#25 {D:BH AU} Ultra Kind Of Love (Part 10)

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*Y/N's P.O.V.*

The unexpected ally - that's my title now and honestly? I'm more than glad to accept that.

It's been 10 days already and the longer I stay here, the more I find myself connecting to these android deviants that are publicly known to be dangerous, violent, and heartless. Thinking about it, those claims make me laugh now. Those are complete lies because I've seen it all by now, and truth be told? These androids are more human than some biological humans nowadays.

I never felt threatened, no signs of past trauma came even when I'm supposed to feel totally helpless when around them because of my 'past' which I can't even rely on now. I know that I have amnesia and can't remember anything, but if that past was really true, I would have felt some sort of discomfort while being here. But none of those came, in fact, I felt more at home here compared to the past year with Eli and CyberLife.

I'm honestly at a better place now even with no memories, if only we are in a better situation, this would have been perfect.

It's only been two weeks since I got here and I felt that that was the shortest and longest two weeks at the same time. It felt short because of all the things that I wanted to do just to protect our location and these deviants, but also the longest because I don't know if my efforts are effective or not and it's driving me crazy. We're only on defense now and we can't forever rely on just guessing if we're safe or not.

"Markus, I know we're safe right now, but is this just it? Are we just going to hide and run forever?" One of the androids spoke. He has a point, and I think everyone on this ship has the same thought.

Because of the current situation and the sudden silence of CyberLife despite my disappearance, tension is getting high again. We know that they are plotting an attack and we need to do something about it as soon as we can. Fortunately, I was able to access the system that we created for mere minutes, but that was enough to give me the time to bug it a little. That definitely gave us time, but that's still not enough. Things are getting messier in the city and the government is getting really involved too.

"If fighting is the last move, I think now's the right time to consider that option, Markus. I know you don't want violence, but sometimes you have to fight with the same force too. We will lose if we just keep on doing this," Patrick suddenly said.

Out of all the androids here, he's the one I'm most familiar with now. For some reason, he sticks with me, always talking and asking if I need anything. I have no idea if he's just guilty since he was the one who kidnapped me or it's something else. Despite that observation, I didn't mind it at all. Besides, the familiarity that he makes me feel is comforting. He's definitely genuine too, all of these androids are, these really makes me realize that they are not just androids.

"The CyberLife tower stores hundreds...no...thousands of ready to activate androids. Each one is ready to be used and just needs to be 'awaken' with a command. If we're able to infiltrate it and awaken them, it will automatically give you the upper hand. I could also hack the interface, giving every android in existence the choice to join you or stay as is. Once that happens, I'm sure they will back down. You're more than advanced than us, having that many androids against us will definitely push us to cease fire--

"That's gonna be suicide, Patricia. There's no way we can easily enter that tower and if ever we enter it, we can't be sure if we can do what you said," Markus interrupted me.

"Then what the heck am I here for? I don't need each and every one of us to enter the tower. I just need you to wake those androids and another companion to assist me with the interface. Just three people, I'll make sure we accomplish what we need to accomplish once we're inside, " I said firmly.

I suddenly felt the pressure of what I just claimed to do as I realize that almost all of them are looking at me with helpless yet hopeful eyes. I really have no idea how I got into this mess, but I'm pretty sure everything got a lot more messed up after I lost my memories. But whether with memories or none, I'm gonna do my best to help them.

*Patrick's P. O. V. *

I know I should be focusing on the fact that we're at the peak of the war now, but I just can't get this feeling off of my system. Patricia really is reminding me of Y/N. Everything about her makes me remember Y/N, most especially her desire to help us.

North has noticed my attachment to her and she already told me to stop and I know that I should. I'm only torturing myself by letting this thought go in my head. But for some reason, I can't stop myself from being close to her. It's like my programs are recognizing her as Y/N...and since I was technically made for her and the fact that I wanted to be with her, my systems are overtaking now.

"I'll go with you and Markus. I know a lot about the CyberLife tower too and North has to lead the remaining group," I approached Patricia after our full-of-tension meeting. Fortunately, Markus has agreed to her plan. Besides, it's the best course of action to do now.

She just looked at me and somehow I got the feeling of as if she wanted to say no and argue with my decision.

"You yourself said it, we're gonna do this," I added, sounding a little more confident this time.

"Y-yeah," she said, giving me a small smile.

"Don't worry, you can rely on me. I won't mess up and ----

"No, no... It's not that, god no. It's just that...the worst-case scenario got into my head. What if I or we messed up? I'm dragging the two most important part of this revolution. And I also don't want you to......." Patricia stopped talking the moment she looked straight at me.

She suddenly involuntarily stepped back, almost falling to the floor. Fortunately, I was fast enough to catch and steady her, "Are you alright? What is it?" I asked in worry. I scanned her and saw symptoms of a migraine.

"Y-yeah. This just triggered something in my head that I still can't remember, but I'm fine. I'm fine," she murmured as she's trying to gain her balance again, "We should get ready. Don't worry, I promise you, this will not go in vain." Patricia stated confidently. Within a span of seconds, all her doubts and physical pain was set aside.

"I'm hopeful," I answered her.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Things really got serious fast, but that only made us more determined to end this as soon as possible.

We followed Markus' plan and in no time, we're in the city again running in the dark like criminals. Just as planned, it's only me, Patricia, and Markus who's headed for the CyberLife Tower while the others have already made their presence in the city known. They're gonna try to recruit as much as they can outside and rally against CyberLife forces. 

"Most forces will have their attention towards North's group, we gotta move fast or else they will begin to destroy them," Markus said and both Patricia and I nodded.

We finally reached the CyberLife area and with Patricia's advise, we managed to get in a secret passageway. The key card was hard to obtain, but Markus and I weren't holding back anymore so we easily snatched it from the guards that we have incapacitated.

Using the key card, we made our way to the utility closet which Patricia ransacked for three pairs of uniform. We got into our disguises quickly before going out to the main halls of the tower. It's true that almost everyone in here has their attention to the other group that is out in the city which made our work here a bit easier.

The three of us were still very careful, trying so hard to avoid gaining any attention towards us. After walking cautiously along the main halls, we reached the elevator and Patricia quickly operated it.

"Only high ranking personnel can access this elevator and once I have hacked this, they'll know that someone is in here so we have to move quickly. I have told you where the androids are, Markus, you just have to wake them up and I'll open the exit for you. Patrick, you'll go with me as I'll try to hack the interface. We have to be fast, we can do this, " Patricia explained. We nodded at her and with that, she pushed the button which closed the elevator.

Alarms immediately went off and a warning that reads 'unauthorized person is within the tower' is now all over the place.

"Just do what you have to do. We'll meet you outside," Patricia said to Markus the moment the elevator door opened again.

"Be careful, you two. I'll be expecting you outside," he said and we separated our ways.

I was running beside Patricia, both of us giving all our focus on the goal at hand. Soon enough, we reached the main control and interface room.

"Why is this room empty? Shouldn't this be filled with ---

"No, this is another control room...which only Eli and fortunately for us, I, have the access to," she answered me with a proud smirk. She let the scanner read her handprints which immediately opened the door.

Patricia turned every monitor on, giving us the ability to see everything that's happening within the tower. We focused on Markus who's already inside the storage area.

"You weren't joking, they're just keeping thousands of androids here," I murmured.

"Yeah, CyberLife may have been a top notched company, but they're also stupid in some aspects," she stated. Patricia ran to the other side of the room and began to do her work.

I stayed in front of the monitors to see what's going on outside and act as a lookout. After a couple of minutes, Markus finally reached one of the androids. Using his newfound ability, he touched the idled android and a second later, it activated. This caused a domino effect inside the storage area and in mere minutes almost every android is activated and ready to listen to Markus.

"Markus did it. The guards are heading his way, I'm going to open the exits," I told Patricia. I did what I said and fortunately, the guards failed to go there in time.

"Patricia, Markus did it! They're heading to ----

"No...no...no," she said again and again as she frantically typed on the huge monitor in front of her. I rushed to her side to see what's happening, "Patrick, the system is already counting down for launch...our forced entry must have triggered it. I don't...I can't stop it," she stated in so much panic.

There was a countdown on the side of the monitor...we just have a few minutes before it will be over for us.

"If you think you can delay this more, better think again. We're putting you back to where you belong and that's below us humans. Waking those androids will be in vain either way," Eli's voice filled the vicinity. Every time I hear his voice, anger just fills me up.

The monitors are now showing that a number of guards are now forcing their way towards the floor that we are currently on. Sooner or later, we'll be completely trapped here, but that's nothing compared to getting deactivated by this system.

"This is the main interface, right? This is where the system is running?" I asked Patricia while I moved in front of the monitor.

"Yes...what are you planning? Patrick, there's nothing -- 

"There is. I can try to hack using my own programs and system. Maybe I can destroy and shut it down," I explained, my eyes are already locked on the screen.

"No...No, that will completely destroy you! We don't even know if it will work! Your programs are not as powerful as what this system has. You're gonna--

"Well, we have no other choice and it's worth it to try. I have nothing else to lose anyway. If this is the last thing I'll do, so be it. We can't lose, Patricia. We've already reached this far. This could also be my revenge against that bastard. I can't let him win, I will never let him win again."

Before she can reply, I hovered my hands over the monitor ports and went straight to stasis mode. In no time, I'm already connected to the interface, quickly uploading all of my data to it so I can gain control. I could still hear Patricia calling out my name. Her voice becoming more and more like Y/N's.

If this doesn't work...at least, a voice similar to Y/N's calling out my name is the last thing I'll ever hear.

Thanks for reading!
One more part and this mini fanfic will end.
Stay tuned for more oneshots though!

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