Imagine #33: Catch Me If You Can (Part 5)

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Imagine #33: Catch Me If You Can (Part 5)

You were quickly walking outside Patrick's house while he was following you. You didn't want to be rude to him, but you have to stay focused right's been three years, and finally the time to get your justice has finally come.

"{Y/N}! Hey, wait!" Patrick hurried following you and stopped you before you get inside your car. "Let me go with you." he said stupidly.

"Patrick, are you insane? This is my job, it's dangerous for you. This is an operation and you're a civilian here, I can't drag you the--

"But that's my wife that they have taken!" he said in panic that shocked you, you saw the worry in his eyes, but he looked like he regretted what he said. 

"D-dad? W-what are you saying...w-who took mom?" You both suddenly noticed Declan standing in there and you immediately hurried to him.

"H-hey, kid. Um...y-your mom, s-she's been, um...taken by b-bad guys. But don't you worry! I-I'll save I saved you and daddy. I won't let those people hurt her, okay? Trust me, okay? Be strong, Declan. I promise, I'll get her back." you told him as he tried not to cry. You hurried to your car, but stopped when you saw Patrick looking at you helplessly.

"I-I mean...she's been my wife and Elisa is a wonderful girl, s-she doesn't deserve this, I was just worried about her--

"I know, Patrick...I am too. Knowing that if something bad happens to her, it will affect you and Declan. But, I swear, I won't let that happen! I won't let them take anything away. They already took something from me three years ago, but now...I won't let them take anything away from your family." you seriously said.

"W-what are you tal-

"Those people killed my former husband...and now I'm going to kill all of them." you said with poison in your mouth.

You climbed inside your car, but Patrick caught your arm. He looked at you with determination and worry.

"You, yourself said it. You won't let them take anything from our family...{Y/N}, you're already a part of our family, a part of me. careful, I'll lose it if something bad happens to you." he said with sincerity.

"I'll be careful, take care of yourself and...Declan. I'll get Elisa back to you. That's a promise." you said, closing the door and driving off to wherever those people are right now.

You're not going to waste time, this is it...the time to bring the justice you've always wanted. You checked your guns and luckily, they are always with you. You put your bullet proof vest and put on your war paint in your mind. You feel like it's going to be a long night...but you wish that this wouldn't be your last night.


You finally reached the place and it was disguised by a disgustingly looking bar. You knew that these people were after ladies now, so you decided to disguise yourself as a slut, just leaving enough clothes to hide the guns that you would need. You climbed down the car and walked towards the bar, looking like a prostitute and acting like one. Guys have also landed their eyes on you and some are already touching you, you're just acting 'hard-to-get' which they like more. 

The security immediately let you inside the bar, still acting the same way, but you're already alert now. The moment you went inside, your eyes were filled with smoke and the smell of liquor filled your lungs. You let yourself adjust for a while, before you fully see your surroundings. You made sense of what was happening inside too...there was an auction going on, and it wasn't for an art or an antique, it was an auction for a girl. People inside this bar are buying woman!

You became full alert, devising a plan since the reinforcement wouldn't just barged in while knowing innocent people are inside, you need to start something to help them attack. You were about to go backstage when one guy held your arms tightly.

"Hey there...long time no see, Agent {Y/L/N}." the chilling voice said as the guy drag you on the backstage. He pushed you to the ground and laughed while he get your guns. "You can fool anyone in here, but me." he was the guy...the guy that shot your husband in front of you. 

"I'll kill you, motherfucker!"  you went berserk mode and attack him, but he just caught you in there, pinning you to the wall.

"Chill, Agent {Y/L/N}, I don't want to wear out your beauty. You must cost a fortune, if you're on that stage." he said while rubbing your cheeks. You struggled to get free from him.

"Boss? The curly haired girl is next." another guy said.

"Just put her up on the stage." he answered and you saw Elisa being dragged to the stage and you widen to your eyes while looking at her.

You just kept your chill for a while, you can't go do stupid things without thinking about the consequences. You faced the guy who's been pinning you in there and he's now looking lustfully at you.

"Can't believe you're this beautiful." he said which disgusted you, but this could just be your way out of here. You smiled at him lustfully too, while you close in to his face. Moments later, the guy's already kissing you deep which totally disgusted you, but you had no choice. You just pretended that you gave in to him, even moaning out slightly.

When you think that he was distracted enough and made sure that there weren't many people around, you made your move. You acted like you're going down to him, but when you're in the middle, you attacked him, pulling him down to the ground and burying your fist to his jaw. You managed to get your guns to and hammered one to his head which made him unconscious. You're now pointing his gun to him, contemplating if you're going to kill him or not.

"Aaaaand SOLD!" the announcer said outside.

"Fuck!" you run towards the stage holding up your guns, and shooting once to start the panic.

With a loud bang, everyone screamed and panic and you just run towards Elisa and drag her away from the scene. You also dragged the other girls with you to bring them to safety. You're gripping her hand while you find the exit to the place.

"It's me, don't fucking let go!" you told her and made your way towards the backdoor. "Agent {Y/N} here, calling for the reinforcement!!!" you shouted.

You finally found the back door and struggle to open it, but soon enough, it did open for you. Of course, you made sure that everyone got out and finally, a police car had just pulled over and went to the aid of the girls. You're still inside the vicinity, just making sure everyone got out safe and sound and looking out there.

"You slut!" you suddenly heard the guy's voice again. He kept on shooting aimlessly at you and you've just been protecting the girls.

"Hurry!!" you said as they moved faster. "Elisa! Go!"

"You stupid, fucker!! Protecting the wife of your boyfriend!! What a fucking stupid bitch! Let's see how you react when I kill the person you're protecting again!" the guy said in full-on psycho mode.

You let your instincts kicked in and pulled Elisa out of the way. You're almost pushing her outside, shouting for them to run as far as they can.

"Come on too!" Elisa said while she grips your hand. You both run outside, but you know danger is still coming. The guy kept on following you, already shooting everything again.

"Everyone, duck!" you said. You pulled Elisa in front of you, acting as a human shield just to avoid her from getting hit with a bullet. 




Three bullets hit your back and the pain almost took you away, but you kept on fighting.

The other cops are already on to the guy, but you we're still fast enough to look at him and shoot him directly on the head before you fall to the ground...bleeding to death. Elisa kneel beside you while holding you.

"W-why would you...n-no...d-don't let go, {Y/N}." she said. The ambulance and medic is already here and they are already doing their best to save you while Elisa never left your side.

"T-take care of P-Patrick and D-Declan..." you managed to murmur even a lot of blood is coming out from your mouth.

"No!'re going to take care of them, y-you're a part of our family now, their lives now, {Y/N}! He'll be waiting for you, Declan will be waiting for you...h-he told me, he told me he wanted you to be his new mom and I gladly agreed to that, Patrck's been in love with you too, so don't fucking let go!" she said...and maybe, 

just maybe, that's enough motivation for you to not let go.

{Thanks for reading!!}

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