Pups Save the Unsavable Pt. 2

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Part 2. "It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness." -Charles Spurgeon

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The rest of the pups were playing in the yard when Ryder's voice sounded from their pup tags.

"Paw Patrol, to the Lookout!"

"Ryder needs us!" they all simultaneously said before racing towards the elevator where, oddly enough, Marshall already was.

The dalmatian noticed that the rest of the pups were going too fast and, eyes wide, he tried to warn them. Despite his warning, they all crashed onto him.

"Well, at least I'm first this time," Marshall remarked to everyone's laughter.

Everyone jumped out of the elevator at the top of the Lookout and noticed that everyone was wearing their regular outfits, even Marshall who got changed out from his EMT uniform to his firefighter one.

"Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir!" Chase saluted from his position in the middle of the row.

"Actually pups, we don't have an emergency today," Ryder said, smiling at them from the control screen.

Most of the pups let out a sound of confusion while Marshall grinned brightly from his position at the end of the line.

"But we do have a mission to do." Ryder pressed a button on his pup pad and the screen opened to show a cartoon version of Adventure Bay Hospital.

"As you all know, Marshall went to volunteer at the local hospital three days ago. He met some kids in the intensive care who were fans of the Paw Patrol. Some of those kids are sad and hopeless because of their illnesses, and our mission is to cheer them up by visiting them and telling them stories about our adventures."

"Are you pups up for this?" he asked and received a chorus of joyful agreement from everyone.

Ryder clicked something on his pup pad and the image of a girl and a pup appeared on the screen.

"Abby! Chance!" Marshall greeted happily.

"Hey, Marshall. I guess this is the Paw Patrol calling, then?" Abby asked with a hint of amusement in her tone while Chance barked happily on the background.

"It is," Ryder answered. "All of us are going to visit the hospital today, more specifically, the oncology ward. Is it okay with the staff?"

"Wait, let me ask them." Chance disappeared for a few seconds and came back, smiling happily. "They're okay with it, Ryder."

The black-haired girl found her pup's smile contagious as she smiled at them. "The kids are going to love you here, Paw Patrol."

"We'll be there in a few minutes, Abby. Over and out." Ryder ended the call before turning back to his pups.

"Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Paw Patrol made their way to the hospital with Ryder leading the pups with his ATV. Chase and Marshall's sirens are off since they don't have an emergency, but their lights are still flashing red and blue.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found Abby and Chance waiting for them at the front doors.

"Hello, Paw Patrol. It was nice to meet you," the black-haired girl said. "I didn't tell the kids you were arriving as I thought it would be a nice surprise for them."

"Can you lead us to them?" Ryder asked her, to which she nodded.

The Paw Patrol followed Abby into the hospital, stopping every once in a while for the other people to pet the pups.

"I know the Paw Patrol is famous, but we didn't know we are THIS famous," Rubble commented in awe as they walked away from a group of kids who wanted to pet them.

"That's because you pups mostly keep to yourselves," Chance replied. "Unless there's an emergency, of course. No offense."

"None taken. In fact, I agree," Chase mused. "We really need to socialize more."

"Well, maybe you pups can help out in some mundane activities?" Abby suggested. "I heard the Adventure Bay Police could use some help in some of their cases. And the local fire station was having some problems with their communication radio."

"I've never really thought about that," Ryder said. "But it's a good idea."

"Glad you think so," the girl smiled as they arrived at the ward. "Wait here, I'll just say something to the kids before you come in."

Abby and Chance went inside and after a few seconds, the former opened the door to gesture them in.

"Guess who's here, kids. It's the Paw Patrol!" Abby exclaimed as the group entered the room.


"It's really them!"

"They're so cool!"

Marshall noticed a kid at the corner of the room who wasn't joining them. He doesn't remember seeing the kid in his first visit, so he asked Chance on who she is.

"Oh, that's Hailey," the Labradoodle roan said somberly. "She's a recurrent patient. She was discharged from the hospital last year, but her cancer got a rebound and she was brought here yesterday. Abby and I tried to talk to her but she won't speak up."

"That's really sad," Marshall whispered. "I'll try to talk to her."

"Good luck," Chance said before walking over to his owner.

The dalmatian walked away from his team and towards the lone occupied bed in the room.

"Hello, Hailey," he said softly.

The little girl blinked in surprise at being talked to. "H-hello."

"Are you okay? Why won't you join the others?" Marshall asked curiously, tilting his head to the side.

Hailey looked down on her lap and sniffled. "I just don't feel like it," she said sadly. "My mommy dropped me off here yesterday and told me that she won't be able to pay for my medicines anymore. She said that she'll leave me here, that I won't be able to go home anymore."

"Hey, hey," the dalmatian whispered soothingly, nuzzling the distraught kid. "It's okay. We're here for you. Abby and Chance will make sure you'll have the best time of your life here, and the Paw Patrol will visit every week. Just don't be sad, okay? Your mommy will come back."

"Promise?" the little girl asked, her innocent eyes boring into his soul.

"I promise," Marshall smiled. "Now, why don't you join the others? I'm sure Ryder's telling some funny stories about our adventures. Like that time Chase passed out when he saw Skye as a merpup. Now that's a funny memory."

Hailey chuckled and hopped off her bed to join the others where Ryder was telling a story about the time they saved Marshall from Mayor Humdinger's clutches.

"Thanks," Abby said suddenly from beside him which made him jump in surprise.

"Don't do that," Marshall hissed while the girl chuckled.

"Anyway, thanks for talking to her, Marshall. You don't know how much it means to her," she said after a few seconds of laughter.

"Is there anything I need to know?" the dalmatian asked.

Abby sighed. "Her mother left her in the care of the hospital because she won't be able to pay for her treatment. But the hospital couldn't afford to spend so much on a disease like hers, and they told her that."

"So she basically left her daughter here to die?" Marshall whispered, tears forming in his blue eyes.

"Exactly," she smiled sadly at him. "The least that we could do for her is to make her happy until the time comes."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Despite the depressing truth, Marshall was still able to have fun with the kids. He and the pups roleplayed some of their rescues, exaggerating them for the kids' entertainment.

Soon enough, it was getting late and they all had to go home. Of course, the kids were sad to see them leave.

"Don't worry, kids. We'll be visiting every week," Ryder assured them as he ushered his pups out of the room one by one.

"You will?" the kids perked up at the declaration.

"Of course! I had fun talking with you all, and I wouldn't mind coming back," Ryder smiled at them.

The children let out whoops of joy as they said goodbye to the Paw Patrol.

True to their word, they visited once a week, always finding time in their busy schedule to come to the hospital and cheer up the kids.

However, on their fifth week of visit, they noticed something odd. Chance was still sitting on his usual spot on the front doors of the hospital, but his owner is nowhere to be found.

The labradoodle's ears perked up a bit when he saw them approach. "Hello, Ryder, pups," he greeted, his tail wagging slightly.

"Hey Chance," Ryder greeted back cheerfully. "Where's Abby?"

Chance's tail dropped slightly. "She's inside, but she won't be able to join us today. However, she did say that she needs Marshall at the ICU."

"What?! Why?! Is she okay?!" Marshall said frantically.

"I..." the Labradoodle hesitated before sighing. "I think it's better is she tells you personally."

"Alright," the dalmatian sighed before dashing away.

Chance caught the questioning looks directed his way and said, "I'll explain on the way."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marshall found himself hesitating at the door to the ICU as all scenarios played in his head. Luckily, he didn't need to dwell on them much as the door opened and Abby got out.

"Oh hey, Marshall," she greeted with a hint of exhaustion on her voice. "I was just about to get you."

'What happened, Abby?" the dalmatian asked worriedly.

The olive-skinned girl said nothing. She just lifted Marshall off the ground and brought him to the window overlooking the inside.

What he saw would be ingrained on his mind forever. Hailey laid on the bed with lots of wires connected to her body. Her face was pale and Marshall could hear the slow beeping of the heart monitor.

"She collapsed earlier this day," Abby said, looking at the little girl's frail body from the window. "She was vomiting nonstop and she couldn't breathe. I had to call for help while I try to calm her down."

"That's horrible," Marshall whispered, looking like he was about to cry.

"The doctors tried their best, but they couldn't do much," Abby whispered, looking at the dalmatian. "They were about to remove her life support, but I managed to buy you time."

"You want me to talk to her?" the spotted pup asked in surprise to which the girl nodded.

"You were the one to get her to open up, Marshall," Abby explained. "Believe it or not, you hold a special place in her heart."

"I..." Marshall hesitated before sighing. "Okay."

Abby smiled and led him inside where Marshall didn't hesitate on jumping on Hailey's bedside.

"M-Marshall?" the little girl croaked out with a small smile on her face.

"Hey there, Hailey," Marshall whispered. "You okay?"

The dalmatian mentally smacked himself for the stupid question, but stopped when he heard Hailey chuckle.

"Actually, I feel better now that you're here," the little girl said.

"I, um..." Marshall searched for something to say. "I'm proud of you, Hailey," he eventually said.

"Y-you are?" Hailey asked in confusion.

"I am," the dalmatian whispered, nuzzling her. "You didn't give up, Hailey. You've fought your disease for a long time."

"I..." Hailey's smile went bigger. "I guess I did."

The little girl let out a series of coughs, each one worse than the last.

"Shh, Hailey. It's okay. You don't have to talk if you don't want to," Marshall whimpered to which she shook her head.

"M-Marshall, A-Abby, can you both promise me something?" Hailey whispered scratchily.

"What is it?" Abby asked softly as she went to sit beside her bed.

"P-promise me you won't forget me?" the little girl asked.

"We promise," Marshall whispered as Abby stroked her hair.

"Thank you," Hailey smiled as she slowly closed her eyes.

The heartbeat monitor let out a long beeping noise to indicate that her heart had stopped beating. Doctors rushed in to check on her while Abby guided Marshall outside.

"Thank you, Marshall," Abby said a few minutes after they sat down on the waiting area of the ICU.

"For what?"

"For giving her a chance to be happy," she said, smiling sadly. "You saved her, Marshall. If you hadn't talked to her, she would've died earlier due to depression."

"Is it always this painful?" Marshall whispered as he started to cry on Abby's shirt.

"Sadly, yes. It never gets easier, but I learned to deal with the pain since it meant making them happy."

A few minutes passed with neither of them talking before Abby broke the silence.

"Would you and the rest of the Paw Patrol still come visit after this?" she asked.

"I don't know about the others, but I'll be coming back as much as I could."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay, this chapter is longer than I expected. This is literally twice as long as the last one.

Disclaimer: I have never experienced dealing with a cancer patient, nor have been a volunteer at a hospital. I'm just going by what I've searched.

For those who are confused with my rant in the previous chapter, there were some protests regarding the Paw Patrol due to Chase's status as a police pup. If you want to know more, look it up on the internet.

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