Raising Storms

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Chapter :

"What do you mean?", Fathima asked turning around, clearly surprised.

"I mean.. Umm....nothing.. but., Ali is a good Muslim", she paused putting the plate she was scrubbing back to the sink, glancing Fathima, "He deserves the answer".

This made Fathima go off guard. Her face scurried with confusion and more over a type of anger.

"Then you are actually considering?", it came out as a question instead of the statement.

"Yes", Hafila responded carefully.

"MA! How could you do this to me? Why are you even giving it a thought?", she blurted unable to control herself.

From the time Ali has come into her life, he had always managed to create havoc after havoc for her.

Hafila was silent, for a moment it seemed like she is not going to answer, each passing second made Fathima go furious.

"Jaani! Listen. From what it seems is he clearly likes you", it made Fathima glare at her Mom, but Hafila continued instead, "But I am not a one to give my thoughts for it, Okay? He has asked your hand in marriage, which means he has put forth a proposal", she tried to explain.

"I don't think you are making sense", Fathima shook her head.

"I am. According to Islam we can't neglect a proposal asap if the guy is good and Islamic", 

Fathima shook her head even more, "You are not making any sense Mom. You are not. I don't want to get stuck with him. Wait! I don't even like him. You can't force me", Fathima bellowed angrily as she turned over her heels and marched out the room without even glancing at her Mother, knocking down a vase, and without even caring to look over the mess.

She was filled with rage. A rage which will cause severe storms. But storm's won't come empty handed. They destroy everything that is left.

Hearts, Love and Life.


Ali sat in the library going through newspapers in order to find a house to rent in.

All this time not getting even a proper one to settle. Either they cost too much or they are so big for him.

His work place is going through an curfew. So he had to manage his money properly. He cannot afford to waste it.

He had dialed few numbers which turned futile.

He was on the middle of the paper, when his peripheral vision showed someone coming towards him.

He attempt was subtle when he tried to get up seeing Fathima. Without even asking permission she sat on the opposite chair to him. So he stumbled back down.

"Why are you doing this to me?", she hissed.

He just stared at her.

"Cut the crap Ali. Don't act innocent", her anger was in cue and she was not at all acting like her own self.

"What are you trying to say?", he asked confused.

"Your game can't be won with me",

"I am not playing any game you are implying me to. Look over here I was just looking places to rent in", he turned the paper towards her.

"Ah! You are smart. You already bewitched my parents. Now, now you are acting to leave the house. How could you be so cheap?", she spat.

"Fathima", Ali called angrily. "I don't bewitch people. And you can reject me anytime on my face rather accusing me for things I don't think I would do. For Allah's sake no one is forcing you".

"Don't drag Allah here Ali. For the first time my parents are against me, they are not thinking about me. Do you know how much it kills?", she said.

Ali looked over her, "Do you know how much it kills to live a life without either of them?", he replied.

"Don't", she raised her hand to make him stop,"Don't ever start your rantings. I am not going to be sympathetic anymore". Ali stared at her shocked.

For one, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Fathima, the one calm and composed to be furious. Alright, he agrees her situation and she is going through something tough, but all this behavior means only one thing, one nightmare to become true, that is her rejecting his proposal. Her rejecting Him.

His heart shattered to pieces by the mere thought and it was as if bolts of lightning were fired on his way.

"Fathima I don't want your sympathy. It's alright if you don't like me. Your rejection to the proposal is accepted", his soul was a mess by this time. He couldn't breathe properly, his fingers were trembling and he held himself to stand by this.

One could see all the love in his emerald eyes seething to agony.

And just like that he left a Fathima who don't even knew she lost a real pearl in search of a duplicate one.


Guys Sorry for not posting so long. In shaa Allah I am intended to finish this book as soon as possible, so please pour your love through loads of comments ❤️

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