❝ Blessed With Motivation, Again ❞

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Hello everyone! Hopefully you all are hydrating and staying safe! Welcome back to another chapter of my art book!

Motivation has finally come back to me and I felt motivated to finally draw something out and share it with you guys! It's odd that I had motivation in the beginning, lost it and it came back! It makes my head whirl most of the time-

With homework out of the way and getting transferred to a different work location this upcoming week since my work is closing for the season, I tried to get some art done to not leave you all hanging! I remember getting art dumps out every other week; however, that schedule is obviously dead cause of school xD

Nobody came to hear me talk! If they did, they'd be stopping at my vent book or other books of the sorts -

Art time 💛

First picture is a wonderful gift for an amazing boyfriend FatYoshi5! It's been awhile since I drew shipart of Fatcht and I kind of miss doing it although I mainly do it for Nacht and people could probably careless but here it is uvu-

I used a reference for this and I like how it turned out! Fate is giving Nacht a hug from behind and Nacht is just being a happy boi quq

I was going to draw Fate in a new outfit but I decided not to and I like it regardless!

Hope you like the gift Nachty~ ❤️

Next one is a character I designed for lilspacebirb! I showed them the transparent picture; however, not the one with the background and here it is uvu!

I'm not going to tell you anything about her incase it's spoilers but oH bOI. The background and getting the water to look like that made me want to DIE afterwards-

However, I really like the design! I based her off of nature spirits (primarily water) and I tried not to mess up that much on DastiveArt's species!

And for the hell of it, take the transparent version incase you can't see her colors all that well-

It was so fun designing and drawing her for you Lils, enjoy!! 💛

Last thing for today is for Addxiety! Hopefully this doesn't street you out but I drew Yarrow for you! qwq

I drew him as a half body and hopefully I nailed his looks and stuff down! I decided to outline it in orange to give him a soft appeal and honestly, I think it works here!

I had a lot of fun drawing your boi and I hope you like how he turned out in my style!! 💛

Off of the subject of gifts!

Here is something dumb I did for my favorite Shadow bear úwù

I was messing around with dumb stuff so don't take any of this serious qwq




Yet? I hear you say.

Maybe a new book about a certain animatronics and my au are up in the air?




Also, since Lils dared me (and I felt like doing it-) I made a shipkid for my favorite ship, ShadowTrap! Their name is Eos!

They don't look much like Spring (besides looking like a bunny and having gray eyes-) but I honestly like them qwq

Their name is Eos and their personality is a mixture of their two dads although personalities don't work like that xD (shy and quiet; however, adventurous and curious) . Eos is a shadow bunny since Shadow made them with dark magic so it makes sense why they look more like Shadow-

Super easy and fun to draw!

Anyways! Off of the topic of FNaF, allow me to introduce you guys to new characters!

First one up is Costa Rico!

This is the first character I drew without paper and initial planning and yanno, i dont get how you guys can do that without a clear direction -

I honestly really like this design! I originally was going to add a flannel around her arms; however, the execution of it was just, yicky looking?? So I settled for her skirt having a flannel feel and so, I went with it!

The most difficult thing was her hat, oh her hat- Did it turn out well? I used a reference for it but it seems a lil, off??

I went with hearts since it was cute and it adds more detail to the character so just know she is a pastel goth! Her chapter is up incase any of you are curious about her

Next one up is Remington or Remy! Please ignore the misspelling in the picture, I'm too lazy to go back and fix it xD

I decided to drop Testho and go with Remy as Lesotho! I made him a witch and magical because, why not? Halloween is around the corner and I had fun just drawing him as a wizard-witch theme thing-

I know the hat is terrible, please, pretend it's good !

Onto a redesigned character who I dropped, Maria! There isn't anything wrong with her design; however, I just felt like redesigning her -w-

And now the new design who goes by a fake name of Polaris (real name Epsilon -w-!

Both names are star related; however, I feel like she'd call herself Polaris more since it's the Northern Star and a lot more common knowledge about! I'm sure if she said her name was based off of "Epsilon Aurigae" and other eclipsing binary stars, I'm sure people who are dumb in space would scratch their heads -

Also fits with Delta and Alpha representing the Greek letters. Epsilon is just so pretty man-


She's so soft and her colors are literally gorgeous qwq . She is a motherly bean that loves everyone and will KILL anyone that hurts her siblings qwq

I need to find a ship for her, she deserves happiness and makes anyone she is with happy qwq

Now, getting off of new characters time to jump onto redesigns of characters that haven't been replaced as new characters at all!

First one up, Augustine! There was nothing wrong with his redesign before; however, I doodled him in this alternative outfit and I kind of like it soooooooo it's his first outfit!

He looks so aesthetically pleasing wth??? I absolutely love Augustine and he looks like a pure bean who couldn't hurt a fly. I gave him a sweater, a crop top over it and long socks since it fits! His lens are on his head since he looked kind of weird when I was drawing him sooooo qwq;;;

What's that white thing across his waist? Probably a holder for something, idk, it's Augustine-

Next redesign is this guy; Auriel!

Yeahhhhh, he is really horrible and I hate this design. I literally had no ideas and made him the most blandest character design ever-

So, finally got some motivation and decided to change the horrible, horrible fate that had been inflicted on him!

Here he is and I adore this design! He is wearing overalls and has a lizard theme to him since I wanted to give one of my ocs one and here it finally is in action!

I decided to give him Jasiel's hair and skin color since he feels the most closest with Jasiel and looks almost identical to him! He has two scars on his cheeks from an accident while doing construction and as a hobby, he does construction work, hense the hammer!

He's carrying a bag on his back, has a green-blue-purple theme and I absolutely adore this colors! This was a really fun process of changing him up and I am glad I did!

These next two are technically also fit into the next category but these are ocs that you guys probably forgot about since I don't draw them enough!

These are are Ocean ocs! First one up is a complete redesign of The Indian Ocean; Shell!

I don't have enough room here so just take the redesigned version and know that the original sUCKED.

What? Want proof? DM me.

Shell! She is Nathial's youngest sister and is the Indian Ocean! Nacht and I brainstormed cute outfit ideas for her and decided, "hey! I don't have any characters in an onesie, you bought a cute onesie, why not give her one?" And since penguins are cute, why not something cute for her??

Sorry Nacht, I don't think she'd know who Winnie The Pooh is for it to work xD

I honestly adore it! However, I may go back and add some color to it since she's a pretty colorful individual -

Next one up is the oldest out of the oceans, Caspian! Who is also The Pacific Ocean

Not much of him has changed! The only thing I did was make his clothings blue and change his hair style up! He reminds me of a rich boy and I feel like it kind of fits?? Just look at that hair and his smug on his face-

He is supposed to be the Pacific Ocean and honestly, his rich/fuck boy looks sell it to me xD

Time to redesign Atlantic Ocean and the Oceans are done and smooth waters ahead-

Changing gears-

This next character was a character I adopted from pastelchromist, Icyln!

She represents Antarctica so why not go with line coloring that represent something of the sort? I wanted to work on that and honestly, I feel like the blue is too much but I'll find a good balance of softness and lineart!

Back to the design-

I didn't change the design at all, only adding here and there (like her glove floof), overall, really nice and thanks for allowing me to adopt her back in 2020!

Since we're on the topic of adopts, here we are! Sera (who was adopted from Lils) got a more better picture of what she looks like instead of the other two that ... Yeahhhhhh ._.

Still proud of the small redesign I gave her after adopting her and I didn't change anything! All I did was finally draw her arms well when it came to the see through jacket since it seems like I always mess that up!

Totally should draw her out more and give her more love and a compelling character ark instead of JUST using her to take a place up. I wanna make them all unique and go through character development than just be boring countries -

And that's what the new bio format is for .')

Sorry for the rant, onto an adoptable that I got from a deleted user! Honestly, how should I credit them? They changed their user from the one in Vanessa's chapter and deleted WP qwq;;

Didn't change her much besides making her less THICC (sorry bois). I don't have much to say since I didn't change her outfit at all!

Next one up is Eisha who another adoptable that I got from Lils alongside Sera (and Graciete & Wolf) !

I still really love his design qvq
With all the leaves and the oranges, it is just so fun to draw and make and I love my angy tsundere who can't handle compliments or flirty people (RIP EISHA)

The fade is alright, changed up his lower body from the first time I drew him and I totally adore this design!

Last thing is a project I did for astronomy! I had to make a 3D model of Libra and here are the results of what I created !

Libra is the scale constellation and has lights all around the board since... Why not??

Those yellow/red/blue tops represent the main stars of Libra and there is glitter and diamonds to represent the night sky qwq

Honestly, proud of this. I want my project back to keep since it's amazing and was surprisingly fun to do-

Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day / night! Stay hydrated and stay safe 💛

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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