❝ Back For A Round Of 2022 ❞

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Bonjour everyone, Daddy Destiny has returned for the first art dump of 2021!

I just wanted to say thanks for supporting me when I went on hiatus (not gonna get into that cause it involves a lot of family drama and my Dad taking my phone and throwing the case at the wall. Fun. .D)

With being sick for the first week of January, my Dad taking my phone and just a bunch of other BS, I just am not feeling well enough to do anything, but here I finally am, surviving!

January has not been my month AT ALL and honestly, I hope 2022 gets better for me fast and quick, I can't deal with another shitty year-


Upcoming plans?
Yes I do.
I have big plans on February 14th (Valentine's Day) so expect a lot of shipart and wholesome things! ... Hopefully.

You came here for content not rambling! I have multiple places where I could ramble but this place isn't one of em!

First art piece being shown in 2021; however, not my first drawing (*Jackie's art contest is, this is the second picture I drew) is shipart for FatYoshi5!! ❤️

I needed a stress reliever and so!

I drew Fatcht!

When I drew this on January 2nd, school was tomorrow. To be frank, I used to love school but what happened in 2021 and the teachers not giving a shit, I just fucking hate it. And I was stressing about it .D

Anyways, you didn't come here to hear me rant about my problems since I have a book and dms-

I really like this picture! I went with something soft and aesthetic vibing and honestly, I think it turned out really well!

There are plushies that we own on the bed and pillows .D
Feel free to name how much of them you see, Nacht-

And the next few things is for pastelchromist as they are payment for a custom you'll see in the next art dump as I havent drawn her yet .>

First part of three is a bust and I decided to be experimental with it and use a different ibis paint pen!

Drew Shadow! I honestly like how he looks here although his pose is simple ^^

I like how the lineart makes everything look sketchy; however, changes color here and there! Even if it is hard to see...

Last ones up are two busts of Alice and Jenny hanging out!

Ive drawn these two before and I didn't like them when I drew them back in 2020; however, I think they look decent here!

I originally was going to draw them in different poses; however, I stumbled upon the cute pin and decided to roll with it!

Note to self... Make sure to use different lineart colors next time

Redesigned character section and honestly, I missed going through and changing my characters up since a lot of them are shit .D

If you're scrolling through here, uh, please read this part. I'm going to be adding details and redesigning quite a few characters so be careful since my Oc Book and part of my 2nd art book is outdated. Thanks

I'm sure everyone looks forward to see these but I decided to redesign Uziel!

Incase anyone forgot what he looked like-

Don't worry, you can erase this bad design because of this new one .D


Okay, I don't know why I have started drawing a crap ton of pink colored characters but there is something with challenging designs and punk characters and using pink that seem so refreshing to me!

I guess I wanna just... Bring it more magic since this world is semi-magical anyways-

They still have their name, Uziel, but they're a delinquent! They carry around that bat and act all intimidating but they're just a soft grump!

They have stripped socks and plaided leg warmers over that where his long ass boots reach up to his knees-

Anyways, I love him-

Thought I was done with redesigns?
H A.

I am not going to show you the original picture as I don't have enough space with it, I can always DM you if you're curious!

Everyone welcome Ula!

Finally, a character with a green theme, right .D?

I honestly was surprised I was going to attempt green as I hate drawing and coloring my ocs with green, I find it unappealing; however, that's just me-

But I think she turned out great here! It was tricky coming out of my comfort zone; however, I think in the end it worked out alright! I made her nature-y! Added some pink and red to her for contrast and making her hair green was a later thought, I honestly like how her design came out!

If her older twin brother can have pink hair, she can have green hair-

I added the unshaded version as the shaded version makes her look murky-

More redesigns up your alleyway!

I was looking through the early day of Ibispaint and discovered these two... Gems.

As you can see, these two needed some love. I need to draw the nordics more often, kinda miss drawing them -

Denmark kinda looked like Hetalia's design since Denmark's uniform looked similar to that and the color schemes and both red and black.

Ah god Norgay-
(Spelled wrong on purpose)
All his original designs sucked and this was a step up; however, I could do SO MUCH better -

And I did .D

I originally drew these two separate and placed them together to save space so that's why they're not interacting with one another-

So yes. When I finally update their chapter, they will have separate reference pictures -

Let's start with Noah! More red? Yeppers! His favorite color is red and for someone who is prideful and upbeat as him, I wanted to make that show and what better then the color red? Added some blue since I really liked how it contrasted with the dark gray and black!

Gave him some plaid as Lucas made that for him and he'd probably wear it around as a trophy of being a good older brother, lol! Idk why I stopped doing his flag in his bang, I think it looked sweet?? Gave him a cape to make up for his shortened jacket and I really like this!

Where do I even begin?

First of all.

The only thing I kept from the original designs was his hair piece. Everything else had to go. I changed his hair color to blonde since 5/6 are blond (Fin has white) and I wanted him to look more like his brothers and not be the oddball out. Eye color changed since 5/6 have blue eyes (Cuddles being the exception)

His outfit and colors?
I wholeheartedly adore. I love how fresh and different he looks! He looks like a new person and yay, that's what I wanted to do! Gave him plaid since he has an obsession and I wanna get better at drawing plaid as well!

I wanna go back and give the Nordics atleast a small cloth of plaid that Lucas made for them as he is good at sewing!

And let's just say I did .>

And let's just say-

I love these design tweaks!! And seeing them in my new style makes me happy as well!

First up, Erik! He'd probably be the most down to get plaid since he looks all intimidating and mean and he needed something soft and sweet like him so the plaid serves as a symbol to that! Love how curly his hair looks, he has a smug look on his face and I am digging the plaid. Love the updated design. qwq

Next up, Fin! I love my boi Fin and I changed up the design of his hat and his scarf is plaid and if you noticed, it is Estonia colors since.. Let's just say that Axel convinced Lucas to make that for Fin .>

And last but not least, Axel! I really adored his design so I just added plaid to match his shirt colors at the ends of his pants since.. I really adore his colors and design. He looks so pastel here qqqqq-

Of course, I didn't forget about Cuddles! I just wanna find the perfect place to add a small tad of plaid to his color and I didn't have any drawn for him just yet .>

Anyways, incase you guys are curious: Erik is 7'1", Fin is 6'7" and Axel is 5'4"! I love their lineart colors (even though Fin's is borderline his color, heh) and yeah! I'm going to be drawing

Im quite happy with their redesign changes ^^

Speaking of updating wardrobes and such like that, I was bored and gave two ocs another outfit!

Let's start with the one on the left!
I really like this one! Lysol is suppossed to be my morals and having a giant obsession with Halloween and fall so this outfit "Falling for Scares" represents that! I wanna draw Lysol, Azreal and Fate now-

And believe it or not! The one on the left is "Barbie" or Sylvie! Monaco has a lot of casinos and is really rich so why not give her a "rich" feel that she probably wears out to casinos! I was going to make her scarf gambling wheel colors but decided against it, I am really proud of her colors!

Going from a wardrobe to adopts!

I have recently gotten one from the lovely FatYoshi5! He had redesigned and revamped Frederick Von Otto and I just HADDD to draw him! ❤️

And I gotta say I love him! I love how his blonde hair almost makes it look like he has white hair and he just be looking fancy in that suit! The biggest inspiration was Frederick The Great and yeah!

If you wanna basically know how he acts, watch this clip or if you know the Emperor's New Groove, just know, he would be Kuzco -


If you thought I was done with Frederick, I am not-

Frederick has a horse and I wanted to draw him on said horse .D

He has the Prussian flag and I forgot to draw the symbol on it so expect an update version in my oc book or whenever I wanna fix it here ovo;;

First time drawing a horse and I think I did well? I am still working on how sitting will look in my style so forgive me-

These next few are redraws of old artwork from 2017-


I was cleaning the room at my Dads and stumbled upon an old story idea I wanted to make into a book and made art content out of and yanno... Why not redraw these 2017 things and revamp the book idea?

Maybe a long oneshot or maybe a stand alone book since I have so many ideas for the new version

If anyone is interested, lemme know -->

Yes. You read that right "rainbow factory"

I remember meeting some new friends during a carnival talking about rainbow factory about the same time I was going through my FNAF phase and wanted something scary so I made my own Au!

The AU was of me using a self insert that had failed her test and was sent off to the rainbow factory to be turned into colors

I was inspired off of this FNAF animation and song to do this AU as I was obsessed with it when I was younger-


Looking back at some other entries in my old artbook, this was one of the best ones there and one of the only fully colored ones lmao

And here is the new version!

The story begins with two characters, Archie and Paris as they finally are sent to receive their "color". Their color is based off of the answers to their questions to determine what they will be going into when they're older and how they will act.

They take their giant quiz and the owner of the facility, Axel, asks what color Paris sees him as, which to she says "yellow", passing.

However, Axel doesn't have a color to him. He just looks empty with the only features dripping down his black void of an eye. Archie tells the truth that Axel doesn't have any colors to him, which angers Axel, sending him inside the rainbow factory that he owns

Honestly, I really like this version and I am glad that I did it on paper just like the original! The original will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart; however, I adore the new piece!

If you thought we were done with this old Au idea revamped, I am sorry to say that it is FAR from over

Surprise surprise, the same animator that made the "Rainbow Factory" FNAF animation also made an animation for this song-


And yeah! I don't have much to say on this since it was a continuation onto the Rainbow Factory story-

The story with this is that Archie escapes the cruncher (with the help of two friends) and wanders around the factory as Axel is controlling everything and keeping his eyes (technically eye) on him

Archie still has no color

I honestly like this! I think it's a nice change up from the rainbow factory redraw and helps add more to the story in a simple way!

Now. These have been in order of how I had drawn them in my sketchbook; however, for the sake of the story, we are going to do the next "plot point" next.

This one isn't colored as I didn't feel as motivated to work on it but nethertheless, it deserves a redraw!

The animator didn't animate any Rainbow Factory FNAF youtube videos for this; however, here is the original song if any of you have been living under a rock and don't know who Skillet is-


And here is the new version!

Basically, Archie stumbles into Axel's office and picks up a piece of paper about how uncolored individuals need to be killed to give people their colors and it basically is mind breaking for him!

Lyrics are as follows:

Save me from this, make it end!!

Don't ask me why there are !!! After this, I forgot the phrase lmao!

I feel it deep within

And yeah. It's okay!

This would be before a "boss fight" with Axel

Last one up is Awoken !

Even though I have more of these pictures, Rainbow Factory, Pegasus Device and Awoken were my "main three drawings" to finish off the story line! The rest (Demons by Starset, Just A Shadow by SHEL, etc) were small add ons and may get a redraw?

However! This picture was inspired off of this;


And honestly, I dont like the new redraw -

Archie had been found out in Axel's room and they fight to the death, resulting in Axel being crushed under the color maker and turning into color, which goes into Archie's eye and "corrupts him"

This corruption means that he is know in charge of the rainbow factory and ... Yeah! Basically ends where Archie takes over and continues Axel's work

It kinda looks bland but meh .P

I'm probably going to redraw this since it's kinda boring but I had a lot of fun drawing these all on Jan 10th xD

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚
- work on rest of Pastel's and Emily's adopts

💙 redesigns 💙
Future characters
- Devance Lopsang

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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