❝ First Art Dump ❞

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Bonjour, everyone (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Welcome to my first art dump in my third installment of this book! Sorry I haven't been posting in like, forever after this, I felt sick after my second dose of the vaccine, started school on the 24th andddd I've been busy with work; hopefully nobody minds tho ^-^

I've honestly been struggling with drawing and staying motivated (and focused on oc chapters) but it's finally good that someone woke me up out of my coma and helped me draw some things I am proud of!

For art dumps, the order will go (most of the time): gifts, art trades, contest entries, fandoms, redesigns and my world! .D

And since I did an art trade, that'll start us out on our magical journey! My first art trade in my new book is for pastelchromist 💛

I decided to test using a different lineart color to make it soft looking since I wanna incorporate it into my style! I really like the pink used for Nylah; however, I am not feeling the purple for Cream??

I had to hand color Nylah instead of using the bucket tool like I usually do and I feel like I did a good job and gave her a chest since I wanna practice breasts; however, it didn't work well on Cream xD

Anyways, I had so much fun doing this!! Hope you enjoyed being my first art trade in this book Jackie!

I'm open for even more art trades if any of you are ever bored, just dm dm! 💛

Since lilspacebirb had judged their Mental Illness Art Contest, I decided to share my thoughts and opinions on my piece since it is after judging and I had a lot of thought put in it!

How does this fit Mental Illness?

Transgender used to be considered a mental illness until in May of 2019 it got changed by the World Health Organization to avoid discrimination in 2021 and for future generations! However, some people hold this view and I feel like this technically kinda counts and I wanted to show internalized transphobia, what transgender folks have to go through for just being themselves and tell transphobs that transgender folks arent mental illnesses and how one can combat and comfort a trans person if they think they are a mental illness! Includes internalized transphobia

Also, transphobia & homophobia should be mental illnesses 💛

Paris has been told after every day that she suffers from a mental illness and needs help (not encouragment) and this makes her go to a dark place where she starts believing all those transphobic lies, to the point she develops depression and believes she cant ever be what she is meant to be. One day, a fellow trans person, Rohw hears what she is saying and how those nasty words have impacted her life and so Rowh decides to be a supportive boy and tells her that she isn't a mental illness and that she was strong, and she can combat the stigma surrounding transgender and mental illness.

background meaning
The background behind Paris is kind of corrupt and the internalized transphobia Paris felt towards herself when nobody supported her and the one behind Rowh is acceptance and love! I felt like the clash could be a symbolism of their mental destruction that others have fed them and how someone who is also trans can help "repair" and help them get comfortable in their skin and flip the haters off, which is what Rowh is teaching Paris! The words that are glitched in scene three are transphobic sentences that Paris is letting go instead of internalizing them thanks to Rowh!

I probably should've switched the roles to fit Rohw better but !

That's all the thought that went into this piece and I honestly had so much fun with the theme of this contest and drawing out this concept, thanks for hosting this contest Lils! 💛

Sorry I forgot Rowh's dirt, I kind of forgot until last minute-

Now 👏

Onto some art of my characters!

The first one is a small tweak of my favorite boi, Finley-


Here he isss and I love my Finnish boi! I thought someone as cute as him deserved to have a cute name (Finley) that he hates going by!

Everything is the same besides him having a new hat! I was inspired off of Craig from Southpark to give him that kind of hat as I headcannon that Fin would have a deadpanned voice like Craig does!

For perspective;


He has a cute boyfriend too uwu

I still adore the design I made for Fin!

The next topic is new characters! The next character is someone I struggled with before and absolutely ADORE how its design turned out

Everyone welcome Vacro!

Tada! I went with a steampunk look since the oily arms kind of reminded me of steam punk so yeah!

I really adore this design and the hairstyle I gave it since it fits Vacro very well! Vacro goes by it/its pronouns and I drew it interacting with Fletcher since they both have history! .')

Trigger warning;

Yeahhhhh, they have kind of a dark history of Fletcher being under (physically and metaphorically -) Vacro's control and he kind of develops a twisted sense of love; however, he breaks free and gains independence in 2006 and tries to distance himself away from Vacro to fix & repair his life!

I honestly really enjoy this picture; however, wattshit messed with the quality of the lighting and-

Yeahhhhh, other than that, love my bois and Fletcher may get a redesign!

And the next was a character I am not sure if I want to adopt out, replace Diego or make into a new country oc!

Noctifer! She is a proud girl who doesn't like being messed with! I drew dreadlocks and I think they turned out, alright? I gave it some orange bleached tone to some of her strands to make her standout and I really like the purples!

Her pants are mismatched since I love doing stripes and having mismatched characters .')

Onto characters that you guys already now about!

Here's chubby Esi! I adore her a lot and I was torn between making her hair all the way purple or making it completely black so I settled for this idea! I tried to keep everything else the same; however, the plaid on her skirt kind of looks weird -

I'm going to try to develop and work on how I draw plaid so don't mind the inconsistencies ^^

Next character is Anubis!

He really needed a digital form and I think I am going to make a second outfit where I go more into Egyptology and ancient culture cos I feel like he would totally honor his deceased mom that left him at a young age!

Continuing in Africa, here is Soltali!

Which I adopted from Emilyplayzowo 💛! I still really adore her design and I only added some fuzz here and there to corelate with her skirt! Other than that, her design is perfect so thanks once again, Em!

Next one was also an adoptable, Yianni!

Many of you probably remember Yianni as Caligo andddd I changed his name and tweaked his design by drawing him better-

I really like the long high heels as I feel like it really fits with this sassy bois mood and dramatic outlook on life! He looks nice here!

And finally, drew out the Comoros System since a lot of them (besides 3) needed a digital form!

I really like having them in all one picture although it was very unmotivating at times-

I really like how Delilah turned out and everyone else; however, I don't like how I drew Acyhls, she kind of looks like trash in my style qwq;

I'm totally going to try to redraw her again whenever I get my motivation back!

These next one is... Kind of lewd. I wanna practice with doing boobs and I failed miserably; however, Eiryls has a secondary outfit now sooo

Yeahhhhh, I wanted to practice with chest sizes and it's hard to tell wtf I wanted to do so .w.

She kinda looks like a dancer in that outfit and she totally has the confidence to pull it off-

I decided to revamp my month world! Idk if I am going to give them away as adopts or keep them but I split them off into 3 different drawings to make it not as conjulated!

There won't be any official ships so feel free in telling me who you ship, i'm curious =v=

Janvier (or January) is a sad boi™ that loves stargazing, 80's movies, mix tapes, has a lot of photo albums and is a photographer! January goes by Jan and is gay! His main color is light blue

Février (or February) has messy hair and is a painter! She is wearing a beret, pastel pink, doodles and writes love notes! She'd be the one to send you emojis and stuff-. She is represented by pastel red and pink and goes by Fév. Is bisexual

Mars (or March) I struggled for his outfit; however, they likes dark chocolate, documentaries, strong coffee and science! So I decided to give them some sciency stuff and the uncreative color called green. Goes by Mars and is asexual

Avril or April, is my bean boy qwq. He loves rainy days, open windows, reading, the smell of paper, laptop and tea! He is a bubbly bean and yellow fits him amazingly! He goes by Avril and is pansexual

Last one for this picture is Mai! She has a flower crown, ukulele (I forgot to include-), loves succulents, daisy charms and butterflies! She is a Lesbian and goes by Mai. Light pink/purple fits her well!

Juin (or June) I actually had trouble with! I wanted to make her yellow at first but to avoid repeats, I decided to go with red since Fév was technically pink! Overall, I really like her swim suit .). Juin goes by Jun and she is bisexual!

Next is Julliet! He is a crazy partier who loves bonfires so I decided to give him crazy curls and purple as his color! Loves sparklers, running barefoot and picnics! He goes by July and is omnisexual

Aôut (or August)! He is a bad boy™ and graffitis, has piercings, is a morning bird and has laced up sneakers! I gave him the color palate orange since it fits the month August and he hates being called Auggie (but that is his nickname). He is asexual biromantic

Septembre! He goes by Sept and is the older brother of Oct! He loves scribbling, taking notes, is a NERD, geeks out and is demisexual!

The younger brother of Sept, Octobre! They go by Oct and love pumpkin themed anything, Halloween, dressing up, scaring others and ghost stories! They represent the color gray although they have some orange in their design. They're intersex and pansexual

And the last two months !!

Nov! He has viltigo and loves leg warmers, anything knitted, indie music and waking up on cold mornings to hang with family! He is ace aro and is a FTM!

And décembre! She goes by Bre or Dec and she loves hot chocolate, ice skating, hockey and freshly fallen snow! She represents the colors black and white! She is a MTF and is asexual heteroromantic!

The last picture that I absolutely adore is the to yang symbol of two opposites!

Fate and Azreal! Technically, I have three personas (Lysol, Fate and Azreal); however, why not draw out my well known personas instead?

I gave Fate a slight redesign and I honestly like the simplistic design of it! And I have a love-hate relationship with Azreal (not design wise)

I really like it!!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this first art dump (although short) and have a good day/night! 💛

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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