#26 {D:BH AU} Ultra Kind Of Love (End)

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*Y/N's P.O.V.*

Android System Detected.

Model PS0427. 

Designated owner: Y/N Y/L/N

The interface has already recognized Patrick's program. I kept on calling his name and trying to pull him away from the controls, but I couldn't do anything now. He was determined to try this risky procedure and now I'm just looking at the screen helplessly while reading his system description.

"Y/N.....Y/L/N...." I murmured to myself. My mind has been in a messy state from the moment we got here, but the current information I'm getting is messing me up more. I recognize those names, so is this current situation of mine.

Suddenly, the screen in front of us glitched. The controls began to short circuit and there are sparks coming out from it. I got knocked back because of a small explosion, but I still pushed myself to look at the screen which is now showing bits of Patrick's archived memories.

And just as fast as his memories flashed on screen, everything came back to me.

My eyes were stuck at the screen while flashes of Patrick's memories with me are shown. The longer I stared at it, the more memories flood my mind.

I'm not Patricia...I'm not Eli's fiancé...I'm not supposed to be a Cryberlife employee. I'm Y/N...and Eli ruined everything about me.

I'm just in a shocked state right now and I don't know what to feel, but I can tell that tears are falling from my eyes. Out of all the instances that I can gain my memories back, why now? Why in this kind of situation again, where we're trapped and there's no escape for Patrick?

But no...I'm not having that again.

Even with excruciating pain in my head, I pushed myself to look at the camera monitors. The guards are closing in, but thankfully, I could activate security measures from here so I put everything on which will give us more precious minutes inside here. After that, I ran back next to Patrick and tried to help him by altering the program from outside.

I'm honestly feeling so dizzy and the sudden appearance of my memories are overwhelming me so much, but now's not the time to complain. I need to keep on going.

"Patrick, listen to me. You have to get through this...It's me, it's Y/N. Please don't leave me this time," I told him. 

I know there's little to zero chance that he can hear me since he's practically turned off and just mere codes and systems on this interface now, but I don't care. I want him to listen and hear me even if the chances are low, I need to be his anchor in here.

57 seconds remaining. The system will launch at exactly 0 seconds.

The monitor in front of me announced and the moment it stopped talking, much larger explosions filled the area. I took cover using my arms because I didn't want to leave Patrick's side.

The main controls are reacting so negatively with Patrick's system that it caused it to continuously physically explode, but thankfully, the program is still on which means Patrick's still going and hacking the main system. The other explosions, on the other hand, came from the outside hall...they are already here.

"Come on, make it easy. I already said that pushing to do this doesn't matter anymore. You're gonna lose anyway!" Eli's voice filled the hall outside. Seconds later, I'm already seeing him walking towards the entrance of this room.

The whole room has a transparent glass wall and the moment I was on his view, he kept his eyes on me. He still doesn't know that I'm working with the androids now and I have to keep it that way so I can use that to my advantage later.

"I knew they'd bring you here. You don't have to worry, Patricia. There's nothing it can do anymore, just open the door and we'll get this over with. We'll save you," he said, obviously trying to be sincere.

This situation again. People, who are the real danger, are trying to save me from someone that has no intention to harm me. It's the same thing again, but this time...I'm not going to let them win.

I didn't say anything to him, I also didn't move. I stayed beside Patrick and looked at the heavily glitched screen.

"Patrick," I called out. 10 more seconds before the moment of truth.

I'm on the brink of losing him again when I just technically got him back. The physical and emotional pain is excruciating again, but I have to endure it. I involuntarily put my hand over Patrick's hand as the system counts down to zero.


Suddenly, a letter began to appear on the screen again and again.



This time, it's not just a letter, but instead, it's a word. I'm sure it's Patrick, he must have heard me.



I whimpered silently and held his hand tightly. I don't know what will happen after the timer has run out and I'm so afraid to find out.


"0...System launch----

The monitor and controls in front of us exploded completely which knocked me and Patrick back meters away from it. My body hit a wall before I fell on the floor so did Patrick. He was still not moving, practically shut off.

"Patrick. Patrick, come on, wake up, please," I murmured, tears from my eyes are not stopping from flowing.

I have no clue if what we did was successful or not... I can't tell if the program was successful or if Patrick just failed to come back.

"Patrick..." I kept on calling while holding his hand.

"Patricia! Patricia! It's over, you're safe. It's over, you're with me again," Eli managed to enter the room and is now approaching me.

"They didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve this..." I murmured under my breath, rage filling my whole body.

"Patricia. Stop this nonsense now!" Eli grabbed me by my arm and pulled me away from Patrick, "They just poisoned your mind. Get a hold of yourself because there are a lot of clean up to do and we ---

"Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott! It didn't work." One of his escorts interrupted and that immediately got my attention, "We're getting calls from the troops outside that all the androids, deviant or not, are still active. The program didn't work and we're outnumbered now. We can't contain them already. We have to fall back," he continued.

"That's impossible. That CAN'T BE! Join the rest outside! This is not over!" he ordered and his escorts followed him, just leaving me and him in here.

Out of nowhere, I began to laugh. Patrick did it, he hacked the system successfully. Eli looked at me with a pissed expression and I loved seeing that now. I want to see defeat on his face.

"It's over for you..." I said then I headbutt him, "You're gonna pay for what you did to me, Eli. You stole my life away from me and fed me lies for a year!"

"Oh... Look who remembers now. You know, Y/N, it was WAY better when we're together. We make great things. You're just gonna regret this!" Eli brushed his bleeding lip then immediately rushed to me to drag me by my hair. "Because you see? With or without that system, I will not stop until I gain back the control over them. Now, I'm just gonna use brute force."

Eli dragged me by my hair towards the window so I can see what's happening outside. It's still a mess out there and CyberLife forces are still attacking and destroying as much android as they can, but now I can see them having a hard time.

"Believe what you want, Eli. You'll have to surrender soon," I told him.

"Maybe? Maybe not. But you know what I'm sure of? That you won't be there to see what's gonna happen." I felt the tip of a gun against my head as he pinned me against the wall. I have my back facing him and he's now holding my arms to stop me from moving, "You and your pesky android friend had caused me enough trouble and since it looks like I can't have you anymore... You're useless now," he said while turning off the safety of the gun.

I know I should be struggling and fighting him off, but somehow, I'm finding myself just accepting this. I've done everything that I needed to do anyways and I trust that Markus can handle it now. Besides, I don't know if I can bear the thought of losing Patrick...again.

"Just accepting your faith, huh? Well then, good girl. Bye, love." I shut my eyes closed and prepared for the pain...but it didn't come.

"I'm not fucking done with you yet, you bastard."

I heard Eli groaned in pain and he just disappeared behind me. I immediately looked back and saw Patrick beating the hell out of him.

"Patrick..." I said in disbelief. He's okay...he's active again.

"Mr. Scott. There's too many of them! We can't keep going." I heard one of the heads of the troops that was outside through the monitor and I know I have to step in now.

"N...no. Kill them...all," I can't believe that even he's getting beaten up, that's all he can think of. Fortunately, his voice is so silent now and I'm sure that message didn't go through.

I snatched the communication device from him as Patrick hold him up. "This is Patricia Vaughn, as the appointed COO of Cyberlife and next to Eli Scott. I order you to fall back. Ceasefire and stop attacking!" I said.

"U-understood!" they replied.


"You must be regretting that you've kept me alive all this time, are you now?" I teased him

"What are you gonna do then? Kill me? You're just as worse as I ---

"We are not like you, Mr. Scott. We are not downgrading to reach your level. We will just let natural occurrences do its thing," Patrick said and punched him on the face one more time, finally sending his consciousness away.

Patrick tied him up and dropped him on the floor.

I let out a heavy sigh of relief and a whimper as I leaned against the wall, "We did it...We fucking did it and I finally remember again," I said while laughing and crying at the same time.

Patrick rushed towards me and pulled me against his chest gently. "I knew it was you. My system knew it was you...it all explains why I was so attached to you. Turns out you really are my supposed owner and other half," he whispered which just made me tighten my hug.

"You scared me! Again! I thought I've lost you again," I told him.

"Hey! What I did wasn't easy...but thanks to your voice, I managed to find my way back. And I'm here to stay, Y/N. It's over now, everything will be better."

Yeah. Yeah, it will be.

~~~Time Skip~~~

*Patrick's P. O. V. *

It took three months to repair all the damage that was done that night, but thankfully, everything is in order now.

Y/N explained everything to the State government, surrendered all evidence that could be used against Eli for breaking the law and starting this war. Y/N also charged Eli for what he tried to do to her before and that alone already gave him the punishment of life imprisonment with no chance of parole. I could say that that problem is basically solved.

And since Y/N is the next in line in CyberLife's hierarchy, she's now the appointed CEO. With no bias, she managed to create new rules that balance out the human and android rights. Within three months, everything was organized as if nothing happened.

"You really learned to enjoy what you're doing here now, huh?" I asked Y/N while we're at her office.

"Yeah. I didn't want to leave this place in a mess. Besides, I promised to help, didn't I? And I will gladly do that," she answered me. I sat beside her on the sofa and she just leaned her head on my shoulder.

"See? I was always right. As long as you're here, the world becomes better."

"Naaah, I'm just doing the right thing, Patrick. But thank you for not leaving me. I wouldn't have reached this far if it wasn't for you too," she answered me while facing me again. I can see the sincerity on her eyes and I loved staring at them.

"Why would I leave the person that enabled me to feel love? You'll always be my life, Y/N and I'll always give you the ultra kind of love that I can muster," I stated which immediately made her blush and chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. In short, you love me and I really love you too, Patrick," she said softly and then she kissed my lips.

As an android, I'll never be able to explain this kind of bliss that I'm feeling whenever I'm with her, but I'm pretty sure that whatever it is, I'll never ever get tired of experiencing it with her.

Ey, sorry if this somehow felt a little rushed! I honestly had some major writer's block with this one.
I'm gonna stick with a few one shots after this before jumping into another mini fanfic.
Anyways, thanks for sticking with me.
Love you, guys!

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