Imagine #165: The Overcast Chronicles (Part 3)

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Imagine #165: The Overcast Chronicles (Part 3)

*Patrick's P.O.V.*

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" I asked Joe who's driving our van towards the house of one of the survivors from the falling meteor. We just really have to make sure that we're not the only ones who has these weird powers with us.

"Well, according to the GPS her house will be...that." Joe said as he pulled over in front of an apartment building.

According to Andy's research, this survivor is a teenage girl. She was an audience from the festival that day, she was just admitted to the hospital for a couple of days because her case wasn't that critical, just some scratches to the body and head. Also, according to the hospital, she didn't seem to have any more problems...unlike us...well, maybe she's just hiding it.

"Bro, calm down. You're melting and freezing the steering wheel at the same time." Pete worriedly said to Joe and he's right, half of the steering wheel is covered with thin ice and the other half is almost liquid due to melting.

"Fuck!" Joe cursed and I saw the worry on his face again. He's recently been acting like this, thinking that he might hurt us, that's why he always keeps away. Pete also told me that Joe's been stressed, since Pete can read his mind, he knows how difficult Joe's situation is.

"Hey, just calm down, Joeman. You got this." Y/N said to him with a cheerful and positive smile. She even held Joe's arm and I slightly saw some green mist in her palm. Looks like she doesn't just heal physically, she's also a source of positive energy.

Joe took a deep breath and smiled then after Y/N took her hands in his arms, Joe was able to control his powers again. I'm really getting nervous whenever he uses that power uncontrollably, not because he might hurt us, but because of his sight. All we know is that every time the power was used, his eyesight will get weaker.

"I'm fine now. L-let's go?" he said and we all jumped out of the car.

The place is really quiet, maybe suspiciously quiet. It was a big apartment building, but it seems like no one's living in there anymore. To be honest, the place was kind of old and the area is really not a safe one. The five of us are just standing in front of the building while we stare at it, probably all of us are somehow scared.

"Don't worry, we have powers. Come on!" Y/N whispered as she tap my back. She made her way to the stairs and soon enough, we're all going up to that survivor's apartment.

"Her name is Anna. If that's what you are asking." Pete answered me even before I asked my question out loud.

"Get out of my mind, Wentz." I playfully told him.

"Hey, her name's Anna? Maybe she can help me with my ice powers." Joe joked and Y/N giggled a little. That Frozen movie was her guilty pleasure.

"Jokes aside, here we are." Andy said the small smile from his mouth is disappearing. "Just ask nicely, don't hurry things up and if things get out of know the drill." he said.

"Wait, what? There's a drill?" I asked dumbfounded.

"No, but what I mean is just save yourself and we'll meet later. Simple as that." Andy said and we all agreed to him.

Y/N stood in front of us and began to knock at the door. It was really quiet around this place like no one's living in here anymore, actually, this is a good place to shoot a horror movie. Y/N continued to knock on the door, but it seems that no one's going to answer sooner or later. She was about to walk back when we saw an eye through the small space on the door.

"W-what do you want?" we heard coming from the inside.

"H-hi! Um, I'm Y/N and this are my friends, um, you might know them --

"Yes, Fall Out Boy, but why are you here? What do you want?" she asked seriously.

"We are one of the survivors from the falling meteor and we're out visit the other survivors, we want to ask them how they've been and --

"I'm fine! I appreciate it, but you have to" she said.

"Can't we have a talk for a while? I mean, are you with someone in there?" Joe asked her and there was silence. We thought the girl ditched us, but after a few seconds, the doors opened.

We immediately saw her apartment, somehow, because there was no lights inside...just pure darkness. It was about six in the evening now and the sun had fully set, so we have no lights in there.

"Why is it so dark? Are you with someone?" I asked her while the five of us get inside. I really tried to see her face, but I can't, my eyesight is still not used to this kind of darkness.

"Where's your light switch? I can turn on the---

"No! Please don't!" she said in panic and we all felt that something was wrong.

"Something's wrong with're hurt and worried. Please, don't worry, we won't hurt you, we're here for the same reason. Somehow, we're experiencing something like what you are feeling." Pete said with a soothing voice and the girl seemed to calm down.

"O-okay, I will calm down, but please...don't open any lights or anything with electricity on it...please." she said in a shaking voice.

"Will this do?" Joe asked and after that, a ball of fire emerged from his right palm and finally, we saw the girl.

She was covered with blankets even if it's too hot inside her apartment, she also looked stressed too. The girl just amazingly stared at Joe's right hand, probably not believing in what she is seeing.

"Do you have something in common with us? I mean, are you experiencing --

"Yes! Yes, and I'm so scared and confused! I even pushed all the people away that's living next to this room. I can't control it and it hurts me...Electricity, I somehow have electrokinesis, but it burns me and I can't control it." the girl said and she started crying in there.

A part of the towel she has around her shoulder slipped slightly, but that's all we needed to see. A bare part of her shoulder was shown and it's completely burned, I think it's a third-degree burn. She winced we the towel touched it too. The girl helplessly looked at us, like she was asking for help or anything.

I can feel that somehow she's happy to know that she wasn't just the only person who's experiencing this, but still, she's scared and the poor girl is mortally wounded, or more like burned. We stared at each other worriedly, we're still lucky that the catch for us is not like this, but of course, we're all worried about the girl...but Y/N already has determination in her eyes.

"I'll try to fix it," She said...but somehow, I can sense fear in her voice.

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

That poor girl, that surely hurts a lot...and what I'm about to do will surely hurt more than that.

I was scared of course! I'm the type of person who has a low tolerance to physical pain and I think this could kill me. The thing that I just healed was Pete and Patrick's wound and I almost collapsed because of the pain I felt that time, and now this? This could probably make me want to kill myself.

I helped Anna took the towel from her skin and I also wince every time a part hits her skin. I gulped nervously and looked at them, I was scared, but I'm still determined to end the misery of this girl.

"Y/N? Are you sure you're going to –

"Yes, Pete. Don't worry." I told him, he probably knows my secret now. The guy can read mind and shit, but I was thankful that he keeps it as a secret...that the catch of my power is more than being weakened after using it. "Okay, just stay still, this won't hurt you." It'll just hurt me, I thought to myself.

I hovered my hands on her skin and I can immediately feel the warmth radiating on my palms...and with that, my knees began trembling. The pain was excruciating, I can feel it all over my body. It was too hot like a lava was being poured to me and my skin wouldn't just fell off, I just kept on feeling it. I'm sure I was already screaming out loud, I can also feel sweat all over my face and my tears are involuntarily leaving my eyes. I was fighting the pain, I swear! I'm pushing myself so hard just to be conscious, but it seems like I won't be for long.

"FUCK!" I screamed so loud and then I felt that someone pulled me away from her.

I got my eyes closed as the pain wash away, but I feel like my skin are still burning hot. I was catching my breath and I'm sweaty all over my body, who wouldn't be after experiencing that pain?!

"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard Patrick's voice.

"Did she okay?" I pushed myself to speak.

"S-she is, there are just scars in her body, but she's alright. How about you, this was way worse than you acted before, did you feel something else?" he asked me and I continuously shook my head no.

"I'm fine, it's just my energy." I answered and I coughed. I opened my eyes to see the girl and I'm impressed with myself, I did heal her.

"Thank you so much. I've never been in so much pain because of that." She said with a whimper.

Pete stood up and took some water to give it to me and Anna. We're both catching our breaths and silence took over, I was feeling their worried eyes on my again, most especially Pete's. The guy knew what I thought when I was healing the girl.

"Really, thank you guys, but I guess this won't last long." The girl said.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked.

"I had to go out sooner or later, and there's electricity out there. I feel like I'm a huge electricity conductor, it just flows right through me and I can't control it and I'm also not immune to it." She explained. It was an awful power, actually, it's not even a power, it's like a curse to her.

"We're going to find out something, don't worry." Andy said to reassure her, but the girl smiled at her like she already found something out.

"Don't worry, before this power got the best of me, I did found someone. I think it's an organization or something, I posted my experience on the internet and I really thought no one will believe me, but they called me...they told me they'll help me and they'll get me tonight. You guys have a good timing, we can all go and –

"You what?!" I asked hysterically, for all I know we're in so much trouble right now.

"What? They can help –

"Anna! How sure you are that they're going to help us? They have no idea what you have, what we have! For sure they'll run experiments with you non-stop!" Andy told her, but the girl looked determined.

"No! They seemed nice, one of them went in here the other day, I proved them the powers and they told me they're going to get me tonight." She explained.

The five of us immediately stood up, probably all of us knows what to do now.

"We have to get out of here, now!" I said I was about to run towards the front door when a someone knocked on it. "Well, fuck, then!" I whispered shout and backed-out.

We all tried to find another exit while Anna tried to calm us down.

"Listen, they're all good! Please. I'll let them in!" she shouted and probably those people know that she's not alone in this apartment anymore.

The five of us are just in the corner, ready to attack or anything. Anna was about to open the door and now we know we'll end up in some kind of a laboratory if we don't fight back...We can fight back, but surely, these people will have tranquilizers will them.

"Fuck! I wish we have invisibility powers now!" Patrick whispered shout in panic and with that, we felt a cold mist around of us.

Patrick looked at me in worry, but all I can do is stare at him in shock, the pupil of his right eye is now a green smoke. Before I can react, the doors opened and the people rushed inside, pushing the poor girl down. The look like the SWAT team or something because their faces are fully covered and they're holding guns.

"Anna!" I screamed and I immediately regret that, but it seems like I shouldn't because the people don't seem to notice us even a bit.

"Aw! Wait! No, this isn't what you told me! Why are you tying me!" the girl screamed. All of us are stunned in there and we're not even moving.

"Shut up, freak!" one of them screamed at her.

"These fuckers!" Andy was about to attack them, but I got hold of his arm. I somehow know that Patrick's wish came true and that we're invisible right now. I'm afraid that if Andy moves away from Patrick, he will be seen.

"Stop! Don't! There are others like me! They are in my kitchen! They also have powers! One can heal and the other have pyrokinesis!" she screamed hysterically and the five of us got so tensed.

One of the people hurried towards us aimlessly, like he was searching for something. He was literally in front of us yet he doesn't even feel us.

"That freak girl lost her shit! Give her tranquilizer and we should go! I feel like this place will give us disease!" he said. The other guy took out an injection and recklessly shot it to Anna and soon enough she lost her consciousness.

We helplessly watched those people took her away and soon enough, silence took over in the place. The cold mist is now gone and Patrick's right eye returned to its normal color. We are all looking at him in disbelief. There's so much happening around us and I don't even know what to think first...

All the survivors really have powers...and one girl was just taken by these people and I know soon they'll know about us too. They are already treating Anna badly, what more to their laboratory?! And other than that, we think we found out Patrick's power now...

"Invisibility." Pete murmured and Patrick looked at us helplessly.

I wish I could just agree with what Pete said...but why do I feel like there's more with Patrick's power?

{Thanks for the support, lovelies!! THANKS FOR READING!}

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