❝ Love Is In The Air ❞

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I told you I wanna post on Valentine's Day and so!! Here we are!! Through demotivation to forcing myself to draw, here we are .D

Whether it be Valentine's Day or not by the time you're viewing this, I hope you have had a good day / night regardless!! ❤️

On the 12th of February was my school's dance and your boi went with the adorable FatYoshi5!

I wore a dress for that because I did in 9th grade before COVID hit and clothes don't have gender and I kept reminding myself that! Gave Nacht a shock when I wasn't wearing my tux haha xD

Don't worry Nacht, I will be wearing a tux to prom ùvú

Mainly the music playing was shitty rap music and someone blew up a condom and were throwing it like a balloon, ya boi had fun hanging out!

Since I tagged Nacht, I am sure you know what time it is-

Fatcht time!!

I just wanted to thank you for being here for me, for supporting, always helping and talking to me. I drew this picture because I love ya and it was your Vday card you got from me .D

Enjoy your chocolates and your humongous squishy dinosaur!

Next one up and last one for peeps is a character for lilspacebirb! Even if I dmed you his looks, I still want to include him since I drew him and I can-

Here is Air!

Gave him a floofy hat, went out of my comfort zone for the green and yeah! I don't have much to say on this guy since I have said it mostly in dms and ... Yeppers.

That's all the artwork I have done for others, let's move onto content of my world, shall we? That sounds self absorbed but -

As you know, I am going to be tweaking designs or redesigning designs entirely! I wanna glamorize and give my world a make over and so this is what this category is about!

... and is the biggest part of this art dump, thought shipart was? N O P E .D

Just wait until next art dump bitches -

I'm sure nobody is surprised that Cuddles is starting us off for redesigns / tweaks, I just couldn't leave Cuddles out of the fun as his brothers were tweaked, why would he not join in??

And let's just say I adore him even more-

His design was already good when he was designed by Lils; however, I wanted to flesh off the lower part of him which is where all the tweakings came to play since the last time I drew Cuddles qwq

Gave him purple plaid since Lucas and Cuddles ADORE purple so why not add a lil more to his color palette? Changed his boot colors to match his shirt from the WIP I sent in Lils' server and gave him yellow stripes as I like the yellow and fits better than the color yellow being used as his boots .D

Ahhhh the pose makes him look like such a bean! I adore this!

Next one up are these gals! If you remember these girls without reading the information then you get a cookie since... I have only drawn them fully out once-

If you don't remember them, which is understandable, this is who they are! We have left picture of Cecilya (Bangladesh) and Farah (Afghanistan) as the right picture!

These two's color palates are the same because they're friends and supposed to be in traditions wear. Even with that said, they're too bright for my liking and soooooooo! They had to get a redesign

They both have the same hairline (but different hairstyle) and eye color since I thought they could be good friends! They were originally good friends and both had the same color palate but I felt like that was boring

Farah has a veil over her head that she'd wear for Muslim cultures and a scarf around her neck since I ... Felt like adding it? Desaturated the red into a faded red-pink and stripped up her pants since ya boi is obsessed with stripes

Her legs kinda look longer than it should; however, I will be sure to fix that the next time we draw Farah!

And yes... She has scars on her face

And the next one is Cecylia ! Cecylia is Bangladesh and just like Farah, I decided to do a more... Traditional look since both of those places aren't as progressive as the rest of the world-


Both of these girls are simple and traditional and I enjoy both of their redesigns, they both look better and they'll be easier to draw and are simple on the eyes!

We're still on redesigns; however, this one needs a story..

I have felt unmotivated for a long time now when it came to redesigning three characters and I wanted to try to finally redesign the characters that BADLY needed one and so I used Gacha .D

I don't like using gacha as there arent much good clothing options / hair options maybe I just suck-

But I was SOO drained and it honestly helped! So let's get to the three characters that look dashing in Gacha and see how I drew them ~

First off, we are going to start with the middle character, Devance. Devance got a last name and on top of that, a new design!

Devance had always been the one I was feeling iffy on as I didn't have much to go off of; however, after reading "Into Thin Air" for AP English, I got more and more inspired to get away from the stereotypical Buddhist look and go more into Mount Everest and Sherpas!

This is what he looked like at first

I honestly love the orange and purples he once had; however, I ADOREEE his blues and new design entirely qwq

And here is my drawing of him!


I love his blues, how soft he looks and I gave him an icy feel since he has Mount Everest on his border! In fact, I put a small makeshift mountain range on his bag as I found it would be a neat and cute lil detail!

I gave him a giant backpack because he is a mountain climber as a lot of people who live near Himalayas are called Sherpas! Even tho I didnt really enjoy reading "Into Thin Air" and felt lost at points cause of the writing style, I still appreciate the time Krauker put into talking about Everest and the disaster in 1996 where he lost friends and crewmates

Sorry for the ramble about the book, I just can't imagine if I weren't in advanced placement English and keeping Devance how he looks-

As you can tell, I really love how aesthetic he looks, he is my baby and I love him! Will draw Devance Lopsang!

Next one up is Jalen! Jalen was the Bahamas and he was a surfer dood!

He's honestly really plain and I updated his character chapter sooo he needed a fresh look .D

YES. I did change my bio sheet in my Oc Book again, I am never satisfied with any of my content -

Kinda looks like a surfer version of Alfred from Hetalia, that probably is just me but LMAO-

And tada!

Jalen's skin darkened because he is now Erwin's younger brother since it fits him so well and Erwin needs a baby brother-

I adore the teal and blue and everything, he is simple but aesthetically pleasing and I adore that about him!! Making his Gacha was probably the most difficult out of the three since they didn't have much choices in watery/summer outfits and I didn't feel like putting him in a bathing suit

Or once again, maybe I just suck-

Last one for the gacha characters is Vicente! I honestly really liked Vicente's gacha character A LOT it just?? Fit them (Vicente is nonbinary) as a character lol-

There isn't anything wrong with this design (maybe the only bad side of it being is my old art style); however, I wanted to give him an update!


And once again, I LOVE EMM!!

I love their pinks, reds and whites, it makes them look 100% better! Gave them plaid, a different hat and fancy boots!

When I finished, I just couldn't help but feel accomplished of drawing and designing something so simple but so aesthetically pleasing! I know I have probably drawn more impressive things in the past with my redesigns but for designing a character I struggled to do?? Makes me feel like I can accomplish anything!

I love how fancy they look!

Nowwww!! We are finally stepping away from redesigns and going into Valentine's Day shipart! Valentine's Day is filled with love (whether platonic, romantic, self love, etc) and yanno your boi just HADDD to!

I tried my hardest on all the shipart since V-day is filled with love and stuff !!

First off, let's start with someone's 2 year anniversary .D

For this, Mitch took Buck out to a fancy restaurant and snapped this picture of him! Even if this is just a small picture, I still count it as shipart since they're gonna have a blast wherever they had gone to!

Sorry it's so short, I wanted to give it a first person POV so lmao!! I was lazy and didn't want to do a background so don't @ me

Next shipart welcomes a new couple!

I wanted to branch out and create more ships (whether unofficial, official or just crack); however, thinking about these two together just pushed me to making this couple canon and giving two beans two lovers .DD

I had a great idea of Maple and Milas becoming best friends and slowly becoming lovers and honestly, I really like it!

Each year, the Netherlands gives Canada flowers, thanking them for liberating them from Nazi control during WW2 and yeah! I just found that sweet and kinda made a soft spot in my heart qwq

I really like this picture, so soft, two adorable beans hugging and being pure!

What does that mean for Andiry and Miguel? Andiry & Miguel (in my view) probably won't date each other? I feel like they wouldn't have a lot of chemistry between them; however, they totally support Milas x Maple! Milas x Miguel , Milas x Maple and Maple x Milas are the only couples in that bunch ^^

Sorry for making that SUPER confusing -

Everyone's favorite tsundere got a new AusHun picture cause I was bored and missed drawing the Tsundere out!

I honestly don't draw him or Austria out as much as I used to and I kinda miss it??

And they're sharing a milkshake! I felt like drawing this since Isti always seems like a cold tsundere when I draw him and I wanted to do something entirely different!!

Ahhhh this picture is so soft that I love itttt, oh Isti, how can you deny you're gay if you're sharing a milkshake and looking at Tobi full of love lol

Anyways! I love that shipart of them and is probably my favorite one of them?

I have sketched this picture out before; however, I never digitalized it because I just... Felt unmotivated with how it looked but honestly! Turned out better than I expected it to!

Vox and Sirius!!

I love these two, these two literally are the definition of couple goals and I could draw them all day if I wanted to -

This picture is probably how they first reacted when they met each other! Sirius always calls people nicknames and pet names so Vox had gotten one, which flustered the tall gentleman

Why do I have so much grumpy gentleman??
I live for that. I live for that.

I love the colors, the lighting and their expressions! For something that I felt unmotivated to and kinda rushed through, I wholeheartedly adore how it turned out!

This isn't fluff but angst!

I miss doing angsty art pieces as they are kind of a comfort thing for me and help express how I am feeling and allow me to get a clear understanding about what makes a character tick so here we are !

If you read the drabble preview I sent in the server, then this is the couple who were in it! I plan on doing more for the drabble so if you want a tag, lemme know ^^

Hristo is upset that Roman had been flirting with other people on Vday and has had these feelings that Roman doesn't like him compared to others and has a mental breakdown and leaves, leaving Roman upset and questioning his behavior

For me, Roman has impulsive issues and needs a stroke of confidence wherever he goes and doesn't mean to hurt Hristo but unironically does with his impulsive ideas and flirty language to others

I really love how this looks so soft with the filters that I used and of course I just HAD to shine up the tears since they were kinda hard to see lol!

And a continuation onto that is a comic .D

... An uncolored and sketch comic but shut up-

Idk why the picture is sideways; however, my phone is DUMBBB soooooooo!

First panel:

Roman: WAIT-
Roman: Hristo, I didn't mean to hurt you

Hristo: well, you did

Second panel:

Roman: I was repulsive, horrible, late. I hurt you. Just... I have to be honest

Third panel:

Roman: I lost sight of why I loved you. To care for you and to be there. I was caught up on not hurting you that I ended up doing it anyways

Fourth panel:

Roman: I know that me saying my insecurities isn't an excuse. I- I want to be around and near you and love on you and just...

Roman: I'm sorry Hristo... Please talk to me

Fifth panel

Hristo: it's just that ... I'm scared that you'll abandon me for Isti or you'll find someone better when I dedicated my heart and love for you

Hristo: Ive felt that you didn't care but... Promise... Promise me that you won't... You won't...

Last panel

Roman: promise! You have my word, Hristy!

Hristo: and you better keep your word

Am I going to color this out? Probably! However, I really like how this cute comic filled angst turned out!!

This last shipart is... NSFW kind of xD so if you want to maintain your innocence (or what is left of it) scroll past!

It's mainly suggestive but xP

Have you ever wondered why Maple is such a big fan of FRUK?

Let's just say he stumbled out of the meeting when this happened and went to a closet to get something and...

... Saw that xD

Why did I draw this?
Cuz I can and I will-

Paris would be "Francis" at this point as it's during Archie's "I hate everyone phase" and when Francis was asking to use she/her pronouns by everyone! Also, I wanna draw Francis more since FACE family and I wanna flesh out Francis' dysphoria and Archie's internalized homophobia more, lmao!

This will probably be really the only slight NSFW I get but I had a lot of fun drawing a shirtless Francis and the "ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" from Archie

While Francis is like, "why'd you stop?" Not knowing that Maple had opened the closet door xDD

Do I like this picture?

Do I regret drawing this?
Hell no.
Hell, here I come-

Archie will argue that he was trying to get his tie back from Francis but the other two would glance at each other and be like "surrrrrrre"

You can stop here if you scrolled past that xD

Last one is a shitpost about Archie boi!

Paris, Mitch and Maple all have blond hair while Archie has brown

However, what happens if on April Fools Day if Maple and Mitch dyed Archie's hair blond?? How would he react??

Here it is .D

He would cry honestly

He would cry.

Sorry for shit quality but .<

The top image is of him reacting to his hair dyed and wanting to cry and scream and is just panicking all the way-

The next image on the left is where Archie is trying to act normal in a meeting with his blond hair !

Next to that we have a bare chested Archie with writing that says, "Paris was here" LMAO

and Frederick saying "Honey, that blond on you is the most disgusting thing I have EVER seen" as Frederick is the fashion police!

Damn, I don't do shitposts often so I hope that was good enough and yeah .D

Anyways everybody, have a good Valentine's Day and stay safe and hydrated!! 💛

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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