Chapter 4

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Gauri tried to get out of Om's arms but his grip on her was firm and strong. 

Why after 7 long years was he hugging her like there was no tomorrow?

Why after 7 long years was he hugging her acting like nothing had never happened between them?

Why after 7 long years was he hugging her when he was the one who broke up with her?

If only she could read his mind. If only she could know what was going on in his brain? Then she would know why he was acting so excited and happy seeing her. 

She kept trying to free herself from his arms and eventually she was out of his arms. She looked at him and he looked at her. Gauri was looking at him with a hurt look but Om was looking at her with a smile on his face.

Om: so you must be my new personal assistant? Wow! Life is very strange don't you think? I thought that I would never see you again but here you are...right in front of me. 

Gauri didn't say anything, she just looked at him. When she looked at him, memories started flooding back to her head. Memories that she wanted to destroy so badly but she couldn't. Memories that she wanted to change so badly but unfortunately she couldn't since people can change but memories can't. 

Her vision suddenly became blurred, her eyes started to sting, she felt a lump in her throat...oh shit, she was feeling teary but she couldn't break down crying in front of her ex, in front of the man who broke and stamped on her heart 7 years back. She took a deep breath and said to her ex now turned boss: I need to go get some water.

Her voice did sound shaky but since it's Om, he didn't really notice the shakiness in her voice. He just nodded, allowing her to leave the office cabin for a couple of minutes.

Gauri didn't actually need water, she needed space, she needed a few minutes to herself, she needed those few minutes to get herself back together then face her ex now turned boss. How on earth did Omkara Singh Oberoi, the guy who was least interested in work, get a job in the first place?

She went into the ladies bathroom and allowed herself to break down because sometimes it's better to break down crying than keep it all in and let your feelings eat you alive. 



Mishti entered Prithviraj. After talking to the receptionist, she was allowed to go and give Om his wallet back. She went inside the elevator and once the elevator reached the floor Om was on, she went out and tried to find Om's office cabin. 

Mishti: where is his cabin? 

Soon she found his cabin, she opened the door and was she expecting Om to look through some files? Yes, yes she did but it's Om we're on about, was he doing work? No, no he wasn't.

Mishti: is one of your tasks to take selfies?

Om looked from his phone and said: yes.

Mishti rolled her eyes. 

Om: by the way, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend?

Mishti: boyfriend?

Om: your work is your boyfriend. 

Mishti once again rolled her eyes. She walked up to Om and kept the wallet on his desk. 

Mishti: my work is not my boyfriend and I came to drop your wallet off because you being so great left it in my car.

Om: thank you so much for my wallet. Are you sure this is the only reason why you came down to my office?

Mishti: yes why? What is going on in that dirty mind of yours?

Om: how did you know that...

Mishti interrupting: I know you very well and my answer is that no, I need to go back to my work soon. 

Om: if you're not going back right now, then we can have some fun.

Mishti: keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, I need to go to the ladies room then I am leaving this place.

Om made a face, Mishti smiled and continued: also where is your PA? 

Om: she went to get some water, it doesn't take that long to get water.

Mishti: maybe there is a queue for the water machine. 

She was about to leave his office cabin but then she stopped and spoke again: also Om, before I go, please don't make your PA do all the work. She is also human too.

Om: but I don't want to work, it's too much effort.

Mishti gave him a look, Om groaned: fine I will do some work, not a lot but a little bit.

Mishti sighed: everyone has to take baby steps. Anyway see you babe.

Om: are you going to the club today?

Mishti: maybe. 

Om: please baby.

Mishti: we'll see. 

Om: fine.

Mishti: now bye.

Om: bye baby.

Mishti left the office and went to the ladies room, when she reached the ladies room, she went into her handbag to get something when her eyes saw Gauri sitting in a corner, crying. 

She immediately left her handbag and went to Gauri's sides, kneeling down to her height.

Mishti softly: why are you crying?

Gauri looked at Mishti and quickly wiped the tears away. 

Gauri: I wasn't crying.

Mishti: you was. I saw. Is everything okay?

Gauri: I don't know...I saw my ex in this office today and now....

She didn't complete her sentence because her throat was feeling a little choked up.

Mishti: now?

Gauri took a deep breath then spoke again: now I have to work with him, I don't know if I can. 

Mishti: what's your name?

Gauri: Gauri.

Mishti: hi Gauri, I'm Mishti and I'm gonna give you some advice. 

Gauri stayed quiet.

Mishti: I had an ex and turns out he works at the same place as me and when I found out that he was going to work with me then I was also shocked and like you, I hid in the bathroom and broke down because he broke my heart. But then I decided to stand up from this corner, sort out my tear stained face and work with him because you should never mix your personal life with your professional life. When you work, only think about your goals not about your ex. When you work, stayed focused on the present and keep yourself busy, if your ex decides to act like a dick...sorry about my language.

Gauri: it's fine, don't worry. 

Mishti smiled then continued: so if he acts like a dick, then talk to the owner of this company and ask if you can work with someone else. If you are struggling to work with him, then ask for help. There is no shame in asking for help. 

Gauri smiled and said: thank you for your advice.

Mishti: your welcome. You seem really nice, do you want to meet up after we are both done with work?

Gauri: yeah sure.

Mishti went to get her handbag and got out her phone, she then went back to Gauri and gave her the phone.

Mishti: give me your number. 

Gauri nodded and typed in her number then a quick text message.

Gauri: I texted myself a hi from your phone so then I have your number.

Mishti: that's great!

Gauri got up and washed her face. Mishti was about to leave when she said to Gauri: here, take my kajal. It will make your eyes look like they weren't covered with tears. 

Gauri nodded, smiling and quickly applied kajal then gave it back to Mishti. She and Mishti walked out of the ladies room. Before they went to their separate paths, Gauri spoke: thank you Mishti for being there.

Mishti: it's no problem. See you soon.

Gauri: bye.

Mishti went to the elevator and Gauri went to Om's office was time to face her ex. She just had to remember what Mishti told her. Not to mix her personal life with her professional life. She had worked so hard after a setback at 16 to graduate and get a job. Because of what happened when she was 16, her studies were affected. She took a year's break from school and when she came back, there was so much catching up for her to do, the people who knew about what happened to Gauri would constantly discourage her and say that it was better for her to work in a small corner shop because there was no way that she would be able to catch up with the other students in her year group. 

But she did it, she put her whole attention on studies. She worked ten times harder than anyone else because she needed to prove to people that her future was not doomed, that her future was not ruined...she worked too hard to allow herself to get affected by the fact that she was working with her ex. 

Gauri entered Om's office cabin only to find him playing a game on his phone. It was amazing that his dad gave him a job at his company. 

Om looked up from his phone as he heard the door opening. 

Om: oh welcome back. So whilst you was getting water, my dad came and gave me a list of tasks. Now get me a coffee please. 

Gauri: how do you want your coffee like? 

Om didn't answer, he resumed back to his game. Gauri sighed and went out of the office, she asked one of the people who worked in the office where the coffee machine was. They showed her the staffroom.

Gauri: I guess he still likes having cinnamon cappuccinos. 

She made Om a cinnamon cappuccino. As she was walking with the cup in her hand, she had a flashback:

Gauri was in the school library with a pencil and her sketchbook. She also had one of those coffee travel mugs. As she was sketching, she took a sip from her coffee travel mug then and now. She didn't noticed that Om came and sat next to her until he spoke....

Om: what are you drinking?

Gauri: cinnamon cappuccino, have a sip.

Om: with pleasure.

He picked up Gauri's coffee travel mug and took a sip.

Om: wow it's really nice. Did you make it?

Gauri nodded.

Om spoke loudly so that everyone in the library could hear the popular boy speak: my girlfriend is the best coffee maker in the world!

Everyone smiled and Gauri also smiled and even though he didn't ask her, she could tell from his eyes that he was now addicted to this type of cappuccino so everyday she would bring that drink for him and he would be so happy like a little kid when they got ice cream. 

She entered the office cabin and Om was still playing his game. Gauri left the cup on his desk. Om saw this and paused his game so that he could have a sip from the cup. Once he took a sip, he felt happy...he was happy because even after 7 years, coffee made by Gauri still tasted the same and it still made him feel happy. 

Gauri: how is it?

Om: it's not bad, well done.

Gauri: wha do you want me to do now Sir? felt so weird calling her ex sir but what could she do? She was working for him so she had to call him sir.

Om: yaar Gauri, don't call me feels weird. 

Gauri: fine, Omkara what do you want me to do now?

Om: don't call me Omkara. Call me Om baby.

Either he was in his senses when he said that or he wasn't thinking when he said that.

Gauri: I feel that is unprofessional. 

Om: fine, just call Om...not Omkara, not sir and not Om baby. Okay?

Gauri nodded. Once she nodded, Om gave her a task to do...organise all the files by colour. 


It was now meant that Gauri was done with her job. Oh god, Om didn't do a single bit of work. He made her do everything...after being made to organise the files by colour, she was then made to type a report which Om was supposed to do, then she was made to read, monitor and send emails, then she got lunch for Om, then she was made to conduct research over something.

It was such a tiring day for her but at least she was made to be busy which meant she didn't have to think much about the past. 

Before she left the office, she said bye to Tej who allowed her to go. Gauri left the building then texted Mishti. Within seconds she got a reply and then within minutes, Mishti came in her car.

Mishti: let's go.

Gauri went in the car and Mishti started driving. 




And we are done for the day. Next chapter will be something about the past.

Oh and Pari will be coming back soon don't worry.

Will Mishti get to know that Om and Gauri dated in the past?

Will Gauri survive working with Om?

I am sorry for a late update. @shrenal123 thank you for asking me to update. I had this in the drafts. 

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