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Okay, I started school today (and I legit have a lot of requirements) so I have no idea if I'll be able to write as much as I do before. Oh, and prepare for a 3000+ word story down below.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Town Hall is bombed and the building is on fire. Both the local police and fire station are lacking people, so the Paw Patrol is called to help. After all, there's no job too big and no pup too small.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Paw Patrol, to the Lookout!"

"Ryder needs us!"

You can say that their day started off weirdly. Chase woke up later than he usually did, and Marshall hadn't tripped on anything.

To see these two act out of character is worrying. Out of everyone in the team, Chase and Marshall are the best in sensing upcoming danger, even if they don't realize it.

And so, the pups weren't surprised when Ryder called them into the Lookout tower for a mission.

"Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir!" Chase saluted before realizing what they're wearing.

Half of the pups were wearing police uniforms while the other half wore firefighter ones. This had never happened before, so naturally, all of them were confused.

"Pups, I've got a call from the local police department," Ryder said in a deathly serious voice which put all the pups on edge.

"What is it, Ryder?" Chase asked.

"Aren't your pup tag getting radio transmissions from the police, Chase?" Skye asked the shepherd in confusion.

"That's one of the problems," Ryder answered for Chase. "The police radio frequency is being jammed by someone, along with the firefighter frequency."

"So that's why I haven't got any messages either," Marshall muttered, all playfulness gone.

"The bigger problem is that the Town Hall is bombed and is currently on fire," Ryder continued to worried exclamations from the pups. "With the radio frequencies jammed, the authorities cannot radio other officers for backup."

Cries of "oh no" and "we have to do something" echoed among the pups, which quietened down when Ryder spoke back up.

"This job is too big for only two pups but too small for everyone. That's why I divided you into two groups for a joint ultimate rescue mission."

Ryder swiped his pup pad and clicked Chase's icon.

"Chase, you're going to lead Rocky and Skye to help the police officers in keeping the crowd away and finding the one responsible for the bombing," he commanded.

"Chase is on this ultimate rescue case!" the shepherd called out, stepping forward.

Ryder acknowledged this with a nod before clicking on Marshall's icon.

"Marshall, I need you to lead Rubble and Zuma to help take out the fire. Also, there might be people trapped inside the building so I need you to talk with the firefighters to organize a rescue mission."

"I'm ultimately fired up," Marshall called out with a deathly serious face.

"I'm going to call both Tracker and Everest for backup but for now, you're on your own. Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For the townsfolk, it was weird seeing two ultimate rescue vehicles being driven down the street, but with the news they just heard, it didn't come as a surprise for them.

The Paw Patrol made it to Town Hall in record time. Chase and Marshall didn't waste any time and hopped off from their vehicles to report to their respective teams.

"Chase of the Paw Patrol, reporting for duty, sir!" Chase saluted, sitting upright in front of the police officer in charge.

"Great timing, Chase. Only two detectives are on duty right now. We need you to help them search for the suspect," the officer said.

"Yes sir! We're on our way!" the shepherd saluted once more before taking off.

Chase went to talk to the two detectives to inform them that the Paw Patrol will be helping them before going back to his own teammates.

"Skye, use the police copter to search for the suspect from the air. Rocky, I need you to use your police scanner to search for clues. I'll sniff around to see if I can get anything." the police pup commanded.

"On it, chief!" the two pups saluted before the three of them went to do their respective jobs.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Okay, Rubble and Zuma, I need both of you to help tackle the fire. Rubble, you take out the fire on the top. Zuma, use the water canon cart to help tackle the fire in front of the town hall," Marshall commanded his team.

Rubble and Zuma did as they were commanded while Marshall went towards the firefighter in charge to organize a rescue mission.

"You and I are going in. We can't afford to take anyone else since we need to put out the fire quickly," the firefighter said. "Go get your gear and I'll meet you at the entrance."

"Yes, sir!" the dalmatian nodded his acknowledgment.

Marshall rushed towards his firetruck to grab his oxygen helmet before going to meet the firefighter.

"I'll take the second floor, you take the first," the officer said to which Marshall nodded and they parted ways.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Have you found anything, Skye?" Chase asked through his pup tag.

"Negative," Skye reported. "I'll be searching from the back now."

"Copy that. But be careful of the smoke," the police pup said with a hint of worry.

"I will, Chase."

The shepherd then called Rocky. "Any luck?"

"Actually, yes," the mixed breed said. "You better go here and check it out."

Chase went to where Rocky is to see something odd lying innocently on the ground.

"This suitcase looks like another bomb, Chase," Rocky said, fear creeping through his voice.

"Can you diffuse it?" The mixed breed shook his head no.

Chase nearly cursed. "Go get the chief. I'll try to find a scent."

Rocky saluted and took off. Chase sniffed the bomb and smelled something like alcohol from it.

The suspect must be drunk, he thought.

Chase then sniffed the ground around it to look for a trail. His nose took him towards Town Hall where the smell of smoke blocked out the rest of the trail.

Hmm... interesting, he thought as he sped off to find the chief.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marshall was thankful that Ryder equipped his oxygen helmet with x-ray vision or else he won't be able to see where he's going. He could only imagine how thick the smoke is upstairs and he hoped that no one's trapped there.

The x-ray vision also has another use. Marshall scanned the area for bones that would signify a human (or chicken) body. The first floor was empty, and the dalmatian hoped that the workers managed to escape the fire. He'd scan the whole area just to make sure.

He made it all the way back before he saw signs of life. Actually, he saw three. Two humans and a chicken. Marshall deactivated his x-ray vision to see more clearly who he was about to save.

He didn't recognize the man in front of him, but he knew the other two. Unfortunately for him, the man was armed.

Marshall hid before any of them noticed him and hit his pup tag to call someone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Chase, I see some people in the room all the way on the back! It seems like they're trapped!" Skye reported over the comms.

"10-4, Skye. I'll pass the message over to Marshall now," Chase said, ending the call.

But before he could call him, Marshall beat him to it.

"10-32 in the Mayor's office. I repeat. 10-32 in the Mayor's office. Chase, do you copy?"

Man with gun in Mayor's office?! Chase thought in horror as he answered the dalmatian.

"Roger that, Marshall. I'm on my way," the shepherd acknowledged him.

"There's a spare oxygen mask in my truck. I'll clear a way for you at the entrance. Over and out," Marshall said, ending the call.

Chase bounded over towards the ultimate firetruck and grabbed an oxygen helmet before reporting the situation over to the police chief who was talking to Ryder.

"Are you sure about this, Chase?" Ryder asked him.

"Positive. I've had firefighter missions before and this is no different. I can handle this, Ryder sir," Chase replied with utmost confidence. "Besides, I have Marshall with me."

Ryder sighed. He hated to send his pups for dangerous missions like this, but the risk came with being a rescue team.

"Alright," he relented. "But BE CAREFUL. I don't want to lose any of you."

"Don't worry, Ryder, officer. You can count on us. We'll get Mayor Goodway and the suspect out safe and sound in no time," Chase promised before rushing towards the entrance of the Town Hall, wearing his helmet on the way.

Just as he said, Marshall met him at the entrance. With a nod, the two of them made their way towards the Mayor's office with the dalmatian clearing the way for the both of them.

Once they arrived at the door of their destinations, Chase halted Marshall from going inside. The fire pup shot him a questioning look.

"We can't just barge in like that," the shepherd explained. "Here's the plan."

Chase quickly explained the plan to the bewildered fire pup.

"So you want me to attack him?" Marshall asked. "Why me? You're the police pup here."

"Exactly," Chase said. "He'll expect me to attack him, but not you. Besides, you're the one better at pup-fu between the two of us."

"I- alright," the dalmatian sighed. "But I don't like this. My job is to save people, not attack them."

"Sometimes we gotta do things we don't want, Marshall," the shepherd said before barging into the room.

"Drop the gun! You are under arrest!" Chase shouted, his gun out and pointed at the suspect.

In response, the man just tightened his hold on Mayor Goodway and pointed the gun at her head.

"Ah, the Paw Patrol is here to save the day, huh? Unfortunately for you, I intend to die in this fire and I'm bringing her with me," the suspect growled out.

Chase nodded to Marshall who steeled himself. He ran towards the police pup and used him as a leverage to jump towards the man and kick him on his face.

The kick made the suspect let go of Mayor Goodway, who stumbled towards the other side of the room. Chase immediately sprung into action and latched the handcuffs on the man's wrists.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in court," the police pup said before hitting his pup tag to call Ryder.

"Chase to Ryder. 10-32 apprehended. We're on our way out."

"Roger that. But don't go towards the front center area. Rocky found another bomb, and there was not enough time to diffuse it," Ryder said through the comms.

"We'll go through the front side window then," Marshall noted, making his way towards the place with Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta.

"We'll have the medics ready for you."

"Copy that. Over and out," Chase said, ending the call and dragging the suspect towards Marshall.

Marshall was thankful that ever since the Adventure Bay Games, he had kept in shape or else he would be having trouble dodging all the falling debris. That, and he wouldn't be able to push Mayor Goodway as well.

"Sorry, Mayor Goodway!" Marshall called out as he once again pushed her out of the way from a flaming debris.

"It's alright, Marshall," the mayor coughed out for the umpeenth time. "Just get us out of here."

Marshall barked out the axe from his pup pack as they near their destination. With a hard swing, the window broke open.

"Jump, Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta!" the dalmatian shouted. "Ryder and the others are waiting for you outside!"

Mayor Goodway didn't need to be told twice and jumped off the broken window. The suspect, however, was another story.

Chase growled as he tried to push the gunman off the window but to no avail. The man was resisting, and he was quite heavy. While the police pup was no Rubble, he was strong. But the suspect was too heavy for him to do alone.

Lucky for him, help came at the sight of a spotted pup that appeared beside him.

"Need a paw?" Marshall asked rhetorically and together, they managed to push the gunman out of the window.

Just then, something exploded from behind them, causing the fire to renew in full force.

"Jump, Chase!" Marshall shouted, turning towards the fire and readying his water cannons. "I'll cover you!"

Chase could only hope to the highest being that Marshall would make it out alive as he jumped off the window, rolling over to break his fall.

Almost immediately, medics swarmed him to check if he was alright, but his mind could only focus on his best friend.

As if on cue, Marshall jumped out of the broken window and landed on Chase, causing the both of them to roll out in the grass.

"Sorry," the dalmatian said breathlessly.

Marshall went to jump away from where he was laying on top of Chase only to yelp in pain.

Chase's eyes widened in alarm when he saw Marshall's back left paw bleeding heavily, staining the grass red.

"Marshall, you're bleeding!" Was the only thing Chase was able to say.

"Must have cut it from the broken window when I jumped," the fire pup said before hissing as he put part of his weight on his injured leg.

"Don't move," the paramedic said sternly as she went to treat the cut.

"This might need stitches," Marshall said, observing the cut. "But we don't have time for that now. The fire is still raging."

"Absolutely not!" the paramedic said firmly, echoed by Chase and Ryder who came to check on them.

"I don't need to be in the front lines," Marshall insisted. "I just have to command the others. I won't do anything beyond that, I promise."

The paramedic pursed her lips in disapproval but nodded her assent. She went to patch the wound tightly as to prevent the bleeding so Marshall can do his job.

"Thank you," the fire pup said gratefully, flexing his injured paw.

"Just take it easy and come back here right after your job is done," the paramedic said before walking away to tend to someone else.

"You heard her, Marshall. Take it easy," Chase chastised as he saw the dally hop on to his fire truck, hissing slightly in pain.

"I'm also a medic pup, Chase. I know what I'm doing," Marshall said before raising his cab for a better view.

The fire was worst at the front of city hall, most likely because of the bomb that recently went off. He saw two more pups in a distance, with Tracker wearing a police uniform and Everest wearing a firefighter one.

Good, he thought. More pup power means that the fire will be out sooner.

Marshall called Ryder and his team to tell them of his observation.

"Ryder, the fire's almost out. You just have to put out the large one at the front of Town Hall," he said.

"Roger that, Marshall. I'll tell the chief," Ryder said before disconnecting.

Marshall internally sighed in relief to find out that the chief managed to get out of the building safely. His focus went back to the fire and barked out commands to the three pups under him.

"Rubble, Everest, have Ryder help you and use the truck's hose to douse the fire on the front porch. Zuma, use the cart to take care of the front left one. The firefighters are going to take care of the right one."

"On it!" the three pups said simultaneously before they ran off to do as they were commanded.

Marshall could only rest his head on the steering wheel as he watched the chaos below. He wished he could help, but his injured paw would only cause more harm than good.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, Tracker, Skye, and Rocky were sent to gather evidence while Chase helped detain the suspect.

"Any luck?" Tracker asked the mixed breed who had his police scanner out.

"No, the fire wiped out all traces of the suspect. How about you, Skye?" Rocky asked through the comms.

"Negative. Searching the back now," the cockapoo reported, ending the call.

"I just hope Chase is having more luck than we do," Tracker sighed. His first ultimate rescue was looking to be a failure.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While the others are busy at Town Hall, Chase accompanied the police chief to the station to interrogate the suspect.

"Why don't you do it, Chase?" the police chief asked. "I still have to file the report of the incident."

"Me?" the shepherd asked in surprise. Sure, he's already a detective, but he had never interrogated someone alone before.

"Yes," the chief said with a smile. "I've been observing you for a while now. You can do it, Chase."

Chase was speechless. Here was his superior, praising him and telling him he can manage an interrogation alone. It was both pleasing and stressful at the same time.

"I- thank you, sir! I won't let you down!" the police pup said, saluting as they stopped at the interrogation room.

"This is where I leave you," the chief said, opening the room. "He's at your mercy now."

And mercy he will get, Chase thought, glaring at the suspect. I won't be able to forgive you for starting that fire and hurting Marshall.

The criminal gulped at the look he was receiving and resolved himself for a long and scary interrogation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ruff! Heat scanning visor!"

The goggles that Chase was usually equipped with dropped from Marshall's hat as he scanned the area from where he was sitting in his cab.

"The fire's all out," the dalmatian called out to his team as he lowered the cab back to his truck. "Great job, everyone!"

The pups howled in joy, including the police ones. The humans congratulated each other for a job well done.

"Now we just have to wait for news from Chase," Ryder said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase left the interrogation room feeling satisfied. The suspect practically spilled the beans after a few manipulative sentences. However, he also revealed that he was working for someone.

"So, how did the interrogation go, Chase?" the chief asked from where he was working on some documents in his seat.

"I found something interesting," the shepherd said grimly, hopping into the seat across the chief.

"He wasn't alone. He was working for Mayor Humdinger. And his mission is to eliminate Mayor Goodway so Mayor Humdinger would win this year's election."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Aaaaaaand the end. Yes, I made this story open-ended because if I continue this, it would take a whole book to finish the story. I'll let you guys jump to conclusions.

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