair style and his outfit just looks... Bad to me? Gave him plaid and kept his iconic shirt underneath the jacket

And my favorite of the three, Damien. Damien's top design didn't change all that much and I gave him a bit of chub to him since chubby characters are adorable 💛

Gave him bear boots, bear headband with a pun written in white as a throwback to that old idea where he had a pun on the back of his shirt and gave him brown-n-white hood that he probably never wears —

Next one up is also one that has more than one person in it, Izet and Luka. I decided to draw them together since I redesigned

There was nothing wrong with their designs but I wanted to draw them again and give them a small tweak!

Izet's jacket is now around his shoulders and doesn't wear it all the way. I always wanted to give an oc that style (the closest was Zlatica) and other than getting him new socks and stripping them, nothing else changed!

And Luka.
She didn't change at all, I honestly liked her design and all I did was get rid of the black stripes on her gloves as that was what I hated about her design !

Oh and small ponytail

Last picture shown on the redesign list, Cassian! I really liked Cassian's design and I wanted to... Do some more with it as he really likes layers!

Kept his iconic colors. His hair and logo hair piece stayed and all I did was add stripes to his boots, plaid to an under shirt and a hoodie tied around his waist!

Cassian is the type of person to get really cold all the time and complain so of course I had to x'DD

Not me going to redraw that Cassian & Nik holding hands picture

These next two weren't on the redesigning picture as I didn't have enough room to fit them but hey! They're here! If you're really curious about their old designs, I could dm you the pictures of then —

Next one up, Dex!

Dex wasn't suppossed to be a redesign but I went crazy since he is my science, math kind of person —

Kept the atom but I added quite a bit to his vest! Added a rocket for space, UFO for paranormal activity, a bottle for chemistry and an Earth for geology!

He has a calculator in his belt by that has the period symbols of Ge Ni U S since that's something he totally would wear —

Gave him a mask since he takes everything seriously and would take COVID seriously and wears it regardless if an outbreak is out

And gave him cute goggles on his head for experiments!! .DD

Everything else is practically the same, his sleeves are that descending blue, the green looks lovely as usual and yeah! 

Even if he looks badass, he still is a clumsy, nerd, dork —

Last one is Giorgi. I always hated his design as I kept it traditional and honestly, his design is forgettable so of course I had to spice it up!

And the theme was inspired but what we are doing in Choir, singing Broadway/Opera pieces like Les Mis and Phantom Of The Opera and of course I had to go with an opera/Broadway theme !

I don't even know where to start. I changed everything about him and I honestly LOVE this and I love the gold and black theme and eeee qwq

He is my favorite yellow design since when I draw yellow characters, they're kind of pastel in a way so this guy was refreshing!!

His mask has ACT on it, he has an acting mask and diamonds all over! He has two jackets on; however, the black is hooked onto his shoulders lol!

Has a cross necklace as a throwback to his old design and has a ... Weird thing in his hand that I drew for no reason accept aesthetic taste

Anyways I love him and he fits much better with Royal & Aren (oh fuck, another redesign?)

That's all I have for today, hope you guys have a wonderful day / night. Stay safe!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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