❝ Have Yourself A Merry Lil Christmas ❞ 💚❤️

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Merry Christmas!

These first drawings are for my friend's since I wanted to draw gifts and such to give something back since I feel like that's fair and that's what I did last year x)

I am honestly not that big of a fan of Christmas. I don't really know why I've always had negative emotions assosiated with the holiday? Idk, I find comfort in Halloween and feelings of dread during Christmas ironic-

We had started a new trimester November 28th and for our first hour, we are decorating the room and I am in charge of drawing and such since our teacher asked who were the quiet, humble artists of his class only me raised my hand when my friend sitting next to me said my art was good and I wanted to be helpful sOOOO-

Started Forensic Science on December 3rd after taking a 45+ minute orientation of the virtual classroom and rushing for notes and stuff at the end-
So far it has been fun!!

Decorated my teacher's classroom, kids are rude and mean as hell. Hahah they made me feel good about my art skills but I promised a christmas art dump chapter and I wasn't going to... Not do it? That'd be selfish of me -

Had a winter concert December 13th! Even though I had to drop choir this trimester I still participated since at the start of the 2nd trimester, there was 10 learning days and if I learned the music and memorized it, why not show up??

Yeah! That's what has been going on with me. Sorry for the uninteresting retelling of December??? Honestly, I want to make gingerbread men and cookies-


Gifts for my wonderful friends starts now! And why not do them in the order I finished them in~?

First one is for lilspacebirb! After reading that Veece & Tart were a thing, I just HAD to draw em together

I don't know why but I imagined Veece being taller and I adored the idea x'D

Veece is comforting Tart since both of them are demons but in different ways! Veece being full on black magic and witchcraft while Tart is a stereotypical demon, I love the contrast! I didn't know what would be on Tart's shirt so I used the adoptable picture I drew and just scribbled that on there qvq;;

I really like this ship art! I imagined it that Veece is calming Tart down by playing with Tart's hair and it's working! Cute and wholesome uvu

Next one up is Spring-Is-Here! Surprised I drew a gift for you, how could I forget a friendo like you!!
.3333 uvu

I didn't know any of your character ships so I decided to go with a full body to make up for it!

I drew this nervous boi for you! When I first saw him, I just knew I HAD to draw him out sometime and I did! I gave him a santa hat since I was going to draw lights on him but forgot

But yeah, I hope you enjoyed seeing your cute boio in my style <3 ! Had so much fun drawing him! 💛

Next one up is Addxiety

Since I don't know much about your characters, I drew a fullbody as your gift!

Athena! Hopefully she looks good in my style qwq;;

I changed her hair a bit and I couldn't figure out how I wanted to do the red dye and it just wasn't blending so imagine it is there-

Other than trying not to mess up on Athena's outfit, I think I did a really alright job!

Next one up is pastelchromist!

I wanted to draw these two since the track team picture and I couldn't help but imagine that Indigo is the motherly friend while Tranquill is the one who wants to be impulsive and be domb soooooo!! Yeah!

I felt like Indigo would be a blushing mess and of course here he is as one and Tranquill being cool and saying he looks cute lookit that confidence -

Last but not least, FatYoshi5. Is anyone REALLY surprised I drew my boyfriend a gift for the season? No? Good-

I honestly felt bad that I drew Fatcht and wanted to draw your ocs since I haven't for ... Forever and so I'll do that in the New Year sometime! Since I found some old characters that I wanna redesign ovo;;;

You reassured me that Fatcht is your favorite ship and sooo, here I am ovo

Can we appreciate how I made their lineart color different from one another but it's the color of the other person's clothing please-

Like Fate is outlined in red but is wearing blue and how Nacht is outlined in blue but is wearing red -

Also can we appreciate the nostalgia trip of Fate's clothing?? It should look familiar since it was literally his first outfit still is an outfit but not used as much -.>

Nacht dressed up as santa since he adores Christmas and he is picking up Fate because we all need a bit of disaster!Fate in our lives, right lmao?

And that's all I have for gifts! Hopefully you all enjoyed them?? 💛💛💛💛


Change of subject before we get onto the Christmas shit of this art dump-

If you guys noticed, I killed my old roleplaying book and started a new roleplaying book and featuring my art !

About time right? I just don't feel that happy with all the impulsive ideas I had and the old characters I brought back from Apartment Wazzo (ONLY OGS PROBABLY REMEMBER THAT WORLD X'D) and besides, that book feels so draining and unmotivating that it killed me from roleplaying!

If you went to look at the new book, you may noticed that I am using my main ocs! However, I am using scrapped and au ideas I had for them since I wanna do something, okay???? I had to show scrapped concept ideas some how, right?

Although you can see for yourself in the book, why not show the first guy I had published in that book as of now and made me motivated to make the book in general????

There may be more art in that roleplaying book but I don't have enough room for those pieces and don't want to take away from other art content that you can just look if you're curious!

Other art that wasn't featured here but is featured in the roleplaying book is:
- nephilim detective Archie
- yandere Hana
- incubus Zakariya
- demon sergei
- and more depending on when you're reading this...

The man.
The myth.
The legend.

Villain!Roman! However, in the roleplaying book this is his vampire outfit! I felt like it was a throwback to old times and nostalgia and yeah! I really like the lighting, makes him look menacing and mean-

I am quite still in love with his character lmao! I am TOTALLY going to rewrite that oneshot sometime-

Next one up are redesigns of characters that I have been meaning to do for awhile, The Comoros System!

I am not going to put up the original but know that some BADLY needed to change-

Delilah didn't change much! If you guys don't remember, Liane (the host of the system) fused with Jamie (if any of you remember them, they were a provider for the system-)! I was quite happy with how their design was in the beginning and yeah!

Nebula DESPERATELY needed a redesign. His design looked boring as hell and - that's basically all and now he looks cool and badass! He is still a cold, grumpy individual and it comes off better now! Now he has somethings in quality with his sister, Achyls

Unity didn't change at all except I pasteled-ifed the pride flags to match the light color of their shirt and I just??? feel like pastels fit them so well??? They still be the horny energy of the system that want Nebula's affection 24/7

Ramona didn't need a redesign, but I change her up some as well! Gave her a plaid vest that she wears over her purple sweater! Her hair and species are still the same soooo yeah!

Oriane got a small redesign. Gave them tattoos of flowers instead of actual flowers since a lot of my nature based ocs have flowers on them and I wanted to do something different! Also, I made it so their eyes are always closed since why not lmao!

And Achyls... Sweet... Angsty... Achyls. I like her a lot better here! I made her shoulders exposed, like how Nebula's shoulders are and how they're both hooded up! They both wear masks and they look kinda similar now since they're supposed to be brother and sister so this makeover brings Achyls's personality out?? Dunno but I like it-

Why not continue onto new characters since I was talking about redesigns??

Warning. This guy is hAWT-

This one is a new character! I have recently fallen in love with a song and it inspired me to name a character "Vox"

I just?? Really love the pretty name?? And besides, someone needed a partner anyways =v=

And yes, there is shipart of them but if you wanna guess before looking at em, maybe this hint of "Vox in latin means voice" will help you out-

Ladies... Gents... Others... Contain your excitement...! (Lmao just kidding go off-)

And here Vox is! Vox represents Lebanon and he has a broadcasting business and radio channel that he does in his free time!

I love his teals and his blacks! I couldn't stop geeking out about how amazing he looks especially since he exceeded expectations -

" Voxxy babey~"

Also a major thanks to Pastel who helped me with ideas and such!

Speaking of Pastel, we are doing an art trade! Technically, this is our second art trade since we did one before this but the first one works better in the christmas section -

Vox was the character I chose for them to do and they gave me cute, darling Mavis!

What was this art trade about?

"How would you of designed them if they were your character" challenge!

I'd love to do more if anyone is interested! (DM Me for info~)

When I saw Mavis's coat, I decided to go with that as I had no ideas on how I would design her coat and I wanted to draw Mavis like that anyways as a gift but why not fuse the two .>

Mavis has a french meaning for song bird. I have a problem with themes and drawing all my characters in red, white and blue. SO I DECIDED TO GO WITH A CARDINAL THEMED CLOTHING CAUSE I AM LOONY-

Also invisible capes cause I am obsessed with drawing them lol

And yeah! Im quite proud of this outfit! Feel free to use it if you see canon!mavis wearing something like that lol!

If you thought this was the only art trade in here, you're wrong mate -

Weird topic with no segue, let's talk about pets!

I recently adopted a birbun from Add and I drew them here! Since Jan ended up getting the batball, I had to give the precious boi a pet so everyone welcome Coco!!

Art in top right hand corner belongs to Add;

I dunnooo about you guys but I feel like I did awful-

I feel like I missed a lot of details and you can barely see the markings on em qwq;;;

So expect a (hopefully) better drawing of lazy, precious boi when I draw him with Andiry info dumping about him!

Coco always has his eyes shut! He is a very mellow and lazy birbun ! Although he loves sleeping and cuddling, he is very supportive and always comforts Andiry by squishing his face against Andiry's face or squishing his face in general lol! Because he is a sweet and comforting birbun qqqq

Thought I was done with pets?

I was actually inspired after drawing Coco to draw a birbun for good old Vladimir! If Sergei gave Coco to Andiry, why couldn't he give a birbun to the middle child who desperately needs attention and some character to him???

So everyone meet Vale!

He is gray, white and a silverish-blue! I decided to go with these colors since Vlad's colors are dark gray, light gray and blue and sometimes pets reflect their owners and I went with that idea!

However, the two of them are POLAR opposites despite their looks; Vladimir has avoidant personality disorder while Vale has a lot of energy and loves socializing

The irony-

Despite Coco and Vale being in the same pose, it's two separate lineart, I referenced Add's picture again to work on my birbun skills-


Let's get onto the Christmas themed thing as now the majority of what I drew is Christmas themed as I wanted to make up for my awful spirit and boring and bleak December -



Wanna know what else is a joke?

Mathias as a christmas tree!! The picture is a transparent image but we all know that wattshit doesn't DO transparent pictures -

Why did I draw this beauty of a picture?
Mathias is like me. He doesn't like Christmas. And soooooooo how do I torture someone who doesn't like Christmas? By stuffing their body into a Christmas tree outfit

Gosh, I am starting to sound like William Afton -

Anyways, did I have fun drawing Switzerland? Y E S .

And yes, the ornaments are different colors

This picture is technically a rushed one since it was the last picture I finished since I needed ideas and yeahhhhhh, it's kinda lazy-

This character used to go by Babak but I changed its name to be Alastor! I always liked the name Alastor and I found it fitting for it !

It goes by it/its (as you can probably tell) and Alastor will probably get a small design tweak since I have some ideas for him -o-

And yes, hes holding a present, this is a lazy Christmas drawing lmao because I wanted to publish this art dump-

Remember when I said Pastel and I did an art trade together? Well, here is the first one!

If you remember from the art dump before this, we did an art trade on "redesigning the scene" and you can guess that we decided to do it again!

Trigger warning for pregnancy

But we christmas-ified it! The original picture was Camilla preg with Mavis but why not make it that she is preg Summer? I imagined that Camilla's happiness for having kids would go down with each child

Camilla: Maxwell, you're a father!!

*after summer*

Camilla: Hey Maxwell, we have another bun in the over... Heh... (Shadow doing math be like: )

*after Jake*

Camilla: Max. There's another bloody child-

And of course Maxwell is supportive and excited to have another child-

After that ... Why not get into shipart since the art trade was technically shipart? Too bad if you don't wanna see it, we are going that route anyways-

AraSam! I wanted to draw these cute beans after editing their chapters and so here they are!

It has heavy lighting but I kinda like it lmao!! They're sharing a scarf since I feel like that'd be a thing that they'd do during cold weather or was their "signature" couple thing!

Kinda don't have much to say on this besides... I like it lol

More ship art? Come on, yanno I had to draw AusHun-

And honestly... It's kinda lazy??? I didn't feel like drawing a background but I knew I wanted them to be cuddling by a fireplace and yeah! That's what this is supposed to be showing-

Tobias looks SUPER weird here from the way I decided to draw him so yeahhhhh... He's cuddling István from behind and the two are being super wholesome!

Proud of the lighting lol!

Plus I wanted to draw a couple cuddling under a blanket near a fireplace for AWHILE now-

This next shipart isn't christmasy but it is here because... Why not! It shows my new hyperfixiation oc, Vox and I also said that he'd be re-appearing so~!

If you guessed a partner for him, whether you're right or not, it's okay lmao!

Who knows, maybe I'll make that a crackship if it isn't?




















Sorry for wasting your time; however, you could've just scrolled past this-


Here is Vox and his partner .D

Sirius x Vox!

Sirius is a popstar and Vox so happens to have a radio station and a broadcasting network so why not make these two a couple? At first it was just business, there wasn't supposed to be any romance but yANNO love-

I find it cute that Sirius would be calling Vox, "Voxxy" as I adore consentual pet names-

Vox would be the cold and serious one in the relationship and Sirius would be the upbeat and loud one; however, when together, both can become full of energy and motivated to do anything -

This is a sketch since I am too lazy to color it LMAO

My Ocs wishing you guys a merry Xmas!

We have Archie and Paris underneath mistletoe that Maple is hanging since he is the biggest shipper in this world and he finally wants to see the two people that raised him FINALLY come out and say they're together, I mean, wouldn't you if it was painfully obvious they like each other???

And yesh, Maple is waiting for them to kiss

[ incorrect character quote ]

Maple: why are you wearing jewelry?

Archie: this old thing? Found it.

Maple: are you and Paris a thing now? I AM DYING TO KNOW IF MY SHIP HAS SAILED

Archie: no

Maple: ah jeez... What is this...? *picks up honey*


Archie: honey?

Paris: oui mon chéri?

Maple: my romance radar was correct! BUT DONT EVER LIE TO ME EVER AGAIN-

Yes. Maple is a big shipper and loves romance! However, he loves making sex jokes and isn't as pure as he says he is *cough* P!Hub *cough*

We have next to them another couple, AmeGer! They're chilling next to each other and Buck has a cup of coco that he is drinking!

Behind em, Deweii and Sergei are arguing over how the tree should he decorated since... Come on, thats something they would do-

On Maple's shoulders, we have Anastasio! I need to draw pasta boi more and so, why not make him be on Maple's shoulders and dangle an angel over Deweii's head as he wants to put it on the tree!

And then we have pure boi Milas hugging the tree and being wholesome! He is wearing a Santa hat since he enjoys christmas and the warm feelings he gets from it!

Last thing is today is Nacht's house decorated fully for the christmas spirit! I helped decorate it a bit whenever I could but here is the end result~

Isnt that amazing? When older I wanna decorate my house for Halloween and Christmas since it is fun from the small help I gave into this-

Sorry if this art dump seems rushed. I just wanna get started for the New Year's one before the year ends since maybe that'll get me motivated back into art? Also I did one last year and I wanna try to uphold traditions lmao -

Only difficulty is that the art dump would be published on my mom's week and so, that's gonna be something else ; however, I am at my Dad's for 2 weeks so maaaaybe I could get started ? Maybe

That is my plan after the art dump! Cant wait to start over and have a good year. I've been coming out more and more to my teacher's so maybe 2022 will be better for me and hopefully for you guys too!

The ranting in the new year chapter will probably be long but LMAOOO

Have a Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!

Whenever I hear Christmas, I think of this song;


Anyways everyone! Have a good day/night! Stay hydrated and stay safe! Hopefully all of you have a good Christmas ❤️❤️❤️

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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