Imagine #166: The Overcast Chronicles (Part 4)

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Imagine #166: The Overcast Chronicles (Part 4)  

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

We're currently at Patrick's house and all of us are in front of a laptop except for Patrick who's sleeping while leaning on my shoulder. We're still trying to search for the other people who survived the falling meteor incident, but it seems that their records are hidden now.

I sighed and closed my laptop, I can't believe that we're doing something like this at 3 AM. All of us have had difficulties in sleeping, it's lucky that Patrick fell asleep, but to be honest, his body just shut down. I can sense the stress in our bodies, maybe that's one of my powers now. I stared at my friends, they all look so problematic while staring at their laptop screens.

"We need to take a break." I told them. "The more we stress ourselves, the less productive we may be. Besides, it's fucking New Year! Might as well enjoy it." I added with a smile, I can now feel the cheerful vibe radiating around me.

"She's right...we're still all human, it wouldn't hurt us to have fun." Pete said, smiling for the first time today.

"And also, I'm so hungry." Andy said in agreement.

Suddenly, the fireplace lit up by itself and we're already landing our stares at Joe, who kept on staring at the fire.

"Joe...we told you to not use your powers too much." I told him in worry.

"I had to, so I can control it, He said with a reassuring smile.

"But that's not what we're worried about, it's about your eyesight." Andy told him.

"I'm fine guys, besides, it's just a small fire. I won't over use it." He said.

Silence temporarily took over and I found myself staring at Patrick who's still peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. He's the most stressed among us, he can't really control his worry towards us and also he's been thinking about his power. So far, all we know is that he has this invisibility powers that saved us the other day, but we still don't know the catch for his power and, to be honest, we're not sure about his power just yet.

Patrick slightly moved and I just smiled at him. He and I really have this unspoken connection between us, I know we see each other as more than best friends, but we never really confessed it to each other. The others also can see this too, we're like a couple...but not official, but I really don't mind that. All that matters is that I'm with him and these dorky guys also.

I gently put my palm over his cheeks and decided to pass over some of my energy to him, I found out I can do that yesterday, but they don't know yet. I'm all out the healing person in the team...just like a support role in an MMORPG game.

"Hmm." Patrick moved and he caught my hand on his cheeks, he might have felt it's warmth too. "What are you doing?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing, just checking out if you're still alive, idiot." I teased him. Patrick didn't let go of my hand in there.

"So, are we gonna go out or we're going to watch you two get cheesy in there?" Joe asked with a laugh and I playfully tossed a pillow at him.

"Wake up, Pattycakes, we're going out." I tapped Patrick's cheeks and I stood up. He looked like he still wants to sleep, but I feel like he's hungry too so he just fixed himself and soon enough, the five of us are heading out...just like we used too.


"Is it just me or this pizza became tastier?!" Pete said and we laughed at him. We're currently eating at this 24-hour pizza parlor and we're the only ones eating in there right now.

"It's only you, Pete." Andy teased him and Pete playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Oh dear, don't you punch back." Pete immediately told Andy, scared that he might end up miles away from his seat if Andy would punch him back.

We all continued to eat and laugh like we're normal people again. I know we are, we just have this weird like a disease with us now...and that maybe an unknown organization may be on to us. Speaking of that, I wonder what happened to Anna...that poor girl. We could have helped her, but I know we're scared and we still have no idea how to fight with this powers with us. Also, we can't let them know...but speaking of that, Anna knows us now she's probably gonna tell those people about us. It's just a matter of time before we are caught.

"Hey." Pete suddenly elbowed me, trying not to take more attention other than mine. "I thought we should unwind? Your thoughts are so loud, it's like screaming at my mind." He whispered. Of course, he can hear it.

"Sorry, I couldn't stop myself." I whispered, suddenly Patrick noticed us and we just innocently smiled at him.

Pete didn't respond after that and I really tried to clear my thoughts and just focus myself to relax, soon enough I did manage to do so and just enjoyed my time with my friends.

After a while, the bell on the door suddenly rang as two guys entered the vicinity. They already look so suspicious because their faces are covered with their hoods. The others have noticed it too and we just intently looked at them as one of them hurried in front of the cashier.

"Robbers...and not the ordinary ones. Looks like fate is really bringing us together." Pete said while looking at both of them. "Hypnotism and light like speed. Don't look at the eyes of that in front of the cashier." He continued to give us information, we're lucky that we have Pete. "The both of them really feels familiar too."

"Let's make a scene then." Joe suddenly said and after that he shouted, acting like sober.

We indeed get their attention and the cashier attendant suddenly fell to the ground.

"Your cover's been blown. Stop it." I told them, just looking at the other guy.

"Lookie here...Fall Out Boy, you're one of the survivors in there too...right? So you might be like us too." He answered me and I just looked at him seriously.

Suddenly, Andy stood up then he sends a whole table towards the guy's way, but it only ends up in the wall. He really has the speed of the light.

"Impressive, but not quite. You fucked up our plan." The other one said.

We're all standing in front of each other like we're going to have a brawl fight, but I know this is not an ordinary fight.

"Let's get this over with...FAST." The one with the speed of light said and just like that, he was gone on the spot he was standing.

After that, I saw Pete and Andy on the ground while groaning in pain. The guy already took a punch on their faces. I and Patrick ran from the scene to stop the other one from going to the cashier to get some money, lucky both I and he know martial arts and we're really not helpless in this kind of situation.

"FUCKER! Stop!" I screamed as I attacked him with a kick, the guy falls back, but he was strong and he did manage to get up easily.

"You distract him. I'll go stealth mode." Patrick whispered and with that he disappeared.

I accidentally looked at the guy's eye and I was stunned there, just looking at his red glowing eyes. I felt that all of my thoughts are being freed now and I can't think straight. I was hearing the guy's voice inside my head to join him and the other guy and go attack my friend. I was about to do so when suddenly I heard him groan in pain and the eye contact broke.

"You fucker!" I was hearing Patrick's voice as the guy curled up on the floor in pain, looks like Patrick's taking care of him now.

I looked back at the others and it seems like they got hold of the other guy too. His legs are frozen now and Andy was holding him seems like there's no problem now...except one. Joe's out of control. Pete was already going near him to calm him down. I ran towards him while Patrick dragged the other guy next to Andy so he can also hold him down.

"Joe...Joe calm down." I call out to him. Both of his hands are covered with fire and ice and it's shooting all over the place.

I continued to move forward to him and he looked at me helplessly and worriedly.

"Don't come any closer!" he told me in fear.

"No, I can help you!" I continued and I ran to him, suddenly his hand involuntarily shot me with a ball of fire and I almost collapsed on the ground. Lucky, it was just my arm that got hit and I continued to move towards him.

"Y/N!" Andy, Pete, and Patrick screamed for my name, but that can't really stop me now. Finally, I was able to hold Joe's arm and the warmth in my palm immediately radiates.

Joe's hands continued to shoot around aimlessly, but it's getting weaker and weaker. As it was about to vanish...another bad thing happen, one ball of fire is going towards the gas range in the kitchen of the place and that's when I know we're all fucked in there.

"SHIT!" I screamed. I can't believe that this is how it all ends for us.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

I don't know why, but maybe it's because of my eyes...everything became slow motion.

My mind is racing, I was seeing the ball of fire travel slowly towards the gas range while Y/N is dragging Joe to our side. I honestly have no idea on what to do, I felt so helpless in there...but I need to do something! This slow motion moment is like giving me a chance so we can escape, and I think I how to escape, it just sounds so impossible. A wild thought came to my mind, I don't know why but my instincts made me do it. I got in the middle and reached for Joe's shoulder who's holding Y/N and I held Pete who's holding Andy that was holding the two guys.

"Fuck...I hope this works! Teleport...teleport...teleport out of here!!" I screamed and with that I felt something warm in my right eye and with that...a green mist ate all of us, before the explosion gets to our side.

The cold chill of wind surrounded us and I can hear my friends' distressed screamed. I felt like we were riding a roller coaster, and with a bang...we just stopped and hit the ground.

We're out...we're safe...WE'RE ALIVE!

I looked around and it looks like we're on a deserted beach. I tried to stand up, but my knees are still shaking and I feel so weak. I saw my friends laying on the sand just near me, all of them are coughing and catching their breaths. My eyes wonder around checking if all of them are in there, and that's when I almost lost my mind...Y/N's not with us.

"Y/N?! Y/N!! Joe! You're holding Y/N, right?! Where is she?! Where the fuck is she?!" I asked in panicked as I looked around, but there's no sign of her anymore.

"I-I lost my grip to her, I...she...she let go of me! I'm sorry! Fuck!" Joe said in a panic too.

I can't process best friend...the girl I love is missing and I'm not even sure if she made it out! I'm glad that we made it out...that I think I know what my power is now, but it's no use...I failed to save everyone...most especially the person that's so dear to.

I collapsed on my knees as my whole body shook, Pete and Joe came to my side and they started to tell me things I can't even comprehend...all I know is that I'm helplessly calling out for her name...wishing that she'll be alright despite everything that happened.

{INTENSE!!! I really love writing these and I hope you're enjoying reading them!}

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