Imagine #24: Forever In A Day (Part 3)

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Imagine #24: Forever In A Day (Part 3)

{Did I mention that this mini fanfic will have a lot of sad feels to it? No? Sorry, now you know! ;) ENJOY!}

It's been five days since you and Patrick joined together to have a vacation you will never forget and you're really sure that these days are considered as one of the best days in your life. Within five days, the two of you became very close with each other like you've been friends for years. You can't believe that Patrick was so open for people and he already told you so many things about him and so did you. You're honestly liking him more now, more than a fan to her idol. Your relationship now is more personal and you really hope that this would continue even after this vacation.

"Hey! Pattycakes! Wake up, I'll show you something." you wiggled him gently as he was still sleeping. He hummed and turned to look at you, his sleepy face is really cute.

"What? It's still dark outside..."he said sleepily, only opening his eyes halfway.

"Well, it won't be dark if we get there. Come on! We'll be leaving this beautiful place tomorrow and I can't let the both of us leave until we see that place. Please." you told him. Patrick chuckled and sat up. Suddenly, he brushed your hair while smiling at you which you just love.

"Okay, okay, just let me get ready." he said.

After he's done fixing himself, the both of you went on in an early hike. It wasn't too dark outside after all since the sun is about to rise. The way isn't too dangerous too so it's alright. It was just about a twenty-minute walk and finally, you reached that majestic beautiful falls again.

"Where are we rea--"Patrick was about to question again, but when he realized that you both reach your destination...he was stunned. "Wow."

"Mother nature as its finest." you murmured. It was really beautiful and what makes it more beautiful is that there's no one except the both of you around. 

It wasn't a crowded place, meaning it's so clean and there's no trash around. The water is so clear and now that the sun has risen, it's beauty is shining in your eyes. The falling water was not that high and that adds up to the beauty of the place...this is indeed one of the best places you know.

"How did you know this place?" he asked, still admiring the falls' beauty.

"I've been here when I was a kid, I'm amazed that I still know how to get here!" you excitedly told him. You walked to the edge and you pull off your shirt that revealed your white tank top. "Let's swim! I'm telling you, the water is relaxing here." you said and immediately jumped in.

Patrick followed after you and there were just laughs. The both of you have been enjoying the place like its your paradise and what's make it more beautiful is that i t seems exclusive for the both of you. You kept on swimming, teasing each other and playing around. You've been splashing water at each other faces too. Suddenly, you're both diving side to side and you noticed Patrick staring at you. You both emerged to the surface, now face to face. You giggled when you saw him in front of you. His messed up and wet blonde hair makes him look so cute in there.

"{Y/N}." you heard him whispered while staring directly at your eyes. You honestly thought that he's going to say something your heart had been dying to hear. 

"What?" you playfully asked him while smiling, but before he could say anything else...his mood changed. It's like he changed his mind that instant, but he looks so hurt and disappointed too. Patrick turned and swim towards the edge and pulled himself up.

You were left there, stunned. He seemed so...disappointed and hurt too. You followed him, you think that maybe you're the only one who's assuming things, but that honestly hurt you. 

"P-Patrick! What happened? Did I--" you followed him as he walked back towards the cabin. "Patrick." you called out again.

Patrick stopped and walked back to you, and you really see the sorry written on his face. You looked at him worriedly. 

"What's wrong?" you asked worriedly at him. Patrick just let you put on your shirt again and you know that he just pushed himself to smile.

"Nothing, I just remembered that I had to do something...let's go back to the cabin." he said and walked again. You stopped yourself to ask once more and just followed him.

Maybe it's just me...I'm just assuming things, you told yourself.


You and Patrick stayed the whole the inside the cabin in silence, after what happened earlier. Patrick stood up and went inside the bathroom and he had been there for a couple of minutes now. You're still bothered on how he acted earlier and it really makes you think. You sat on the edge of the bed then you saw his phone on the small table, for the first time. You've been asking yourself about that because since the first day you both met, Patrick haven't touched that phone. Patrick, being a celebrity, you really think that he will always be the kind of person who'll always be on his phone...or just even text someone once in a while.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated like crazy. You walked over to it and saw a lot of messages coming in, it's from his best friends; Andy, Joe and Pete...then from his siblings; Megan and Kevin...and a message from his mom. The notification bar had also shown the message which you read and its all having the same context...where are you and we're so worried about you.

You heard the bathroom door opening and you immediately went to your other things so he wouldn't see you looking at his phone. You walked to your own phone and pretended to do something with it.

"{Y/N}, I'm really sorry about earlier. I mean, I just..." he said, this whole day he'd been quiet.

"No, it's okay. I really don't mind that, what matters is that, I showed you that place." you told him and smiled. "Um, your phone's been vibrating, I think someone's calling you." you told him and he went to check it out.

You're staring at him and you instantly see the hurt in his eyes again as he scan the messages on his phone. He sighed, a heavy sigh, then dropped his phone in there again, not even bothering to reply to their texts.

"Do you...drink?" he asked out of nowhere and you nodded at him. "Come on, my treat." he said.

You didn't ask anything or hesitate, this guy have a secret and a problem and now, you think all he need is a companion.


Within two hours, you and Patrick are now both sober. You've forgotten everything and Patrick had been laughing again now. You really thought that he'll disclose his problem now, but the guy is keeping his mouth shut, but you don't care about that now. You've been doing some dare for a while now and the small game had been keeping you company tonight.

"Well, Patrick, you're a good guy...but I think tonight, let's temporarily change that." you told him. "See that happy sober singing the karaoke?  Pushed the stop button in the karaoke then run." you dared him and laughed.

Patrick took another shot of whiskey and confidently stood up, but he's preventing himself to smile. You've been laughing in your seat as Patrick walked over to the karaoke machine and started to push the buttons in there, stopping the singing happy sober.

"Woooh! Savage!!!" you shouted while laughing.

"HEY!" the guy shouted at Patrick and he started to run.

Patrick pulled you up in your seat and run outside the club, the both of you laughing so hard. You lost the guy that followed you to run outside. This time, you're the one who's pulling Patrick, wanting him to still see one more place before your departure tomorrow.

"Hey, wait up." Patrick pants, but fortunately, you're already in that place.

The both of you catch your breath as you feel the cold breeze in there. Silence emerge as you both realize how beautiful the place is. You're in the peak of a hill and there's a lighthouse in there.

"You really know the beautiful places in here, huh?" Patrick said in amazement. You laughed and you looked at him.

"Yeah, yeah I do. And I'm so glad that I'm able to see all these places again and have the privilege to show them to you." you told him honestly. Alcohol is like your truth serum and everything you're saying is completely the truth.

You both laid on the grass and stared directly at the skies. You and Patrick are side by side, your shoulders are already brushing against each other.

"I'm really glad I met you." Patrick murmured suddenly that made you look at him.

"Well, I technically know you even before we met, but I really think this is a lot different. I'm so glad about that too, Trick." you said to him.

You saw that hurt in his eyes again, but this time he did push that expression off. The two of you stared at each other with smiles and after that, those smiles  connected. Both of your lips moved with the beat of your hearts and after a couple of seconds, you pulled back and laughed again. Patrick interlocked his hands on your hands and you grip to it tightly too.

"Step one: drink

Step two: make mistakes

Step three: pretend you don't remember

Step four: drink a little more

Step five: I need to run dry

I need to run dry

I'm gonna take one more shot
Then I'm quitting forever
Cross my heart, cross my fingers
" Patrick sang softly and you just leaned on his chest. 

Well, it's official're not just assuming.


The moment you wake up inside your cabin, the thing you first remembered was that kiss. It really make you smile instantly and you can't wait to see and see how would all this go. You turned to his side...your smile immediately disappearing.

"Patrick?" you called out, but he's gone now. There was only a piece of paper under a white rose in his side of the bed. You immediately took it and read it. "Thnks fr th mmrs, {Y/N}, I didn't think that you would affect me this much. I'm really sorry for not saying goodbye personally, but I think this is for the better...Thank you, phoenix girl. I will never forget you." you read the letter.

you're already feeling mixed emotions right now, anger, sadness, frustration...Why would he do this to you? After what happened last night then this?! You want to know what's up with him...You immediately jumped off the bed and went outside to follow him to wherever he would have went...but deep inside you know he's long gone.

"Ms. {Y/N}. Good morning, Mr. Patrick Stump left early in the morning. He asked a ride towards the nearest bus stop. He already cleared the bill and even left you with meals later this day until your departure." the front desk said. You're really trying hard to maintain your posture in there and thanked the man.

Without thinking, you hoped inside your car, wishing that you would still catch the guy. He left you with phone number to contact him, no social media account, no nothing! You felt like you were just a prostitute, nothing but a tour guide to him for leaving you just like that. You know there's a reason behind all this and you wanted to find out...but maybe you're too late.

Now the only things that are left to you are the memories...that white rose...and that heart breaking note.


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