❝ The End Of 2021 ❞ ❄️

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Wow. It has been a long year of 2021, full of stress and depression; however, I hope 2022 gets better! I hope COVID is put under control and those who can get vaccinated, vaccinate themselves. However, some people wont -

Let's talk about some new year wattshit revelations I have for myself~

❄️ improve
I hope that I continue to improve on my art and finally add eyebrows to my characters! I wanna practice complex poses and I hope to show some more of my other characters to bring them back into light!

❄️ draw all my characters atleast three times
I wanna make my other characters more memorable and what way is better than to draw them more? I wanna make my world full of complex characters that someone can relate to or like! Since there's a lot of characters, there's destined to be one someone likes/can relate to!

Anddd if you just hate my characters for the sake of them being countries, you can always take that context out of them #satirical -w-

❄️ complexity
Make my characters complex in personality and what they do!
And also remember that designs don't always have to be complex to be considered good or detailed, that'd make em a nightmare to draw-

❄️ 200 chapters
I hope to get to 200 chapters of this book! Whether it be doing 200 chapters full of 20 pictures or up until the end I switch to 10 is uncertain!

❄️ OC Book
I wanna work on that book more LMAO

❄️ hiatus
Whenever I need a hiatus, I just take one. I shouldn't have to explain myself for taking a mental health day

Even if you skimmed through that, please read this. You guys are important and amazing. I hope you guys have a wonderful new year and get off to a great start and feel less stressed. People are here for you and you mean a lot to so many people. Make sure to hydrate yourself, get lots of rest and have a good year! 💛

Honestly, that's all I have so far so let's get started with some artwork!

First is for the wonderful FatYoshi5! Many people in a server I am in wanted me to redraw some old artwork and what better than do that on paper as a gift for the wonderful BB~? ❤️❤️❤️

Ship art I drew in the past and I decided to draw this as a christmas card gift that Nacht had already received .>

Hope you liked your poem as well, Nachty ❤️❤️

Next is an art trade I did with the wonderful lilspacebirb! I had a lot of fun with this art trade, we should do another one sometime, I am open whenever ^^ 💛

I stumbled upon a cutie I wanted to draw (and I wanted to when I first saw em) so I ended up drawing them and their bro!

I was in a wholesome and platonic mood when I drew this and sooooo yeah! I didn't like how I colored Lapis in the beginning; however, I think it turned out well once I finished adding the spots to their sweater!! I love their pose

And the next one is Inferno! I didn't like the pose he was in when I first drew him but it kinda grew on me?? It looks A LOT better when I colored Inferno then it did in sketchform-

Lapis: OMG! U ❤️ C?

I honestly like how this turned out and I hope you do too Lils! 💛

Before we get into my content, I made fanart for Hetalia!

Me drawing fanart for a fandom I am in?

I k n o w

Other than ShadowTrap, I haven't drawn any fandom piece of work? Kinda starting to miss drawing ShadowTrap -


After leaving the Countryhuman fandom in a week and discovering Hetalia, my world became heavily inspired by it and it helped me get into history and countries!

So why not give back to the show I adore?? And I wanted to make an updated shipart for my fav ship as I have it hanging on my wall when I used markers and stuff-

FrUk U, FrUk u

Honestly I wanted to draw something about them since they're the ones that inspired me to ship France x Uk and yeah...! They honestly helped me with ideas for how I wanted Archie & Paris's relationship to go and hell! They even started off as enemies when Paris went by her deadname!

I really like this and I probably won't draw fanart since I don't really... Draw fanart since I don't want to portray the characters "out of character" but oh well, I tried my best! ^^

👏 Anyways, new topic! 👏

As you guys know. Sometimes I get these random boosts of motivation that allow me to draw new chara-

I'm sure you can guess where I am going with this.

New characters??

Yeppers. You get a cookie .D

I have a habit of getting rid of old designs and making new ones and that is what EXACTLY happened.

However, are any of us surprised, this happens a lot and means I have to take back what I said about having all the countries in the world done-


I had placed a sketch in Lils' server in November, however, I finally finished and colored it lmao since I wanted wanted show it in the Xmas Art Dump but felt unmotivated to finish!

This is the Binary Star System! There are technically five alters but one is a little and the other is a ghost so I didn't draw em-!

Gravity is the host and the gatekeeper of the system. They tend to be enigmatic and quiet, they don't like talking and are quick to judge someone. They are kinda mute and can only say certain words! I struggled with their colors so much; however, I really like the monochrome grays I decided to go with, haha!

Next one up is Vessel! Vessel is an emotional protector, soother and a caretaker! Vessel takes care of the little named Comet and tends to be very calm and approachable. Introverted. Doesn't front much. Tends to comfort the system from within and holds memories & trauma

Last one up there is Stardust! Stardust is a primary protector! Stardust helps Gravity speak whenever he wants to speak more than some words and is a party boi! Doesn't like Jupiter (the ghost alter)

Before we get into this new character, a lil story.

I wanted to redesign this guy;

I HATE this design, it looks so bad?? I used to like this design when the original one was this but the hair and bandages; he basically was bland and boring.

I've tried my best to redesign him and give him a personality through his clothing; however, Daniel was a lost cause...

... Which slowly meant this old design became obsolete and needed a new design!

... Prompting the next picture I am about to show you! When I doodled the new design, I FELL in love with it so everyone welcome Haisley!


I know I haven't said it that much but

I just adore her qwq

I know what you're thinking, she looks WAYY different from how Roman looks and you're absolutely right! Even if they dont look similar doesnt make them not siblings.

Roman had already been an overprotective brother with Daniel, just imagine him with Haisley???

Roman: and this is my lil sis, Haisley!

Someone: bRO

Someone: she is so hAWT


Roman: ... and now you're gonna dIE

Daniel and Roman never had a good relationship? Roman was really overprotective and kinda... Yeah. That's all. They never interacted outside of one picture; however, with Haisley, Roman is still overprotective; however, Haisley scolds Roman for flirting with other individuals since her and Hristo are close!

Their siblingship is finally a two way street lol

In a nustehll, she is a naive and optimistic ray of sunshine who loves being supportive and wants to be a fashion designer qwq

And if you thought redesigns were done ... Hold your horses

And the other one is another replacement!

Ilmestys! ... Or the one on the right-

I always hated her design, she looked so plain and had no character to her at all. I actually wanted to redesign her for awhile and was going to ask around; however, I decided to do it on my own after getting motivation!

Since this was on my bucketlist for so long, why not fix that?

Daymare kinda needs a makeover-

Everyone welcome Yvaine!

I got inspired off of an image of clothing that was alice in wonderland themed and that gave me inspiration!

I kinda ditched the sun theme since I wasnt feeling it and I kinda like it looking all intimidating like this? She's supposed to be the opposite of her brother and is bold and intimidating and bright colors weren't getting the job done-

I was going to give her design away but kept it since I am a douchebag -

Yesh, I really like this and Suriname finally has an official design!!

Also, she is the first character to have twin drills and I did a shit job at it x'D

Continuing on the new characters, we have Taiwan and Thailand! Let's start with the femboy-

I love femboys-

His name is Odyssey! I love em, they have a starry design and I loved how he turned out! I wanted to make a femboy for awhile now since #empowerment and yeah, I think I did a good job qwq

He's the living example of "men can be feminine and don't have to be trans" since a lot of people *cough* HIGH GUARDIAN SPICE *cough* seem to loose that message with SnapDragon and after watching this video, I wanted to change that up!


... I reccomend checking out his other videos, they're quite interesting -

I am finally proud of drawing something that has space and doesn't look shitty-

And did I mention this boio has a bf?

*cue music*

And everyone welcome his light, Solace!

He represents Thailand and had the theme of the sun! Since Daymare and Yvaine were suppossed to be like that... I decided to give that idea justice for this couple!

Solace is a very confident individual and is blind! He doesn't know Odyssey is a femboy but supports him anyways as he doesn't "care what he looks like"

If you thought that these two were done, I couldn't help but draw shipart of them since I felt motivated to do so!

Since Odyssey is a sweet boi, he needs reassurance a lot and that's what Solace is going! Comforting his femboyfriend and making sure that he's okay!

Since he is blind, he doesn't care what Odyssey looks like since he likes the male for being him!

Still love the theme of sun x space, it's cute and the shading makes this all the better imo .>

... Expect more of these beans

Since we're still on character stuff, lets transition to characters you already know!

I drew this at Christmas and I think this will be the kicker into character art for my world, lol!

This is technically a redraw of when Archie was drunk and Mitch and old India's design (Vihaan) and why not expand upon that idea?

Archie is the third shortest in this drawing since Archie likes to say he is tall but he is average -

We have the new India design, Odette, comforting saying he isn't the shortest here which Yisi is chilling!

Aussie and Oliver is up to no good while Mitch and Maple are chatting it up!

Damn, 2 pairs of twins are in this picture, I can see why Archie wants to drink over this-

And yes, I taped this to my wall!

Since we are onto character stuff, why not do a comparison of a character drawn in early 2021 to now?

I can't show the original picture of Enzohukle but I did send it in the server in the category where my art stuff is found soooooooo yeah!

I can also dm you the original picture -

Enzohukle was their original name but I changed it to be "Octave"!

Here they are! Shaded and all!

I didn't change anything about them from their original picture since I really liked their original design! They're probably a backup dancer for Sirius! I honestly really liked their design and couldn't find anything wrong with it, I had a lot of fun drawing Octave and I really like the shadow for them qwq

Another redraw of a picture done in 2019! I can't show the original picture since I am already at 20 but the jist of it was Mathias & Lars !

And here is the updated picture!

I didn't feel like shading this picture sooooo-

I love how they're interacting, I wanted to show that Lars is usually the younger brother who breaks down Mathias by asking "please? Please? PLEASE??" and Mathias finally breaking down and giving in!

Mathias looks so pastel and pretty, I am kinda jelly???

And as you can see, Lars did get a redesign, bringing us to our next picture .>

Yeah, I didn't feel like shading with this picture either-

I loved Nacht's redesign of Lars but I kinda... Redesigned him while I was doing the two bros hanging out so I decided to make a fullbody of that outfit and I really enjoyed (and love it) so boom! Redesign.

Also, it fits him so well; however, he'd probably have Nacht's design as an alternative outfit ^^

Speaking of alternative outfits, here is one for the horny boi


If you remember Add's art contest entry I did back in 2021, then you'll recognize the clothes -

If not then here it is!

Warning, slight NSFW suggestion?


Roman is a very flexible individual considering he has to since he does dancing (mainly stripping and ballet) in his freetime-

I like the shading and the background that makes a shadow, I think it's a nice touch!

And this picture demonstrates him being a flexible and comfortable in whatever he wears! Makes me wanna draw him in a dress or NSFW outfit cause of his job x'D

Next one up is something wholesome and off the topic of Roman xD

However, this kinda revolves around Roman since Pasta boi is his cousin-

Pasta boi and his grandfather!! Idk why but it looks almost lineless and I kinda love that?? Maybe I'll attempt lineless art for Anastasio sometime? I need to draw Pasta boi more-

I also decided to keep the idea of Anastasio having heteromantic eyes so that Andiry isn't the only one, haha! Besides, he looks pretty with green and brown and who cares if it isn't accurate, this whole world is Satire anyways-

Please pretend that Julius is giant and buff, I can't draw mUSCLES -

ANYWAYS, I really like this drawing! Realized it isn't shaded LMAO

If you've been here for awhile now, you know I wanna try to find a reference to send for people who want to draw my characters (and also for myself)

And I think I finally found one I really like?

Moodboards that act like references! In the corner is where the color palate is and labeled as well !

Up from the color palate we have a quote that fits em and then the two on the other side are there for aesthetic value.

Of course I recycled the art because I didn't wanna draw ... Lazy, Ik but I drew Mitch for an old reference before I got the idea to do this so uhhh yeah. Any character that needs an updated look in my style will get one so not all the art will be recycled!

And yeah, I don't have much to say of this since I really like how it looks aesthetically!!

And the last picture for today is to end us off on my art from the beginning of 2021 to the end of it! Some of the art may bring bs nostalgia but haha!


2021 of my art in a nutshell, seeing the growth of starting out digital and getting comfortable is really noticeable here lmao!!

Some of the months didn't have huge amounts of content and just characters so uh... I tried to find interesting art to include but hey, we all can't rule the world xP

Anddddddd that's the end of 2021. I hope you guys have a wonderful 2022 man!!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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