Imagine #152: Dare Me Not (Part 14)

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Imagine #152: Dare Me Not (Part 14)

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

He's saying good bye, I know he is...I'm once we got out of here, he'll stop the dare and he'll avoid me...and now I have no idea why I don't want that to happen. I really should just let it be,'ll be better that way. But some part of me says otherwise.

"May you always be smiled upon." He said after kissing my forehead and I swear my heart beat so fast again. He did it...the charm that I told him before. I didn't even expect him to remember this after all these years, I guess he really still lives on that past.

The elevator door finally opened and I was still silent and shocked. I just looked outside as I saw Meagan worriedly waiting there.

"Y/N! God, you have me so worried!" She said, hugging me the moment I went out. I let put a low laugh and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry we got stu--

"You did this didn't you?!" She suddenly looked at Patrick who's silent now.

"N-no, Meagan...actually it was my fault. Even if I knew this elevator is not properly working I still insisted on using it, I was lucky Patrick insisted to go with me, at least I wasn't the only one that got stuck in there." I explained to Meagan and the maintenance guy that was in there.

"You missed the quiz bee and the singing competition. Everyone was looking for the both of you, and also I thought Elaine would turn into a dragon earlier, she's so pissed with the disappearance of Patrick." Meagan explained to me and I just laughed.

"Well, it's all been done now." I said, I looked at my wristwatch and then realized it's time for that blind date booth to open, meaning that Patrick and I should get moving to let Meagan and Pete meet there.

I looked over to him, signaling that he should go get Pete. He just nodded at me then he walked away.

"What happened in there?" Meagan asked me as we walk the other.

"Something that led him to decided to end the dare." I answered her, I'm actually still not in the mood or anything. There's so many things happening on my mind right now, but first thing first...we still have a mission to do. "I'll fill in the details soon, come with me, I need to show you something." I said, changing my mood and just smiling at her.

Meagan smiled back but I know that she knows something is up with me, I'm just glad she's not insisting on making me say it. I just led her towards the booth that's now opened. It was originally a classroom but now the inside was so dim and romantic. There's an table for two and the music is romantic too.

"Y/N, why are we here?" Meagan asked curiously and I just smirked at her.

"You let me meet Brendon before, so I'll let you meet someone now." I said, immediately blindfolding her wirh the help of the people in the booth.

"You're insane, Y/N." Meagan said, I do feel that she knows where this is going. She held my hands and even I can't see her eyes now, I know she's sincere. "Thank you." She said.

"You've been my best friend here, Meagan. This is the least I can do. Now, sit there and wait. Good luck." I said then I walked out of the booth, only finding Patrick dragging Pete in here while he's already wearing a blindfold.

"Your resistance is futile, Mr. Wentz. Just get on with it." I said while smirking and the moment he heard my voice he stopped struggling. Looks like he got it all figured out too. The people in the booth led him inside and finally I saw Pete and Meagan on the same table...we'll just have to let the magic flow to them I guess. The people closed the doors and gave the booth of them privacy, leaving me and Patrick outside.

I looked towards him and caught him staring at me like as if he wants to tell me something.

"What a day, right?" I said with a small smile.

"Yeah...look, Y/N...I'm really sorry about what happened earlier and I hope you're okay now." he told me sincerely.

"Yeah, thanks for listening too and for calming me down. I really appreciate it." I told him. "Anyways, it's not your fault so no need to say sorry."

"I guess you're right." he said. "I-I better go now and explain to Elaine and get things over with...bye Y/N." He said and it's like he's having difficulties to say those.

"See you around, Patrick." I said and he turned then walked away and I feel like he has no intention to look back anymore.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

"What has gotten into your head, babe?!" Elaine screamed at me the moment I found her alone inside the music room.

"Elaine, will you please shut up? I'm not in the mood." I told her but of course, she won't stop now.

"Why did you go with her in there? See? Nothing bad happe--

"Nothing bad?" I said in anger then laughed coldly at her. "You know nothing, Elaine. If I wasn't in there she could have...You know what, you don't need to know, you don't care anyways. You just care about the rankings and being popular. But me? I had enough, Elaine. Meagan was right, I should have listened to her...we need to s--

"What the hell is happening to you?! Do you want people to take advantage of us again? Do you want that time to happen again?!" He said and I can't believe she's really this desperate now, her head is filled with arrogance now.

"No, Elaine. What's happening to you?! You are not like this before! You're the one changing here! Right from the start I noticed this, I kept reaching to you too but you just keep on brushing me away. You're not the girl who made me strong, you're becoming the girl I hate before." I said harshly to her, but at least I'm being honest finally.

Her breathing became heavier but she's still looking at me badly.

"That girl is ruining like her, don't you?! That bitch, she's flirting with you, isn't sh--

"Don't you dare call her that." I said while seriously looking at her. "You want my answer? Okay then, I like her, Elaine...but no, she didn't flirt, actually it was your fault, you let fall out. You know how she interest me right from the start, I was waiting for you to react, to push me to stop because another girl in involved here now but no, you even dared me to make her fall in love with me, but oh surprise suprise! Maybe I'm the one that fell in love with her...while you? You kept on brushing me away even if I try to reach out to now face the consequence." I said, trying so hard not to raise my voice. I might be angry, but I still have respect for girls.

Elaine looked at me in shock, but she's still looking angrily at me. This girl had really changed and it's just sad that it happened because we let this happen.

"You might be done with her, but not me...especially now." She said with a threatening voice and I just sighed.

"Careful with what you're doing, El. The list of people that hated you is getting longer and guess what...I might have the number 1 position in there right now." I told him. "I'm sorry, but I had enough of all this, we're through too." I told her because now I know that we'll never to like before.

"Do what you want and I'll do what I want, Stump. You're being a coward again, let's see how far it'll take someone to take advantage of you again." She said and walked out on me.

I sighed as I run my hand on my face. This is really a mess...we've been doing this for three years...but now just a single girl has changed everything back. I really hoped that Elaine is wrong...


*Y/N's P.O.V.*

*One month later*

I was right, he's completely avoiding me right now and the Big 4 seemed to be separated now. A lot of things changed since the college festival and I have no idea if it's considered as good or not. I, myself, am confused too.

"Hey! Your birthday is this saturday right?" Meagan suddenly asked and I smiled.

"Yeah, but I might not be doing anything. You know I'm doing community service right? I've been teaching out of school youths every saturday in the city hall for the past several months, remember?" I explained to her and she smiled.

"You're really a girl with the golden heart." Meagan said. "We'll just celebrate some other day, I guess." She said.

"I'll count on that." I said while standing up and getting my books.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat lunch?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm not hungry. I'll just read some books in thr old gym." I said with a smile and Meagan looked at me worriedly.

"Are you really going to read or are you going to try to find him?" Meagan asked that made me stop moving.

I really hate myself for wanting to talk to him now that he's avoiding me.

"N-no, of course not." I answered.

"Do you expect me to believe you after answering so slowly?" Meagan said with a small smile. "You're better this way, Y/N. But yeah, it's still your choice. Just know I'm here for you, okay?" She said and I nodded.

"Thanks, Meagan. Really." I said then walked away. "I'll see you later."

I just continued to walk to the hallways and back to the old gym. I've been doing this for months and maybe expecting him to come there to annoy me, but nothing. He really did stop and I don't know why I hate that fact.

{Thanks for reading! A lot will still happen 😁 Hang tight! Thaaaanks!}

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