Imagine #25: Forever In A Day (End)

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Imagine #25: Forever In A Day (End)

{Make sure you have some tissues next to you. I swear I cried while reading this...Maybe listen to Jet Pack Blues too or Miss Missing You or maybe What A Catch...enjoy!}

You kept on driving towards the bus station, really wishing that you can catch Patrick. You're not angry at him, you're just frustrated to why he would do this to you. Last night you thought you and he became inseparable, but then suddenly, he would leave you just like that like you're nothing to him. You know it's just been six days, but you know you've created something within those days...and you're really willing to fight for that something now.

"What if he realizes he doesn't like me? What if he has a girlfriend? What if he just woke up and  hated, or just kept up with your annoying personality so he wouldn't look rude to you?" those were your negative thoughts that really confuses and frustrates you more.

Finally, after that drive, you arrived at the bus station. there weren't many people there and you're just eagerly searching for him, but in vain. You didn't see him or anything, maybe he got on a bus before you arrived, now you think you have nothing on you that could reach him. You heavily walked towards your car again, still not believing that you lost him, but before you can inside your saw a familiar guy from afar.

"Patrick...Patrick!" you called out and run to him. He was on the streets, maybe waiting for a bus or something. He's standing in a deserted place, first he didn't saw you, but when you called him, he looked at you in shock. "S-so, that's just that? You're just going to leave without even saying good bye?" you asked him, hurt in your eyes.

"{Y/N}, I-I'm sorry, I just don't wa--

"Y-you're worse than a girl giving mixed signals! You're just going to leave me a note then pay all of the expenses. Am I just like a six-day stand for you? I'm honestly feeling that you're treating like a prostitute. You could have told me...telling me your reason is better than this. You could at least say if you have a girlfriend, or or you don't really want me. Not like this." You murmured, you can't bring to raise your voice to him because he's already looking at you with sincerity and sorry in his eyes.

"No! No! It's never like that, {Y/N}, you're so golden to be treated like that. I never want you to think of that again! I-It's just I have to's for the better." he said, with tears building up in his eyes. "But I swear...I would have stayed with you from now on till forever, {Y/N}." he added, his voice is already cracking.

Patrick is holding your hands now and you know that he's shaking, you can see that he never wanted to leave you and something is just pushing him to do so. You're really glad about that and you just hugged him, Patrick silently cried in your shoulder.

"Then, won't you stay with me?  Why would you want to leave me if that's how bad you want to be with me? Do you have a girlfriend? Are you engage?" you asked him while hugging and Patrick's just shaking his head no on your shoulder. "Then what's stopping this, Patrick?" you said with a hopeful smile. You pulled back and looked directly at him as his tears helplessly fall down.

"I-I'm dying, {Y/N}, I'm going to die because of this stupid disease that I have! I'm scared and I don't know what to do, but, I've just recently accepted all of that, and I went here to enjoy the last days of my life, to fulfill those wild and extreme things we've done to say at least I've lived a happy life. But! You came and suddenly I've became scared again, I don't want it to happen again! I don't want to go yet! I don't want to die yet...I fucking want to stay with you...but what am I going to do? What do I have against this natural things going on with my system? What am I going to do to not die and just stay with you?" Patrick said and he's been crying the whole time, full sincerity and hurt in his words.

Your tears involuntarily fell down too, and you almost fell to the ground with what he said. You stupidly look at him as your tears flow like the falls. Every information sank in your brain and heart and it felt heavier and heavier.

"N-No...Patrick..." you're actually lost for words. You know that Patrick knows that you love him and now you know that he loves you back...but he's scared, he's going to leave soon and he doesn't want you to see that.

Patrick took a deep breathe and gave you a shaky smile. He held your hand as he looked directly at you.

"T-that's why...that's why I left you. I don't want to you to be a part o-of this struggle anymore. I know how this affected my best friends and my family and I didn't want to give you the burden, princess. I thought that just leaving like that...will be a lot less painful than the fact that I'll die. But I didn't expect you too follow me, to do this and fight for it. But at least now you know. {Y/N}, please don't think that I ever wanted to leave you behind, God knows how I badly want to be with you." he said while pushing himself to smile.

"I won't let you go...I-I'll stay with you till the very end, Patrick! I love you, I love you and I won't leave you from now on. Please, let me inside your life, I don't care...I don't care about what you have, I don't care i-if you-re...fuck that all! I'll just stay with you from now on till the end." you said to him with determination and Patrick whimpered and chuckle at the same time.

"{Y/N}, you are so stunningly beautiful and I love you so much too."  he said with a small smile. "But can you really love someone who's going to die soon?" he asked straightforward and you pushed yourself to smile to him.

"No...because I won't let him leave me." you said with full hope and smiled at him.

Patrick cupped your cheeks and kissed you in don't really care about anything now, it's just, the both of you are inseparable, that maybe even death can't apart the both of you.


"You have a bucket list?" You asked Patrick, who's laying in the hospital bed, he's really weak now and you know that sooner or later, he will go off to a better place.

It's been four months since you met him and since then, you've done nothing but to make him happy, to fulfill his every wish and let the love between you ignite.

"Yeah." he answered weakly and pull a piece of paper in the drawer beside him. The list wasn't that long, and it's most of the things you expect a Patrick Stump would write there.

Do extreme sports, see beautiful places, eat some exotic food, be mean even just for a dare...and things like that. A lot in the list was crossed out and you know when all these happened, when he was with you. You smiled as you scan through the list.

"When I got there...all I do is to complete that bucket list and really, I did! But you know what else completed that time?" he said and you looked at him. "My life...Because of you, my life has been completed. Look at the bottom of the list, princess." he added.

You looked at the bottom and there it was...Meet the most beautiful, kindest and lovable girl and  let love bind the two of us...It was under the 'top of the list' writing.

"It was down there because I really thought that I wouldn't find anyone to fit in the description, but I was wrong, you came and you've completed it all." he said and that just made you cry. That part was now crossed out and next to it was you name. You smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"Y-you know what else you completed?" you asked him with full confidence in it. There was still another writing under what you just read, it's also still one of his top be an amazing dad.

You took out a pen and let him see what you're doing to the paper, and slowly you crossed out that line. You just found out that you were pregnant with his baby, you know this is all hard for all of you, but brings that ray of hope. Patrick looked at you then he just whimpered in there as he hug you and hold your stomach.

"You really did complete my life, {Y/N}." he murmured. "And I'm eternally grateful for that. I love you so much, never ever forget that even if I say good bye." 

"I love you so much more, Patrick." you said, with tears falling again. "It took me a day to fall in love... and always remember that, it will take me forever to say goodbye." you said, then kissed him.

Sometimes, we just don't take the word 'forever' literally, because some people...including yourselves...can feel such a thing within a numbered days.

{T.T Some John Green shit is here! THANKS FOR READING!!!}

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