List of Things Marshall isn't Allowed to Do

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To those who want to join the discord server, go to and search for "paw patrol". My server is named "Adventure Bay". It's quiet for now because there are literally only four members as of now. I hope to expand it.

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List of Things Marshall isn't Allowed to Do

By Ryder and Chase and Skye and Rocky and Zuma and Rubble (What about me?) These are rules about you, Marshall. You're not allowed to add anything.

1. Marshall isn't allowed to wear socks without shoes on. Yeah, he used the entire Lookout as a skating rink and crashed into everything. In my defense, the floor was slippery! But you didn't see anyone else sliding all over the place. ...point taken.

2. Marshall isn't allowed to go anywhere near MY copter. I told you it was an accident! It doesn't matter if it was an accident, Marshall. You are not going ANYWHERE near my copter.

3. Never ever debate with Marshall about anything medical-related. It will never end. I'm telling you, fever can only be treated if it's too high! You can't treat it to disappear because it helps fight the infection! ...I rest my case.

4. In relation to rule 3, don't ask Marshall about anything medical-related. He'll launch into a full-blown explanation that makes my head hurt. And mine too. Don't forget me!

5. Suwfing and Mawshall don't go well together. That's an understatement. It took me hours to completely dry off all that water in my fur. Uhh, sorry?

6. Marshall and Rubble should never cook together without supervision. Hey, that was one time! One time that no one wants a repeat of. Yeah, we ate buwnt sausages and let me tell you, it doesn't taste good.

7. In addition, Rocky isn't allowed to cook with Marshall either. Which reminds me, I need to get that toaster replaced.

8. No one touches Marshall's water cannons but him and Ryder. No comment on that.

9. Never give Marshall too much sugar, or any of the other pups for that matter. But especially Marshall. I still have nightmares of that day.

10. Update on rule 2, Marshall isn't allowed to use any of the other vehicles except Chase's. Why mine? Because he's least likely to break yours. Touché.

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