The Past's Tale of Love

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Dedicated to farheenkhan71653, for her beautiful votes which makes my day.



A four letter word which holds back our life; precious memories, experiences and facts.

They say 'Past', just like that, not knowing how close we keep that to our hearts. We love it and each day crave for it. Wanting to live it all again.

Everyone's endure a past. Some like to share and some like to keep it hidden beneath the chamber's of their hearts. It so happens, that we tend to share it, to give an example, to make somebody gain strength and hope.

Usman was willing to share his past for this reason.

"One day, a Man knocked my door. Had a big beard and was wearing a long thobe. He was from the mosque near by, inviting people to join the new courses offered. I thought to give it a try",

"He was my teacher, and the class went on for three consecutive months. During that period we became quite close. He was a very good and wise Man. Through him I reached my destination, Allah. I learnt about life. I learnt about Islam. I learnt about Imaan.",

"As the day's passed, after the class I used to hang up in the Mosque for late hours. Praying for forgiveness for all that I have done earlier. In the mean time your Uncle got a nice proposal, and instantly he got married",

"They didn't had children right away. As the day's passed curiosity increased, hope was in cue to diminish. That's when they started treatment. Each month they have had to spend loads of money. The one we get through the shop started to be used in this process",

"And at last we fell short to spend", he sighed. "That's when I realized I have to leave this and search some job for mine so we could get double income. I started looking for job and this Man from the mosque offered me a job", he paused to look at her.

"A job in the mosque. That's how I laid my eyes on your mother. She is one of the staff too. And guess what?", he asked looking at her eyes, but she blinked nonchalantly.

"She is the daughter of this Old Man. I asked her hand in marriage, and that's how we ended up as an couple", this time her eyes laced up with mortified confusion. "Dearie", he called as an endearment as he held her shoulders with his hand, gazing her. "It's not all Haraam to love, it's depends on how you take it along. Ali is in the same position as your Father was. I am not supporting for Allah's sake, but I am saying is what he did was right in his point of view, and you being closed up is what eating me",

"This is your house, I have asked him to move out as soon as possible. So, please don't mind his stay. Don't let it affect you", he kissed her forehead. She smiled, "Okay! I understand", she nodded.

"So you're not angry on him? Did you forgave him?", she asked her voice hollow.

"Yes, I am angry. But when the Creator is so forgiving, then why not his Creation?", he winked.

She smiled more, "And then Maahi was born, right?", she asked indicating to the half finished story and both father and daughter were engulfed in an bond of love.


As Fathima stepped inside the dining room, the air instantly was tensed.

Ali could not move his eyes from the plate which held roasted chicken.

He tore it into half, his hand was a bit shaky if you noticed it too close.

His heart beat was in cue, he did not know what to do, all he wanted was run away rather sitting there, awkwardly.

"Daddy do you know something?", asked Asad across the table, looking at Usman who was eating as if nothing had happened ignoring Ali totally.

"What?", he asked looking up.

"We are going to have Christmas break within a month", he gleamed as Fathima took her usual spot. "You are saying as if he doesn't know there is something called Christmas and we get holidays when it comes", she mocked to ease the pressure around and sliced a piece of chicken and put on her plate along with some steamed rice.

"Fathima I didn't asked you", Asad crossed his hands, and the ranting began between the two, while Ali left a breath he was holding long back.

Without further ado, he quickly finished with the last of the dinner and returned to his room in a daze.

All along only one thing going on in his mind, how is this family coping up so soon?

And he decided it's better to leave than stay, though they behave all normal with him, he can sense that he is unwanted, not that they show or express, not that they are so cruel, he simply feels like that, and doesn't wanted to burden them more.

After all, he felt terribly sad at the thought that by the look of it, they didn't think about his proposal any more, which meant he has lost something precious to his heart, his first ever wish for happiness.

Uttering an Alhamdulillah, he quickly stood in his prayer mat, and that's what something calmed the storm inside him.

As Ali had stood from the table, though they were busy eating, everyone's eyes roamed over him for a slip second.

And then they had, had dinner as usual.


Fathima opened the tap, and wore the gloves to do the dishes, as Hafila was putting the left over food inside the fridge.

"I am proud of you habibti", she said, breaking the other from the trance.

"Thanks Ma",

"You are my daughter after all", Hafila patted her shoulders, "You are doing good?", it came more than a statement into a question.

"Yeah!", she smiled, "It's quite hard Ma", she gave up washing the plate and turned towards Hafila, "I have never ever thought of him in that way", she confessed.

"I know, I trust you", Hafila kissed her forehead. "I was scared that you people would doubt me, that's why I didn't open up since morning", her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Not in my dreams I would doubt my daughter. I haven't raised you like that, I am a hundred percent sure about it".

"Thank you so much Ma, I am relieved", Fathima hugged her.

"Don't stress yourself much jaani", she hugged back.

"Now no more tears", said Hafila, "Move, will do the rest of the dishes, you call it a night". Nodding Fathima removed her gloves.

Fathima was about to cross the Kitchen corridor when her Mom said, "Ali is not a bad guy Fathima, don't punish him though",.



How was the chappiee?

Any ideas as to what is going to happen in the next?

What does Hafila meant?

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