Say Something

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Angst drabble collection. Every pup will have a scene, including Everest, Tracker, Tuck, Ella, and Rex. All the pups will appear at least twice. The song is Say Something by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera.

Warning: Long chapter ahead and a mini spoiler alert for those who haven't watched Pups Save the Lost Dino Eggs yet

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Say something I'm giving up on you

Rubble shivered in a small box that he found near the vents. A snowstorm was raging outside his little home, and there was no guarantee that his shelter would last the night.

I will survive this winter, the bulldog thought as he curled up on the floor and tried to sleep.

I hope.

I'll be the one if you want me to

Chase hid his face on his mother's side as he tried to stop the tears that kept flowing from his eyes.

His mother had worked as a police. In fact, she was the top police dog in Adventure Bay. She did a lot of dangerous things that Chase was constantly afraid that she might not come home alive.

He didn't expect cancer to be the cause of her death, however.

Chase planted a kiss on his mother's forehead and whispered against her ear.

"I will make you proud, mother."

Anywhere I would've followed you

Tracker walked alone in the middle of the jungle, trying to find the way he came from. He was cold, hungry, and scared. It was nearing dark and who knows what kind of animals live there.

My owners are probably looking for me, the chihuahua thought desperately. They wouldn't leave me.

Tracker whimpered as he heard some unfamiliar growling behind him and tried to make himself as small as possible.


Say something I'm giving up on you

"Mom? Dad?"

Everest shivered against the cold wind of the Arctic and pushed herself to walk. She was walking alone for a few days now, and she had to find her home. Her parents are probably worried when she didn't get home.

The husky's ears perked up when she saw a familiar bridge in a distance. She howled in joy as she bounded across the bridge and to their igloo.

"Mom? Dad? I'm..."

Everest's happy demeanor changed when she saw what's in front of her.


Two bloody bodies lay on the floor of their makeshift house and Everest could smell the lingering scent of a polar bear.

"Mom? Dad?" she whispered tearfully as she nuzzled her parents' bodies.

"I'm sorry."

And I am feeling so small

Rocky didn't dare make a sound as he cowered behind the trash cans in the corner of the alley. He knew they would be able to sniff him out soon, but he hoped that his scent would mix with the smell of garbage.

But of course, it didn't go that way.

The terrier mix whimpered as he felt himself get dragged by the scruff of his neck from his hiding place.

"Think you can escape from us, mutt?" the leader of the gang of dogs growled in his ear, making him whimper even more.

Someone, please help me, Rocky thought as the dogs advanced on him. I don't want to die yet.

It was over my head

Skye's first mission didn't go as well as she had hoped.

She had just joined the Paw Patrol a few days ago, and she was just getting used to her copter when she was called on a mission.

Unfortunately for her, an eagle spotted her flying and went after her.

"Ryder, please, anyone, help me!" Skye desperately called on her pup tag as she did her best to lose the large bird.

"Keep on distracting her, Skye. We're on our way."

Please hurry, Ryder, Skye whimpered as the eagle closed on her.

I know nothing at all

Rubble lay silently in his pup house, deep in thought as he watched his friends play tag in the yard.

As far as he knew, all of them are orphans and were adopted by Ryder to start a new life. But he found himself feeling jealous of his friends. At least they knew what happened to their parents.

The bulldog closed his eyes and tried to find a single memory of his parents. A face, a smile, or even just a scent.

But there was nothing.

And I will stumble and fall

Marshall felt his ears burn with embarrassment as he heard laughter all around him.

"Here you go, folks! Klutzy Marshall strikes again!" someone laughed from behind him.

The dalmatian pup fought back the tears in his eyes as he stood up and ran from where he had once again tripped himself over. But even as he ran away, he could still hear the others call names after him.

"Bad luck Marshall!"

"Clumsy dally!"

In his tears, he didn't notice a tree root in his way and tripped face-first into the ground, sending the other pups in heaps of laughter.

Please stop, Marshall sobbed. I didn't mean it.

I'm still learning to love

A lot of things are always running through Rocky's mind. Most of them were ideas for his inventions, while some of them were just plain 'what ifs'. You can't exactly blame him for being curious about the world a lot bigger than he is.

But if there's one thing he can't understand, it's love.

Having been living on the streets before he joined the Paw Patrol, Rocky was a stranger to love. His parents have died when he was still a little pup, and there was no one to make him feel what love is.

Until Ryder came into his life, that is.

Just starting to crawl

"Daddy?" young Zuma asked, walking up to the older labrador as he was standing by the seashore.

"What is it, Zuma?"

"Where's mommy?" he young lab asked innocently. "I haven't seen her since yesterday."

Zuma's father took a deep breath and seemed hesitant to answer. "She's just sleeping, Zuma. When she wakes up, I'll call you, okay? You can play by yourself while you're waiting."

"Okay, daddy!" Zuma said happily as he went to chase crabs on the sand.

He was too young to understand it then, but now he knew. His dad wasn't entirely lying when he said that his mom was just sleeping. He only left the fact that she won't wake up anymore.

Say something I'm giving up on you

Rex sighed as he watched Tilly and Dr. Turbot worked themselves to exhaustion. It was a busy day in the clinic with many of the dinosaurs having their eggs hatching today. 

The Bernese Mountain dog could only watch them from his wheelchair, wishing that he would be more of help than just translating what the mama dinosaurs were saying.

Stupid handicap, Rex thought angrily to himself. If only I had my four legs working, I would be more useful here.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you


An anguished scream came out from the dalmatian pup as he watched the fiery building collapse in front of him.

Just as he was about to rush towards the smoldering debris, he was held back by a pair of arms wrapping around him.

"LET ME GO!" Marshall screamed at his owner as he struggled to get away from the tight grasp.

"No, Marshall. I won't let you," Ryder said firmly as he tightened his hold on the struggling dalmatian.

"MY PARENTS ARE IN THERE!" the fire pup screamed at his face before breaking down in tears. "I can't lose them, Ryder. I just can't."

Anywhere I would've followed you

"Dad?! Dad, where are you?!"

The chocolate labrador pup made his way towards the dock as the ship they're on started sinking. Around him, people were running around and panicking, which made it harder for Zuma to look for his father.

The crew had started to usher people towards the lifeboats, and someone picked him up on the way there.

"NO!" Zuma struggled against the grip. "Let me go! Dad!"

It was no use. The labrador was just too small and weak to fight against the strong grip. And so Zuma just watched helplessly as the cruise ship completely sank underwater, most likely taking his father with it.

Say something I'm giving up on you

"Marshall, can we talk?"

Everest was a very patient pup, the trait having been mastered while she was living in the Arctic. However, she was getting tired of waiting for Marshall to make a move and decided to take matters into her own paws.

"What is it, Ev?" the dalmatian pup asked as he went closer to her.

Everest immediately felt nervous. Now she knew why Ryder wouldn't admit his feelings towards Katie.

"I-I... Ilikeyousomuchwillyoubemymate?"

Marshall tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Can you say that again, but slowly?"

The husky sighed deeply. "I like you, Marshall. Will you be my mate?"

Time seemed to stop around them as Everest watched the emotions flash in the dalmatian's cerulean blue eyes: surprise, then happiness, them panic, then fear.

"I-I'm sorry, Everest," Marshall whispered before bolting away from her.

"Marshall, wait!" the husky called out but he was too far away already.

Everest felt tears welling in her eyes. He loves me, that's for sure. But why won't he accept me as his mate?

And I will swallow my pride

"I'm sorry, Chase, but I don't like you that way."

Skye's words echoed in his head as he lay listlessly inside his pup house.

After years of trying to find the courage to speak, Chase had finally confessed his love to the cockapoo. However, Skye didn't feel the same way.

The shepherd whimpered silently as he curled up tighter at the corner of his pup house. It hurts so much. He knew he had to get out soon, but right now, he had to console his broken heart.

You're the one that I love

Marshall sighed as he watches his friends play in the Lookout yard. Everest was with them as Jake went to join a snowboarding competition.

It wasn't a secret to everyone that the dalmatian has more-than-friendly feelings towards the husky. However, he just couldn't find it in himself to confess to her.

I don't deserve her, Marshall thought to himself as he watched Everest have fun with the others. She's too good for me.

And I'm saying goodbye

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

The golden retriever twins found themselves sitting in front of their owner and telling her of their plan to track down Ladybird.

"Yes, Hailey," Tuck said sadly. He didn't want to leave her, but they had a job to do.

"Then I'll let you both go," Hailey said, kneeling down and scratching the ears of her two pups.

"We'll miss you, Hailey," Ella said, licking the hand of her owner affectionately."

"I'll miss you two as well."

Say something I'm giving up on you

Skye sat in front of the monitor in the control room, trying to keep her nervousness in check as she waited for her parents to answer her call. Ryder had long since left the room, leaving her to deal with her parents alone.

Finally, the screen showed a pair of adult dogs, a male cocker spaniel, and a female poodle.

"Skye? Is that you?" the cocker spaniel asked hopefully.

"Hello, dad, mom," Skye said nervously.

"So, have you decided to quit the Paw Patrol and join your family in modeling?" the poodle asked haughtily.

The cockapoo pup's ears fell. "I love being a Paw Patroller, mom. You can't just ask me to leave them."

Skye's parents' faces hardened. "Then you are no daughter of ours."

But no matter what, you're still my parents, and I love you.

Those words were left unsaid as the call ended just as she was about to speak, and she was left staring at the blank screen of the monitor.

"Why can't you just accept me for who I am?" the cockapoo whispered, tears filling his magenta eyes. 

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

"Chase!" Tuck and Ella called out as they ran towards the german shepherd pup. "What happened?"

Police lines circled the place, and detectives were scattered around the house as they looked for clues as to what happened.

"I'm sorry, Tuck and Ella, but your owner was found dead earlier this morning."

Anywhere I would've followed you

The earth shook from underneath their paws as a young Bernese Mountain pup tried his best to follow his parents away from the chaos in Dino Wild.

"Mom! Dad! Wait up!" Rex called out as he dodged the trampling dinosaurs that were much bigger than him.

A scream erupted from his mouth as he failed to dodge the incoming rhinoceros and got his back legs crushed by the heavy weight of the dinosaur's foot.

"Mom! Dad! Help me!" Rex cried out but the wind only took his voice away.

Say something I'm giving up on you

Tracker was excited. He finally got the phone number of his old owners after years of trying to get information about them.

The little chihuahua could only bounce in his seat as Carlos dialed the number on his phone.

"¡Hola! Esto es Tracker hablante-"


"That's weird," Carlos said, looking at his phone. "The call ended so abruptly."

"Maybe it's just a connectiom error?" Tracker asked hopefully. "¿Puedes llamarlos de nuevo? Can you call them again?"

"Si," Carlos replied as he went to dial the number again, but no one picked up. He tried several times with the same result.

"Lo siento, amigo. It seems like they don't want to be disturbed," he told his pup apologetically.

"No, Carlos," Tracker said sadly. "They just don't want to talk to me anymore."

Say something I'm giving up on you

"Hi, thank you for calling me. I apologize for not answering the phone at the moment. Please leave your name, number and message, and I will call you back as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a nice day."

Ryder sighed as he listened to the voicemail for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

Despite not living with them anymore, Ryder still tried to keep in touch with his parents. The job was easier said than done because all three of them have busy schedules.

"Hello, Ryder here. I just want to say that I love you both and I can't wait to visit you soon. Goodbye," he simply said and his pup pad beeped to indicate that the message has been sent.

Say something

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay, I'll admit that I'm not proud of this. It just feels rushed, if you know what I mean.

I've been writing this since June 24, and I kept getting sidetracked by playing Roblox. In fact, I'm playing Roblox while I'm typing this. 

I still have a lot of story ideas, so this book isn't gonna be dead yet.

As for Legends, well, I'm experiencing a writer's block on that one. I'm going to write Zuma's next, in case you're wondering.

I'm thinking of making some of these drabbles as a full one-shot, though I'm not sure if I'll have the time to do it.

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