☁️Skarshall🦒 ||We're Fired Up||

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Note: Skarshall stands for Skarshall. This is for those who don't know. 😅

Status: Requested by Ues1368 (I think their other account got deleted by this point, but I still logged everything they requested down anyways)

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"Come on. Come on. Yeah! High score! Yip yip," exclaimed an overly excited female cockatoo as she did a flip.

She, Skye, was playing pup pup boogie alone to train for her match against one of her favorite pups in the whole world: Zuma.

She trained for long and hard tedious hours to perfect her moves. Zuma was sooo good at this game. She needed it to be perfect. Nothing could stop her from besting everyone.

She already beat Chase, Rocky, and Rubble at least twice, however, Zuma almost always beat her at her own game. Skye growled slightly. She needed to beat Zuma. For her own hubris, she wanted to wipe that smirk off the labrador's face.

"Hey, Skye! What's up--Whoa!"

The sound of her spotted friend broke her out of her competitive mind. She turned around to be smacked by Marshall, her jaw is lax and her eyes wide. Skye yelped and ended up flattened underneath the dalmatian.

"Marshall!" She exclaimed, her voice being muffled by the floor and Marshall's soft fur.

Marshall quickly scrambled away from Skye, standing up and appearing sheepish. "Whoops! Sorry, Skye. Whatcha up to?"

Marshall grinned as he sillily sat up, blowing his fur and ears out of his baby blue eyes. He giggled as his ears fell back into his visage. He lifted a paw to his face and brushed it away in patience for Skye's answer.

Skye huffed with annoyance. Why did he have to do that? It made her heart race and that bothered her.

Her annoyance was quite obvious to the dally in front of her as she responded. He looked a bit upset, and his ears fell.

"I was playing pup pup boogie. I have to keep practicing for Zuma and I's competition later this week. I don't mean to be rude, Marshall, but I need to keep practicing. Do you need anything?" Skye inquired, knowing she sounded quite inappropriate to her friend.

If Ryder was there he might scold her, But once she started practicing like this nothing could stop her. She was one competitive pup. That's why she was Zuma's best friend: the only one who could compete with him on his level.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry, Skye. I didn't mean to distract you." He looked away. He mumbled, "I just...wanted to hang out with you is all."

He lifted his head back to her. "You seemed fired up, and I wanted to hang out with you. Are one of the spunkiest pups on the team. No one else wants to hang out with me today. Zuma's grumpy, Chase is training for the Academy, Rubble is too busy getting a bubble bath, and Rocky and Ryder are focused on upgrades, again. Please, Skye?! I need to hang out with some pup."

He dove to the floor with a pathetic thud. Skye groaned. She really needed to train.

"Plus I wanted to show you a cool song," Marshall added.

A cool song? But what about Everest? Is she too busy too? Or...

"And before you even ask about Everest, she went out on a date with that sheep herder, Sylvia."

Huh. Wouldn't expect Everest to swing that way, but okay. Guess everyone's busy today. Skye sighed. Suppose I should talk to him. He is my friend after all.

Skye raised her invisible brow. "A cool song, huh? What makes it cool?" She asked.

The dally's tail began to wag back and forth in a playful tone. He puffed out his chest as his hackles lowered. He then grinned.

"I'm glad you asked!" He looked way too proud of himself.

He shoved his way past Skye, taking hold of her pup pup boogie pad. "Let me show you!" He was smiling the whole time as he used his paws to maneuver through the selection screen.

He went through different songs that the dancing game had for its players to dance to score. There were a lot of songs. Skye didn't know there were so many songs to dance to; she was a little impressed Marshall knew about this.

Did Zuma even know this existed?

Skye's heart began to race as her jaw dropped. She could spy Marshall smirking at her through the corner of his eye as she watched.

"Heh. I'm so glad I found this. Shocked you two never bothered with this menu. Then again, I suppose competitions were always your specialty. Well, finding things is my specialty," Marshall bragged.

"Actually, finding things is Chase's specialty," Skye deadpanned. Marshall rolled his eyes as he continued to scroll through perhaps five hundred songs that were available to them.

"Whatever. I'm the one who found this first, so it is my victory. Heh."

Marshall's smirk widened if possible. He looked almost evil.

Skye giggled slightly. "Yeah. I'll give you that. You're the first one to show me this cool feature that I could have found. But what song did you want to show me?" She asked as she watched Marshall continue to flick fast through even more songs.

She didn't even know half the songs that were being shown.

Finally, after a few minutes of click sounds, Marshall stopped proudly on a certain song: Fired Up.

According to the Pup Pup Boogie description, it was a song created for a Disney movie—Skye loves Disney movies—called Zombies. That's Z-O-M-B-I-E-S according to the Pup Pup Boogie description. It listed who sang it and everything.

Skye never got the chance to watch the trilogy that followed the story of a cheerleader and a zombie. She assumed they fell in love. Or at least become close friends.

Skye slowly glanced over to Marshall who was smirking. She had instant regret for letting him do this.

"Do you see it?" Marshall asked as his tail wagged.

Oh, she saw it. It was practically his catchphrase, just sitting there on the screen. She nodded, carefully observing the overexcited pup as he maneuvered his body once more, clicking on the song to start a pup pup boogie match.

He pats the floor, indicating towards his mat as if expecting Skye to understand what he wanted. Does he want to play Pup Pup Boogie with me? This song...he wants us to dance together to this song?

She giggled as she rolled her eyes. Oh, Marshall. She thought. Always so silly.

She padded over to the wall where the other mat was, and placed it down. Well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. She didn't understand the fascination with his motto being a song, but she supposed she could play with him. That's all he wanted; She'll give it to him.

The music started, and a male voice overtook the normal pup pup boogie music. Skye smiled at the voice. She's never heard the song before, but she liked it from what she was starting to hear.

She then started to dance, making sure to perfect each dance move. Though, it was still very difficult to do since each song had its own set dance move that wasn't related to the main pup pup boogie dancing pad.

"Wow, Skye! You're getting the hang of this song's dance moves pretty fast!" Marshall complimented with a grin.

Skye was hyper-focused on dancing. She didn't have time to look over like Marshall to compliment his dancing.

"Mhm," she remarked as she concentrated on the paw prints on the screen.

"Not to mention how focused you are. Wow! It's hard for me to fo—whoa, whoa, whooaaa!" Marshall exclaimed as his mat went flying out from underneath him and he smacked his butt against the floor; the mat was now covering the screen.

Skye lost focus, immediately running over to her clumsy friend with a look of concern on her face. She wasn't sure if she was mad her focus was gone or if she was upset at her friend being possibly hurt.

"Are you okay, Marshall?" Skye inquired with unease. Her stomach churned. She hates when her friends get hurt.

Marshall chuckled nervously as he tested out his paws. They work perfectly. "Yeah. I'm good. Hehe. But I ruined your game didn't I?" He asked.

The song was still going on in the background.

"We can restart it if you want. Or I can...just leave," Marshall offered. He began to whimper.

Skye relaxed her tense muscles. Phew. He's not hurt. Good. She wasn't mad at him. She knew he was mentally hurt easily by how much he trips.

But it wasn't his fault. He was born this way. He had huge paws for sure, but that's what Skye loved about Marshall. He was a nice pup and often didn't take his job too seriously. Which was a nice perk of being friends with him.

Nothing wrong with being serious, but Skye wasn't sure if taking everything too seriously was the best idea. She has seen occasions where pups like Rocky and Chase fought with Marshall or Rubble because they made a joke they didn't understand too well. They weren't even that bad. They just didn't understand them.

Skye walked in front of her friend with a smile. "It's okay, Marshall. You don't have to leave. I like spending time with you. Plus, I've been practicing plenty for this competition. I could use a break. Would you like to go to the beach with me? We could play volleyball."

"Alone?" Marshall inquired uncertainly. His head was titled in confusion.

Everyone else was busy, right? She could always invite her cousin, however, the idea of hanging out with Marshall alone excited her.

"Yeah sure. You got that silly song on a pup pad or a music player?" Skye responds with a soft smile.

Marshall nods, sticking his tongue out and parading around the Lookout tower floor with pride. "Yes, I do! Hold on, let me go to my puphouse. It's in there."

Marshall raced over to the elevator and pressed a button. He sat down and waited. A whirling sound activated and the elevator could be seen through the clear pristine glass going up to the tower level.

The door stretched open before the two and Marshall tripped into the elevator with a scream and giggle. He pressed a button on the elevator and it dinged, closing and going down.

Skye giggled. Marshall was funny when he wanted to be. No other pup could ever match up to his humor; not even Rubble, who was second funny in comparison.

Skye stood on her paws, awkwardly fidgeting as she waited for her spotted friend to return to her. It was nice of Marshall to show her the song. Which made her curious as to why he was acting even more aloof than normal.

He's always been so silly, but today he kept on smiling. Why? What is it about me that made him smile?

Her stomach twisted and turned.

Before she could attempt to piece the puzzle together, the elevator dinged, and a pair of golden pelts with baby-blue eyes approached her.

"Hello, Skye!" Ella chirped as the golden retriever twins walked into the tower. What are they doing here? Weren't they busy with Ladybird?

"Hi, you guys. What a nice surprise. What are you doing here, though? Isn't the ladybird--" Skye began before a soft golden paw pressed lightly against her mouth.

"No. She's in jail now. We just got done with securing the components of her arrest. We came to visit you and everyone else. We've missed you. What are you guys up to?" Ella inquired, pulling her paw away from Skye's mouth.

Tuck stared at his paws shyly while Ella smiled.

"We've been good. I was just going to go somewhere with Marshall. I'm sorry. I think everyone else is busy," Skye apologized.

"It's okay, Skye. We can always hang out with you and Marshall. It's always fun to hang out with you," Tuck remarked softly as he smiled warmly.

"Yeah, though I really would've liked to hang out with Chase today." Ella visibly frowned. She then shrugged. "Oh well. Nothing wrong with hanging out with our favorite firefighter pup and sky pup; you two are amazing!"

The compliment warmed Skye's heart. "Aww, shucks. Thank you, you two. I like hanging out with you guys as well. We should do this more often."

The ding of the elevator could be heard after Skye continued to catch up with Tuck and Ella. She noticed Tuck continually staring at her.

Was there something on his mind?

Ella elbowed her brother. "Go ahead, ask her," the golden female implored her brother, a smirk on her face as she gapes at her brother with amusement.

Tuck jumps, searching the room as if wanting to find something to comfort him. He didn't usually act like this. It was weird. Almost like with Marshall, but Skye felt as if the attention wasn't for her.

Tuck gave in to the pressure, finally sighing in submission as he locked eyes with Skye's: blue on magenta.

"I was wondering if you could help me with..." he paused gulping and beginning to shiver. Skye tilted her head.

Help him with what?

Skye was curious about what he had to say to her. Why was he so nervous? Did he...like someone in more than a friendly way?

Tuck's awkwardness was contagious. Skye could feel her own heart pounding, willing for this conversation to continue. She grits her teeth as her face stretched.

Skye willed him with her mind to continue.

Ella hit Tuck lightly with a paw. "Come on, bro. You've got this," Ella whispered to him, giving him kind eyes.

Skye mirrored her golden friend, giving a soft smile. Perhaps all he needed was a little push.

"Right!" Tuck exclaimed, puffing out his chest before awkwardly shrinking. "Anyways, I was wondering if you could help me. You know your cousin, Coral?" Tuck asked, implying something.

My cousin, Coral? Does he have a crush on her? Hold on, Skye. Hold your horses, girl. Does Tuck have a crush on my cousin? They haven't seen each other much. Perhaps it's something else.

"Yeah. What about my cousin?" Skye tipped her head, rolling her paw for Tuck to continue. She could feel the excitement welling in her chest at the idea that still welled there.

Her cousin getting a boyfriend? Heck yeah! She was all for it.

She frowned. The only problem was her cousin never revealed to her her crush. She just implied she had one. How great would that be if it was Tuck? She would be sad if it wasn't Tuck since having a crush on someone you know doesn't like you in that way back sucks.

It's happened to her before.

"Well, I have a crush on her. She's very pretty." Hearing this was like a direct compliment to Skye since they both could pass as twins like Tuck and Ella.

"Oh, well Marshall and I were going to the beach to play volleyball. Do you two want to come? I could always call my cousin and invite her as well if you want to hang out with her." Skye remarked.

Tuck's eyes widened and he grinned. His tail began to wag in his excitement. "You would really do that for me, Skye?" He requested, panting slightly.

Skye giggled at Tuck. Falling in love was a silly thing to witness. "Sure thing, Tuck! I wish you the best in your endeavors." She remarked.

"Thank you!" Tuck beamed.

Their conversation stopped as Marshall came padding into mission control with a boombox proudly held in his jaws. He dropped the boombox with a gasp, eyes widening and pupils shrinking at the sight of Tuck and Ella.

"Guys!" He barked with warmness as he thrust his body forward, wrapping his paws around Tuck and Ella with a huge grin. "You came to visit! I thought everyone couldn't make it, but this is great news." Marshall's fangs sparkled as he smiled.

Tuck and Ella returned the hug with a half hug each, wrapping a paw around Marshall with joy. "We came to visit because the ladybird is now in jail. So now we have so much time on our paws," Tuck quickly explained as he stared out the Lookout tower's glass windows.

It was a bit awkward to do since he had to crane his neck around Marshall's wrapped paws to see out the window, but he still managed to do it.

Marshall retracted his paws and clumsily landed on his stomach. "Oof!" He grinned as he stood back up, reaching out to grapple with the boombox he had brought up with him.

He presented the boombox to Skye proudly. He said something inaudible to Skye who tipped her head. "Pardon?" He placed the boombox down once more, tail still wagging furiously.

"I said can we go to the beach now?" Marshall playfully lift his haunches and lowered his chest toward the ground. He panted, his smile never leaving his face.

Skye giggled, trying to keep herself from squealing at Marshall's cuteness. Why does he have to be so cute when he's excited? Skye wonders as her face warms up once more. It makes it harder for me to focus.

"Sure thing, Marshall!" Skye barked, blinking a few times. "But do you think we could bring Tuck and Ella with us?"

Marshall frowned with sad eyes. "B-But I thought it would just be us, Skye." He turned to Tuck and Ella: "N-Not that I don't want to play with you guys. I-I just—"

"Now hold on just a sec, Marsh," Tuck began as he lifted a paw for silence. He looked at Marshall skeptically, expecting him to tell him off or to continue anyways.

Marshall nodded, "Go ahead."

"We just wanted to come because...well because I want to see her cousin."

"Coral?" Marshall seemed confused by this. Tuck nodded shyly, staring at his paws. Marshall grinned, laughing nervously for some reason. "That's good, Buddy! You can sure come with us. Go chase after her!" He encouraged.

Tuck's smile widened. It seemed as if Marshall understood the situation.

"Wow! Thanks, but I don't know how to talk to her," Tuck remarked as he shyly looked into Marshall's sky-blue eyes.

Marshall chuckled nervously. "Then perhaps you should start by saying hi? Coral isn't that hard to talk to. No one is in theory difficult to talk to...unless they have their standards too high up. That's the beauty of trying, Tuck. Let's go and put it to the test, shall we?"

Marshall smiled cutely as he bounded back to his boombox, picking it up. He almost dropped it right away when he tried to juggle it in his mouth.

He then scampered to the tower elevator and exit, padding inside with a smirk still in tow. Tuck and Ella gave each other glances and both snickered about something to themselves before strutting into the elevator themselves. Skye followed, being the only normal entrance into the elevator.

She gazed around the elevator in boredom as they waited for the elevator to open up to the world below them. No one made a sound. It was awkward at least.

Finally, the door to the elevator opened and the four friends all raced outside to breathe in the fresh air. Marshall headed instantly for the grass, dropping the boombox expectantly on the floor to be abandoned until he was done rolling around in the grass. He laughed as he caught stray grass leaves in his fur, dotting him black-green-and-white instead of his white body with spotted black fur.

He picked up the boombox and they went on their way, Skye having to double back and grab the volleyball they were going to play with. The others were too excited and forgot to pick one up.

She had passed by Ryder and Rocky, letting the two know of where she, the twins, and Marshall were going, however, so it wasn't completely a waste of going into the garage.

She then caught up to them and they took their sweet time getting to the beach. Tuck was really nervous about his impression on Coral; he was going really slowly.

Skye's paws felt the gritty sand underneath her paws. Oh, how she just loved the beach, the sand between her toes. Happiness overtook her and she relaxed, finding herself naturally looking towards the ocean in hopes of finding her cousin out there in the deep blue.

Unfortunately, there was nothing so far. So she did the only other option she had: call her.

"Hello, Skye! What's up?" "Hey, Coral. I was wondering if you wanted to take a break from being a merpup and hang out with me and my friends."

"Who's there with you?" A slight interest. Skye grinned, hoping everything would go well. Skye giggled, "I'm so glad you asked. I've brought Marshall, Ella, and..." she trailed off letting herself be a bit dramatic. "Tuck!"

"Wait really? Tuck and Ella are there? I'll be on my way!"

Skye could hear screaming before the call cut off and she giggled. "Well, I think she might like you back as well. Don't want to get your hopes up too high, but it sure does seem like it—Unless she's got a secret crush on Ella or something."

Tuck laughed nervously. "I hope I make a lasting impression on her. I know I'm not the most attractive male around."

Skye punched him gently on his shoulder for good measure. "Come on, Tuck. You know attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. There's no such thing as an ugly guy," Skye declared with a beam.

"I'm here!" Coral sang as she came up with a splash. Her tail was in the air and her paws were up there too.

"Heh. That's a nice entrance, right Skye?" Marshall asked with an ever-growing smile. His tail was wagging, the sun shining on his already so shiny and smooth fur.

Skye blushed. "Yeah. My cousin's pretty cool!" She brags, noticing how close Marshall was to her now. They were standing next to each other after all, though their positioning had nothing to do with Skye's sudden heart burst.

Marshall's grin got even wider as he watched her. "Yep!" He then bent down to Skye's level and whispered, "But you're the one who's 'fired up,' hehe."

He put a paw on his mouth as he snickered, knowingly. Skye didn't retort. It was a good joke even if she hated the pun.

"Alright, so we playing volleyball? What are the teams?" Coral asked as her wide smiled visage angled towards Tuck curiously.

Everyone turned to Skye for an answer. "Uh, Uhm, how about Marshall and I on one team and Tuck, Coral, and Ella on another? I know that it's an advantage to have three vs two, but I'm sure we can beat you with ease," Skye stuttered.

She puffed out her chest to seem less awkward about choosing Marshall over anyone else. It felt unfair and biased.

Maybe I should have suggested Ella on our team. She's a very skilled pup as an opponent and I regret not having her on our team. But the idea of Marshall being with Skye alone together on one team felt right. Skye decided not to say anything.

Marshall giggled as the other three exchanged glances, Tuck blushing at locking with Coral's gaze.

"Well, I suppose it would make sense to team up like that. Are you sure you don't want Coral, Tuck, or me on your side, Skye? We could always team up against those three. We're unstoppable together!" Coral bragged as she gave Skye a determined look.

"Nah. I think they've got this, Coral. Plus, uh, I like you a lot. I want to see how good you are at volleyball on our team." Tuck admitted, looking away immediately with his eyes wide and teeth-gritting at what he just admitted.

His face was really red.

Marshall snickered with his paws on his mouth, trying to contain his unavoidable laughter. Skye started giggling in response too. The two exchanged glances, before their bought of giggling came to a halt and the two finding the sea easier on the eyes.

"Wait, really? I'm sure you're good too," Coral complimented with a smile. Tuck scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Uhh, I doubt it, but it'll sure be fun, Coral."

Coral barked in excitement and five friends set up the court. Marshall placed his boombox on the sand and began to play the song while the five friends took their positions to play.

Who won the game? None other than Skye and Marshall of course! Marshall's clumsiness won them the game on accident as he tripped and hit the volleyball with such a force, not even Coral could make a save on it.

"Good games, guys!" Tuck barked, visibly closer to Coral. "Yeah! Same to you! You were pretty hard to beat, even with the skills of the two of the best PAW Patrol volley ball players." Skye compliment.

"I guess you could say the song made us 'fired up,'" Marshall punned with a wink. Skye flushed and they all laughed. "What a good pun, Marshall," Skye complimented. Her face was still scarlet.

Marshall stopped right as everyone else began to leave, suddenly so serious. "Skye?" He began quietly, indicating towards the other way with his head.

Skye was confused. "Yes?" She asked, blinking her eyes at him curiously. "Follow me please. I want to talk to you about something."

He seemed nervous. Actually, nervous was an understatement. He was somehow sweating through his fur, making it stick down matted.

Skye blinked in shock. She smiled. What did he have to tell her? Her heart raced just thinking about it.

Did Marshall like her as much as she did?

She padded after him, wanting to find out what he truly felt about her. She and Marshall called out to the others that they would catch up later, since they seemed confused why they were going in the opposite direction.

"So, Skye. What are your thoughts on me?"

Marshall's sudden question jarred Skye. She was now almost one hundred percent sure he liked her even more than anyone else.

"My thoughts on you?" She repeated back.

What could she say? That his smile brightened her day? Well, it brightened everyone's day, but he made Skye smile.

Skye looked away.

"Uhhh, well, you're a cool pup, Marshall," she began. Marshall listened intently with an eager spark in his eyes egging her to go on. She didn't really have many compliments built up in her, but she wanted to express herself. "And also very cute," she added.

Her face heated up even more. Her heart beat with such intensity that she was sure it would bust out of her chest.

"You really think so?" Skye nodded.

"Then would you...like to become my girlfriend? I've had this crush on you for the longest time. Honestly, I'm surprised you would even like me in such a way. I'm so clumsy." Marshall looked away as if embarrassed to be himself.

Skye sprung at him, knocking him over with her strength as she nuzzled the side of his head. "Of course I would, you dummy! And who cares if you're clumsy, you're still a good pup!"

Marshall yelped with surprise as he nuzzled her back. "Yeah, but I still ruined your game for you." He pouted as he looked away with a red face. "I really wanted to impress you."

Skye giggled. "You have, MarMar," she nicknamed as she leaned against him, "just by being yourself." She sweetly kisses him on the cheek.

Marshall's ears go up in shock. "MarMar?!" He exclaimed. Skye giggles once again. "Do you like it?" She asked him. Marshall nodded almost discombobulated. "Yeah," he breathed out with a silly smile on his face, seemingly content.

"I'll race you back!" Skye playfully exclaimed as she dashed away. "Hey! You have a head start!" Marshall exclaimed as the two began a race that went past even their friends.

The new couple then went home and played Pup Pup Boogie once more.

Skye just couldn't help wanting to practice even more. She had a good reason to practice now: to impress her new boyfriend; he was already impressed.


End Note:

This one was almost 5k. XD.

Anyways let me know your thoughts on this.

Ngl, it's weird that people are probably gonna skip the Rockcap oneshot for ones like these, but I suppose I should expect it.

Though if you do come across this note and you are willing to, read it.

Also idk if I ever mentioned second parts...? Did I? I might have, but idk.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy! ❤️

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