Pups Get Skunked

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A retelling of Season 3 Episode 20A in which Everest got skunked while looking for bayberries. Marshall is shown to be somewhat allergic to skunk smell and gets sneezy whenever he gets a whiff of Everest's skunked fur. However, in this story, I'm going to take a more realistic approach. Marshall will be severely allergic to skunk smell and their innocent trip would take a dark turn.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was a fine sunny morning in Adventure Bay and the pups found themselves hiking on Jake's mountain to find bayberries.

"Everest, is the bayberry really Jake's favorite berry of all time?" Marshall asked excitedly.

"Yup!" Everest answered happily. "And whoever finds it will be his favorite pup of all time."

"It's a bummer that they're not ripe for more than a couple of days a year," Zuma said from in front of them.

The husky frowned a bit in thought. "That's why we have to find them fast."

Everyone looked around and saw nothing but bushes. Everest sniffed the air and went bounding towards one direction, prompting others to follow her.

"Find anything, Everest?" Marshall called out to her.

"I think so," Everest called back. "Hold on."

A ruffling of the bushes caught her attention and she looked to find a bushy tail disappearing in the leaves.

"Hey, what's a cat doing here?" she asked aloud in curiosity before going to follow the creature.

Everest called out for the 'cat' as she looked between the bushes for the said creature, only to realize that she was not following a cat, but rather a skunk. It was too late when she realized that, however, as she ended up getting sprayed by the skunk.

The husky coughed and spluttered a bit, but the smell didn't really bother her. However, she was disappointed that she didn't see any sign of the bayberry bushes.

Everest made her way back to the others who coughed and cringed when they caught a whiff of her fur. Marshall even sneezed hard when she went closer.

"What?" the husky asked in confusion.

Zuma continued to cringe away from her. "Dude, what's that gnarly smell?"

"I ran into a skunk, no biggie," Everest replied casually before pointing in a different direction. "Let's keep looking! I say we go that way."

"Uhh... okay. But maybe you should have a bath first?" Rocky said uncertainly.

Everest giggled and went closer to the mixed breed. "Rocky, since when did you start caring about baths?"

Rocky gulped and took a few steps back to give space between the two of them. "It's just...you might wanna wash the spray off before it sticks."

"I'll rinse in the creek later. For now, we have berries to find," the husky replied before dashing off, leaving six bewildered pups behind.

"So..." Chase said, looking at the other pups who were rubbing their noses in disgust. "I'm guessing that it's bothering us more than it's bothering her."

"We should totally find those berries as fast as we can," Zuma said.

Chase agreed and they dashed after Everest, Rocky having to drag a sneezing Marshall forward.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They've been searching for quite some time now, and the others already couldn't stand Everest's smell. They've developed coughing fits or in Marshall's case, sneezing fits.

Everest, however, is completely oblivious to their predicament.

"They're here somewhere," she mused, looking around. "The smell is getting so strong."

"Tell me about it," Rubble said in disgust, but only the other five pups heard him.

"I'll call Ryder," Chase said, still cringing from the smell. "He'll know what to do."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Calling Ryder was of no use. He just told them to get Everest to Katie's but did not elaborate on what to do.

They tried to do everything from Rubble dumping flowers on her head, Marshall trying to spray her with his water cannons, and trying to tricking her to go to Katie's.

However, Everest wasn't receptive to any of it.

"I just want to find the berries," she said, almost irritably. "I can take a bath later."

None of them had the heart to tell her that they couldn't stand her smell anymore. But none of them was more bothered than Marshall himself.

Throughout their search, the dalmatian had found it harder to breathe. He had immediately dismissed it off as tiredness, but now he wasn't so sure. Especially now that he felt weak and lightheaded.

"Marshall, are you okay?" Skye asked in concern, having noticed him lagging behind the group.

"Fine. I just..." Marshall was interrupted by a sneeze and a series of short coughs. "Need to lay down for a bit."

"Are you sure?" the cockapoo asked skeptically. "One of us can take you back to the Lookout if you want."

"No, no, no, it's okay. I can-"

Marshall didn't get to finish his sentence as he collapsed on the ground, wheezing for air.

"Marshall!" Skye cried out in panic, drawing the attention of the others.

The other five pups came running to them, which caused Marshall's sneezing fit to intensify as Everest came closer.

"Everest, back up," Chase commanded firmly.

"Huh? Why?" the husky asked, partially angry.

"No offense but I think you're making Marshall's situation worse," Rocky replied.

Everest was about to retort when she felt five pairs of eyes boring into her and backed up obediently.

"Marshall," Chase said gently. "What's wrong?"

"Can't. Breathe," the dalmatian wheezed out, his paws going to his chest as if it would help him breathe.

The German shepherd's eyes widened as he recognized what's happening. "Rocky, come with me. The rest of you guys, stay with Marshall. And someone please call Ryder."

Chase hastily ran towards Marshall's firetruck (which was thankfully nearby) with Rocky hot on his heels.

"Why did you need me?" Rocky asked in confusion once they reached their destination. "And what's happening to Marshall?"

"I think he's experiencing a severe allergic reaction," Chase murmured, looking through Marshall's things for the first aid kit.

"Kind of like what happened to you after we went to get that scroll for Farmer Yumi?" the mixed breed asked.

"Yeah," the police pup said before exclaiming in triumph. "I got it!"

The two of them were surprised when they opened the first aid kit. There was a lot of medicine, and they were all arranged by category.

"Woah," Rocky said in amazement. "I knew Marshall was paranoid, but I didn't expect this. And it's so... organized."

"Yeah, I know," Chase replied. "But you can't deny it's useful. Now help me find the Epinephrine. I think it's in the OTC category."

It didn't take them long to find the medicine and they came running back towards their friends with Rocky holding the auto-injector with his claw arm.

By the time they made it to their friends, Marshall was nearly unconscious. Chase barked for Rocky to use the injector.

"Ryder said that he'll meet us in the hospital," Skye said breathlessly to which Chase nodded.

"Alright. Someone has to drive Marshall's ambulance to get him to the hospital fast. I'll go in front and clear the way," the police pup commanded and they (barring Everest) all hastened to do their jobs.

Skye ended up driving the ambulance (owing to her lack of vehicle). Since Ryder made the controls of their truck similar after the incident with Rubble's rig, it was easy for her to learn how to drive the ambulance, and soon enough, they were on their way to the hospital.

Everest lagged behind the group, finally realizing what happened.

"It's... it's my fault, isn't it?" she asked when Rocky came to check on her. "I should've taken a bath when you guys told me to."

The mixed breed searched for something to say. "I think none of us knew that this would happen, Everest. I don't think Marshall even knew that he was allergic to skunk smell."

Everest sighed. "I think I'm gonna go to Katie's for a bath instead. I don't want to make the situation worse than it already is."

"I'll go with you," Rocky offered. "I'll just inform Chase."

"It's okay, Rocky. I can go alone." With that, Everest made a sharp turn and sped away from them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase found himself pacing on the hallway of the hospital as they waited for news about Marshall. Ryder was trying to get him to stay still but he too was worried.

Finally, the door opened and the vet came out to deliver them the news.

"Well, good news is that Marshall is recovering," the vet said to cheers from the pups. "Bad news is that he would have to stay here for a few more hours to be monitored."

"But Marshall will be able to go home tonight, right?" Rubble asked, his eyes full of hope.

The vet chuckled. "He will be, don't worry. But he would have to take it easy for a few days. That means no rescues, Ryder."

"I don't think Chase would even allow him anyway," Ryder chuckled at the look that the german shepherd was giving him.

"Well, Marshall's awake so you can visit him," the vet said. "Just don't crowd him. I'll come to check on him later."

The group didn't need to be told twice. They all rushed inside, desperate to see their friend.

Marshall was on his side with an oxygen mask on. He might be hooked to different machines, but he still smiled when he saw them enter.

"Marshall!" Chase exclaimed in joy.

"Hey guys," Marshall whispered, his voice muffled by the mask.

"Thank goodness you're doing okay," Ryder sighed in relief as he pet the dally's head. "I was worried when Skye called me."

"Good thing Chase recognized that you were having an allergic reaction or it could be much much worse," Rocky added with a look of gratefulness towards the shepherd.

"Allergy?" Marshall asked in confusion. "Wait, the skunk!"

"Yeah," Chase said. "Wait, speaking of skunks, where's Everest?"

"Right here," a feminine voice said from the door.

Everest was walking towards them with her head down, guilt ans shame visible in her slumped posture.

"I'm so sorry, Marshall. I didn't know," the husky said, tears in his icy blue eyes. "I should've taken a bath when you told me to do it."

"It's okay, Everest," Ryder said, placing a gentle hand on her back. "None of us could've known about it."

"And I should've known I was having a reaction anyway," Marshall added.

"But still!" Everest cried. "I'm so sorry. I understand if you hate me now."

Marshall's eyes found Ryder's and he gestured to the crying husky. Ryder nodded and lifted Everest towards Marshall's bed. The dalmatian didn't waste any time hugging her.

"Hey, Everest. It's okay," Marshall whispered in her ear. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you."

"Huh?" Everest perked up in confusion. "What do you mean, Marshall?"

The dalmatian rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You know, this isn't what I had in mind when I'm thinking of confessing my feelings to you. I was thinking more of a private moment or maybe a great view. But definitely not in a hospital bed."

Marshall took a deep breath. "I could never hate you, Everest, because I like you."

Ryder, sensing the need for the two pups to be alone, ushered the others outside before closing the door behind him. Neither Marshall nor Everest noticed this.

"You like me?" the husky asked in surprise. "Why?"

"Why would I not?" Marshall asked with a hint of indignation. "You're beautiful and brave, and completely out of my league."

"Don't sell yourself short too, Marshall," Everest huffed. "You're smart and brave too, you know. And your clumsiness is absolutely adorable. You're quite handsome too."

"W-well," the dalmatian blushed as red as his fire truck. "I guess that makes us mates then?"

"Do you even have to ask?" the husky giggled as she licked his cheek.

"Wanna go on a date once I'm cleared to go?"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 17 of Flicker will have to wait. I'm still having trouble with the conversation between Marshall and the night 5 victim. 

Also, I'm planning on making a discord server for this fandom. I'm already in one, but we're not allowed to talk about fanfic there. In the one I'm planning to make, I'll include fanfics (even ones with gore, nsfw, and other topics). If I make one, would you join?

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