Chapter 3

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Pari reached the orphanage but when she reached the door, the door was locked.

Pari: of course that Devika had to close the door.

She ran around the orphanage to find a window with no glass thanks to the many games of street cricket done by the older children. She climbed up and then within a couple of minutes, she found herself inside the orphanage. She started walking on her tip toes so she could avoid Devika but....


The person who was holding Pari's plait tightly was no other than Devika. She seemed really angry. Her face was red with suppressed rage and Pari could sense that her anger was boiling up. 

She managed to get her plait out of Devika's hand but before she was about to go, Devika grabbed her shoulders making Pari face her.

Pari: leave me!

A hard slap landed on her face. The slap was as loud as a clap and stung her face. 

Devika: you know being an orphanage warden for 10 years, I have gave 400 children a home here. Some were lucky to get adopted, I was grateful for some of those children got adopted...some children reached the age of 18 and then left the orphanage, I was grateful when they finally left. It was so frustrating having to wait until they were 18 for them to leave just because no one wanted to adopt them. 

Her grip on Pari's shoulders tightened. 

Devika: those children I have given a home, they didn't raise my anger levels as much as you do. You are the worst child I have had here up to date. I am not surprised that no one has adopted you or has given you a second thought. 

Pari: I am not begging to be adopted. 

Devika: whatever! You know I can't wait for the day you finally get out of this orphanage. 

Pari tried to get Devika's grip off her shoulders but this time, Devika was too strong. 

Devika: I can see why your parents left you...they left you because they didn't want to deal with your attitude, your behaviour...

Pari: for me, my parents are dead. I don't care if my parents left me or if they are actually dead, all I know is that because of them, I am stuck with you! You are in my life and I hate you!

Devika: and I hate you too Pari. Now go to your room, you should be grateful that I am not making you sleep outside.

Pari: I will never be grateful to you...

She started walking but before she was out of Devika's sight, she turned and said: never. 

With that said, she disappeared from Devika's sight and went to one room which she shared with 10 other girls. She didn't have a proper bed....her bed was just a duapatta spread out on the floor. She laid on the duapatta and started thinking of that lady she met today.

Gauri: this is your balloon?

Pari nodded.

Pari: it's my balloon but you can keep it if you like it.

Gauri: no, I like it but this is your balloon. You keep it.

Pari: think again, this balloon is in such a pretty colour yellow.

Gauri: is yellow your favourite colour?

Pari: yes, is it yours?

Gauri: yes yellow is my favourite colour too.

Pari: Gauri was so nice, she was so sweet but I don't know why I feel some attachment with her. Gauri, kuch toh hai tujhse raabta. 


Gauri was now in her new room. She had some food then went to her room so that she could think. She was thinking about that little girl she met together...the adorable, cute, oops not adorable or cute...the dabangg little girl Pari.

Gauri in her mind: ever since I met Pari, I can't stop thinking about her. I feel some connection, some attachment with her but why? Why do I feel like there is a connection between us?  


Om was in the club but he excused himself to go to outside just for a few minutes, to get some fresh air since the club was packed with so many people. The moment he went outside, the fresh, cold breeze hit his face. He went into his car and got the balloon which he kept in his car earlier. 

He looked at it, saying: I never have been fond of balloons, I don't know why but I just don't like balloons but this balloon....I feel like there is some connection with this balloon, maybe I feel connected to the person who had this balloon before me but why and how? How can I have a connection with someone who I have never met before? It has to be the colour because...because it was her favourite colour.


The next day: 

It was morning, the dark sky had turn into a beautiful shade of baby blue. The sun came out from hiding, starting to shine as bright as a diamond. Gauri woke up, freshened up...before she got changed, she looked at the email the company she was going to work in sent her. It was regarding the dress code...thankfully the dress code allowed her to wear a simple salwar kameez so she picked out a black salwar kameez paired with a black duapatta. After changing and sorting her hair out, she went to get some breakfast, picked up her bag then she went in the car with her dad. 

Gauri was both excited and nervous for her first day of work....she was excited to finally start working and become financially independent but she was also a little nervous because a millions 'what-ifs' were in her head...she was wondering like what if she messed up or what if the guy she would be working for was an absolute jerk etc...

Meanwhile Mishti was driving the car and Om was in the passenger's seat.

Mishti: you know that you should never drink too much if you have work the next day.

Om:, don't lecture me...and that too early in the morning. I have a banging headache.

Mishti: obviously you would because you drank so much, I kept telling you not to drink too much it's not good for you but do you listen? NO! Now enjoy your headache. 

Om: could you blame me? I was trying to enjoy my last day being financially dependent on my dad. 

Mishti: but aren't you technically still financially dependent on him because you will be working for his company and he will be paying your salary.

Om: ummm...I think, I don't brain isn't made to think too much about stuff. If I think too much about stuff like work then my headache just becomes worse. 

Mishti: we're here, listen to your dad okay and please don't make your poor personal assistant work too much.

Om: you're calling my P.A poor? Feel sorry for me baby, I'm the one who has to go to the office.

Mishti: hmm I would if you didn't drink too much now here, some paracetamol. Take it when you want, it will help with your headache. 

Om took the paracetamol packet, thanking Mishti and unwillingly got out of the car. 

Mishti: good luck.

Om: thank you.

Mishti smiled and started driving again so she could go to her workplace. 


Avinash and Gauri finally reached the place but before Gauri went, Avinash said: Gauri, remember that your workplace will be mixed genders...don't get too close to your male co workers please. Me and your mother have been sending you and your sister to all girls schools from the last six years to avoid what happened seven years ago. Today you are finally going to work in a place when men will also be working at, please be careful and see them only as your work colleagues okay?

Gauri: ji papa.

Avinash: and good luck for your first day.

Gauri smiled, hugging her dad as she said: thank you.

Avinash smiled as Gauri went out of the car. She started walking to the building. Once she was in the building, Avinash started driving. He was proud of his eldest daughter for getting a degree and a job despite the obstacles thrown at her path and even though she was an adult, she could take care of herself, a part of him was worried....worried because the bitter memories made seven years ago in Mumbai were caused by a boy, he didn't know who that boy was since Gauri refused to say anything about him but still he was worried since this time he didn't want any bitter memories to be made in Mumbai and especially bitter memories made by a boy. 


Gauri entered the office, it was gorgeous, breathtaking, the interiors were just beautiful. She went to the desk and said: Gauri Kumari Sharma.

The receptionist looked up and smiled.

Receptionist: ahh Gauri Kumari Sharma, our new member of this company. Welcome.

Gauri: thank you.

Receptionist: Savitra, come here.

Savitra came up the desk, standing next to Gauri.

Savitra: yes?

Receptionist: Gauri is the personal assistant for our boss's son, take her to the boss's office.

Savitra nodded, she signed Gauri to come with her. Gauri followed her into the elevator. As they were in the elevator, Savitra spoke: so first day?

Gauri nodded.

Savitra: good luck for your first day, also let me know if the boss's son is handsome.

Gauri: why?

Savitra: gossip in this building is that the boss's son looks like a snack, he is damn handsome, blessed with Rockstar looks. Please you have to let me know.

Gauri: okay.

Savitra: thanks!

The elevator reached the top floor and the two went out. Savitra took Gauri to the boss's office and knocked on the door.

Boss: open it.

Savitra opened the door and Gauri saw a middle-aged man typing something on his laptop. He looked up and said: is this the new personal assistant?

Savitra nodded.

Boss: okay, Savitra you may leave, Gauri Kumari Sharma, you can come in.

Savitra went and Gauri walked into her boss's office. She was told to sit on the chair opposite him so she did as she was told.

Boss: so welcome Gauri Kumari Sharma to Prithviraj. I am Tej Singh Oberoi, the owner of this company.

Gauri nodded but in her mind: Oberoi..that was his surname? Could Tej sir be his father? No no why are you thinking so much Gauri...anyone can have the same surname. 

Tej was about to speak when he got a phone call.

Tej: yes Imran? You have showed him his office...good. Yes I will send her right now. 

He put the phone down after cutting the call and said: I was going to explain more about our company but my son is here and is in his office now.

Gauri: it's okay Tej sir. 

Tej smiled and the two stood up, left his office. Tej led Gauri to his son's office but before they went in, Tej said: my son is what you call a playboy or a massive flirt...too many girls are after him and he is no less. He is forever flirting with girls, it took me forever to convince him to work here. If he flirts with you too much, just let me know I will sort him out okay?

Gauri: okay Tej sir but you don't have to worry, I am immune to men like your son.

Tej: thanks goodness. 

He opened the door and the two went into the office. You couldn't see his son's face since his back was turned well the chair was clear that his son decided to sit on the chair and look outside the window.

Tej: beta, your new personal assistant is here.

He got no response.

Tej whispering to Gauri: he is impossible but bear with him please.

Gauri nodded. 

Tej: I got to go, I have a lot of work to complete. If he is acting like a jerk, let me know. 

Gauri: okay sir.

Tej went leaving Gauri and his son alone in the room. Gauri stayed quiet, clutching her bag tightly...


Mishti reached her workplace, she picked up her bag and found Om's wallet in her car.

Mishti: hey bhagwan, yeh ladka bhi na...

She got her phone out and texted her boss saying that there was some family problem at home so she needed to go home quickly. Her boss replied with a thumbs up and she reversed her car from the parking place. 

Mishti: I should go and work but it's better to give Om back his wallet.


Back at Prithviraj:

Tej's son wasn't saying anything nor did he show his face until the chair turned then Gauri started seeing glimpses of his face until she saw his full face...her eyes widened with shock and her jaw dropped opened. Tej's son was Omkara Singh Oberoi.

Om had his airpods in, listening to music but when he turned, he saw her...he smiled, taking off his airpods. He got off his chair and said: oh my god! Gauri Kumari Sharma? You here? 

She was still in shock but he hugged her tight, pretty much crushing every bone in her body. She didn't hug back but his arms around her felt the same. Om broke the hugs after a minute saying: it's been so long, look at you, dressed in black...yellow has always made you look sexy but I must say black makes you look more sexy. 

Gauri still didn't say anything, she was in so much shock. She would be working for Tej Singh Oberoi's son....Omkara Singh Oberoi, the Omkara Singh Oberoi that went to her high school, the Omkara Singh Oberoi that she wanted to forget. 

"I love you Gauri."

"I love you too Om."

Because of something that happened, the "I love you" turned into something else...

"Do whatever you want but know one thing Gauri, I don't love you, we are over!"




And we are done for the day...sorry for a boring chapter❤️

So questions of the day:

Will Gauri and Pari meet again?

Will Om and Pari soon meet?

Will Mishti meet Gauri in the office?

Will Gauri survive working in the same place as Om?

Let's all pray for her. 

Target: 20+ votes and 10+ comments

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