Chapter 2

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It was morning and finally Gauri and her family were in Mumbai...the famous beautiful chaotic city where its citizens have high hopes and dreams and the city where the film and television industry have taken over. There were people running for their timely rush hour trains and there were some people trying to find a way to escape from the traffic jam, those in the car looked at the food stalls and some people were actually at the food stalls trying Mumbai's famous street snacks. 

Sneha: Mumbai still looks the same doesn't it?

Everyone in the car nodded in agreement.

Avinash: sadly the traffic still has to be the same. 

Gauri smiled but then a memory came back to her.

She was on a motorcycle with a man, hugging him tightly from behind. The man's face was not revealed but he said to her:  you know Gauri, I really feel sorry for all these people in those cars.

Gauri: why do you feel sorry for them?

Man: because with a motorcycle, you can ditch this traffic jam. I think everyone should ditch their cars and buy a motorcycle. Besides motorcycles are more romantic.  

Gauri giggled, kissing his cheek as he continued riding the motorcycle. 

Gauri in mind: does he still ride a motorcycle or has he switched to a car?


Om was in the car driving and Mishti was also in the car with him. 

Om: why do you need to work Mishti? 

Mishti: because I like working, why?

Om: if you didn't work then we could have fun day and night.

Mishti smiled, chuckling.

Mishti: if we had just fun day and night then how can we afford the essential things we need?

Om: from our families.

Mishti rolled her eyes.

Om: you know my dad is planning to make me work from tomorrow. 

Mishti: really?

Om: he says that I am lazy and I don't do anything so from tomorrow, I have to go to office.

Mishti: that means no parties during the day.

Om: but no one said I can't party at night. Also I get a personal assistant so I will make her do all the work.

Mishti: you are impossible Om...anyway this traffic is so bad, I'm just gonna text my boss that I will be a few minutes late.

Om: okay.

Mishti: if we had a motorcycle then it would be so much easier to get through this traffic right?

Om: yeah true. If only we had a motorcycle.....

He looked out of the car window to see those on the motorcycles getting through the traffic with ease. He saw a couple on a motorcycle, the woman hugging the man tight from behind. 

A girl was seen but her face was not revealed, all you could see was her long black tresses and her honey coloured eyes but you could see a younger Om. He led the girl to his motorcycle. Her eyes looked at the motorcycle.

Girl: motorcycle?!

Om: yes motorcycle, come on let's go.

Girl: I'm scared.

Om: why? 

Girl: I have never been on a motorcycle before. 

Om: don't worry there is nothing to be afraid of. Just hold on tight to me okay? 

Girl: okay.

They sat on the motorcycle and you could see the girl hugging Om from behind as he started the motorcycle.

Mishti: Om? Om? Baby?

Om: hmm yeah what happened? 

Mishti: the cars are starting to move now.

Om heard some cars honking their horns so he started driving. Once again Mishti did notice Om getting lost in his thoughts. He would do that sometimes, get lost in his thoughts. It did take her a little while to get him out of his thoughts. If only she could read his mind then she would know what was going on in his head. 

Soon they reached her workplace, before she went out of the car, he kissed her cheek then she went.


Avinash: finally we have reached our new home.

Gauri looked at the massive cream coloured house decorated with baby pink and pearl white roses at the windows. It was a pretty house. It was better than their old Mumbai house. She was hoping to make better memories at their new house and at Mumbai. Avinash parked the car in the driveway and all the girls got out of the car so that they could go into the house.

Avinash: yeah sure leave me to do all the heavy lifting.

Sneha and Kamala ignored him and went inside since Sneha had the car but Gauri came up to her dad.

Gauri: I'll help you papa.

Avinash: are you sure? You don't have to.

Gauri: let me papa. Mama and Kamala aren't going to help you, I know that for a fact.

Avinash: voh toh hai. They are probably deciding which bedroom belongs to them. 

Gauri nodded as she helped her dad with the suitcases, soon they brought the last suitcase. 

Gauri: do you need help unpacking the bags?

Avinash: no, you have already helped me. I will ask your mother and sister to help with unpacking these suitcases. Here is some money.

Gauri: arre papa, I will working from tomorrow, earning my own money. You don't have to give me money just for helping you.

Avinash: treat it as your father's love.

Gauri: fine.

She took the money from her dad, smiling. Her dad was always the nicest parent out of him and her mother. Her mother took time to be pleased but her dad...her dad was easy to please, he was always proud of what Gauri did....well there was one time when her dad wasn't pleased with her and instead of being proud, he was disappointed in her but why was she thinking of that now? Gauri wanted to forget all the old memories she had in Mumbai 7 years ago, it was time to make new and fresh memories in Mumbai now. 


The walls of the orphanage that once shone underneath the sun were now chipped beyond repair, with scratch marks trailing down the sides as though some kind of animal had tried to rip itself into the orphanage. Curtains hung in the windows, torn and ragged, and some of the windows were actually broken. The porch steps creaked when one stepped on them. The walls had lost their colour, the colours and paintings and portraits seeming more and more faded by the second. 

 You could see the kids playing outside, you see these kids were orphans and these kids weren't fond of being inside the orphanage so they tried avoiding going inside during the day. As they were playing and talking, a loud voice was heard.

The kids stopped what they were doing, frozen with fear as a woman in a plain maroon sari came outside. The kids looked at one another, scared. She was their orphanage warden who they hated and she hated them.

Orphanage warden: I want all of you in a line right now!

The kids without arguing went into a line, facing the woman. Anger was so visible on her face, she looked like she was about to kill them.

Orphanage warden: I told you all not to play until you tidy up your rooms! HOW DARE YOU MESS UP YOUR ROOMS AND NOT CLEAN IT UP? TODAY YOU WILL ALL BE PUNISHED!

She grabbed a stick and made every child put one hand forward. She slapped each hand making the children whine in pain until she reached one child who didn't have their hand out.

Orphanage warden: oh ladki, are you waiting for some special treatment? Hand out!

The girl's face wasn't shown but you could see her coal black girls which she rolled as she kept her hand out. The warden was about to hit her hand when she grabbed the stick. The warden tried pulling the stick from the girl but she fell.

Girl: never mess with Pari. It's not good for your back.

You could see her flicking her hair, turning around smiling. You could finally see her face.

She covered her black eyes by getting the sunglasses from behind her outfit and putting them on her eyes. (Jugnu has her scarf so Pari gets sunglasses)

Orphanage warden: oh ladki! Don't you dare go!

Pari turned and said: don't call me ladki, why are you spoiling my good name? My name is Pari, sirf Pari not ladki. 

Orphanage warden: are you going to give me attitude?

Pari put her hands on her waist and said: haan toh?

Orphanage warden: put your hand out!

She couldn't see that Pari had once again rolled her eyes.

Orphanage warden: and take those sunglasses out, you are not some heroine. Now I want your hand out.

Pari: and visit the doctor again? We've been through this yaar, don't mess with me else your back gets injured. Already you are suffering from back pain, you don't want to make your back pain worse right? I heard medicine is quite expensive Devika.

The orphanage warden looked at Pari angrily, the kids held their breath. 

Orphanage warden: what was I thinking when I called you Pari? You are the exact opposite of your name. You are a devil.

Pari: I know. Now if you excuse me, I have to go so bye.

She grabbed Pari's wrist.

Pari: leave me.

Orphanage warden: you are not going anywhere!

Pari: watch me.

She managed to get a wrist out of the orphanage warden or Devika's clutch and kicked her kneee. As she winced in pain, Pari ran from the orphanage, running as fast as light travels. She ran until she reached some people who were setting up the laptop.

Pari: hi Charan uncle.

Charan: hi Pari, did you run from bulls?

Pari: no no, well I might have ran from bulls if you count Devika as a bull.

Charan: yeah Devika is definitely a bull.

Pari took her sunglasses off, keeping them behind her and then said: so which movie is it today Beena aunty?

Beena: today it is Ready.

Pari: wow, why not Dabangg?

Beena: Ikbal uncle decided that he has seen enough Dabangg movies so today something different.

Pari: okay as long as it's Salman Khan. 

Charan: oh no.

Beena, Ikbal and Pari: what?

Charan: laptop decided to die and my charger is with Alok.

Pari: why is it with Alok?

Charan: school assignment.

Pari: urgh school ruins everything! I am so grateful that I don't go to school, I don't need school to get in between me and my movies.

Everyone around her laughed. 


Whilst unpacking, Avinash and Sneha looked at the time.

Avinash: Gauri, if I give you some more money, can you get food from outside? I know our family isn't a big fan of outside food but today we are busy with unpacking. 

Gauri: of course papa, I will get some food. I'll get Kamala to go with me. 

Avinash looked at the window, it was getting a little dark. He couldn't send Kamala with Gauri because it wasn't ideal so he said: sure but I'll go with you.

Gauri nodded. Before they went, Kamala spoke: arre why can't I come too?

Sneha: if you go then I will be alone. 

Kamala: fine besides I downloaded this movie on Netflix, we can watch it together.

Sneha: okay.

Kamala went to get her phone, and Gauri and Avinash went outside. They went into the car and Avinash started driving. As he was driving, he noticed his daughter being quiet so he spoke: Gauri, I am very proud of you for getting a job and I am also proud of you for going back to Mumbai though we have had some bad times here.

Gauri: yeah we did.

Avinash: as your father, it's my job to make sure that you don't make the same mistake again...I know that you was a teenager then and being a teenager, you make a few mistakes but it's important that you learn a lesson from those mistakes. You get what I mean?

Of course Gauri knew what Avinash meant, he was on about the subject of boys...when they went to live in Jaipur, her parents put her in an all girls school so that they could avoid the same thing that happened in Mumbai 7 years ago. 

Gauri: yes papa I know, don't worry I won't be dating anyone. If I ever plan to marry in the future then I want my parents to choose who I marry.

Avinash smiled.

Avinash: mera baccha, you always understand quickly that's why you are my favourite but don't tell Kamala.

Gauri giggled: of course I won't.

She looked out of the window and then saw a flashback 

It was her younger self, her teenage self. She was crying in front of her father who was angry.


She saw in her flashback Avinash holding something that was blurred. Gauri tried not to think about it as her father parked the car.  

Avinash: Shiv Sagar is a good place right?

Gauri: yes papa, Shiv Sagar is a good place. 

Avinash: okay, you stay here I will get the food. Anything specific you want?

Gauri shook her head. Avinash went out of the car and into the place. Gauri looked at the restaurant. He used to take her there sometimes. No not her dad, a different he.

He used to take her to many places, sometimes restaurants, sometimes fairs, sometimes beaches...she had seen a lot of Mumbai because of one person. But that one person....she didn't know how she felt for that one person. She was confused about her feelings.

Pari was walking on the streets. She saw a balloon vendor and since the balloon salesman knew her, he allowed her to have a balloon for free. She smiled, happily running with the balloon until it flew from her hands. Gauri's window was open and it flew into Gauri's window.

Gauri: arre this balloon?

Voice: it's mine.

She turned to see Pari. 

Gauri: this is your balloon?

Pari nodded. 

Pari: it's my balloon but you can keep it if you like it.

Gauri: no, I like it but this is your balloon. You keep it.

Pari: think again, this balloon is in such a pretty colour yellow.

Gauri: is yellow your favourite colour?

Pari: yes, is it yours?

Gauri: yes yellow is my favourite colour too.

Pari: wow we have something in common. So because this balloon is yellow, it is beautiful.

Gauri: like you. You are so cute.

Pari: I'm not cute, I am dabangg.

Gauri: dabangg?

Pari nodded, smiling. Gauri laughed lightly then said: are you on the streets alone?

Pari: yes.

Gauri: how old are you?

Pari: I am 7.

Gauri: 7? 

A million thoughts came rushing through her head but she tried not to think of those thoughts.

Gauri: a little girl like you shouldn't be out on the streets by yourself especially at this time. 

Pari: everyone says that, they say I should be scared to be on the streets alone but I am not scared, I never get scared.

Gauri: really?

Pari: haan really. I am not scared of anything, people should be scared of me.

Gauri: really? Do you act like Chulbul Pandey with them?

Pari: with most people I do.

Gauri laughed and said: will you come in this car and let me drop you off where you live? I will be happy if I know that you are safe.

Pari: I will be fine, don't worry. Just keep this balloon. Please. I like you, you are very sweet.

Gauri: but you are more sweet.

Pari: oh ho, I am not sweet, I am dabangg.

Gauri: theek hai baba, you are dabangg.

Pari: now I have to go, bye.

Gauri: bye dabangg....what's your name?

Pari: I am Pari. Yours?

Gauri: my name is Gauri. So bye dabangg Pari.

Pari: bye Gauri.

They smiled at each other as Pari started running. Gauri looked at the balloon, saying: balloons never attracted me, I never liked balloons but I don't know why this time I feel attached to this balloon but I also don't know why I feel attached to that little girl.

Avinash came with a bag and passed it to Gauri, Gauri held the bag but whilst putting the bag on her laps, she let go of the balloon and the balloon flew out of the car.

Gauri: arre...

Avinash: who gave you that balloon?

Gauri: a sweet...uff not sweet, a dabangg little girl. Let's go home papa.

Avinash nodded and started the car. Gauri felt bad that she had let go of the balloon. 

Gauri in mind: Shankarji, please make sure that Pari reaches home safely.

. . . 

Om was in the car with Mishti, they were talking as he was driving till they reached the club.

Mishti: finally we are here. Today I am paying for drinks.

Om: I'm paying Mishti.

Mishti: you paid yesterday, let me pay today.

He sighed in agreement as they went out. Once they went out, the yellow balloon found its way to Om. He held the balloon, looking at the colour...yellow, her favourite colour. For the last 7 years, he had rarely seen the colour yellow, he saw the colour a few times but whenever he saw yellow, he was reminded of her. 

Mishti: you coming in Om baby?

Om: yeah I am Mishti baby. You go in, give me a sec.

Mishti nodded and went into the club. Om went to his car and kept the balloon in there. He wasn't a big fan of balloons but it was the colour that made him like this balloon. 

Om: why are you wearing a ghagra choli?

You couldn't see her face but you could see her wearing a pastel yellow ghagra choli.

Girl: I have a dance function today. You should come.

Om: of course I will, by the way yellow suits you.

Girl: does it?

Om: yes it does, yellow makes you look more cute than you already do.

Girl: just cute?

Om was seen putting a strand of her hair behind her ear, and whispered: cute, beautiful and sexy.

He remembered that once he said that, she blushed bright pink. He remembered teasing her when she blushed. He snapped out of these memories then went inside the club because Mishti and his friends were waiting for him.




And we are done for the day...sorry for a boring chapter❤️

So questions of the day:

Will Gauri and Pari meet again?

Who will be Om's personal assistant?

Do you think Gauri and Mishti will meet?

What about Om and Pari meeting each other?

And Rikara meeting? Will that happen anytime soon?

Pari's name credit: @Sharmilm

Target: 20+ votes and 10+ comments

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