The New Girl

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Skye has a best friend that she wanted Marshall to meet. What could possibly happen? High School AU, humanized.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marshall quickly made his way down the hallway of their school, waving at students as he passed by. Normally, he would strike up a conversation with them, but right now, he was late for a lunch date with his best friend.

As he was nearing the cafeteria, he noticed a large increase of students in the hallway. He weaved his way past the crowd, shouting apologies as the people around him fell down from his clumsiness.

After a few minutes of disasters, he made his way to their table where Chase was already sitting down beside two girls. He knew one of them as Skye, the leader of the school's cheerleading team. However, he wasn't sure who the other girl was.

"Oh hi, Marshall!" Chase said upon noticing him approaching.

The unknown girl's eyes widened when she saw him, but from fear or surprise, he wasn't sure.

"Skye, you didn't tell me that I was about to meet THE Marshall, who is one of the most famous guys in school!" she hissed.

"I'm not that famous," Marshall said, his face turning pink in embarrassment.

"Oh, don't sell yourself short, Marshall. You're probably even more famous than I am," Chase teased him with a smirk.

"Shut up," the embarrassed boy muttered, glaring at his best friend.

Chase just laughed and threw his hands up in surrender.

"Anyway Marshall," the tan-skinned boy said once he stopped laughing. "This is Everest, Skye's best friend. Everest, this is Marshall, my best friend."

Marshall locked eyes with Everest, blue eyes meeting blue.

"Nice to meet you, Everest," the fair-skinned boy said, holding out his hand in greeting.

"L-likewise," Everest muttered, obviously still flustered about meeting her idol.

"Now that the two of you officially met, how about we have some lunch?" Skye asked with a smile, and they did just that.

Conversations were awkward at first, but Marshall and Everest soon warmed up to each other. By the end of lunch, the two of them were laughing and joking with each other.

"See you soon, Everest!" Marshall said as Chase dragged him away from the cafeteria.

"You too, Marshall."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Their lunch date became two, then three, and soon enough, they were meeting every day. Marshall felt absolutely comfortable with Everest that personal information came easily for him. He was also getting to know Everest more and more each day.

"Wait, you once flooded your whole house while your parents are away?" Marshall said, on the brink of laughing.

"You're saying that like you haven't done anything like it," Everest said, mock-glaring at him.

"Okay, I can admit to almost burning our house down once," Marshall said in amusement. "Who would have thought that a microwave could spit so much fire?"

"Wait, you can cook?" Everest asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but someone always has to watch me cook," Marshall said sheepishly. "Or else I'll burn everything down."

"Can you teach me?" the purple-haired girl asked. "Please?"

Marshall thought that the puppy dog eyes looked cute on her, but he didn't comment on it. "Alright. How about Saturday? Your home."

"Sounds good to me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

True to his word, Marshall went to Everest's house on Saturday morning. Everest's father, Jake, was there to greet him.

"Hello Marshall dude," Jake said upon seeing him. "Come in."

"I hope I'm not intruding, sir," Marshall said as he made his way inside the house.

"Not at all. You're welcome to come at any time. And please don't call me sir. Jake is fine. Any friend of Everest's is a friend of mine," the father said warmly as he guided him towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Everest! Your boyfriend's here!" Jake shouted when he was by the door.

"Daaaaaaaad!" Everest whined from the kitchen. "I told you, he's not my boyfriend!"

"Maybe not now, dear," Jake winked at the two of them. "Now, I'll leave you two be. I have to go to the resort."

Once her father was gone, Everest turned to Marshall.

"Sorry about that," she said in embarrassment. "My dad isn't usually like that whenever I invite boys over."

"Maybe he's desperate on you having a boyfriend?" Marshall suggested as he went to prepare the ingredients.

"Maybe," Everest said, but Marshall could detect a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

"So, what are we cooking?" she asked, changing the subject. "I wasn't sure what you want to teach me so I had dad get everything."

"How about carbonara?" Marshall said, looking at a pack of pasta in the cabinet. "It's easy to make and we only need bacon, garlic, salt, pepper, cream, eggs, and cheese. Maybe some Italian herbs as the topping."

"Sounds good to me!" Everest said happily and together, they went to cook in relative silence.

"So, do you like anyone?" Marshall asked as they sent the pasta and the sauce to boil.

"M-me?" Everest stuttered, her face turning pink. "I-I don't know."

"Come on, Everest. Tell me. We're friends, remember?" Marshall prodded her with a finger.

"Y-yeah, we are," Everest muttered.

"I guess I'll start us off, huh?" Marshall said with an easy smile. "The girl I like is adventurous. It wasn't obvious because she looks like a nerdy type, but she's really fun to be with. I love her blue eyes and how they sparkle like the snow in the winter morning."

Marshall's face went serious as he looked at her. "I like you, Everest. Ever since Skye introduced you to me. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I..." Everest was speechless for a while before a big smile came to her face. "Yes!"

Marshall leaned in to kiss her against the kitchen cabinet. The kiss was short, but it was the best feeling he experienced.

"Does this count as our first date then?" he asked breathlessly when they departed.

Everest just smirked against his lips. "You gotta try harder than that, loverboy." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay, I actually made this story in a rush (a little over an hour) and it required (kinda) a romantic story (it's easier to do in a rush than a close friendship story). My original plan was a Chase x Skye angst in which their relationship started out great but ended up falling apart when Skye's feelings just disappeared. I ended up doing a happy and kinda cute Marshall x Everest.

I hope you're happy with this, cause I barely have time to write a story with school starting and such. However, I'm still active at the discord server.

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