🦴🌟General Information and Rules🦴🌟

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Welcome to my Paw Patrol Oneshots. Yeah not really a creative name. None of what's in the title is really new or creative, but hey thanks for checking it out.

Oh before I get on into these rules I need to tell you this...one second.






⚠️⛔️WARNING⚠️ ⛔️

‼️These Oneshots may contain disturbing content such as possible smut/NSFW, Mental Illness, blood, and other possible dark or disturbing themes.‼️

You have been warned.


Anyways, onto the informational part of this introduction.

Obviously if you couldn't tell this is a paw patrol ships One-shots book. That means this will be focused on relationships within the Paw Patrol universe. I don't just do one specific type of ship.  Sure ships relate to romance, but there's a ship in every relation—good or bad—isn't there?

So this will focus on relationships.

I listed it in the summary, but I'll do it here in case people don't bother reading it there.

Here's what I'll Do:

- Romance

-enemy relationships (as in hate and such.)


-Sibling Relationships

And I believe that's all...or at least what I know of Relationships.

Moving on from that what you can do as the reader for this Oneshots book is one of two things: 

-just read

- Comment and suggest ideas of relationships to write, so I can write certain scenarios of them.

And that is the majority of it I believe. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments down below. 

Now I'll move on to the rules. This will include what I will be doing for these Oneshots and what I won't be doing and the stuff I am in between on. 

✅✨If You Wish To Request Please Be Sure To Read Them And Make Sure You Fully Understand Them. I Don't Want To Keep Reminding People Of Rules In The Comments. Thank You!✅✨

🐶Rules of the PupHouse🐶

1) 🐾No Bullying of any kind is allowed. I have the authority to deny a request from that person if they are bullying someone else.🐾 [However you can state if you dislike something, just keep it at that, though, please.]

2) 🐾Readers are allowed up to 3 requests at a time, but once a request is done they can ask for one more unless I say otherwise.🐾

3) 🐾 There is a likelihood I will ignore a request, but that's only if someone is extremely specific or if I get a lot of requests for one ship.  If you leave my windows open for what to write you're probably fine. I just like to freely write.🐾 [Ill get to this later on in the rules]

4) 🐾Patience is Virtue. If I get to your request i get to it. Don't be mad at me if I'm not writing it to your pleasure, thanks! I'm writing this mainly for myself and for those who just want something else besides those ship stories, and I don't like being rushed. Rushing me isn't a good idea because I am the one who's making the Oneshots. I can just cancel the oneshot you requested if you rush me. I am not your puppet to control, just as much as you're not my puppet to control.🐾

5)🐾This one is obvious: This is a Paw Patrol ships Oneshots book, not a Fnaf Oneshots, Warriors Cats Oneshots, or anything else. This is strictly Paw Patrol content🐾

6)🐾I will be adding my own "requests" to this, so if you see Oneshots that don't seem to be requested just know I felt like doing them.🐾

Okay that's the general rules. Here is the rules...uhm Expanded? Girthy? Uggh how about just Rules regarding Oneshots and what is acceptable? Whatever I'm a professional....lol. I'm not a professional.

👻Rules for The Oneshots👻

🌈What I Will Allow Within The Oneshots🌈

- Gay and Straight romances 

-HumanxHuman, DogxDog, CatxCat

-Friendship/sibling Human and Dog, Human and Cat, Dog and Cat Friendship/sibling—or enemy


-Certain Dark themes that I won't name or list out, but will allow. [you can ask about that.]

-certain situational suggestions  such as !Brave!Skyex!Terrified!Hubcap things like that where someone is brave or not. Another example is: !Happy!Rubblex!Disgusted!Claw. Things like that that are simple yet explain what you want simply.

🌚What I Might Allow Within the Oneshots🌚

-Smut. To be honest it just depends on how much I get. I'm not really interested in becoming a millionth porn hub. Or having all the gay Oneshots be smut. Just no. 

-Oc Suggestions...no not Tundra. Just suggestions for possible random ocs to be included in the Oneshots. Like friendship Oneshots or one where there's villains and such. Though I doubt I'd do this since people would try to make me do a shipping one shot with the oc anyways. No. That's not all Ocs can be used for. They can be heroes and they can be villains. Just so long as I can find a place for them in the plot that's all my reasoning to think they can be useful here.

💥What I Won't Allow In The Oneshots💥

-OCxCanon pup, cat, human ships. I just don't like doing those since most OCs, mine included, are OP AF and are genetically Mary/Gary sue and don't usually change. Or just created for shipping purposes, and while this is a ship book I'd rather not write things like Rundra since I prefer canon characters. 

-Extremely weird Fetishes. Sorry I don't care about you stupid Toe Fetish, Purplecliffe. 🤣

-I WILL NOT DO A FUCKING RAPE SHIP ONESHOT WHERE IT GLORIFIES RAPE! RAPE IS NOT OKAY AND PEOPLE WHO ARE RAPED NEVER ENJOY IT! [I mean I'll do a rape oneshot where the dog or something is horrified and the ship is of one pup helping that pup, but that's not a good excuse for belittling how bad rape actually is. Like I won't do ship rape Oneshots where they ducking enjoy it.]

-HumanxDog, DogxChicken, DogxCat, HumanxCat, ect I won't do. I won't do cross species romantic ships. Sorry, not sorry, WildcatxSkye shippers. Not. I just don't care about writing that sort of Zoophillic situation or that sort of animal romance. 

-I WILL NOT WRITE PEDOPHILLIA SHIPS LIKE RYDERXHUMDINGER OR ANYTHING THAT GLORIFIES IT. [All the pups will be at least 18 in these Oneshots. Don't worry.]

-I WILL NOT WRITE FUCKING INCESTUAL SHIPPING! I AM NOT WRITING TUCKXELLA. [Sometimes love isn't just love. Sometimes it's gross insanity. Honestly Love is only Love when it's not this insane. Stop trying to steal things from the LGBT+ community and making it some sort of Twisted Bonnie mess.]

-Extremely detailed things of what the reader wants me to write. 

Ex: Please Write a SylviaxMarshall where Marshall Saves her from a Jealous Chase who wants to kill everyone for whatever reason and wants only her love and oh she can't defend herself and needs Marshall near her all the time. UWU. 

Uhm yeah. No don't do that please. Not with any sort of ship.

- !Dom! ChasexSubmissive Dwayne or any scenario with this. Sorry, but that's demeaning, and Submissive is really confusing with Recessive you know. Science. I just don't like doing these sorts of scenarios since it feels like it's putting bad  labels on characters who I don't believe would want to be characterized by it.

-F!RockyxChase. Yeah I don't want to switch their genders since that's a little disrespectful to mostly the character and also sometimes to the LGBT+ and so on. Plus the gender bending thing is pretty weird and I just don't want to do this sort of thing. Please. I prefer using the characters actual pronouns like Male and Female and what the United States gender of Marshall, Zuma, and Everest are.

Okay I believe I've gotten everything needed written down. Again if you have any questions please do ask. In some of these I know I wasn't super specific, but I just wanted to get general ideas down. 

I know there's a lot of rules regarding what not to ask for, but that's because I wanted to be really specific in asking you guys not to request the things I don't want to write about. Yeah.

Anyways I think now that that's done I'll get right into the request forms. That's right, there's a request form.

🍎Request Form🍎:

Name of Requester:

Request(s) [All 1-3 requests are to be listed here including short specifications about the ship]:

Anything Else about the Request(s) I as the Author should known about [Is it Smut? List it here.]:

Oc Suggestions here [Please don't use Tundra or any oc who is not yours unless you have permission to use them.]:


If you have any questions please let me know. I will accept more than one request of a specific ship, but if you have other suggestions for ships you can also ask those.

Anyways, please heed the rules in mind. I know there's a lot there, but this right now isn't my main priority, but I'm trying to at least set something up. I know there might be some unfairness to this, but if I don't feel like making 20 Skase Oneshots at once then I don't feel like it. I mean laziness is obvious an answer, and obviously I have a ton of other things to work on, so I hope anyone reading this understands this. And sorry for confusing things as well as some strict things that might not be necessary—the people trying to hurry me one sounds a bit harsh, but I feel like it's just me trying to not stress out over this Oneshots book.

Feel free to ask questions and suggest things. I know this might not be a complete beginning to my Oneshots, and I'm willing to add or take away things that are deemed unnecessary or unfair. Though I won't take away the bullying one because I feel that rule is very fair.

There's no need to follow or vote on this...I mean this part isn't worth it anyways. Just comment away...well three, but you know comment them away.

Anyways thanks for checking this out!

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