🪨Rockcap🎱||A Ruff Ruff New Start||

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Note: Rockcap stands for RockyxHubcap

Status: Not a Request. I just felt like writing this. 😂 Give me so much joy to write underrated ships no one will ask for.  Not to mention it's Hubcap. Not many people ship hubcap, so here I am with your daily dose of Hubcap ships.

... ||... ||...

"No, no, no! That's not how it's done!" Rocky exclaimed as he lifted a paw in horror. He was trying to aid his best friend, Rubble in upgrading his vehicle/puphouse—but it wasn't working since the English Bulldog kept putting parts where they didn't belong. He was frustrated with him by this point.

The Bulldog let out a small huff in frustration and sadness. "I'm sorry, Rocky. I really wanted to upgrade my vehicle so I could compete in the Music Festival without having to lug all my gear there. I didn't mean to waste so much of your time."

The frustration the mix felt when having to deal with his friend's accidental struggles was overbearing. He could feel his face practically explode from it.

The mix took a deep breath before pointing inside. He didn't want to do this, but Rubble's unexplainable klutz when dealing with his own engine was forcing the gray pup to do this.

"Please go inside, Rubble. I'm sorry, but I'll help you with the upgrades and you can go inside and watch Apollo or something. Just let me work." Rocky carefully inputted.

Rubble nodded, though Rocky could see he wasn't sad. He looked ecstatic. "Okay! Wee!" Rubble barked as he ran inside.

Rocky sighed in relief. Finally! Peace and quiet. Rocky continued to construct and work on Rubble's rig. It was quite the specimen if he did say so himself.

For a while, Rocky had it all to himself. But the silence didn't last forever and he could hear the revving of engines nearby. He tried to ignore it.

Perhaps it was Liberty coming to visit. She had a motorcycle.

Rocky had a feeling his thoughts were too positive and within a few seconds, some sinister-and-annoying laughs broke his silence.

"Ha ha! Hey, Ruff Ruff Pack! Look what we got here, a dumb PAW Patrol pup pretending to be smart!" The annoying voice declared.

"Go away! You're not welcome here!" Rocky exclaimed, pointing a paw at the darker gray French Bulldog who hopped off of his tiny seat.

The small fly continued to buzz and approached Rocky. "You can't tell us what to do, crazy gears. We're the Ruff Ruff Pack! We don't have to listen to anyone!"

Rocky groaned. "Listen here, you pint-sized freak, I don't want to deal with you and your annoying Pack today. Just leave me be. Your silence will be well rewarded."

He didn't mean to be rude, however, he really wanted to finish this project. Rubble was one of his favorite pups and honestly his closest friend. He had to do this: for Rubble.

The small bulldog's ears perked at the sound of a reward. "A reward, huh? Now we're talking!"

He looked excited. Gosh. Do I have to reward this weirdo for not ruining Rubble's upgrades? What a bad deal.

He didn't even know what to give the little bitch--Besides a punch in the face; that would be well deserved. Rocky snickered slightly.

"Hey! What's so funny, nerd?!" Ah yes. The all "insultive" word, nerd. Rocky wasn't impressed.

"Oh just imagining punching you," Rocky remarked, not even reacting when Hubcap got pissed. "Why you...I'll pummel you! I'll...I'll push over your trash!"

Rocky laughed satanically. Hubcap was so flustered with trying to find the perfect response that he couldn't even speak properly.

"You have no ideas, do you?" Rocky asked, almost seriously. He had noticed that the brains of the Ruff Ruff Pack's operation usually involves Gasket saying something before Hubcap took it for his own. Quite frustrating indeed.

From one fellow inventor to another, Rocky could understand the pain. Ryder was always given credit for his work. At least from the human side of the situation. Ryder always tried to tell them, though, that it was Rocky's idea, but they always thank Ryder regardless.

What would the world do without us inventors? Probably survive, but thriving is another issue entirely.

Hubcap barked, trying to sound intimidating as he shouted, "What?! Of course, I do! Just you wait, dumb...smart pup."

Rocky stood there, not taking crap from someone he could probably step on and kill. "Are you going to keep insulting me all? I need to get back to Rubble's—"

That was when Hubcap ran over Rubble's vehicle and started kicking it. "Hah! Take that, you mutt! I'm destroying your friend's precious vehicle. What are you gonna do about that, huh?"

Rocky sighs as he attempts to pick the gremlin up with his paws However, Hubcap struggles in his grasp. "No! No! I want to cause 'wheel' trouble! Let me go! Dwayne, Gasket, get him!"

Within a few seconds, Dwayne had tackled him to the ground as a football star and Gasket dashed after, reaching out with her teeth to grab at Rocky's head. Rocky kicked Dwayne, apologizing immediately as the sensitive great Dane's eyes began to water.

Rocky began to pant as he swiftly ducked below Gasket's teeth. He yelped, caught off guard as Hubcap bit down hard on his right paw.

"Owww!" He leaped back, holding his paw midair, waving it frantically in an attempt to cool his hurting paw. It throbbed viciously as he began to limp away from the psychotic French bulldog.

His panting began to increase, shallowly taking in air in quick gulps. He held the right paw in the air.

Dwayne and Gasket both lunged at him again. This time, however, Rocky's reflexes alone weren't enough to stop Gasket from slamming a paw on his head, pushing it against the dirt ground with a shocking-and-jarring thud.

Rocky yelped, feeling his body squishing harshly underneath Gasket's paws. "Let me go! The PAW Patrol will--"

Hubcap laughed. "The PAW Patrol will what? Stop me? Is that all they will do because the Ruff Ruff Pack could hurt you in many ways."

Dwayne gasped in shock. "Are we actually going to hurt him, Hubcap? We've never actually done psychical violence like this before. Are you sure?" The great Dane seemed terrified and unsure of what Hubcap might do to Rocky.

Hubcap immediately started stuttering. "Wait, what? No! I'm just saying we could. I'm not saying we will. I say we...er we...hmm," Hubcap tried to think of something to do with the now-captured Rocky.

Gasket popped in with a lift of a paw: "We could set a ransom for him. Without him, the PAW Patrol can't...create anything good. Then we can bargain with the pups and be able to cause a ruff ruff bad time without the PAW Patrol ever interfering again."

"That's a stupid idea, Gasket," Hubcap began before he grinned. "Wait just a minute Gasket. I just got the most brilliant idea. What if we set a ransom for this dumb mix?"

Gasket rolled her eyes. He was stealing her ideas! Again!

Jeez. Can't even say it's a good idea. Sometimes I wonder why Gasket hangs around this idiot. He doesn't even seem that intimidating. Then it hit Rocky. Do Hubcap and Gasket have no one but each other and Dwayne? Is that why they put up with each other? It was an interesting thought.

Gasket relaxed her paws, which had been digging into Rocky's pelt. Rocky sighs, feeling the ground bump his chin.

"Oh brother," Gasket groans.

"Hear me out!" That? An order. "The PAW Patrol is full of pesky, annoying pups. Surely that Ryder couldn't live if one of his precious 'pals' is under our paws. We could bargain with him, and get all the wheel fun we desire!"

Hubcap beamed, puffing out his chest like it was his idea.

"That's a great idea, Gas--er Hubcap!" Dwayne barked, although his chocolate regard was slowly starting to go towards the Lookout in worry.

Hubcap grinned in his stupidity. "I know! I'm a genius," he bragged. He then glared at Gasket. "Unlike someone, I know."

Gasket growled in annoyance.

"Anyways, we better get back to Headquarters. We could trash that fat pup's vehicle later. Gasket, watch over that tree hugger will ya? Don't make him think he's smarter than he actually is," Hubcap barked with authority.

Rocky could feel the annoyance Gasket had left take grasp within him. He knew he wasn't the smartest pup in the world--he would never brag about it, however having his intelligence bashed on by someone who had a brain the size of not even a pea was something Rocky detested greatly; it hurt so much.

Rocky forced himself to just grit his teeth and tough it out. It could be worse than this.

"Of course, Hubcap!" Gasket responded with her head held high.

She held out a paw to Rocky: "Thanks," Rocky grunted in disgruntlement as he managed with her help to pull to his paws. He was still a little baffled at Hubcap's statement, but he figured he'd push it to the side. At least he had another smart pup with him.

He forced an awkward smile.

"Not a problem, trash collector. Now come on, Hubcap's going to yell if—" "What's taking you bozos so long?! Hurry it up! I don't have all day for that sort of stuff!"

Rocky and Gasket exchanged glances before the two silently padded to Gasket's motor vehicle.

Hubcap grinned. "Good. Now let's go!"

He, Gasket, and Dwayne lifted their heads to chant something. "Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!"

Their tires roughly dug into the ground, tearing at the grass below. Dust and debris got caught within the wheels, being thrown up by the motorcycles once they reached the front again. Then the vehicles took off at a quick pace, and Rocky watches as his work is left unfinished.

He sighs, praying to any sort of God out there for any way for Hubcap to leave his work alone.

The ride was mostly silent, give or take a few Gasket jabs from Hubcap insulting her inventions. If Hubcap thought it was cool to insult anyone who tried to help the world, it wasn't.

Someone needs to put him in his place. Someone like Skye or Chase. Rocky's eyes shone. Perhaps he could do something about it? But what could a useless Recycling Pup like him do about the pups who trashed his Adventure Bay?

His eyes lit up with an idea. He was not really an extrovert, but he supposed he could try talking to these villains. They weren't the worse villains, although spreading trash around Adventure Bay was still pretty, they might listen to reason. Or at least Dwayne and Gasket might. Hubcap was hardheaded.

I suppose if I were to stop them I should first stop Hubcap. Rocky sweat dropped and flinched. If that's even possible.

The scenery around Rocky changed constantly, but then he saw tan brown surrounding them. They were in a desert. To be specific, the desert that surrounded the Ruff Ruff Pack's hideout that at some point had been abandoned by people. Now it housed three rough and tough wild dogs who would do anything to cause chaos.

"You're awfully quiet," Gasket remarks carefully. "Yeah, are we sure we should be kidnapping him, Hubcap? Perhaps we could—" Dwayne tried to reason before interruption was imminent.

"No!" Hubcap shouted, baring his fangs as if he had just been insulted. "We will not be doing that! I am the boss, here. I am in charge! Don't be going soft now, fools! We don't have to let him go at all!"

Hubcap looked at his paws, almost ashamed. "But I suppose those dinky PAW Patrol pups and their weird kid overlord should be told we've taken their stinky economy pup. What a dumb use to a Patrol really."

Rocky bit his tongue. Hubcap was making it impossible to like him. Especially since Rocky was considering an attempt at friendship.

And now their restaurant-looking little hideout was within view. Rocky hadn't really seen the inside of it, but the outside had a steel-colored bone logo with lightning bolts attached. It looked cool.

"Get up," Hubcap ordered with aggression. Rocky felt Gasket's paws grab him and push him; He yelped as he tumbled to the desert floor.

Hubcap snorted as he watched in amusement. Then he growled lowly. "Stand up, pup," he ordered as he jabbed his paw--it was not stabbed too badly--into Rocky's shoulder, "The more you cooperate the better it will be for the both of us."

Rocky was annoyed. More like it will be better for you, you lazy idiot. Even the laziest of pups has more motivation to actually do the dirty work than you. But I do have to give you credit for being able to build a pack for yourself. No matter how annoying you are.

Rocky grumbled a little before standing up before Hubcap could shout at him again.

"Good!" Hubcap barked as he waddled over to their hideout with a smirk so wide it could match Skye's when she was about to beat someone in Pup Pup Boogie. "You will stay here with Dwayne and me while Gasket goes to tell your lameo friends we have you in our grasp." The Rubble lookalike cackled gleefully with his paws held together as his nose lifted like he was a goose.

"Heh heh!" He snorted.

The four went inside, and Rocky gazed around their hideout with slight interest. It was quite a unique hideout. Though it made him wonder why the PAW Patrol hasn't been here before.

Gasket rolled her eyes again. "Of course. I'll go now," she trotted off, looking as if she was about to do something mischievous. She glanced back as if caught before dashing away.

"Hey! You better not be causing wheel trouble without us, Gasket!" Hubcap yelled with slight anger in his voice. "You hear me?"

"I'm too far away! Bye!" Gasket cried as she slammed the door with a shit-eating smirk. Rocky could practically imagine her dashing away now.

"What do we do now, Hubcap?" Dwayne inquired.

Hubcap was staring at a wall. Dwayne repeated his question.

"Huh?" Hubcap remarks, obviously distracted. He didn't have his brains here. Hubcap then stared at Rocky. The mix began to feel uncomfortable at the sudden attention from the French Bulldog.

A few awkward seconds later Hubcap elbowed Rocky. "Say something, PAW Patrol scum!"

Was he trying to gain ideas from Rocky while his tinkerer was away? Well, Rocky wasn't going to give him any ideas. Especially if he wasn't going to be nice to him.

He was quite the rude pup.

Rocky turned his head away. He could mentally feel Hubcap's rage start to build as he heard small growls coming from Hubcap's throat: "Speak!" Hubcap barked.

Rocky didn't want to. He refused. A low sound from Hubcap's throat came out and Rocky didn't see the little Bulldog spring his way in an attempt to pin him to the ground.

Rocky rolled around on the ground with the smaller dog. He didn't want to hurt him, despite his dislike for Hubcap's rudeness; he ended up pushing the smaller and darker gray pup softly to the side.

"What the hell?" Rocky remarked.

The curse made Dwayne whimper slightly. He must not like it when others curse. Rocky flinched. Sorry about that, Buddy.

Rocky kept Hubcap at bay with a paw as the tiny pup tried to pin him down. "Stop it," Rocky commanded.

Hubcap almost seemed annoyed as Rocky locked eyes with him for a brief moment. However, much to his surprise, the French bully backed off with a scoff. "Whatever. You're still stuck here with us. Might as well make yourself useful."

Underneath his breath, Rocky could hear the Bulldog mutter, "dumbass," before waddling over to Dwayne to tell him something Rocky didn't attempt to listen to.

Now that he was here, Rocky might as well get comfortable. He sat down while he watched the two discuss him. He could see them occasionally peeking back at him in slight interest--which stunned him coming from someone like Hubcap.

The two separated from their whispers before Hubcap, commander-like, approached Rocky.

"Please," the French bulldog began. Rocky's eyes widened. Do villains ever say please? "Please help us. I saw you doing something weird with your strange builder pup friend out there. What were you doing to his bigger motorcycle?"

Rocky was confused for a second. Bigger motorcycle? Huh? Does he mean Rubble's rig?

"Yeah! You were making some cool new edits to it! It looked amazing!" Dwayne exclaimed, beaming in astonishment. He then looked away and blushed. "We want something like that," he mumbled.

"So you kidnapped me because you wanted my help?" Rocky inquired, immediately getting it. Was this their secret plan all along? Rocky is perplexed. Or was he trying to...have a level ground?

Hubcap looked away in embarrassment. "Well, sort of. At first we--" He attempted to explain.

Dwayne interrupted him, "Actually, it was only Hubcap." Hubcap glowered at him; Dwayne chortled anxiously. "I wasn't informed of any of this. The only thing I knew was what I was told about destroying the yellow pup's vehicle; which isn't very nice, Hubcap."

Hubcap appeared to not listen to his friend. "Anyways, could you please help us now? We could really use it. I know we aren't on the best terms, wolf pup," he requested.

For some odd--not so odd--reason, Rocky felt like this was a sudden change in plans. If Dwayne didn't know about this plan...Rocky sighed.

Hubcap was a strange pup. Apparently also very bipolar; Rocky wasn't sure.

Again, why should he help this dumb pup? He's the one who sent the only independent pup out.

Then again, he begged him.

Should he help them? They've been a pain in the PAW Patrol's side ever since they met Wildcat. It would do them some good to destroy themselves a little.

But haven't they destroyed themselves before the PAW Patrol came? Too many questions to answer and Rocky wanted them answered. He was a scientist after all. Well sort of.

"Hey! Are you going to just stand there? Or are you going to talk, poochie?" Hubcap barked, almost like he was defending something.

"Uh, yeah, sure; I'll talk to you, Hubcap. I'm just thinking is all." "Well think less!"

I can't just think less.

Rocky felt his head go up and down. "Okay. I'll do it. What kind of upgrades does your team need?" Rocky prayed he wouldn't regret doing this. They were using his niceness and skill for building for something that might be used against the PAW Patrol someday.

It felt like he was betraying his team by doing this. But what else could he do? He would eventually get bored of waiting for his team, and he knows that the pups can handle most missions without him.

There were only so many uses an eco pup had--all pups had only a few skills, however, Rocky had one of the lesser crafts, and used less because there was also a construction pup aboard.

What harm could be done? Besides some trouble.

Hubcap sprung to his paws. Pure delight was on his face. It made Rocky smile despite having a certain disdain for the annoying bastard; it was strange, but Rocky liked it. And the strange feeling that began within him when the pup before him grinned?

Pure bliss? That was not logical.

"Alright! Come with me!" Hubcap barked. Dwayne took a step forward to follow his leader. Hubcap shot a glance back at Dwayne, making him pause. "You don't have to follow. Why don't you go for a walk or something? Enjoy yourself."

"Wait, really?" Dwayne inquired with a raised eyebrow in disbelief. "Sure thing. Do what you want," Hubcap grunted, paying more attention to Rocky; Rocky didn't know why.

"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Hubcap!" Dwayne briefly hugged the little pup and dashed off with a gleeful expression, though Rocky noticed Hubcap hadn't been paying a lick of attention to the great Dane's words; nor did he notice the great dane taking an actual walk around the desert.

Should I be concerned about that?

He was brought out of his thoughts when the smaller pup prodded him sharply again and indicated with a paw to follow him.

Right. He wanted Rocky's help.

Rocky found himself smiling with a newfound sense of purpose as the two padded back outside; Everything they'd done before had been practically useless.

"So what kind of upgrades are you guys searching for?" Rocky calls into question. He raises an invisible eyebrow as he quickly approaches Dwayne's vehicle.

Hubcap stares at his paws. "I was actually thinking you could...build me a motorcycle," Hubcap requested. He looked up for a brief moment of uncertainty. "Could you do that?"

Rocky rolled his eyes. "Of course, I can, Hubcap. Don't doubt my dexterities. I could build more advanced equipment than this. I could even build a time machine if I really wanted to," Rocky bragged.

He didn't know why he wanted to do that. He just wanted to brag to this annoying squirt about his abilities. Fear me. He locked eyes with Hubcap. Or maybe not. You don't seem to fear anything anyways.

"Really?" Hubcap's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Rocky was only kidding. He doubts he could assemble such a masterpiece.

"No. Not really. I doubt we have the construction available at this time to pull together a chef-d'oeuvre like that." He lifts a paw to his lips and kisses it.

"But if you did imagine what you could do with it." Hubcap grinned, rubbing his paws together in mischief.

I bet he's thinking of causing some trash trouble with that sort of power. I would use it to catch those vile people who don't recycle and throw away their reusables instead of contributing to society.

Rocky beamed in his happy thoughts. He would like to have Chase and his police friends put away those litterers. It would be better if the world didn't treat their recycling like it was trash.

His friends always thought he was weird for wanting Adventure Bay to have a law that ensured litterbugs were put in jail. He knew they would never learn otherwise and continue to do it even after a harsh scolding from Ryder and friends.

"I'm sure it would be great. However, I'm perfectly fine with fixing and refurbishing different kinds of electronics for now. What about you? Besides destroying the world around us, what do you like to do?"

Rocky didn't mean to be harsh. He just seriously disliked Hubcap's lifestyle of destroying and demanding things from everyone else. It made him appear toxic. Which he was.

Perhaps he didn't realize he was being toxic? Or perhaps it was a reflex.

Hubcap thought it over for a few seconds, a confused expression adorned his french bulldog face. Finally, "I don't really know. I was never really liked much. I wasn't exactly born here."

The French Bulldog looked away. Not born here? Like in Adventure City; how far away is he talking?

"Where were you born?" Rocky blurted before putting a paw over his mouth. Why did he let his mouth run? Obviously, no one likes talking about their own experiences.

Hubcap glanced over at him. A slight questioning expression was slowly falling on his gray face. "No one has ever asked me about it. Outside of Dwayne, no one really cares about where I'm from or about me in general."

Hubcap sighs as he flinches, seemingly holding in some emotions before shaking his fur out.

Hubcap's light green eyes bore into Rocky as he spoke. "I was born in Foggy Bottom; abandoned there actually. I don't know if I was left there on purpose or what exactly. I was too young then, but I was left in an dog jail."

A dog jail? Does he mean one of those animal shelters Chase was trapped in?

Rocky waited patiently for the tinier dog to continue.

Hubcap glanced over as if expecting a response before continuing. He seemed to be quivering as he spoke.

"No one wanted me to be truthful. I was told by the other dogs within that doggie jail that I was the runt of a litter, unwanted by everyone because of my small appearance."

Hubcap paused to halt his shaky breath. He was starting to tremble as well. Hubcap shied his face away from Rocky as the two approached the shared Motorcycle of Dwayne and Hubcap.

"That's unfortunate. I know what it's like to be unwanted by someone. I'm a mixed breed, so it's harder for me to find a proper home than pure breeds or even slight mixes like Skye..."

Rocky trailed off as his orange-brown eyes found themselves upon Hubcap's little carrier. It was attached to Dwayne's motorcycle. Hopefully, once he was done, Hubcap could drive his own mini motorcycle.

Rocky had this whole vision in his head of what to do. He didn't want to make it too big for him. He remembered Rubble being small at the pedals his first few months before he grew bigger to reach them.

Unfortunately for a smaller breed of bulldog-like Hubcap, he wasn't going to get much bigger if any. So Rocky would have to make sure to scale it to a certain point. Make sure the little rough-and-tough pup had a bigger vehicle for himself; however making it small enough to where he wouldn't be stretching and doing muscle work to press the pedal was vital.

Hubcap's green gaze turned to the vehicle he currently owned together with Dwayne.

"Do you think you could pull that out?" "I was just thinking of that. How big are you going to get when you're older?" "Hopefully much bigger. Bigger than your annoyingly tall police officer at least."

Rocky chortled in laughter. "More like around Rubble's height." He remarked as his heart felt light and giddy.

Hubcap may be annoying sometimes, but sometimes his rough-and-tough personality was funny; or at least in this situation, it is. Perhaps he was a little more naive than anyone could ever think.

He was still quite young after all. There was plenty of time to realize you aren't going to get much bigger. Rocky figured that out before anyone else.

Hubcap gasped, falling over dramatically.

"Nooo!" He wailed loudly as he kicked at Dwayne and his vehicle. The Motorcycle didn't even dent as Hubcap had his temper tantrum. "I wanted to be taller!"

Rocky snorted. "Don't we all? Well, we all gotta grow up someday, Hubcap. Don't you think it's about time to accept that you won't grow taller than you're meant to be?" Rocky inquired as he began to inspect the motorcycle.

If only he had his tools.

He searched around the desert floor, wondering if there were any tools nearby. He slowly stared at Hubcap who shifted a little awkwardly underneath his gaze.

"Do you happen to have any tools nearby? I need them to work on your new vehicle."

Hubcap let out a slightly high-pitched squeal as he ran back inside their hideout.

Rocky could leave. Technically, he wasn't even trapped here. But he didn't feel like leaving. This project sounded like something he would want to work on. Perhaps in the future, he could work on future projects for the Ruff Ruff Pack.

Rocky shook his head. No. That wasn't an option. Was it?

Rocky shifted on his paws. He could feel the urge to both leave and stay at the same time.

He longed to leave, however, he also felt in his heart that helping Hubcap and his friends could aid in their transformation into good guys.

But he shouldn't get his hopes up. He knew he would just be disappointed in the long run when Hubcap wouldn't change for him. That's how this would end up.

But would it be that bad?

Of course, it would! Shut up, heart! I need to think logically for once instead of letting you decide what I want or need.

I need to get out of here!

It all felt surreal. Rocky took a step back towards PAW Patrol headquarters. It was only a small baby step.

He growled as he grit his teeth. I can't do it! He thought, wanting to will himself to go back. I can't. I just can't. I want to spend more time with the weird French bulldog. I want to get to know him better. I just can't leave him.

Rocky flinched, realizing what that might mean for the smaller dog. If I do that, then...I'll be no better than the world that turned its backs on him.

Plus, he never even finished his story. I must learn more about him.

Rocky let out another hefty sigh as he pulled his paws back. If he didn't give the louder pup a chance, then who will?

I've always told myself after an incident with Rubble to try to understand the other side. If I don't give Hubcap his chance, then who knows where this little guy will be later in life.

Sure Hubcap may be an annoying piece of shit, however, there were worse things he could be doing. Even if what he's doing is still wrong, it was one of the lesser crimes out there that could easily be picked up after.

And it was his job anyways to pick up trash that was left behind. Even if it was from someone who littered without a care in the world.

The regular citizens of Adventure Bay did that themselves and their casual picking up trash days weren't a returning favor for their crimes.

At least Hubcap would admit to not wanting to pick up trash. Instead of smiling about it like the rest, he would cause more commotion.

"I'm back, strange engineering-yet-somehow-also-the-recycling-pup!" Hubcap shouted, though his voice was muffled by the strange homemade toolbox in his grasp.

Rocky almost visibly shown his disappointment in the toolbox. It wasn't anything like he was expecting.

Then again, what was he expecting? Gold? This was a group of thug-like pups who don't seem to be living it as nicely as pups like him did. At least he had a place in society. This pup didn't.

All alone with only his friends? At least it was a decent life. Could be worse he supposed.

Hubcap bounded over with the strange toolbox held high in his maw. He drops it harshly on the ground, going in a circle as he presents it.

He holds his paw out in front of him. "There you go, bushy tail: a toolbox. That there toolbox should have all the tools you need, though do be warned some of these are really rusted or ready to break apart."

Hubcap sweated. "Sorry. It's the best I can do. I'm not a rich human like Ryder. I don't make money off of t-shirts and PAW Patrol plushies."

Rocky awkwardly laughed.

Did everyone know about Ryder's almost black market of PAW Patrol plushes? Thankfully Mayor Goodway decided to allow them to sell the merch to make money; she is such a saint.

"Heh heh. Yeah." He straightened up and shook out his fluffy fur to relax himself. He awkwardly stared at his paws, uncertain of what to say next.

"Well anyways, you should get started. Don't want to ruin those creative engine juices or whatever they're called."

Hubcap peeked back at his hideout and slowly started to back away expectantly. "I'm just...gonna go." He dashed inside and slammed the door loudly.

Rocky stared at the door, feeling his heart ache intensely and become empty with grief unlike any other. He liked working with other pups at his side.

Even if the pup was annoying, Rocky enjoyed their company. He didn't want to be left with his thoughts. He already left himself with those thoughts a lot on a daily basis.

He was one of those pups who would usually be alone or mostly alone. The company of pups like Rubble and Skye made his aching loneliness disappear, and Hubcap was a good source of company for him.

Rocky tried to work on the project at paw. Key word: tried. He failed miserably.

He couldn't focus; at least, not without the smaller bulldog at his heels. He wasn't watching what he was doing and kept taking out the wrong tool for the wrong task.

He groaned in frustration. At this point, he would never get it done before his friends arrived.

He really wanted to impress the Ruff Ruff Pack. And I want to show Hubcap what capabilities other creators like myself have. Perhaps Gasket might get a little respect for her work after he was done.

He groaned as he only managed to pull Hubcap's tiny little cart away from the main vehicle. That's all he's done so far.

How long has he wasted just being unable to be inspired to work? Minutes? Hours? Days—actually no, it can't be days.

His paws began to ache as he used his wrench to take out the wheels. He wiped his forehead, feeling the hotness of his work beginning to take effect.

He could hear careful paw steps approaching after a couple more minutes. Rocky was carefully trying to place the tires in a pile.

This would be so much easier if I had some real tires to work with. Do I really have to search the garbage for any sort of tires?

"Hey, eco pup! How's it going?" Hubcap inquired, watching with curious green eyes. He turned his head to see the tires in a pile. "Oh! Well, we don't really have any newer tires. We could always go steal some."

"No!" Rocky exclaimed in horror. There was no way he would be using tires stolen from some small business. That wasn't right.

Hubcap jumped, slightly spooked by the sudden shout. "Sorry. It's just...we could always buy some," Rocky suggested.

Hubcap tilted his head.

"Buy some? Like borrow?" Hubcap asked. Rocky shook his head. "No. I mean actually buy some tires."

Hubcap groaned. "Well I hate to break it to you, PAW pup, but I have zero dollars and zero cents. How are we supposed to buy things if we have nothing? Huh?" Hubcap got defensive fast.

Rocky laughed. "Well, we could always just ask for it. I mean, Ryder is pretty rich after all. He might be able to help. You could always have me over again if you feel like having me over again. I know I can be annoying," Rocky remarked.

Hubcap's eyes widened. "Wait seriously? You're not annoyed at me?"

Rocky deadpanned. "Ah, yes. You're really annoying," He teased as he lifted his eyelids. "But seriously, yeah we could do this more often."

Hubcap gleefully bounced. "Really? I never had a friend outside of Dwayne before. Gasket hates my guts."

Rocky nodded. "Yeah. I think we can all tell. Why do you guys even hang out anyways?"

Hubcap shrugged. "Perhaps she likes the Ruff Ruff Pack life. I dunno. We've all been abandoned by society, so I suppose that mutual hatred toward society as a whole is our fundamental glue. Or however, it is supposed to be worded."

Rocky nodded, knowing how hard and brutal society can be sometimes. He put the tools down.

"You know what? I can get started on this project, but usually, my projects take longer than a few hours. How about we go for a walk instead of you just watching me build?" Rocky offered.

Hubcap tilted his head, confusion alighting his face. "Soooo, no upgrades?" He inquired, his body drooping slightly in disappointment.

Rocky shook his head. "Well, not for now. It won't look good if I finish it today. We could start with this today and I can go fetch the tires from Ryder."

Hubcap immediately protested. "You're going to tell him about my vehicle!"

Rocky was confused why telling Ryder about a vehicle that was in progress or already built was an issue. He blinked.

"Well, yeah. Ryder is as smart as I am if not smarter. He might be able to help us get this done faster. But..." Rocky trailed off as he flinched. He knew Hubcap might oppose this idea. "But," Hubcap willed on, rolling his paws together as he sat on his bum. "But you're going to have to behave. Perhaps put this whole Ruff Ruff Pack on hold?" Rocky suggested with a slight flinch.

Hubcap remained silent. He gazed at Rocky with slight disgust but seemed to be thinking things through for once in his life before deciding on an action.

Hubcap sighed in submission. "Fine. I'll put this Pack of mine on hold; for now. Do you really think your human friend is going to help me? Even know I am not the nicest or even a remotely polite pup?"

The French Bulldog seemed lost. Perhaps all he needed was some guidance. Rocky smiled.

He knew the other two members of his pack were less mischievous than him. If he could convince the French Bulldog to give up on this toxic lifestyle completely, then they would have three fewer villains to watch out for. For Hubcap was the leader, and once he stopped he was sure the other two would stop; Dwayne guaranteed to.

Rocky shyly nodded his head, feeling weird telling a villain his friend would be happy to help. It was like he was answering for Ryder.

"I'm sure. Keep in mind he's helped you and your pack this entire time, keeping you from harm's way when he didn't have to. It happens a lot with our other rivals I suppose. It's a part of our job anyways."

He flinched slightly. Though the helping didn't affect the prejudices they had for the other villains. They would still do it because it was morally wrong to ignore anyone in need, even a nasty villain needed help sometimes.

If they didn't help those villains who will? It was basically secured that the PAW Patrol helped everyone regardless of what they've done.

"Dang. I didn't realize the PAW Patrol had so many enemies," Hubcap commented. "You'd be surprised how many pups, humans, cats, and so on get mad we help others. I don't understand those viewpoints, but I suppose it's because sometimes the villains we face are overly sensitive or prideful."

Claw came into Rocky's mind. He shivered.

The sudden onslaught of sirens and vehicle screeching brought him out of his Claw induced terror. He lifted his head up as he spotted Chase, Zuma, Marshall, Ryder, and the Cat Pack; the cat pack consisted of Wildcat—aka Wild, Shade, Leo, and Rory.

Rocky smiled upon seeing his friends. Until the terror that was Chase climbed down the beige cliff with his spy gear and bounded over toward Rocky and Hubcap.

"Freeze! Hubcap you are under arrest for the kidnapping of a PAW Patrol member."

Immediately, Hubcap's ears lifted in fear and he searched around for Dwayne. They didn't even get to go on the walk Rocky proposed. Dang. Perhaps we wasted too much precious time talking about Hubcap becoming good. At least...at least I have a better understanding now of him.

Chase barked, sounding more aggressive than he was. "Don't move!" Instantly, Rocky could sense Hubcap's fight or flight instincts kick in. He was moving a lot on his paws, trying to find someone who would help him.

Upon realizing neither of his friends was back, Hubcap gazed sadly at Rocky. "Please," he begged, his voice now soft instead of its usual loud volume.

Rocky grimaced, locking eyes with the sad pup. He knew what he wanted him to do: bail him out. But how do you bail out your own kidnapper? You would sound insane to do so.

Rocky lowered his head, wanting to cry. What could he do to convince Chase and the others that extreme wasn't necessary with Hubcap.

Chase growled lowly. "Come over here, Rocky. We are here to rescue you. Ruff, Net!"

His pup pack responded by launching out his net. The net trapped Hubcap, who yelped as his paws ensnared in the trap.

He was all alone.

Chase grinned. "Mission accomplished, Ryder sir." He puffed out his chest like this was the greatest day of his life.

Rocky pondered things for a moment. He was smart. He could get the mean pup out of there. He had no one at this point. No one except me. Rocky nodded. I know what to do.

Rocky stepped in front of the struggling French bully with a determined look. "Rocky? What are you doing?" Chase asked with slight concern in his eyes.

Rocky didn't respond. Instead, he lowered his head to the net that entrapped Hubcap, sinking his teeth into the webbing that wrapped itself around the small dog.

He started to slowly pull it up, carefully lifting it above Hubcap's small form that slowly trembled. He was scared. Of what, Rocky wasn't sure.

"Where's Gasket?" He inquired with the knowledge she had run off to get the patrol earlier.

Chase raised an invisible eyebrow. "She's at Katie's. Come on, Rocky, Hubcap kidnapped you. Let's go home."

"Not yet, please listen to me," Rocky begged. Ryder slowly approached with a concerned, yet curious disposition, managing to use his own equipment to clamber down. "What is it, Rocky?" The boy wondered.

Ryder held out his hand when Chase began to protest: "This is wasting our time, Ryder sir. You know how these situations are." "Hold on, Chase. I know how this looks, but looks can be deceiving. Go ahead, Rocky." 

Rocky sighed, thankful Ryder was understanding.

"Well, you see, Hubcap wants to become good."

He left out all the other parts. He didn't want to tell them they technically did kidnap him, but did so for a good reason. Or as good as a kidnappings reasoning could get.

He could hear his friend's shock as Zuma, Marshall, and Cat Pack slowly approached as well.

"Is it true?" Marshall wondered with a smile, gazing thoughtfully at Hubcap. Hubcap's shivering slowly stopped as he nodded with his teeth out.

"Yeah, of course! I want to learn how to be good!"

He puffed out his chest, trying to convince them of the half-lie. Technically, this was what they were speaking of earlier. "But I don't know how to do so. I wanted eco pups' help here to build me something, but I had no idea of how to ask for help. So I...sort of kidnapped him..." he trailed off, his eyes darting away from judgmental eyes.

"Dude, that's not cool," Zuma remarked with a deadpanned expression of unimpressionment in his golden eyes.

Hubcap sighed, "I know it's not a cool thing for me and the Ruff Ruff Pack to do. I just don't know any better."

Ryder immediately speaks up. "Well if you want to know how to be good. The first thing you can do is come and visit us. We can teach you, Dwayne, and Gasket the basics of being good. Just don't...kidnap anyone anymore, okay?"

Hubcap nodded. "I understand, strange kid. I just have a weird way of asking for help."

You sure do.

"You sure do," Zuma remarked with an invisible raised eyebrow.

"Why don't you come over on Wednesday and we can start then?"

Hubcap grins. "Sure thing, gadget kid."

Ryder bent down to pet Hubcap. Hubcap flinched but allowed the boy to touch him, unsure of how to respond to such affections. He didn't lean in or anything. What a sad thing: for a pup not to know the joys of being pet.

"Hey, where's Skye and Rubble? Were they not needed on this mission?" Rocky inquired, glancing around expecting to see his two friends there. They were not there.

They were gone.

"Oh. We had to leave without them. I couldn't find either of them. Though Skye had told me they were going on a walk together, they weren't back and we didn't have time to look for them." Ryder informed.

He scratched the back of his head. "When we get back, can you help us find them?"

Rocky nodded his head. Rubble's brain had been filled with mush today. He wondered if Skye had anything to do with it or know anything about his brain farts.

"Of course! You can count on me, Ryder." "That's good because I want you to be a part of Hubcap's goodness lesson."


"Why?" "I just have a good feeling you might be better at it than Chase will. Heh heh."

Chase angled an eyebrow at Ryder and Rocky in confusion. "What does that mean?" The Shepard inquired, slightly insulted. "Nothing," the boy quickly said with wide eyes. "Let's go home, team."

The pups howled while the cats shouted their joy loudly. Rocky hopped into Marshall's vehicle, waving at Hubcap as he left. Hubcap waved back and Rocky grinned, feeling his face begin to warm up.

Marshall snickered. "What?" Rocky inquired with confusion on his face. What was so funny? "Oh, nothing. Glad to see Hubcap finally trying to be good is all." Okay then. Rocky thought as he tilted his head.

Did Marshall know something Rocky didn't? Rocky shrugged it off and started howling the whole journey home.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of knowing he would get to see Hubcap on Wednesday. Perhaps he would even get to see him more often than that.

The screeching of tires alerted Rocky to their arrival. He jumped out of Marshall's vehicle once it was parked and bounded for the garage.

He still had to help Rubble finish his upgrades. He grinned, proud he still had some offers to make himself a worthy member of the PAW Patrol.

He pressed the garage door opener and waited for the garage door to fully open. His jaw dropped at the sight, however.

Rubble and Skye were there in the garage. They were playing around as they tinkered with Rubble's vehicle. And his vehicle looked impressive already.

Rocky didn't know how it would be able to squeeze out of the garage though. It was massive!

"Whoa! Were you guys here this whole time?" Rocky inquires.

Rubble squeaks, jumping slightly. His face turned red from embarrassment. He stared at his paws while Skye stared away, seemingly ashamed for some strange reason.

"Uhm, no," Rubble started before slowly going quiet.

Rocky continued to listen. He wanted to understand why Rubble didn't just flat-out tell him he wanted Skye's help. He could understand it: Skye was a very fun pup to be around.

"We went for a walk. Sorry, Rocky. I really wanted to work on my rig, but I just—" Rubble sighed with frustration. "When Skye offered to me to go for a walk I just couldn't refuse."

He chuckled nervously as he avoided Rocky's gaze. Rocky couldn't help but be reminded of Hubcap. They just looked so much like each other. It made the mix's heart skip a beat.

The English Bulldog leaned in, whispering something that only Rocky could hear, "I think I really like her, man. I just had to take the chance. She rarely hangs out with me or offers to hang out with me. It was a welcoming change."

Oh? What does he mean? Rocky ponders. Then, Does he mean to tell me he likes her in that sort of way? Is that even possible? Could she like him back?

Rocky's thoughts were interrupted when Skye perkily asked, "Whatcha talking about, boys?"

Rubble immediately straightened his body, clearing his throat. "Nothing! Anyways, where did you go while we were gone? And why does it look like everyone except you got back from a mission?"

Of course. Trying to change the topic. Rocky wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Rubble about the strange adventure he went on today.

"I suppose you could say I was the mission," Rocky awkwardly remarked, glancing back at Ryder who smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Ryder loomed closer to them with a soft affection toward his pups. "So this is where you pups are! Thank goodness you're alright."

"Sorry Ryder," both pups hung their heads in shame.

Ryder chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. "It's alright pups. I hope you are having fun."

To Rocky, "it looks like my pups are all growing up." "I thought we were already grown up," Rocky remarked.

Ryder chuckled and ruffled his head.

Something strange was going on. Something strange indeed.


End Note:

This one-shot is over 8k words long.

Again, this one-shot is my own request. I will be letting myself have more, however I already have two others and I'm waiting for more requests for other ships. I want to include as many ships as possible, but I also want people to not feel like I'm just writing my own above all others.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this let me know and if you have any requests within the one-shot rules comment them away in the general and rules.

Thank you! ❤️

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