The Spy Pup

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Set after The Medic Pup. Marshall is training to be an EMT, and Chase felt slightly jealous about it. On top of that, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to do his job effectively being just a police pup, and Ryder noticed this.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase followed Marshall with his eyes as the latter drove away from the Lookout for his daily EMT training. He knew he shouldn't feel jealous, but he can't help it. He saw how happy Marshall is with learning how to do his soon-to-be new job despite the stress it caused.

On top of that, Chase felt like he wasn't trained enough. Lately, there's been a lot of things missing in Adventure Bay, and frankly, he's having trouble tracking all of them down. He's afraid that one day, they will fail one of their missions just because he failed to do his job.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to sense someone coming up behind him.

"A treat for your thoughts?" Ryder asked, making him jump in surprise.

"Ryder!" Chase's voice came out louder than intended. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't an owner check on his pup?" the ten-year-old said somewhat cheekily, which made the police pup go slightly red under his fur.

"I guess that's reasonable," Chase muttered, his eyes straying back on the bridge where Marshall's firetruck disappeared.

"What's on your mind, Chase?" Ryder said, flopping down on the grass beside his pup.

"It's just..."

The German Shepherd hesitated. He didn't want to sound weak.

"You know you can tell me anything, Chase," Ryder said with an easy smile as he went to look at his pup.

Chase sighed. "It's just... I feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm having trouble tracking in our past few rescues because there are barely any tracks for me to find."

"So you feel incompetent in a way?" Ryder said in concern.

"...yeah, kind of like that."

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes as they watched the other pups play in their yard.

"I've got a call from the local police department earlier," Ryder said out of the blue, making Chase look at him.

"What did they say?" the German Shepherd pup asked in curiosity.

Ryder hid a smile. "They said that they need someone, specifically a pup, to train under them to help them with bigger jobs."

Chase's ears perked up in excitement. "What did you say, Ryder?"

"I told them I would consider it first. Maybe ask Skye if she wants to join."

Chase's ears dropped in disappointment, making Ryder smirk in amusement.

"...gotcha!" the boy laughed at the vexed look on his pup's face.

"Rydeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!" Chase whined, something he only does when he's around his owner. "You scared me!"

"It was amusing to see your reaction," Ryder said, still laughing. "But seriously, I did tell them I would think about it. I wanted to ask you first about it."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chase howled in joy as he ran around in circles before pouncing on his owner and licking his face. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Ryder only laughed as he let the excited pup go, watching him as he ran around the Lookout in excitement.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase did get accepted into training with the police, and Ryder developed all sorts of gadgets that he thought would be useful for his new job.

When not training at the station, he was getting used to his new gadgets. Embarrassingly enough, he can't seem to get a hang of his zipline and suction cup boots. It was a good thing that Marshall (already done with his EMR training and currently training to become an actual EMT) was there to help him because he kept falling a lot.

With the help of Marshall and Ryder, he managed to finish his spy training. His training involved a lot of stealth (where Marshall also helped him, surprisingly enough) and more ways to track people.

He got his gear a few days earlier than Marshall, who was just finishing his EMT training.

"Great job, Chase!" the dalmatian congratulated him upon seeing his new gear.

"Thanks!" Chase replied back, smiling. "And thank you too for helping me with my training, Marshall."

"No problem. As Ryder would say, if you're ever in trouble, just yelp for help!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Long time no post. I was busy with real life stuff. I hope you enjoy this story though.

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